Hardware :: Unable To Boot Ubuntu-9.10 Desktop Cd

Aug 20, 2010

I recently erased my old ubuntu-9.10 and tried to install it again.The reason behind this is the previously installed ubuntu-9.10 stopped mounting my CD drive.But when I booted live cd of ubuntu-9.10 the following error message appeared...

stdin:error 0
stdin:error 0
stdin:error 0
BusyBox V1.13.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu7) built-in shell(ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
(initramfs)Unable to find a medium containing a live file system

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot 10.10 Desktop (32 Bit) In Dual Boot With Win 7 64 Bit

Jan 7, 2011

I have a Sony VPCZ13C5E with Intel Core i7 M640 @ 2.8GHz and Windows 7 Prof 64 bit.
It has 4 x 122GB SSD's in one Volume type Raid 0 using Intel Rapid Storage Technology.

The installation prog did not offer to install alongside an existing (Win 7) system, however after installation I was able still to boot Win 7 from the Grub Menu, but the Linux option just gives the black screen of death.

Booting from the 10.10 LiveCD and running sudo fdisk - l gives "unable to seek on /dev/sda". Also I have had a message "unknown filesystem type 'isw_raid_member' although I have forgotten where that came from!

The LiveCD shows that the filesystem does seem to have installed OK on the ext4 partion of 100Gb which I had kept for it, however it will not boot.

The results of Boot_info_script are shown in the attachment Results.txt

I have tried sudo mount /dev/mapper/isw_dijbjabefg_Volume07 /mnt and it gives no errors.

I then tried sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda which gave no errors but when I reboot and choose Linux the result is still the black screen of death.

I understand that the problem may be one of Ubuntu drivers having to catch up with the latest technology but given that Ubuntu can partition the swap file and the ext4 system I seem to be so close.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot To Desktop?

Mar 10, 2010

We've got an old pentium computer dual booting Ubuntu and Windows XP. We've purchased a PNY GeForce FX 5200 256MB 128-bit DDR PCI Video Card for it. After installing it, we had full access to the XP and installing drivers from there went without a hitch and appears to work fine. When we tried to boot into Ubuntu, all we got was the (initramfs) prompt, and we're both relatively new to the fantastic world of Linux and so we have no idea what to do with it and finding information concerning our issue has been fruitless, as we can't seem to find anyone that has had a similiar problem.

We then uninstalled the card, booted up Ubuntu and tried to install drivers via administration>Hardware Drivers, but the computer doesn't appear to have any on board graphics, and so Ubuntu won't allow us to use any of the drivers in the hardware drivers (via administration). We then did a tonne of research and followed a few tutorials for installing Unix drivers from the Nvidia web site.

One of the tutorials that we followed involved doing a Control+Alt+F1 and then shutting down the GDM to install the new drivers. After installing the new drivers, we for what ever reason, couldn't restart the GDM. After what appears to be a failed attempt at installing the driver, we cannot access the desktop and are now presented with the following message (when booting in normal kernel mode): "Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode. The following error was encountered. You may need to update your configuration to solve this. (EE) No devices detected.". The only 4 options are:

#1)Run Ubuntu in low-graphics mode for just one session. This results in a black screen without a prompt, Control+Alt+F1 gets us a prompt in the top left of the screen that isn't flashing and we can't do anything at all.

#2)Reconfigure graphics. This gives us three options of which we have no idea what to do with:

1) Use default (generic) configuration,
2) Create new configuration for this hardware,
3) Use your backed-up configuration, along with the OK and Cancel option, which, the latter option takes us back to the original 4 options.

#3)Troubleshoot the error. There are four options here:

1)Review the xserver log file (no idea what to do with this),
2)Review the startup errors (no idea what to do with this),
3)Edit configuration file (no idea what to do with this),
4)Archive configuration and logs (which has been done).

#4)Exit to console login. (gets us a prompt in the top left of the screen that isn't flashing and we can't do anything at all). We are in dire need of some guidance, before attempting any of the options in "Reconfigure graphics" , as we have no idea what to do with any of it and recovery mode doesn't get us anywhere either.

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Ubuntu :: Server Versus Desktop (Unable To Boot 9.10 Without Screen Attached )

Mar 14, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 installed on an old Gateway desktop. It is running a system called Jira using a Tomcat web server, so 99% of the time access is thorugh the web browser. For the rest of the time I access it remotely using TightVNC. This works great so far but the system will not boot if I remove the screen (which I need to do since it is in the way). My question is this...

a. If I uninstall and reinstall using Ubuntu Server edition (32-bit) will the system boot without the screen?
b. Assuming the above will work - can I still access the machine directly using TightVNC (I presume not since that needs the graphics setup). If not, how do I connect to the machine remotely?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Boot And Install 11.4 (64-bit) In Desktop

Apr 6, 2011

I've successfully downloaded openSUSE-11.4(64-bit) ISO image from the openSUSE site,and burned the ISO image successfully into 2 DVD's separately using Nero(ver.7) But I am unable to boot up from the DVD. When I pop in the DVD into my DVD-writer,a few seconds go by with the blinking cursor,and eventually boots off to Windows.The BIOS setting of my machine has been enabled to boot from CD/DVD first before HDD. No error messages are shown while I try to boot. The burned ISO image file is O.K. as it gets successfully verified after writing on the DVD. The image file {openSUSE-11.4 (64-bit)}being 4.29GB in size

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Ubuntu :: Don't Have A Desktop Anymore - Boot Into A Full-featured Desktop?

May 2, 2011

I guess I messed around with Unity on Ubuntu 11 a bit too much without knowing too much about it. Here's what's been happening: I chose the 'cube' setting in CCSM, but after switching to it, Unity crashed. So I rebooted and X11 started, but no Unity. Which means no window borders or anything.

how I could set it up again? I disabled the login-screen, as I'm the only user, so I guess I have no chance to simply choose Gnome for example to boot into a full-featured desktop.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot/unable To Mount File System

Jun 12, 2010

I switch on the PC and it loads the Grub splash screen. However, it does not automatically boot the top entry after two seconds as it's supposed to and just hangs. I hit enter to boot it and it attempts to but after a few seconds gives me the error "unable to mount file system....a maintenance shell will be started"

This occurred after I was using it and then everything suddenly froze up on me and I had to crash out Now this!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot A 10.04 Desktop Live From An Iso Image In /boot Partition?

Nov 9, 2010

My laptop can't boot from cdrom becouse it is broken and it can't boot from USB becouse it has never been able. Ubuntu 8.10 now run in my laptop withgrub 1.I've just try the following trick.1) I put grub4dos in /boot2) I put iso image in /boot3) I add the follwing entrt in source.list

# =========== GRUB4GOS ===================================
title == Use grub4dos for the following entries: ==


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Red Hat :: Unable To Boot RHEL 5.2 And Unable To Mount Root File System In Rescue Mode

Jan 28, 2010

Environment: A 32-bit kernel RHEL5.3 system running on a virtual machine. The root(/) filesystem is on an LV.

Issue: Unable to resize the FS after extending the root LV since it is mounted. After extending the LV, online resizing of the FS was not supported and the root filesystem could not be unmounted while it was in use. On rebooting, I got a kernel panic error. In runlevel 1, I couldn't run chroot, couldn't find the /etc/fstab, root FS could not be mounted, fsck did not run (tried block 31 for second copy of superblock using dd count=1 bs=4k skip=31 seek=1 if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sda2), couldn't find any rpm on installation media to install unix-utils rpm. On running commands in runlevel 1,

I got the following output.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Get Boot Menu Once Boot Into Windows7 With Ubuntu Dual Boot?

Aug 11, 2010

I am trying to install ubuntu 10.04 on windows7.windows 7 was already installed.I ollowed these steps to install ubuntu 10.04.1)First i made some freespace in hard disk to install ubuntu using windows7 default options(By shrinking).2)I used USB drive to install ubuntu.I made it bootable using unetbootin.3)I followed normal steps install(language,area,keyboard,using manual partition i installed ubuntu in free space,etc).4)I got boot menu when it restarted.PROBLEM isAs long i use only ubuntu (boot into ubuntu --shutdown--boot into ubuntu --shutdown) it works well.

If once i boot into windows 7 and restart the system i am loosing boot menu options.The following error i am getting"no module name found Aborted.Press any key to exit".If i press any key,I guess its trying boot using internet and lastly it says Operating system not found and hangs.

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SUSE :: Unable To Boot Properly - System Is Unable To Read Startup Information From Hard Drive

Jan 19, 2011

I am running the latest suse release downloaded directly from their website. I ran the installation after buring the dvd and everything seemed to be working fine. after the installation i ran updates and used it for a little bit. When i shut it down that night and went to restart it I got an error that stated the OS wasnt there. I then went through the installation and everything and it retained the information from the installation before (web history etc.) but for some reason every time I reboot or shut it down the system is not able to read the startup information from the hard drive and will not come on without me re installing it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot On Dual-boot XP After Recovering Windows Bootloader?

Jul 18, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and Windows XP installed on my laptop. Usually when booting, I get the GRUB 2 menu and I can boot into either Ubuntu or XP.I was playing around with EasyBCD, then after trying to remove it I was unable to boot into Windows, I used a Windows 2000 CD recovery console to fix the MBR (using: fixboot and fixmbr).Now Windows starts up when I power on, but I don't get the grub menu anymore with an Ubuntu option. If I boot from the Ubuntu Live CD and try to mount my Ubuntu partition (/dev/sda5) I get this error:

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda5,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 - Dual Boot Karmic / Unable To Boot Into Archlinux Partition

Feb 15, 2010

After installing karmic with Grub2 I am unable to boot into Archlinux partition. Grub2 has removed the last line of the Archlinux boot stanza! It used to read:-


Following the Grub2 tutorials I have tried editing /etc/grub.d/40_custom as follows:-


But no luck. Only way into Archlinux is to get into the edit shell and manually add the missing line and remove other stuff not needed. I have spent hours trying to resolve this issue and I am fairly p----d off

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot From Either Dual Boot Drives

Feb 15, 2011

I can only use the Live CD to operate Ubuntu. After typing in the command sudo fdisk -l, I get the following?

Disk /dev/sda: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


And when I boot without the Live CD, I get the following message in the GNU GRUB Version 1.98-1ubuntu7 window page.

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Ubuntu :: Grub - Unable To Boot Into Windows 7 On Dual Boot

Mar 23, 2011

I had a dual boot system with 3 partitions, Windows 7 on one partition, and Windows XP on another partition and a Data partition. I decided to load Ubuntu 10.10 on the Windows XP partition.During installation I selection manual partition, and deleted Windows XP.after successful completion of Ubuntu installation "Grub" directly boots into Ubuntu, it doesn't show me the OS selection screen. After following some forum posts I did an update grub


Generating grub.cfg ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-22-generic
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-22-generic


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Ubuntu :: Laptop Boot Failure - Invalid Enviroment Block - Unable To Load Default Boot Entries

Mar 3, 2010

Have been running ubuntu for sometime now and love its functionality...However since a recent update have the following issues..When I power on the laptop I get the toshiba logo followed by grub loading with the message ' invalid enviroment block" "unable to load default boot entries". When I then try to run the laptop off a LiveCd, the ubuntu splash screen appears with the loading process bar (horizontal line) displayed..however it then appears to display a black screen with no further activity..Now all of this is via an external monitor as my laptop screen shows no activity right from the very start with just a blank screen....so am really stuck here wondering if its a harware/software issue or a combination of both...

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Add Any Screenlets To The Desktop?

Jun 30, 2011

I am running a Gateway MX6121 laptop with Ubuntu 11.04.I had Screenlets installed under 10.10, did a complete removal and installation of the latest version.The screenlet manager opens, and there is an indicator applet, but I cannot add any screenlets to the desktop. When I double-click on a screenlet, the screen flashes like it is trying to add to the desktop, but nothing happens.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot Ubuntu / Unable To Access Root Drive From Live CD

Jul 16, 2010

Im having a serious issue with booting ubuntu 10.04, the issue being it wont boot up at all, after working so well for so long (i suspect some recent dodgy system updates are responsible) so I decided to just reinstall ubuntu from scratch again but wanted to retrieve some important files from my root device. So I am running the live desktop and I can see my previous filesystems under places but cannot mount or open my original root device where the files I want to recover are located, I receive this error msg:"Unable to mount 77 GB Filesystem.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Boot / Unable To Change The Boot Records On The Drive?

Aug 18, 2010

Dual Booting my laptop and unable to change the Boot Records on the drive. Not because I dont know how, but my primary OS will fail to boot(win7).

I have drive partitioned as follows...
sda1 = Win7 system (default install)
sda2 = Win7 Main (default install)
sda3 = swap
sda4 = Extension (I think thats what its called)
sda5 = / (ext4)

What I need is a boot cd or perferably Grub installed on a 256MB Thumb drive with the options to load the installed system from sda5.

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Fedora Installation :: After Updating The Software - Unable To Boot - Able To Boot In To Vista

Dec 1, 2009

I installed fedora 12 as second os along with ulimtate vista on 64 bit machine.

I was able finish the install and boot to fedora first time. but after updating the software , i am unable to boot into fedora but am able to boot in to vista.

I am using a HP Pavilion HDX9000 notebook series. it has 2 100gb hdd. vista is on c and fedora is on d. boot info was written to MBR on C drive.

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General :: Unable To Boot Into Windows Vista Installation And Only Boot Fedora

Jan 28, 2010

Having a major issue with my laptop. I am unable to boot into my Vista installation.I am currently posting this through my Fedora 11 installation which I had already. If anyone is interested, the BSOD error is:

0x0000007B (0x80399BB0, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

As far as I know, a '7B' BSOD is usually a hard disk error but I am 100% sure the HDD is fine as I can read and write from both Fedora and Knoppix without issue. Steps taken so far: Obviously, I have tried the usual steps of trying to start windows in safe mode, last good config, and all of the F8 options. When they failed, I used fedora to check for some solutions online (Mostly useless answers from MS) and I found one successful case when a person flashed his BIOS back to an earlier time. Unfortunately, I cant get the BIOS update I got from the Dell website to boot from a USB drive (Says invalid boot disc - the BIOS on it is in the .exe format which I can't use in linux) and I do not have a floppy drive on the laptop.

So, I put in my Dell drivers and utilities CD hoping that it would give me some option to update (Or roll back) the BIOS but there was no such option. However, it did give me a load of diagnostic options including repair options by symptom so went with the "Unable to boot from BIOS". Unfortunately, that didnt help me at all. So, I got my Vista installation disc (OEM supplied) and managed to get to the repair menu (Which I had among my F8 options anyway) but this also has the option to reinstall. Unfortunately, it states that "Upgrade is unavailable" and that a clean install is the only thing I can select (At the expense of my files and settings).

As for the repair options, the automatic recovery doesn't seem to find any errors, asks to reset and see if all is well (It isn't). For some reason, system restore doesn't detect any restore points. There are no windows memory errors detected and I have no backups. So, i'm left with a command prompt that, by default, is asking for a file in this folder: X:/WINDOWS/System32/ I have no idea where it is getting the X: drive from - I have C and D drives for windows only. As per another online guide, I tried:


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Record My Desktop / What To Do?

Feb 17, 2010

I Wanna Record My Desktop So I Found a Program Called gtk-recordmydesktop Ok,Then i Installed It
But When i click Record Waaaa The Windows Close.
I Tried Istanbul and It Wasn't Running.
I Treid Wink Which Do The Same First Program.
I Tried Xvid But The Same Thing Happens!!!!!!
IS There Any Program That Take screenshot for 1 sec i mean like take 1 screenshot per second.I Know IT Would Be Slow But It Might Help.
Or Is There A Way To Fix this ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Use The 9.04 And 9.10 Desktop 32-bit And 64-bit On Intel I5

Apr 6, 2010

I just got a new desktop PC with Intel i5 650 Dual Core 3.2GHz 4M Turbo. I would load up the installation cd, once I selected to install the screen would go blank and nothing happens. Ubuntu 10.4LTS is still in beta1 but it works. I would like to use a non-beta version.Has anyone encontered this and have a work around?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Access KDE Desktop Due To Segfault

Apr 16, 2010

For the past few weeks my system has been exhibiting some strange behavior. The first of these instances has been in the form of a total system lockup necessitating a power cycle -- ie. no kernel panic or oops, but cessation of all on-screen activity and an unresponsive mouse and keyboard. ( The first lockup occurred when the monitor was powered down)

Just a few days ago, I started noticing something else : Launching Firefox (3.6.4pre) resulted in it locking up near start-up especially if I was logged into Gmail. After that I experienced a total system lockup and then another one which has placed me in the situation as suggested in the title.

Specifically, KDM and the KDM login manager will start-up and I will be allowed to type my password. Immediately after that when the first of the icons in the KDE start-up animation starts to come into focus the screen goes black and I am returned to the KDM login manager -- I can enter my password again and continue this process ad infinitum.

Trying to diagnose the issue, I attached GDB to KDM. It seems that after I enter my password one or more of the KDE start-up processes dies with signal 1 or to be more specific :


Program received signal SIGUSR1, User defined signal 1.
0x00007f4ae742d3c3 in select () from /lib/libc.so.6
(gdb) bt full


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Get Into Desktop And Exibiting Message

Jul 14, 2010

After meddling with ".private folder's permission" in home folder I am not able to get into my desktop and exibiting the message "Natilus could not create the following required folders: /home/jayan/Desktop, /home/jayan/.config/nautilus.Before running nautilus please create thease folders,or set permission such that Nautilus can create them".

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Setup VNC Using Remote Desktop

Nov 27, 2010

I am Trying to set up my desktop in order to access it from a remote computer using Remote desktop. I have ubuntu 10.10 and am using the included software remote desktop. When I run the programm is says i can only connect locally using the name "local host". I am trying to connect to my desktop from a vnc app on my ipod touch. It asks me for the ip address and the port.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Start Desktop Effects?

Dec 12, 2010

I can't start the desktop effects.

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General :: Unable To Use GUI Scheduler On Ubuntu Desktop 10.04

Jul 20, 2010

I recently loaded ubuntu 10.04 on an older laptop to get a feel for using a GUI version. I would like to setup a recurring job schedule to start sound recorder or Audacity. I would prefer it was from a graphical user interface but would do it with a cron if I could get started.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Access BBC UK Content On Desktop But Can On Laptop?

Jan 14, 2010

Earlier when installing Karmic I requested assistance to enable me to listen & view BBC content in the United Kingdom. This involved me in loading :

Ubuntu restricted extras

which worked a treat.

I decided to install Karmic on an old desktop system with the intent of using it as a backup system for my data. Having installed this as a fresh install I again followed the earlier advice only to find that when I attempted to connect to the BBC I was asked to load flash. This happened no matter which station I attempted to listen or view.

As far as I can see everything has been installed exactly as on my laptop and therefore should naturally work as before. The only difference is the laptop is using 64 bit and the desktop 32. Since I now see that the desktop is also capable of 64 bit processing should installing the 64 bit Karmic help?

Using sysinfo does not give too much information. I am told that the CPU is an AMD Athlon 64x2 Dual Core processor 4400+, 1000.000 MHz & L2 cache 512. The graphic card is shown as VGA Compatible Controller and the Sound Card as a multimedia Audio Controller.

I am at a loss why I am being asked for flash on the desktop and not being able to have the same benefits as I have on my laptop running the same OS.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Enable Desktop Effects On Aspire One?

Feb 27, 2010

After a bit of a mess up i ended up reinstalling UNR on my acer aspire one. Have everything running as it was before except that i can't enable desktop effects. I don't know why this is as i had them working before. I am running the exact same version (9.04) and the desktop effects worked out of the box the last time. I don't know why i'm having a problem this time.

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