Hardware :: Access Data On Nvraid Stripe Set Using Dmraid And Loop Devices?

Mar 29, 2010

I am in one of those terrible situations...My motherboard died and I am left with a nvidia nforce raid stripe set that I need to get data off. I guess I should have setup that backup regime. Some search results have suggested that dmraid may be my white knight. I have pulled the data off each of the disks (3 of them) into image files (using ddrescue) and created loop devices (/dev/loop[1-3], using losetup).

I am running 32bit ubuntu 9.10 btw. When I do a "dmraid -ay" it tells me it found a raid set but has not activated it. When I do a "dmraid -r" it tells me I have a raid5 array on one of my /dev/sd? devices. dmraid seems to be ignoring my loop devices . Does anyone know if dmraid actually works with loop devices? If it does is there a way for me to point it directly at the devices and get it to do its auto-magic?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: MTP Devices Data Transfer Fix

Aug 1, 2010

For the past few days, i have been trying to fix a common error related to mtp devices such as creative zen. Because of the new updated libmtp8 library, it is impossible to transfer files into any mtp devices. However there is a fix that will remove this issue.

1. Get the older karmic version of libmtp8 from here: URL...
2. Install this package from terminal using: sudo dpkg -i libmtp8*.deb
3. Lock libmtp8 from the synaptic package manager, so it doesn't get updated.
4. Uninstall and then downgrade any mtp packages (through packages.ubuntu.com) that become broken after step 2 to the karmic version.
5. Enjoy.

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Programming :: Can't Access To Content Of Array In For Loop

Mar 7, 2010

When I deal with an array in a function I con not access to the content of array in a for loop, but out of a for loop I can access to them! for example


In a function when I send as parameter, in a for loop it prints the content of array and out of a for loop it prints the address of arr[i]

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Ubuntu Servers :: Access The Data In .fbd Data File

Feb 19, 2011

We purchased a new database system at work last October, ditching the old system because of a lack of support from the vendor. This is a retail Point of Sale and Backoffice database system. I am not sure what system the new one runs on, but the system we replaced was a Firebird data base. The reason I am posting is because we are now in need of the information contained in the old database which was not completely imported into the new system.

Basically the problem is this: The database in on a Windows XP system and I found a copy of SQL Manager Lite 2008 on the system, which after quite a bit of studying, I figured out how to extract the database into a removable file. I have this file (178MB) on a USB stick in a file called Backoffice.fbd.

My studying suggests to me that I can get into this database with MySQL. I have never used this and have no clue how to do this. All I want to be able to do get into the database and create tab deliminated spreadsheet files for each of the database sections (Customers, Repairs, Sales History, stock files, etc.) Is it possible to do this with Ubuntu and MySQL and if so, can expert suggest one or two things to get me started. While a guided tutorial would be nice because I am not an expert, I am willing to learn on my own if someone could point me in the right direction.

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General :: Redirecting Serial Data To An External Devices Using Bluetooth?

Apr 24, 2010

i have the following challenge: i have a Bluetooth GPS device that i have connected to my linux notebook. but now i also want to use the same device (or better, GPS data stream) for my Navigation device (HP Ipaq with TomTom). make an serial port bluetooth service (sending) that my Navigation device can connect to. copy the incoming bluetooth serial port data stream to the outgoing bluetooth serial port.

i have already installed GPSD so i have the TCP port where the GPS data is available for everything on my notebook. but now i also want it to send it out through bluetooth.

1. is there someone out there who already did this?

2. how to make an bluetooth serial port service on Fedora 12?

3. how to copy a data stream from 1 device to the next device?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Zebra Stripe Crashes

May 9, 2010

After having installed Ubuntu several days after its release, I have enjoyed the OS entirely except for one issue: zebra stripe crashes. When my desktop (stats are in my signature) is left idle, occasionally it will begin flashing from the blank navy blue screen (the screen saver when no screen saver is set) to zebra stripes which can be seen at the top right corner of the screen. When I attempt to move the mouse or even attempt to do remotely anything, the stripes and blank screen continue flashing regardless. I end up having to terminate my session by holding down the power button. I have installed all updates to date. How can this be stopped?

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Hardware :: Data Storage Locations Of The Separate Devices Involved In Booting Requested

Oct 18, 2010

I'm trying to get a complete overview of booting so I can multiboot. An explanation of the hardware that stores data and the hardware that runs it with the paths the data takes would be awesome!

Here are some quotes that are not comprehensive.

Quote from [url] "When the processor first starts up, it is suffering from amnesia; there is nothing at all in the memory to execute. Of course processor makers know this will happen, so they pre-program the processor to always look at the same place in the system BIOS ROM for the start of the BIOS boot program. This is normally location FFFF0h, right at the end of the system memory. They put it there so that the size of the ROM can be changed without creating compatibility problems. Since there are only 16 bytes left from there to the end of conventional memory, this location just contains a "jump" instruction telling the processor where to go to find the real BIOS startup program."

System Memory is your RAM is it not? Why are they being specific in stating the address location in the Firmware that BIOS uses? An external EEPROM on the board is totally different from RAM is it not? Does the BIOS data travel to a specific RAM Location?

Is there a small processor connected to BIOS or is everything run with the Main CPU?

What exactly is the "chipset" that is referred to with booting?

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Ubuntu :: Mounting 5tb Windows Stripe Raid - Can't Seem To Get It To Recognize

Dec 30, 2010

Making the move to Ubuntu entirely but I want to get my 5TB raid function.

I can't seem to get it to recognize.

fdisk -l:


It works under windows? ( Its GPT I think btw)

Else I can re-partition and format it (its all backed up) but I want to be able to read the raid under windows as well...

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Access USB Devices After Updates 11.2?

Feb 14, 2010

openSUSE 11.2 - related to kernel update, but can't be certain.My USB memory devices show up everywhere as expected, except in any file manager, as root or otherwise.How do I restore access through file manager?

p35s3g: # fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders


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Networking :: Access Devices Behind Server

Jul 27, 2011

How can I login to some devices that are behind my Server?

My topology is:

So, what I need is to access these VOIP ATA's web interfaces using port forward not using PPTP connections.

x.x.x.x:2020 ===>> VOIP ATA1
x.x.x.x:2021 ===>> VOIP ATA2
x.x.x.x:2022 ===>> VOIP ATA3

Where x.x.x.x == >> Static Real WAN IP

VOIP ATA1 IP == >>
VOIP ATA2 IP == >>
VOIP ATA3 IP == >>

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Software :: 10.04 - Can't Access Usb Devices From Computer

Mar 21, 2011

I can't access my usb devices from Computer, yet I can detect them, but they work fine. I made sure that volumes_visible is checked at gconf-editor > apps > nautilus > desktop. The output of the commands:


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Debian Configuration :: USB Magnetic Stripe Reader Treated As A Second Keyboard?

Jul 26, 2011

I am new to Linux but have installed debian using the 'net method. The computer, in general, works fine. I have a USB keyboard which works OK and a Magnetic Stripe Reader which the OS thinks is another keyboard. If I open a terminal then swipe a credit card the data are transfered to the terminal screen at the cursor which I do not want.

How do I prevent the OS from grabbing the MSR? I want to use a program to address it as "/dev/hiddev0" or similar for read and write. I have tried "blacklist hiddev0" in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf but to no avail.Regarding these forums, I, for the life of me, cannot understand why a search for USB turns up empty when I can see the term in several titles on the first page of topics.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Serial ATA RAID Stripe Failed On Install?

Apr 13, 2010

I get this error when trying to install 10.04 "The ext4 file system creation in partition #1 of Serial ATA RAID isw_dceecfcacg_Volume0 (stripe) failed".I have a sony Vaio with 2x256gb SSD running RAID0.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Access Any USB Connected Devices

Jun 15, 2010

I have Virtualbox installed from the Ubuntu repository. As I just found out, I can't access any USB connected devices (printer, scanner). It seems I can get these USB peripherals to work by using a different Virtualbox repository. how to do this without loosing the OS installation that I have already setup in Virtualbox?

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Slackware :: Access To NTFS USB Devices From Dolphin?

Aug 1, 2010

I have some problems accessing NTFS USB devices from Dolphin. If I mount by hand the device, mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /media/disk I can access to the disk from Dolphin. mount command reports: /dev/sdc1 on /media/disk type fuseblk (rw,allow_other,blksize=512)When the same disk is mounted through Dolphin (by clickin on the disk icon), I cannot see any content. mount command reports: /dev/sdc1 on /media/FLS-U2-300 type fuseblk suid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=512,default_permissions)root@obelix:~# As you can see, mount command reports different configurations. I suspect the extra parameters used by Dolphine causing problems but I don't know how to configure KDE to change the mount options. This problem is new to Slackware 13.1. My previous 13.0 configuration had not that problem

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General :: For Loop Or While Loop To Read The Fields Of A File?

Sep 1, 2010

I have a mytext file with month and year as two separate fields. likemytext fil

08 2010
09 2010
10 2010

I want to read the values of each field i.e., month and year into an awk script.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Access Web-config Pages Of Local NAS Devices?

Jan 25, 2010

Up until yesterday I was able to access these devices through the web interfaces that they use. I'm running Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 I have 3 PCs running on my network, and 2 NAS devices: Ubuntu (main computer, also has an XP partition)) - static IP Ubuntu netbook - DHCP IP Windows XP (HTPC) - static Linksys NSLU2 (was running Debian, problem arose when trying different configuration, now back to stock firmware) - static IP Dlink DSM-G600 - static IP

I used to be able to able access these just fine using my main Ubuntu setup. Now, it will no longer display the pages. Internet access is fine, i can even access my DSL/Router device's internal config page. The netbook and the Windows HTPC can both log into these devices, as well as the XP partition of the Ubuntu system. I have tried using a VM of XP within Ubuntu, bridging the network device, i have the same symptoms - internet is fine, cannot access local network web-logins.

Access to fileshares among all machines remains unchanged. another odd behavior is that i can SSH into the NSLU2 device from all the machines, but i get odd things from this computer - it will let me log in, asks for a username and pass, but if i run anything like mc or htop, it just blanks the terminal in an odd way. from other computers the login and display are fine.


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Ubuntu Security :: AppArmor Protect Devices And Limit Their Access To The File System?

Nov 9, 2010

This might sound really stupid, so you'll all have to excuse my lacking knowledge. I read that USB attacks get more and more common, like putting in an USB stick with a malicious autorun script on it, and it's game over. Can AppArmor protect devices and limit their access to the file system?

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Software :: Access The Serial Management Consoles Of Various Hardware Devices Via Browser - Java Based

May 22, 2010

Is there any Linux software that allows accessing a pre-configured serial console via Browser using a java applet? I would like to access the serial management consoles of various hardware devices via browser.

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General :: Use A For Loop "access Fields" Or Awk?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a tab delimited file with 2 columns.

2224 23943843
5494 39843843
8372 48938384

I have to loop through this file and copy the files with the first field to a new name that contains both the first and second field. To be more specific, file quote2224.pdf has to be copied to 23943843_quote2224.pdf file quote5494.pdf has to be copied to 39843843_quote5494.pdf I don't know how or if it's even possible to use a for loop and access both fields. I don't know how to copy files in awk.

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Hardware :: Hardware Usb Devices To Encrypt Their Data?

Sep 20, 2010

I would like to ask you if you know any hardware usb devices that can encrypt their data. Are these usb devices( flash disks) linux compliant?

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Fedora Installation :: Force The 13 To Use Dmraid?

Sep 21, 2010

I have a Dell Inspiron 530 with onboard ICH9R RAID support. I have successfully used this with Fedora 9 in a striped configuration.Upon moving to Fedora 13 (fresh/clean install from scratch), I've noticed that it is no longer using dmraid. It now appears to be using mdadm. Additionally, I need to select load special drivers (or something close to that) during the install to have it find my array - which I've never had to do before with F9. While the install appears to work ok and then subsequently run, my array is reporting differences .. presumably because it is trying to manage what mdadm is also trying to manage. More importantly, I can no longer take a full image and successfully restore it as I could with the dmraid F9 install. Is there anyway to force F13 to use the dmraid it successfully used previously?

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Ubuntu :: How To Install Backtrack 4 With Dmraid

Mar 26, 2010

how do i install a linux distro that doesnt natively support Intel fakeraid, using dmraid and a livedisk. the raid is already setup, its just that backtrack cant find it because it doesnt have the right software.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Activating DMRAID On Boot-up?

Nov 13, 2010

1) Use INSSERV to start DMRAID

2) Use MKINITRD to create a new INITRD file which loads the DMRAID module.

Neither solution showed any detail of how to accomplish this, and which files to edit or what order I should use to tackle either. With the second solution, I have another SUSE 11.2 installation on another hard drive. Would it be ok to boot into that and create a new INITRD with DMRAID activated, or would it be better to break the RAID-set boot into one of the drives and create INITRD for that RAID 1 system, then recreate the RAID-set? The only issue I would see is that fstab, device mapper and grub would need the new pdc_xxxxxxxxxx value, which can be changed from the second installation.

My system is:

Asus M4A78T-E with fakeraid SB750 controller
AMD Black Edition - AMD Phenom II X4 3.4 GHz Processor
2 x Samsung 1TB drives
Suse 11.2

I have Windows XP on another hard drive purely for overclocking and syncing the 1TB drives, but I can't actually boot into the SUSE system until this issue is sorted out.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Dmraid Does Not Activate After Upgrade

Apr 2, 2011

After uprading to 11.04 b1 i cannot activate my softraid. It still works if i boot 10.10 live CD

root@bisley:/home/goblin# dmraid -ay
RAID set "pdc_dhifadccdc" was not activated
root@bisley:/home/goblin# dmraid -s
*** Set


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Ubuntu :: Can't Access HFS+ Data

Aug 25, 2010

On my Mac, OS X Snow Leopard 10.6, I copied my itunes music files onto my external hard drive, which is HFS+ formatted (as FAT32 just wouldn't cut it for the other files that are on this drive, mainly 1080p video spanning several gigs on a single file)..

Here's the problem, Linux doesn't have ANY permissions it seems to access it.. I did nothing special on the Mac side, just drag and dropped all the files over.

As a normal user I can't open the folder. As root, I can go into the folder, but still can't access the files themselves!

I can't write to it either to change permissions because HFS+ is read only.

I need these files IMMEDIATELY, and I need to know how to do this now.

Normal user: [URL]

As root: [URL]

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Software :: How To Access The Data From Win 7

Jul 20, 2010

I want to access the data from win 7. I want that to mount in linux .

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Fedora Hardware :: Dmraid Won't Start Jmicron Array

Oct 7, 2010

I'm trying to get a GBB36X (Gigabyte-rebranded JMB36X) RAID0 controller to work in F13, with no success. When I run dmraid, here's what I get:


# dmraid -ay -v -d
DEBUG: _find_set: searching jmicron_GRAID
DEBUG: _find_set: not found jmicron_GRAID
DEBUG: _find_set: searching jmicron_GRAID


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OpenSUSE Install :: Dmraid 11.3 Not Mounting At Boot Time?

Jul 4, 2010

i have 2 partitions on dmraid. I am not able to configure them to mount with yast; yast partitioner gives an error stating that it can't mount a file system of unknown type. I am able to start the dmraid devices manually and mount them manually.

See bug:

https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=619796 for more detailed info.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Can't Dmraid - Stuck At Search For Partiton

Jul 23, 2010

i ve run into problems while installing 11.3 x64. Installer stops at search for linux partitions... to solve it i ve had to go back to 11.2. Anyway, i have installed 11.3 on another hdd (3hdds in raid 5 had to be disconnected). When i go into partitoner (11.3) and device graph, i see two of three raid hdds ok with sda1, sda2.... but the third one is without any partitions./ if i do the same in 11.2 all three hdds are with all partitions in that graph. Anyone know the solution except not installing 11.3? .)

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