Hardware :: Retrofitting A Device File For A Mass Storage Device?

Jan 7, 2010

here we have an older digicam (Jenoptik/Exakta Model "DC 22", if someone might want to know) that can be switched between some "PC Camera mode" and "Mass storage mode".Unfortunately, if attached to USB, it is always recognized as

UDEV [1262910483.475886] add /class/video4linux/video0 (video4linux)
lsusb tells:


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: USB Mass Storage Device Not Mounting

Nov 22, 2009

I am currently using opensuse 11.2 with kde 4.3.1. I am having a problem when I connect my samsung R450. It will not mount or show up as a usable device in either Dolphin, Amarok, or on the device notifier. I have tried manually mounting but I get an error saying it cannot find such device. I did not have any issues using it in 11.1 with KDE 4.2. It is being recognized by my system, but not allowing it to show up as a storage device or being mounted.

output of dmesg:

PHP Code:

output of lsusb:

PHP Code:

When I shut of the usb mass storage on the samsung R450 it switches to modem and is properly detected and usable as modem by my system.I don't have any other problems with other usb devices, such as a digital camera or flash drives, so I don't know if I just missing a system setting or configuring something wrong.

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Lock With Usb Mass Storage Device ?

Feb 2, 2010

I just discovered that inserting any USB drive causes an immediate hang of the system. The keyboard caps lock and scroll lock lights blink. Only recourse is to power cycle the system. This is after installing Kubuntu 9.10 in January, I don't believe I had occasion to insert a USB drive until tonight. 100% reliable. No entries in logs, presumably because it hangs the kernel when it happens. The /var/log/kern.log file has been corrupted due to file system damage (1+ sectors of some other file inserted into chain) and probably other files as well.

I've not had occasion to report other bugs, but I've found no way to report anything other than application bugs. I tried using "ubuntu-bug kernel" which helpfully said there was no such application as 'kernel' and has been busy "collecting problem information" for the last half hour or more. Somehow I don't think its ever going to finish.

The crash only happens when booted into Kubuntu 9.10. If I boot off of 9.04 then USB drives work fine. Both USB drives I've tried reliably produce the crash. One is a random cheap USB thumb drive (imprinted "Cisco"), the other is a 16GB Corsair Voyager.

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General :: Handle Bad Block In Mass Storage Device?

Nov 2, 2009

* I am implementing mass storage device on a test board.

* It contains NAND flash.

* Using corresponding "udc driver" and "g_file_storage" I could make my test board enumerate as mass storage device on my Linux machine.

* my 16 MB pen drive (test board) is now ready for read/write.

But there are some Bad Blocks on the NAND.Hence copy is not complete. Although on Linux machine there is no error message. Now , what is there in a normal pen drive which manages the Bad Block or what am I missing so that such Bad Blocks are managed.

Here is the error I get on my test board :

mtdblock: erase of region [0x2c0000, 0x4000] on "Bon 2" failed
end_request: I/O error, dev mtdblock2, sector 5664
Buffer I/O error on device mtdblock2, logical block 708


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Debian Multimedia :: Mount Android Mass Storage Device In Thunar

Apr 12, 2016

Since I use openbox with some packages from Xfce4 (mainly for convenience) I get most stuff "for free" as it were when using openbox, but I can't figure out how to mount android devices in a simple way. I can either do it manually, or install some other file manager that has this capability. This leads me to my question, I've noticed that if I install Nautilus, which automatically mounts android devices OotB, I get this functionality in Thunar as well. This leads me to believe that there is clearly a dependency package of some kind installed when running apt-get install nautilus that enables it, It'd be great to get this functionality in Thunar without having all the nautilus packages just littering about for no good reason. the required package is gvfs-backends, which I should have realized when I was unable to browse smb:// addresses. You forget a lot when you only make a fresh install once every 2 years or so.

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General :: Remove Kernel Lock From Unmounted Mass Storage USB Device

Jun 3, 2010

I've searched high and low, and can't figure this one out. I have a older Olympus Camera (2001 or so). When I plug in the USB connection, I get the following log output:
$ dmesg | grep sd
[20047.625076] sd 21:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg7 type 0
[20047.627922] sd 21:0:0:0: [sdg] Attached SCSI removable disk

Secondly, the drive is not mounted in the FS, but when I run gphoto2 I get the following error:
$ gphoto2 --list-config
*** Error ***
An error occurred in the io-library ('Could not lock the device'): Camera is already in use.
*** Error (-60: 'Could not lock the device') ***

What command will unmount the drive. For example in Nautilus, I can right click and select "Safely Remove Device". After doing that, the /dev/sg7 and /dev/sdg devices are removed.

The output of gphoto2 is then:
# gphoto2 --list-config
/Camera Configuration/Picture Settings/resolution
/Camera Configuration/Picture Settings/shutter
/Camera Configuration/Picture Settings/aperture
/Camera Configuration/Picture Settings/color
/Camera Configuration/Picture Settings/flash
/Camera Configuration/Picture Settings/whitebalance
/Camera Configuration/Picture Settings/focus-mode
/Camera Configuration/Picture Settings/focus-pos
/Camera Configuration/Picture Settings/exp
/Camera Configuration/Picture Settings/exp-meter
/Camera Configuration/Picture Settings/zoom
/Camera Configuration/Picture Settings/dzoom
/Camera Configuration/Picture Settings/iso
/Camera Configuration/Camera Settings/date-time
/Camera Configuration/Camera Settings/lcd-mode
/Camera Configuration/Camera Settings/lcd-brightness
/Camera Configuration/Camera Settings/lcd-auto-shutoff
/Camera Configuration/Camera Settings/camera-power-save
/Camera Configuration/Camera Settings/host-power-save
/Camera Configuration/Camera Settings/timefmt

Some things I've tried already are sdparm and sg3_utils, however I am unfamiliar with them, so it's possible I just didn't find the right command.

# mount | grep sdg
# mount | grep sg7
# umount /dev/sg7
umount: /dev/sg7: not mounted
# umount /dev/sdg
umount: /dev/sdg: not mounted
# gphoto2 --list-config

*** Error ***
An error occurred in the io-library ('Could not lock the device'): Camera is already in use.
*** Error (-60: 'Could not lock the device') ***

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Disable Mass Storage Device Mounting In Rhythmbox?

Oct 15, 2010

I have a 1TB external HDD which I use to store my music library of roughly 40 gigs. Therefore I would normally import music directly from it to my Rhythmbox library while keeping everything stored on the removable drive. In recent versions of Rhythmbox this is no longer needed as the application integrates my external HDD into the side pane and lists the music automatically. This is great although when closing Rhythmbox and reopening it, the drive has to be scanned all over again. This is a huge pain when it has to scan through 40+ gigs of music.

Therefore I would like this feature disabled and removed from my side pane. It is not needed and causes quite a large annoyance. Either I want it removed or the ability to keep the index of music from the drive in Rhyrhmbox at all times. Achieving this would be fantastic and would switch me back to Rhythmbox. recently I have been using Exaile which I love but rhythmbox not working bugs me.

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Ubuntu :: Switch The Mass Storage Device Into Modem In The Terminal Window ?

Nov 4, 2010

I am beginner in UBUNTO 10.04 LTS. I have a mobile broadband of Relience which use the device of Huawei EC 1262. I have a problem with this modem. when i installed required packages for this device like usbswitch, wvdial etc, my internet connect works fine but as i switch off the PC and restart, PC can not detect the modem, it detect as mass storage device. Is there any command/option that i switch the mass storage device into modem in the terminal window or on the GUI platform mean on the desktop screen.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Cell Phone Mass Storage Device Doesn't Show Up?

Feb 14, 2010

It doesn't show it on the device-notifier, or fdisk, and not sure if this will be any use to you. In windows it appears immediately as a MSD, doesn't show as a modem or anything first.

linux-gg0e:/home/Chris # tail -f /var/log/messages
Feb 14 10:20:09 linux-gg0e smartd[2752]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Prefailure Attribute: 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate changed from 51 to 50
Feb 14 10:20:09 linux-gg0e smartd[2752]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Usage Attribute: 195


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unnable New E2120 Samsung Phone As A Mass Storage Device?

Jul 17, 2010

I need to enable my new E2120 samsung phone as a mass storage device. but I think I need a USB driver. Had a good look round the forums but can't seem to find any posts. Its quite a new phone but hopefully the solution is already about. When I plug it into the USB the phones screen has a hashed out 'mass storage' option.

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Software :: Horelease /dev Entry Of Unplugged Storage Device While A Program Has A File Open

Nov 6, 2009

I plug a USB device, it gets a /dev entry, e.g. sdf, i mount its filesystem, then some program opens a file on this filesystem. I unplug this device, its /dev entry disappears, but if i replug this device again, it gets another name - sdg.

How can i force the program to close the file so the filesystem is ready to be unmounted without using "lazy unmount" to release the device name, BUT so that the program doesn't crash after trying to make I/O to this file, and, of course, without having to kill the program?

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General :: Ubuntu - Find The Device Node File For USB Device?

Aug 23, 2011

I've bought an X10 Home Automation USB interface: the CM15.

This is the information lsusb gives:

skerit@KIP-DU-SKER:~$ lsusb Bus 008 Device 002: ID 0bc7:0001 X10 Wireless Technology, Inc. ActiveHome (ACPI-compliant)

But this tells me nothing about where the device file is! How can I find that, or create one myself?

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Software :: Getting Device Info From Device File?

Sep 26, 2010

Let's say I have a joystick in `/dev/input/js0`, how do I find out which device is it on `/sys/bus/usb/devices/`?

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Ubuntu :: Disable USB Storage Device?

Feb 21, 2011

is there a way or terminal command to disable access to a USB storage device upon insertion given that it is not permitted?

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Hardware :: Storage Array - How To Tell The Device

Mar 20, 2011

I'm in need to replace a harddrive with higher capacity one but I can't tell which bay is holding on to a drive which has the OS. I don't want to pull the main drive. just wondering if there is a way to light up the led light next to physical drive/bay so I don't accidentally yank out the wrong one.

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Ubuntu :: Accessing Usb Storage Device On Router?

Apr 10, 2010

I am using a Belkin F5D 8235-4 ver 2 wireless router. My linux box is connected direct. I have a 16G flash drive installed in the usb port on the router that I want to use for storage so I can dump files I share with my other machines on the network. Windows sees this usb and works fine by just using the web browser and using no problem. Then I try to use my unbuntu and can not for the life of me figure out how to set up a permanent link to that drive in linux. I would like to have a direct connection on my desktop. Of course I tried Belkin and was told we do not support Linux.

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Ubuntu :: Defragmenting An External Storage Device?

Jul 2, 2010

Are there any tools in Ubuntu that could defragment my MP4 player (Sansa E280R)? One of the songs on my MP4 player isn't showing its Album Name or Artist Name. I know I have the artist and album name tagged onto the MP3 because I set them both & double checked using mp3tag.

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Ubuntu :: Duplicate Storage Device In Nautilus Under Places

May 26, 2011

I had troubles with my NTFS external hdd mounting without becoming root until I changed my fstab file. However after changing my fstab file I created an error in the place of the one I had fixed. Now since the change I have two entries of my external hard drive in Places. I'd like to know how to remove the duplicate entry.

Provided is my current fstab and screenshot of duplicate:
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
proc /proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
#Entry for /dev/sda1 :
/ ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
#Entry for /dev/sdb1 :
UUID=486E622C6E62134C /media/Beast ntfs-3g auto, users,
uid=1000, gid=100, utf8, dmask=027, fmask=137 0 0
#Entry for /dev/sda5 :
UUID=064020c3-cf2f-4ba5-b0b6-49667fee4f27 none swap sw 0 0

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General :: Dynebolic: No Storage Device With Dyne Detected

Mar 20, 2010

I am trying to install dynabolic on my system by docking.I copied dyne/ directory into my partition and updated grub as follows:

title Dyne
root (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/dyne/2618ckld.krn root=/dev/ram0 rw load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=0
ramdisk_start=0 max_loop=64 vga=788
initrd (hd0,0)/dyne/initrd.gz

Still on booting into it,it is saying "No storage device with dyne system found"

why this happens? On the otherhand it is automatically detecting my pendrive in which i have copied dyne/
and boots from it.

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Fedora Hardware :: Disable USB Storage Device For ONLY Normal User?

Oct 5, 2010

I am running Fedora 12 OS on my machine. I would like to disable the USB devices for normal users so that usb-storage devices cannot be plugged in. However at the same time a mouse or a keypad may/could have a usb connection. note that root should be able to use the usb storage devices. How can the same be done on fedora 12? I would prefer not to do it via the BIOS options.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Connect To Storage Device Since It Has No External Connections

May 29, 2011

I just upgraded to 15 and was wondering if it was possible to specify which devices to prioritize a route through. I have my machine, a laptop, connected to my family's router for an internet connection and a wired connection to a personal router for a faster and private connection between my other two computers and a network storage device. Whenever the laptop is connected to my personal router everything goes through it and it can't connect to any external web sites. But when I unplug it and go only on my family's wireless everything is fine, except I can't connect to the storage device since it has no external connections.

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Server :: Device Mapper Not Recognizing RAID Storage Luns On RH5?

Feb 26, 2010

Greetings Fellow Knights Of The Penguin Clan....!I am having issues with device mapper seeing a 275GB Raid5 Lun from my SAN storage.I'm using IBM 2145 San Volume Controller.I am able to see a 40 GB Raid 10 device though..

fdisk -l |grep 'dm-*'
Disk /dev/dm-6: 42.9 GB, 42949672960 bytes


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Server :: Use The NAS Storage Device To Store The Home Directories Of User?

Jun 15, 2011

we have purchased the Dell PowerVault NF 500 NAS Storage Box with Window Storage server 2003 is Installed.we have LDAP server for authentication the user in network for accessing network resources.All ubuntu users on client side use ubuntu(LDAP server )for user authentication.when a user logon on client side machine his home directory is created on client machine .

but we want to use the NAS storage device to store the home directories of user.we want to implement that ,whenever a user logon his home directory is created on powerValut NF 500 storage device so that all user data is stored centrally for taking the backup .we want to mount NAS storage device so that user uses when they login and create user profile.

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Software :: Auto-start A Program On Storage Device Plug?

May 7, 2010

I need to auto-mount a storage device AND execute a program passing mount point path to it. How can i do this? I'd like to avoid polling for new storage devices. I'm looking for something like acpid for ACPI events, but working with storage plug events instead.

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Fedora Networking :: Home Directories Reside On An EMC Network Storage Device?

Feb 1, 2011

I use CentOS for the servers I am responsible for. This time, I inherited a piece of hardware that CentOS refused to boot up on, so I installed Fedora Core 14. I have NIS and autofs working -- mostly.The home directories reside on an EMC network storage device. The problem is that when I login as a regular user, all the files under the home directory are owned by nobody/nobody, instead of user/group. I believe this has something to do with NFSv3 vs. v4, but I have yet to find the right trick to fix it.


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Networking :: Increase Storage Space Of Server With NAS/DAS Device Via Gigabit Ethernet?

Feb 8, 2010

Cost effective (the people want cheap) solution to increase server storage space with as little impact on throughput (what I want) as possible. I have a server that sends instructions to 20 clients to perform certain tasks. The clients send gigs of data back to the server for storage.

Network: Gigabit Ethernet
Clients: (20) HP, Solaris, Linux
Linux Server: Dell R805 PowerEdge (QUAD Core Athlons 16 gigs of ram, 4 gigabit ports.

Selected directories are mounted (NFS) by clients. One directory to be mounted by the clients contains executable files. Mount commands are sent from the server (rsh) to the clients. Yes I know (ssh) but this is how the software was originally written so let's go with it.

The clients then receive commands to execute the binaries contained within the mounted directory. The binaries basically create an image of the clients filesystem including special applications. The client then sends the files and directories to the server which stores this �image�. This process can be reversed to restore a client to the initial baseline image.

In a nut shell, 20 clients are sending gigs of data to the server for storage. I need to attach a NAS (gigabit) to extend the storage capability of the server. The server would mount (NFS) to the hard drives on the NAS. The NAS, configured as a �direct attached storage� device (DAS), means the storage device is connected directly to the server and not the network (which makes it a DAS). This would provide direct storage expansion for the server. However, this configuration cannot be a bottleneck that significantly hinders performance.

Clients <---data---->Server<----storage---->DAS/NAS

1) Will a low end NAS (gigabit port) work? (NetGear 1TB ReadyNAS Duo, RND2110-100NAS) or something with a higher rated throughput (QNAP TS-239 Pro II)

2) Low end won't work, go with �?

3) Does the processor on the NAS play any role that would determine the performance of this configuration given that the server would mount directly to a directory on this device (DAS/NAS)?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Determine IO Size During Reads And Writes To A Storage Device

Nov 19, 2009

Is there a way to determine the IO size that is being used for reads and writes to an attached storage device? I am trying to pattern the IO sequences to storage. I have seen mentions to max_sectors_kb but the notes indicated that changing this value did not change the IO size to the storage.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Starting From External USB Storage Device (Intel Based Macs)

Dec 17, 2010

So my aim is to install openSUSEx64 11.3 onto my Macbook; but for whatever reason, upon boot-up, the system won't recognize the USB thumb drive with the expanded image of openSUSE on it. I followed steps in Terminal to expand the image onto the said USB stick and know it worked properly because Terminal said "Process Completed." Do I need a special type of USB thumb drive or am I missing something? I am using a late-2009 Macbook. By the way, these were the steps used to prep the USB thumb stick:

1. Open a Terminal (under Utilities)
2. Run diskutil list to get the current list of devices
3. Insert your flash media
4. Run diskutil list again and determine the device node assigned to your flash media (e.g. /dev/disk2)
5. Run diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN
6. Execute sudo dd if=/path/to/downloaded.img of=/dev/diskN bs=1m
7. Run diskutil eject /dev/diskN and remove your flash media when the command completes

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General :: Command To Configure A External Hard Drive In Ext2 As A Secondary Storage Device

Mar 18, 2011

I have a Linux application(ProMAX 5000) running in a virtual Machine on my windows OS. I am using an external Hard drive of 250G in ext2 file system as my device for large data read, write & execute file system. I have already mounted the device from /etc/fstab. But i want my application to access this device as a Primary data storage device OR Secondary storage device. What command will i invoke to partition this 250G drive as my primary or secondary storage device.

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Fedora Networking :: Mobile Broadband FC13 Huawei E173 - Cannot Switch Device To Modem Instead Of Storage With Usb_modswitch

Nov 27, 2010

I've been trying to make my FC13 Dell d620 work with a Huawei 3G usb modem mode E173. I can not switch the device to modem instead of storage with usb_modswitch. This is what I get on lsusb:


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