Hardware :: Sound Gone After Installing NVIDIA Drivers / Resolve This?

Jun 22, 2009

Ok, so I have Linux Mint 7 "Gloria", using kernel 2.6.28-11.
I got a new GeForce 8400GS and replaced my ATi pile of sh*t with it
no problem, Mint starts up fine as if nothing happened. code...

Everything seems fine, so I reboot and all seems fine, except when
I try to play music or a video I get no sound at all. I'm fairly
certain that something in the first links instructions (the Ubuntu ones)
removed something it shouldn't have, but I have no idea what to look

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Fedora Installation :: F10 Won't Boot After Installing ATI Drivers / Resolve This?

Jan 16, 2009

I'm new to these forums. I'm coming from using Ubuntu for a couple of years and now I'm trying to switch to Fedora.

I installed F10 yesterday and all went well, more or less. The system used to freeze randomly but after updating, everything seemed to work fine (I haven't tried audio yet, though).

I have an X1250 integrated graphics system that's working fine in Ubuntu. After playing around with F10 for a while I decided to download and install the latest ATI drivers from AMD's site. The installation posed no problems, but when I reboot the system it will come to a black screen at some point and freeze there.

I searched the web a little and came to this: http://www.fedorafaq.org/#radeon, but I'm not sure if that's current or old news. If it's current and those ATI drivers can't be installed, I'd appreciate some help about removing them.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Nvidia Drivers In 9.10?

Apr 9, 2010

When I had a wubi install(after I restarted, logged in, etc.) a little icon appeared in the top right-hand corner of the screen informing me of an nvidia driver update, which was required to run compiz desktop effects. Now I have ubuntu installed on an actual hard drive(wubi was deleted beforehand) and I get no such icon. So I'm wondering how to update my drivers. BTW I have a 9500GT

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Ubuntu :: Logo Is To Big After Installing Nvidia Drivers ?

Aug 19, 2010

Ubuntu's logo is to big after installing Nvidia drivers, how can i fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Installing Nvidia Drivers Kills?

Jun 19, 2011

Three times so far I have had to re-install ubuntu because I installed an updated or new Nvidia graphics driver for my GeForce FX 5200 The first time, using Natty Narwhal, I installed an updated graphics driver, and upon reboot, I was presented with a blank screen that did nothing. Being a first-time Ubuntu user, I assumed it was me, or a bug in the new release. So I burnt a Lucid Lynx cd on another pc, and installed that instead. Same problem when I installed a new graphics driver, again via Admin>>Hardware Drivers. Reboot yielded a blank screen. Booted from cd again, as I had no files yet to worry about, and everything seemed to be fine, providing I stayed away from that tempting hardware drivers button.

I then accidentally installed a new driver when installing the dependencies(via terminal) for OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) This time, my terminal froze, Firefox wouldn't boot, and a reboot yielded a blinking, blank login screen that did not do anything. Obviously, I'd like to have a graphics driver, as currently I can't run anything that needs 3d acceleration (Games, 3d simulations, even Desktop effects), but it's not absolutely necessary. So if nobody can suggest a fix, short of a new computer, new graphics card etc, can anybody suggest a way that I can stop myself accidentally installing anything driver-ish? The driver worked fine on windowsXP, but there's two reasons I'm not going back to that: a) I hate it. Hate, hate, hate.b) I've lost the activation key that came with computer, so I can't reinstall.

Further detail can be provided on request. Computer is Dell Dimension 2400, 256Mb RAM, Hard drive is almost empty. Old and slow, but I like it.

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Software :: NVIDIA Drivers Garble Sound Quality

Feb 14, 2010

I've been having this problem for many months and I have finally isolated it to the NVIDIA-Linux-x86-190.53 driver (downloaded direct from the NVIDIA website).

I have an Asus A8N-E ACPI BIOS Revision 1013 Motherboard (which has a built in Realtek AC'97 soundcard).

My video card is NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GT/GTO

I am running Slackware 12.2, KDE 3.5, Kernel

My problem is: Sound quality when only playing song files through xmms, songbrid, Amarok, etc... is garbled. Although games, Movies, DvD's, Video files, all sound through that media is perfect and clear.

I have already used Slackware 13, KDE 4.2.2 and I thought the problem was with KDE 4+ so I reinstalled to Slackware 12.2 and KDE 3.5. Everything was working great until I installed the NVIDIA-Linux-x86-190.53 driver so my video card works like it should and games work under Wine.

But I am at a loss on how I can get the soundcard working. I suspect something within the NVIDIA driver is conflicting with my soundcard.

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Debian Multimedia :: Installing Nvidia Drivers In Lenny?

May 27, 2010

I'm still getting used to the system. I've been able to install a couple of packages like Disk Manager and Firefox, and was able to mount my ntfs drive. I've only learned some basic terminal commands, but I'm managing ok so far. That is until I looked into what was involved in installing the video drivers I need for my Nvidia 8400 GS card. (ouch!) I'm trying to follow the guide here: [URL] but I've run into a snag in the 'Overview' part: "0. Make sure APT has non-free and contrib sources (consult the sources.list(5) man page for help on doing this) " The link provided [URL] is dead. With only a basic understanding (next to none) of what the sources.list is for, I'm unsure how to fulfill step 0.

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Debian Hardware :: Installing Nvidia Drivers Version 352.21

Sep 10, 2015

According to this link [URL] , I should be able to install the package through experimental on Jessie.

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Fedora Hardware :: Installing Nvidia Drivers On Notebook?

Mar 4, 2010

I got fedora 12 like 2 weeks ago. I am newb in using linux. I got enough of the problems windows 7 has and thought to change on something good and free . It seems OK but i want to try play some online games on fedora. Seemed it did not have video card drivers installed and tried to install them. Once i installed some kind of video drivers using a yum command i found on web. But i think something was wrong because when i tried the first game installed with wine it worked as if i didn't have video card . Even yahoo messenger works very bad as if i won't have video drivers. I remember at the middle of that installation it shown kind of error like it did not find something.i don't remember exactly what it shown because immediately after that it continued to install video card drivers. But after i tried that game it still seemed something wrong happened. So....how can i see what video drivers i have installed ? Do i need to uninstall them before trying again? I got a CD with drivers when i got my notebook do you think those will work if i install them using wine ?

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OpenSUSE :: Blank Screen After Installing Nvidia Drivers?

Mar 15, 2010

I installed OpenSuse Gnome version 64 bit on a HP laptop DV7 Intel Dual Core with nVidia 9600 GM cardAll went well, until after I had installed the nVidia drivers from this page: NVIDIA drivers - openSUSEI selected the Geforce 1-click install and Yast went on to installl all the packages (a lot of 32-bit),took about half an hour.I logged out/in, and could work as normal, until I rebooted. Maybe I waited not long enough (5 minutes), but the screen was blank, then I gave up.Anyone has an explanation. I can always re-install everything, but then what went wrong with the nVidia package

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Installing Nvidia 8400 GS Drivers On 11.4 ?

Mar 20, 2011

What i have done so far, after all that i still get a black screen after rebooting, so im runing on x11 failsafe.

1) Installed development tools and sources needed for nvidia kernel module build.

Checked what type of kernel i have and installed all the components below with all the dependencies they pull in.

2) Added nomodeset into /boot/grub/menu.lst

3) Set NO_KMS_IN_INITRD to Yes in /etc/sysconfig/kernel

4) Added blacklist nouveau to /etc/modprobe.d/50-blacklist.conf

5) Rebuild initrd and rebooted

6) After reboot switched to run level 3, login as root (or as user and su to root)

7) Install the NVIDIA driver, run nvidia-xconfig (the -X option) and reboot

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Installing Nvidia Drivers Using Their Own Installer

May 1, 2011

I can install the nvidia driver for my card easily with yast but would like to try using nvidia's own installer. There is a paths problem. I've spent some time looking at 11.4 kernel build paths and they seem to be circular so the installer will not find what it needs. The installers help in this respect is as follows.

The directory containing the kernel source files that should be used when compiling the NVIDIA kernel module. When not specified, the installer will use '/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build', if that directory exists. Otherwise, it will use '/usr/src/linux'. Obviously it will fail on the build directory and fall back to usr/............ where linux is a symbolic link linux -> linux-

which must be the one in the same directory but it fails to find either type of auto conf file From this I assumed that it just needed pointing at the correct build directory but this turns out to be symbolic link

Build -> /usr/src/linux-

However when pointed here it still doesn't find what it needs and falls over looking for the kernel header this time. I thought that the idea of the /usr/src/linux link was to standardise kernel building but if suse use it for something else or nvidia make the wrong assumptions just where should the installer be pointed?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Installing Nvidia Drivers GeForce 210 In 11.4?

May 2, 2011

I am having a challenge to install drivers on this machine with the OS and graphics card stated in the subject. To date I have tried different ways and they are broken in the steps or in the results I get on my machine. The how-to written by ajohnw Installing an nvidia driver - easiest I have found to date. results in a file or directory not found when I try to execute



The article SDB:NVIDIA the hard way results in the following error (copied from the error log):


ERROR: The kernel header file '/usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h' does not exist.The most likely reason for this is that the kernel source files in '/usr/src/linux' have not been configured.

Researching how to resolve that error and I can't find anything relevant to openSUSE 11, closest version being openSUSE 9.Lastly, I've tried this SDB:NVIDIA drivers and for some reason it does not generate the xorg.conf file. At least that's what I am concluding. I go through the steps, reboot the system and boot only to a command prompt. Navigating to /etc/X11/ there is no xorg.conf and I have to copy xorg.conf.install to xorg.conf to get back into the Desktop.

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Ubuntu :: Installing The NVIDIA Propriety Drivers For 8600 GTS?

Apr 29, 2010

after installing the NVIDIA propriety drivers for my 8600 GTS, the loading screen that is shown when booting ubuntu is low quality. Does anyone know how to fix this,

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: HDMI Sound Not Working With NVidia ION Drivers

Jun 4, 2010

I have a zotac IONITX motherboard with HDMI video. The video seems fine, but I haven't been able to get the sound working through the HDMI cable. Even the little speaker at the top is gone. It was working fine when I had speakers hooked to the motherboard. I have installed the latest 256 driver from nvidia. If I run 'aplay -l' I get this:

**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 3: NVIDIA HDMI [NVIDIA HDMI]
Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
lspci -v gives :
00:08.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP79 High Definition Audio (rev b1) Subsystem: PC Partner Limited Device 437b
Flags: bus master, 66MHz, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 22
Memory at fae78000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K]
Capabilities: Kernel driver in use: HDA Intel
Kernel modules: snd-hda-intel

I don't know if this is important, but I noticed that it says its running an intel driver for my nvidia sound. Could this be the problem and if so, How do I fix it? Also, if I click on system->preferences->sound it comes up with a dialog box that says that its waiting for the sound system to come up. Why I am not getting any HDMI sound or even the little speaker icon at the top?

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Debian Installation :: Installing NVIDIA Drivers On Lenovo B560?

May 2, 2011

I want to install NVIDIA drivers on my Debian Squeeze so that I can use parallel computing packages like CUDA C or OpenCL for my Master Thesis. I have NVIDIA Geforce 310M.

I found a link in wiki.debian which gives me two ways to install NVIDIA drivers and I want to install the NVIDIA way (non-debian way).I have to stop 'X' and I stopped it by typing 'service gdm3 stop' and then I went to ''init 3'' . Now I want run

'sh /home/swaroop/Downloads/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-270-41.06.run' but its not working.

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Debian Configuration :: No Screens Found (EE) After Installing Nvidia Drivers

Jan 19, 2015

I just installed debian (Jessie) in my computer and tried to install Nvidia drivers. This is a task i have done many times and never got a problem but today...

Here you have my output...

X.Org X Server (1.16.3 RC 1)
Release Date: 2014-12-09
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 x86_64 Debian
Current Operating System: Linux PC-Server 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ck

[Code] .....

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Debian Configuration :: Login Failure After Installing Nvidia Drivers

Sep 17, 2015

I'm new to Debian and installed it with Cinnamon because I want to learn some OpenCL programming in Linux. I have a Nvidia GT 525M GPU. Once the operating system is installed, I followed [URL] ..... article to install the proprietary Nvidia drivers. As the forum suggested, instead of creating an Xorg server configuration file, I installed Bumblebee according to [URL]..... article.

But when I restarted my machine after completing all the steps when I try to log in I get the follwoing message:

"failed to load session 'cinnamon'"

I cannot login as normal user or root.

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General :: Ubuntu - Black Screen After Installing Nvidia Drivers?

Aug 5, 2009

I have scoured the web the last few hours and I have come across a plethora of similar problems relating to Ubuntu and Nvidia drivers. However, I still havent found a sufficient cure for the problem.

The exact problem I face is that as soon as I install the Nvidia recommended drivers using the "Hardware Driver Manager", I restart the system but it never gets past the login splash screen. After I log in it simply goes to a black screen and sits like this indefinately.

Does anyone know of a particular fix for this problem? I am at the end of my tether and there is no way I can use Linux if it means either getting a different graphics driver or sitting on a 800*600 resolution. (Not to mention I dont have acclerated 3d support...so no DVD playing!)

I have a Nvidia GeForce4 MX graphics card and im a complete n00b to Linx so please go easy on the technical jargon.

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Fedora Networking :: No Wireless Connections In NM After Installing Nvidia Drivers?

Jun 29, 2009

I installed Nvidia drivers according to the post in HowTos section. It downloaded a different version of the existing kernel, i guess. And the kernel using which I downloaded, when shows up GUI, looks like a Safe Mode of Windows. So I boot the kernel that it downloaded. And there the problem is that in Network Manager applet, it doesn't show me the wireless connections. It doesn't even show the Enable Wireless checkbox upon right clicking it. How to get it back?

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Fedora :: Kernel Changed After Installing Nvidia Graphics Drivers

Jan 14, 2010

im having an intel E2180 processor with 2 gb RAM and an nvidia 8400gs graphics card. Lately i installed Fedora 12 on my system and found that with default settings the desktop 3d is not working. so installed the kmod-nvidia using yum after following the instruction.i also edited the grub.conf file to rdblacklist=nouveau to blacklist nouveau drivers.

Then once i rebooted i found two kernels in grub ie the old one and the one with PAE extension. when i booted into the old kernel its Xwindows failed to load showing a black screen and when i tried the new PAE kernel it booted in 640 x 480 resolution. {earlier i was getting a resolution of 1440 x 900 on my 17" widescreen monitor}. it also showed that the nvidia drivers failed to load. I also read in some forums that the PAE kernels are for systems with 4gb+ of ram. So i thought it better to reinstall the whole thing.
then i reinstalled the whole operating system using my fedora 12 dvd and performed the 'upgrade or replace the existing linux distribution'. interestingly now my older kernel has disappeared and the PAE kernel is the one that is remaining.


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Ubuntu :: Poor Resolution During Boot After Installing Nvidia Drivers

May 17, 2010

I have a HP dv6314tx laptop with Nvidia Geforce Go 7400 graphics card. Recently I installed 10.04. Without installing any nvidia drivers my boot screen resolution and desktop resolution were fine. But I cudn't activate Extra Visual effects and so I installed nvidia drivers. Now the problem is that Extra visual effects work just fine. But during the boot, the splash screen has a very poor resolution.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Geforce Ti4600 Nvidia Drivers Not Installing?

May 24, 2010

I just installed a fresh copy of unbuntu 10.04 and downloaded the lastest drivers for my video card but when double click the file, i get a message that says "could not open file/home/desktop name/download/n...nux-86-96.43.16-pkg1.run."Anyone know why this is happening? A friend told me to try to run them in terminal so when i opened the drivers with terminal I get a message saying "error: nvida-installer must be run as root"

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Desktop After Installing Propietary Nvidia Drivers

Jun 19, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04, it was all working like a charm until y tried to install nvidia's propietary drivers using the integrated hardware drivers manager. Now ubuntu just boots into a non graphical tty. How can i fix Xorg?I have an AMD Athlon X2 5200+, the chipset is a nForce 430 with an integrated Geforce 6150.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Blank Screen After Installing Nvidia Drivers On 10.10 RC?

Oct 7, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu Maverick 10.10 RC in my PC, everything works fine, but after install Nvidia proprietary Graphics driver it boot up on a blank screen (I can hear the login sounds, etc) but screen is absolutely black.

I try to login in recovery mode and check if something is wrong but nothing happens (even adding noveau driver to a blacklist (editing grub)) Now I have re installed Ubuntu 10.04.1 and works fine but I would like to install the 10.10 version, since I have this inconvenience, I cant do it.

My graphic card: Nvidia Gforce 8400GS 256MB Pci Express

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing And Updating NVidia Display Drivers

Feb 28, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu last night parallel to windows vista ultimate (no problems). My biggest problem is that when I tried to install the nvidia display drivers, I somehow downloaded a server based driver (and am having amazingly difficult problems). I use a dual monitor set up (both are plug and play LCD displays) and i'm not too worried about aesthetics but rather, performance. I downloaded the correct driver but now I don't know how to install it. Is there a way to uninstall this server driver?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Volume Adjust After Installing Nvidia Drivers?

Apr 28, 2011

since installing nVidia graphic drivers I can't adjust volume using volume button nor using volume keys. The volume icon has 3 horizontal lines like Ubuntu couldn't find audio device. Morover when I try to run pulseaudio there is "/home/chris is not ours" message.

Despite these facts audio is playing and I can adjust volume using alsamixer, but it is extremely not comfortable to enter console each time I want to volume up/down..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Updated NVidia Drivers Cause - Sound Got All Fuzzy/scratchy

Jun 2, 2010

I just installed 10.04 (64 bit, in case that matters) last night. I have onboard sound and video, and they working fine until I installed the proprietary drivers for my video card. When this happened, my sound got all fuzzy/scratchy. I can go back into the Hardware Drivers and remove the proprietary ones and then the sound is fine. My problem is that I want to use better drivers for my video, but not at the sacrifice of sound quality. I went to the nVidia site, and they have drivers from April 24, 2010 on there, but there's a couple problems with that. I don't know if they are any different than the ones I already installed through Ubuntu, and I don't know if they will cause the same issue. Since I'm fairly new to linux, installing the drivers from the .run file seems like more of an undertaking than I want to do right now, and I don't want to mess anything up and not be able to revert my changes. With the Hardware Drivers utility, I can easily remove the drivers and the sound works, but I don't know if that will be the case.

I have an ECS GeForce7050M-M motherboard. I can't really find specifics for chipsets, but the nVidia site detected a GeForce GTX 480 for video. If I recall correctly, my audio is some Realtek HD thing. I had this same problem when I tried 9.04, but I didn't narrow it down to the nVidia drivers at the time.

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Debian Configuration :: Installing Wheezy Nvidia Drivers On Squeezy System?

Sep 1, 2011

I need to install wheezy nvidia-graphics-drivers because my video card (geforce GT 425m) isnt supported on the squeezy version. I downloaded the wheezy source code and built it on my squeezy system, some .deb files where created, the problem is I dont know which of those to install, these are the files:



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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Login Screen Lost After Installing Nvidia Drivers?

Feb 13, 2011

This is my first time with openSuse as I have heard that openSuse is better forlaptops then ubuntu is. On this laptop, I had already installed ubuntu but decided I no longer liked ubuntu very much, but for no real reason. I encountered almost the exact same problem using both ubuntu and kubuntu, but I had more problems on top of the graphical problem - so I decided to give openSuse a try. I love it so far!Anyway, to the point - I have an Nvidia GeForce GT330M. I have tried installing the drivers the "easy way" and the "hard way" and I have even used the script lnvhw, all to no avail.

What seems to happen is that, after I install the drivers (from runlevel 3, of course), as soon as I restart my computer it initially loads just fine. However, after the loading bar shows up, I get dropped into a console login (tty1), and tty7 & 8 show absolutely nothing, except a blinking cursor.I have two graphic cards in my computer -- an Intel HD card. This is loaded normally and, from "My Computer" it is the graphics card in use, as far as I can tell. The other, as I said, is the nVidia GeForce GT 330M. I'm not much of a "power" user, so I'm not really sure where to start with finding the issue

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