Hardware :: Hardware Usb Devices To Encrypt Their Data?

Sep 20, 2010

I would like to ask you if you know any hardware usb devices that can encrypt their data. Are these usb devices( flash disks) linux compliant?

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General :: Encrypt An Existing Partition While Preserving Its Data?

Nov 30, 2010

If I have a partition like /dev/hd1 that is unencrypted and want it to be encrypted, but want to keep everything currently in that partition, how can I do that?

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Ubuntu Security :: Use To Encrypt All Data On USB Flash Drive?

Apr 18, 2010

Folks:What can I use to encrypt all data on my USB flash drive? If possible, could I use something that has a public Key, so I do not have to type in a password to access the information when I plug the drive into my machie, but will not open or display contant if the drive is plugged into anyone else's machine, unless they have the public key?

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Ubuntu Security :: Firefox Master Password Does Not Encrypt Data

Jan 21, 2010

I just tried out setting a master password for Firefox saved passwords and compared the old and new (before and after setting the master password) signons.sqlite files. Although passwords were not stored in plain text in either of the files, I did notice that the files were exactly the same. Am I wrong in assuming that setting the master password did not encrypt anything at all, or am I simply looking at the wrong file?

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Programming :: C++ GUI Signalling - Encryption System Should Encrypt The Data In The Clipboard

May 30, 2011

I'm trying to write a GUI text encryption application. I wrote the encryption system in a No GUI application like this::


Now I'm trying to write a GUI version, using the same algorithm. Here goes a rough image of my main window code. If you scroll down you'll observe a coloured part. As you see, the text in the first textbox gets copied into clipboard. That is the part where my encryption system should encrypt the data in the clipboard, and copy it again, and later on the new data will be pasted. How am I supposed to write that? If I have to use another signal, what is the receiver of that signal?


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General :: Crypt() Perl Function To Encrypt Password In Shell Scripts Or Encrypt Passwords?

Jan 8, 2010

I Have shell script like this

set password "XXXXXXXX"


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: MTP Devices Data Transfer Fix

Aug 1, 2010

For the past few days, i have been trying to fix a common error related to mtp devices such as creative zen. Because of the new updated libmtp8 library, it is impossible to transfer files into any mtp devices. However there is a fix that will remove this issue.

1. Get the older karmic version of libmtp8 from here: URL...
2. Install this package from terminal using: sudo dpkg -i libmtp8*.deb
3. Lock libmtp8 from the synaptic package manager, so it doesn't get updated.
4. Uninstall and then downgrade any mtp packages (through packages.ubuntu.com) that become broken after step 2 to the karmic version.
5. Enjoy.

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General :: Redirecting Serial Data To An External Devices Using Bluetooth?

Apr 24, 2010

i have the following challenge: i have a Bluetooth GPS device that i have connected to my linux notebook. but now i also want to use the same device (or better, GPS data stream) for my Navigation device (HP Ipaq with TomTom). make an serial port bluetooth service (sending) that my Navigation device can connect to. copy the incoming bluetooth serial port data stream to the outgoing bluetooth serial port.

i have already installed GPSD so i have the TCP port where the GPS data is available for everything on my notebook. but now i also want it to send it out through bluetooth.

1. is there someone out there who already did this?

2. how to make an bluetooth serial port service on Fedora 12?

3. how to copy a data stream from 1 device to the next device?

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Hardware :: Access Data On Nvraid Stripe Set Using Dmraid And Loop Devices?

Mar 29, 2010

I am in one of those terrible situations...My motherboard died and I am left with a nvidia nforce raid stripe set that I need to get data off. I guess I should have setup that backup regime. Some search results have suggested that dmraid may be my white knight. I have pulled the data off each of the disks (3 of them) into image files (using ddrescue) and created loop devices (/dev/loop[1-3], using losetup).

I am running 32bit ubuntu 9.10 btw. When I do a "dmraid -ay" it tells me it found a raid set but has not activated it. When I do a "dmraid -r" it tells me I have a raid5 array on one of my /dev/sd? devices. dmraid seems to be ignoring my loop devices . Does anyone know if dmraid actually works with loop devices? If it does is there a way for me to point it directly at the devices and get it to do its auto-magic?

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Hardware :: Data Storage Locations Of The Separate Devices Involved In Booting Requested

Oct 18, 2010

I'm trying to get a complete overview of booting so I can multiboot. An explanation of the hardware that stores data and the hardware that runs it with the paths the data takes would be awesome!

Here are some quotes that are not comprehensive.

Quote from [url] "When the processor first starts up, it is suffering from amnesia; there is nothing at all in the memory to execute. Of course processor makers know this will happen, so they pre-program the processor to always look at the same place in the system BIOS ROM for the start of the BIOS boot program. This is normally location FFFF0h, right at the end of the system memory. They put it there so that the size of the ROM can be changed without creating compatibility problems. Since there are only 16 bytes left from there to the end of conventional memory, this location just contains a "jump" instruction telling the processor where to go to find the real BIOS startup program."

System Memory is your RAM is it not? Why are they being specific in stating the address location in the Firmware that BIOS uses? An external EEPROM on the board is totally different from RAM is it not? Does the BIOS data travel to a specific RAM Location?

Is there a small processor connected to BIOS or is everything run with the Main CPU?

What exactly is the "chipset" that is referred to with booting?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: SW RAID - Raid Devices Larger Than Total Devices

Dec 7, 2010

I'm working on a server and noticed that the to RAID5 setup is showing 4 Raid devices but only 3 Total devices. It's on a fully updated CentOS 5 system that only has three SATA drives, as it can not hold anymore. I've done some researching but am unable to remove the fourth device, which is listed as removed. The full output of `mdadm -D /dev/md2` can be see below. I've never run into this situation before.Anyone have any pointers on how I can reduced the Raid Devices from 4 to 3? I have tried

mdadm /dev/md2 -r failed
mdadm /dev/md2 -r detached

but neither work and since there is no block device listed I'm not quite sure how to get things back in sync so it's only seeing the three drives.

Version : 0.90
Creation Time : Tue May 25 11:07:04 2010
Raid Level : raid5


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OpenSUSE :: Encrypt A CD ROM Just As Would A Disk

Feb 16, 2011

I was asked today if it was possible to encrypt a CDROM just as you would a disk - and I drew a blank. The question came up discussing a database we maintain with a lot of the organizations financial info plus ersonal membership data. Can I create and mount an encrypted CD? What are the performance effects? Is it a viable one to two year archive medium? The plan is to store period off-site backups and I can't get a grasp on the feasibility.

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Ubuntu :: No Option To Encrypt After PGP Key-gen / Need That

Feb 22, 2010

I would like the ability to right-click on a file and encrypt it, but after genning the PGP key pair in seahorse that option doesn't exist on the pop-up menu.

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Ubuntu :: Encrypt USBkey In 10.04?

Jul 10, 2010

Is there an easy way to encrypt a usbkey in 10.04?

Do not mind getting my hands dirty in a terminal

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Networking :: How Does Ssh Encrypt Connections

Feb 27, 2010

I'm a bit confused about how ssh encrypts connections. I've read a few articles on ssh and they talk about 'keys pairs' (that is public and private keys) on the server and client computers. However, ssh doesn't seem to use these keys for encryption. What are the keys it uses? This question occurred to me when I was trying to make a remote login to an Ubuntu machine. From a remote login perspective, I haven't generated keys on my client machine and haven't enabled key based logins in ssh. (I use the default password based login). If there aren't any keys on my client, then how does encryption work?

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General :: Encrypt The Sessions In Red Hat 4.2

Feb 15, 2010

How to encrypt the sessions in red hat 4.2.

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Ubuntu :: GPG Encrypt As Plain Text?

Jan 16, 2010

With the gpg command I used to encrypt files so they saved as plain text (the encrypted files were viewable in a plain text editor though were a encrypted nightmare)

I just forget the option in the gpg command to do this and I can't find it in a hurry either in the man file

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Ubuntu Security :: Backup And Encrypt Using GPG

Jan 20, 2010

I'm currently writing a simple script which uses luckyBackup to backup my /home directory to /tmp. I then want to tar it, encrypt it with gpg and move it onto a usb stick. My question is that suppose my hard disk died and I needed to restore from this USB backup, would I still be able to decrypt the file given that I would have lost gpg keys etc when the disk died? (I would still know the passphrase though). Should I be backing up gpg files separately?

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Ubuntu :: Un-encrypt LVM/home Directory?

Feb 19, 2010

if these are set to be encrypted on installation how would I go about changing that?

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Encrypt Emails

Mar 14, 2010

Im using gmail with https always turned on but what programs can i use to easily encrypt emails? Is pretty good privacy easy to use?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Use The Alternate So Can Encrypt The Hd?

Apr 17, 2010

have been trying for many hours to install Ubuntu 9.10, on a system that already had 9.10 installed on it at one point (so I know it should work!) I am using an alternate install, from a USB thumb drive. I use the alternate so I can encrypt the hd. Everything goes smoothly until I am to select extra packages to be installed. The only package I select is the ubuntu-desktop, and around 80% progress, or so, it fails. I then try and complete the base install, and then login to the command prompt and install there:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktopIt then requests the Ubuntu disc, which of course I don't have. It has a landline internet connection. Do I need to configure something to tell it to look to the mirrors to find the desktop? Or, should it have been included in my iso image originally

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Ubuntu :: Encrypt The File List Too?

May 19, 2010

I use this line to line to archive and password protect my files (with zero compression):7z a -p -t7z -mx0 ~/Documents.7z ~/Documents In the attached picture, I notice there is a check box to 'Encrypt the file list too' via the GUI 7z method. How could I add this option to the above 7z line?

Also I think rar allows you to 'Encrypt the file list too'. Could someone also give me a rar line similar to 7z a -p -t7z -mx0 ~/Documents.7z ~/Documents but that has the 'Encrypt the file list too' feature added?

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Encrypt Entire Device

Jun 28, 2010

I just bought a new Kingston DataTravler G2 16GB usb drive and was wondering if it was possible to encrypt the entire device.As in, it would require a password before even seeing any files. If possible I'd like something that works on all OS's but if not any suggestions would be great.

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Ubuntu :: How To Encrypt A Single File In 10.04

Jul 5, 2010

How do I go about encrypting a file in Ubuntu 10.04?

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Ubuntu Security :: Lock Or Encrypt An Ext Hdd?

Jul 27, 2010

I have a ext hdd..seagate go. And my 14 yr old son likes to get into it without asking me; of course i dont care when he asks but i don't really want him to get in there and erase anything. I am about to leave for training for 18 weeks with the military. Is there a way i can "secure" the drive for the amount of time that I can't take it with me?

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Ubuntu :: How To Encrypt External HD With Truecrypt

Sep 1, 2011

how can i encrypt my ENTIRE external hard drive using truecrypt?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Encrypt Mail Folder

Mar 30, 2010

Is there any possibility to encrypt mail folder? So root user cannot access and read mails?

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General :: Encrypt A Shell Script?

Aug 23, 2010

is there any good way to encrypt a bash script to make no one view its contents & so cant edit it

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General :: How To Encrypt A Single File

Sep 14, 2010

I need to temporarily store a file containing sensitive data in a public server, in a secure way. I think that encrypting the whole file would be much more secure than creating a passworded .zip encrypted file, because they could be subject of brute force attacks. Attacking a whole file of unknow format is harder, I think. I thought of something like the command:

$ programidontknow --encrypt mysensitive.file --output-file mumblerumble.file
then the program asks interactively for a password)
$ ls
mysensitive.file mumblerumble.file

So I get one file that may look like junk. I tried to search how to do it with GnuPG. But it seems that GnuPG needs much configuration I dont want to do. I simply want to type the password one time to get the file. It doesnt need to retain any configuration for what I want to do. In similar scenario, I would want to do this on a machine/account that is not mine.

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Security :: How To Encrypt Shell Scripts

Apr 1, 2010

We have some script files on our linux servers. For security purpose our requirement is to keep these files encrypted . I mean when we open the files it will looks like as for example i am showing you one encripted file of iur server. how can i do this.

one encrypted files from our server:-

[utibaadm@AIRTELVTUD2_UVAS01server_monitoring]$cat SOUTH_DTH_MONITOR.sh
tmpdir=`/bin/mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/gzexe.XXXXXXXXXX` || exit 1
prog="${tmpdir}/`echo "$0" | sed 's|^.*/||'`"


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