Networking :: DHCP Server Auto-detect

Apr 1, 2010

I have a scenario where a Debian (in this case) device will be connected to an existing LAN.What I then want said box to do, is to query the LAN to see if there is an existing DHCP server present. If there isn't one - then simply use the Debian box as the DHCP server (which works fine atm).If there is an existing one - I need the Debian box to be able to turn off it's own internal one and get it's details from the existing server (ie. change from server to client).

These action will need to be sat in the background as well - just in case another DHCP server appears on the LAN after this box does. Don't shoot me for saying it - but I know Windoze server does this. Is there a 'script/util' that anyone knows of (I am trying to do this auto-magically)?

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Networking :: Auto Detect Hosts With Nagios

Feb 17, 2011

Is it possible to configure nagios to auto detect all the hosts that belong to a network and place them in the cfg files?

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Debian Multimedia :: XOrg Auto-detect Failing To Detect Max Screen Resolution

May 29, 2011

I've installed Squeeze 2.6.32-5-amd64 on my laptop (Alienware M17X R3, Intel i7 Sandybridge, ATI Technologies Inc Broadway [ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6800 Series])The screen is 17", with maximum resolution of 1920 x 1080. After a default install of the operating system, the maximum resolution I can select is 1280 x 1024.My research so far has suggested that I need to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and provide xorg with the necessary resolution.

Again, by default, the xorg.conf file is not created. This leads me to believe that xorg is scanning my hardware at startup and providing me with whatever it thinks is appropriate. I tried following these instructions to generate an xorg.conf file. This process created an xorg.conf file under /root/.

When I copy this xorg.conf file to /etc/X11, I get a blank (i.e. black) screen. Deleting this file restores the default resolution 1280 x 1024.This system is dual booting with Windows 7. Under windows I am able to get a 1920 x 1080 resolution, so I know my hardware is up to it.At this stage I have yet to install the drivers for the Radeon graphics card.What are my options regarding configuring xorg to give me a higher screen resolution?

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Ubuntu Networking :: DHCP Server No Longer Responses To DHCP Requests - Can't Ping Gateway

Oct 22, 2010

Back in April I set up a Ubuntu DHCP server and a multiple VLAN network [URL] to migrate our various servers, workstations, etc off the /24 network that everything was on because we where running out of address space. I built out the new network and everything worked great except our AD server would never get an IP address from the DHCP server (static reservation) and even if I set the IP statically on the AD server it couldn't ping the gateway and noone could log in. After several attempts to resolve this, including bringing in outside help, we where never able to figure out what the problem was.

Now 6 months later I have time to revisit the issue without effecting the live network. I used Acronis and imaged the AD server last Friday, cloned it on to another box with the same hardware, and put it up on the new network that's been sitting unused for the last 6 months. Today when I statically set the IP on the AD server (which is what I want) it connects and I can ping it's gateway and all the way across vlans to a test sales agent workstation at on vlan 800 but only if I statically assign the agents station an IP address. When I try to get an IP address via DHCP it fails as destination unreachable. Nothing has changed in the last 6 months on the DHCP server but now it for some reason can't ping its default gateway All of the config files are the same as they where left from the post linked above aside from the vlan id's used where changed from 1's to 100's (i.e. vlan 3 is now vlan 300) /etc/network/interfaces


auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto vlan100
iface vlan100 inet static


why it can't reach the gateway, when I do a tcpdump I can see the DHCP requests come in on eth0 but the server never responds and I'm pretty sure its because it isn't "seeing" them since it thinks there isn't a network connection but I don't know how to trouble shoot to find out where the problem lies.

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Ubuntu Networking :: DHCP Server No Longer Responds To DHCP Requests - Can't Ping Gateway

Jul 1, 2010

Back in April I set up a Ubuntu DHCP server and a multiple VLAN network [URL] to migrate our various servers, workstations, etc off the /24 network that everything was on because we where running out of address space. I built out the new network and everything worked great except our AD server would never get an IP address from the DHCP server (static reservation) and even if I set the IP statically on the AD server it couldn't ping the gateway and noone could log in. After several attempts to resolve this, including bringing in outside help, we where never able to figure out what the problem was.

Now 6 months later I have time to revisit the issue without effecting the live network. I used Acronis and imaged the AD server last Friday, cloned it on to another box with the same hardware, and put it up on the new network that's been sitting unused for the last 6 months. Today when I statically set the IP on the AD server (which is what I want) it connects and I can ping it's gateway and all the way across vlans to a test sales agent workstation at on vlan 800 but only if I statically assign the agents station an IP address.

When I try to get an IP address via DHCP it fails as destination unreachable. Nothing has changed in the last 6 months on the DHCP server but now it for some reason can't ping its default gateway All of the config files are the same as they where left from the post linked above aside from the vlan id's used where changed from 1's to 100's (i.e. vlan 3 is now vlan 300) /etc/network/interfaces


auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto vlan100


why it can't reach the gateway, when I do a tcpdump I can see the DHCP requests come in on eth0 but the server never responds and I'm pretty sure its because it isn't "seeing" them since it thinks there isn't a network connection but I don't know how to trouble shoot to find out where the problem lies.

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Networking :: Configure A (openSUSE) Client To Dhcp To EBox DHCP Server - Lease An IP Address

Mar 25, 2010

I am puzzled with trying to configure a linux (openSUSE) client to dhcp to eBox DHCP server. I am using dhclient to lease an IP address with dhclient eth0 -s and get a response

openSUSE11232CL1 dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 4
openSUSE11232CL1 dhclient: DHCPOFFER from
openSUSE11232CL1 dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67
openSUSE11232CL1 dhclient: send_packet: Network is unreachable
openSUSE11232CL1 dhclient: send_packet: please consult README file regarding broadcast address.

The server reports eBox141 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:0c:29:3e:57:a3 ( via eth0
eBox141 dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 00:0c:29:3e:57:a3 ( via eth0

I interpret this as the server receives the request and the client accepting it but the lease does not last long and the connection breaks. what this could be and why the connection breaks? Or my undestanding is totally wrong on how it works and should work? And BTW, where is that README file that's referenced in the message I receive on the client?

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Ubuntu Networking :: If DHCP Not Available - Fallback And Start DHCP Server?

Mar 8, 2010

Currently I have my eth0 interface getting a DHCP address but at times the DHCP server will not be reachable. Sooo what I would like my server to do is if it cannot find a DHCP server assign a static address to eth0. Then start the DHCP service so it can then dish out some addresses.How can I do this? Surely it is possible

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Ubuntu Networking :: Find Gateway - DHCP Server - DNS Server From CLI ?

May 27, 2010

On a remote system, when all you have is the ssh CLI -

How do you find out the ip addresses for:the Gateway
the DHCP server
the DNS server

Don't need to make any changes.

Which commands will display this info?

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Ubuntu :: Wirelesse Auto-detect Is Failing

Apr 9, 2011

The first time I started ubuntu, it auto-conected to my personal wireless network. Now, when I try to connect to another wireless network, it doesn't auto-detect. Does anyone know why this happens?

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Ubuntu Servers :: DHCP Server And DHCP Client Simultaneously?

Aug 4, 2010

I have an embedded device for which I've created an html configuration page. This page allows you to set static IPs, dhcp, and can scan for wireless devices.My problem is that in order to access the device it requires that it runs as a dhcp server otherwise people are not assigned an IP and so can not access the embedded devices static IP. (This config page is for the laymen and so they are not the type who are able to set up their own static IPs). One of the potential options is to have the device connect to the network on eth0 acting as a dhcp client. However this prevents me from running a dhcp server.One solution I can think of is running a dhcp server only if it doesn't detect another dhcp server running on the network.

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Networking :: Dhcp Server With Two Subnets?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm trying to build a linux(fedora 12) dhcpd server(and gateway), that have 3 network cards(eth0 have with public ip, eth1 class and eth3 with class).

Because I have just a switch, I want to put both cables(from eth1, eth2) in the switch. Every client has 2 network card(eth0, eth1). My question is, is there any way to conf eth0 to take from server ip from class, and eth1 from The internet will work only on eth0.

my dhcpd.conf for now looks like this:

subnet netmask {
option subnet-mask;
option routers;


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OpenSUSE Install :: Way To Turn The Terminal Auto-detect Off?

Jun 14, 2011

SuSE 11.4 is a wonderful release, but two chronic problems remain. The most serious is the inability to get Gnome to recognize an intel driver parameter specification in xorg.conf or 50-screen.conf with a predetermined, working screen specification. With the latest update that includes: [url]

Gnome will boot up in a strange resolution with a display of a pink screen and fragments of icons split and duplicated over the display. Teasing open the terminal parameter screen, terminal parameters (resolution, horizontal rate) appear to be correct. The terminal type is 'undefined', whether the screen is operating correctly or not, and any attempt to set defaults are refused. Perhaps the intel driver has not been selected by the operating system. Is there a way to specify a default screen driver?

This has been a chronic problem, now aggravated with the latest update to the point where the computer is now rendered inoperative.

Ironically, the other problem, that of the difficulty in downloading certain update files also remains. Had an elaborate update workaround procedure not been followed, the system would still be usable.

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General :: Auto Detect Text File Encoding ?

Jun 24, 2011

There are many plain text files which were encoded in variant charsets.

I want to convert them all to UTF-8, but before running iconv, I need to know its original encoding. Most browsers have an Auto Detect option in encodings, however, I can't check those text files one by one because there are too many.

Only having known the original encoding, I then can convert the texts by iconv -f DETECTED_CHARSET -t utf-8.

Is there any utility to detect the encoding of plain text files? It DOES NOT have to be 100% perfect, I don't mind if there're 100 files misconverted in 1,000,000 files.

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Ubuntu :: Auto Detect Hard Drive Errors?

Jan 22, 2010

Someone explain this to me. I often thought in the back of my head, how do I check if my drive is bad in Linux? I always excused it thinking well I guess besides gaming that's another reason to keep a windows partition around. I boot up yesterday and Gnome was acting weird. Then, it happened. "We have detected bad sectors in your hard drive." I thought, no, you're stupid, this hard drive is less than a year old (however it was a replacement for another one that died). So I reboot.

Boot back up - Different error message. But instead of getting it a few minutes after log in, I got it right away. "We have detected potential hard drive failure." Okay, Linux. Want to play this game? Booted to Vista, downloaded Seatools to test my Seagate drive. It failed... Swapped SATA cables... it failed... So I ask - how does Linux have this auto detect capability like that? As much as I love Ubuntu, I was like there's no way it could just magically tell like that without running the Seagate program. But alas, Ubuntu was dead on target.

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Ubuntu :: HIPOINT Does Not Detect Wireless Devices Auto

Jul 18, 2010

I am running UBUNTU 10.04 on an X86 system 64bit. I am trying install a wireless keyboard and am not having much luck.

-My non wirelessUSB keyboard and mouse work fine.
-My wireless logictech mouse works fine without adding any special drivers/packages
-Wireless Keyboard (LX500, uses same receiver as mouse) does not work with standard config
-Adding HIDPOINT and selecting my wireless mouse and keyboard (LX500) - wireless key board does not work. Mouse still works.Since my wireless mouse worked before HIPOINT installation (64 bit), I believe HIDPOINT is not working.

HIPOINT Does not detect my wireless devices auto, must manually select them. So I believe that there is some conflict with other drivers.Can anyone point be in a direction to look? What are the typical configuation files and drivers used to configure standard USB mouse and keyboards? What are some other software that might be installed that is conflicting with HIDPOINT?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Auto Detect VGA And Switch Monitors?

Jul 31, 2010

I've HP DV 2000 laptop.
I'm trying to find out how to make my ubuntu to auto switch monitors when I connect my lcd into the vga plug and also switch the desktop bars into the new monitor and also use the laptop screen as a side screen.
In setting I can turn off my laptop screen and i'll see only on the lcd screen, but I need to configure it first, I want it to be automatically and when i plugged out the lcd it's back to normal.

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Fedora Networking :: Installing Box As DHCP Server?

Jun 19, 2011

We have a network of 20 boxes and the router dealt with DHCP, but I'm planning to assign the DHCP task to the linux box. Any heads up? eth card configuration, network topology... etc.?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Use Static Ip On Dhcp Server

Aug 17, 2010

I have 2 Ethernet connections, one (eth0) for the internet which gets set with dhcp, and one (eth1) for my internal network on which I have dhcp3-server running. I set eth1 to use static IP in interfaces, but every time I reset the network, it is fine for a couple of minutes, and switches over do being served by my own dhcp server on the same machine. (the interfaces file clearly says "iface eth1 inet static")

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Ubuntu Networking :: Server 8.04 - Installer Cannot See A DHCP ?

Dec 13, 2010

I reinstalled Ubuntu server, now, as always I have to start off with 8.04 then upgrade to 10.04, and I've never had a problem with this before on this machine or any other for that matter. The problem is, this time I have installed and Ubuntu installer cannot see a DHCP, I go a head and install anyway and fire up Ubuntu and there is no internet access, I have two network cards plugged in, when I type in ifconfig it shows only lo and no network cards, and yet when I check lspci ot shows both network cards are there and when either are plugger in it shows connection on both the connector at the stack end and on the router.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup A Dhcp Server

May 6, 2011

i have a homework where i have to set up a dhcp server on linux. I am using ubuntu. I tried following: [URL] However after running "sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server" the file "/etc/default/dhcp3-server" does not appear.

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Networking :: Configure To Use A Specific DHCP Server?

Jan 24, 2010

This is probably an odd request, but figured I'd ask in case someone knew. We have a lab that has the IP range ( The lab gateway/DHCP assigns an IP in the range of I want to set up my own DHCP server on a specific range, for example I create a new host fine, but since it's set for DHCP, it uses the DHCP server at Is there a way to force it to use a different DHCP server on the client side? I realize that I can work around this with exclusions on the DHCP server, or use iptables to deny DHCP requests to specific MACs, but wanted to know if there was an (easier?) way to configure the client to use the DHCP server instead of the server?

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Networking :: Dhcp Server On Network Drive

Jan 15, 2010

On my network drive web control panel I have got such an option:What would a dhcp server do on a network hard disk?

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Networking :: How A Computer Determine Dhcp Server

Dec 7, 2010

I got a machine with RedHat Enterprise Linux 5 installed. I set the ifcfg-eth0 as following:



when the machine rebooted, eth0 has the ip address But if executing 'dhclient', eth0 will get the ip address, which is my expected ip address. I'm not quite familiar with networking things. I don't know what's going on there. Why should I need to execute 'dhclient' to obtain the expected ip address? Is there any way to obtain the ip address right after host boot?

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Networking :: Configure Dhcp Server On Centos?

Feb 9, 2010

how to configure DHCP server on centos linux and how to configure FTP server on centos linux

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Networking :: Display DNS & DGW Provided By DHCP Server ?

May 4, 2011

If I use static TCP configuration, (my Linux is Red Hat, but SuSE is quite similar) I define DNS's in file "/etc/resolv.conf" and Default GateWay in file

"/etc/sysconfig/network" (/etc/sysconfig/network/routes undef SuSE).

So, when I want to display those values, I just display the contents of the file. But, if my TCP configuration uses DHCP server ... I dont know the command to display those values. PD.- in straight : I need a command to display the DNS's in effect on a TCP/IP configuration that uses a DHCP server. Also, a command to display Default Gateway would be welcome.

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Networking :: Setup DHCP Server In Redhat 6?

Jul 20, 2011

How to set up DHCP server in Redhat Linux 6

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Can't Ping DHCP Server Even Was Able To Get An IP From It

May 7, 2010

I have installed Centos 5 on a virtual machine (esx4i). I set it to obtain an IP address from the DHCP sever, which is a broadband router, it has been given an IP address of the router is but I can't ping the router and I can't get any access to the network! I have a SCO Openserver server on the same physical box and it works fine so I know the network card & cable is ok.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Auto-detect External Monitor And Enable?

Apr 13, 2011

My netbook DOES seem to know when I plug in or remove an external monitor. Can I get it to simply auto-switch?

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Server :: Setup Dhcp Logs In Dhcp Server ?

Jan 24, 2011

This dhcp server is configured with redhat enterprise edition. I found that logs are generating in the following path /var/log my doubt is how can i setup the logs generating for a specified day.

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Fedora Networking :: DHCP Server Intitial Setup - FC 13

Jun 5, 2010

I decided to forgo my router's DHCP capabilites and try to make a random computer at my home take on the job.

First of all here's my network topology:

I have a cable modem hooked up to eth0 on my linux box, and this is where my internet comes from and works fine.

I also have another ethernet, eth1, which is connected to a wireless router in bridge mode. My end goal is to have my linux box sit between my internal network and the outside world. Thus it will need to act as a DHCP server, a NAT and as a firewall. Right now I'm just focused on the DHCP part.

Here is a copy of my dhcpd.conf file:

My /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd file has:

However the issue is that it is still listening on eth0. and not issuing any leases on my internal network.

What I think is happening is that it's not recognizing the 10.0.1.x subnet because my router is issuing leases on the 169.254.193.x, even though I put it on bridge mode. But I could be totally off mark.

Also running tcpdump on eth1, I can see requests coming in for dhcp, but my server isn't responding to them.

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