I want to see the users list and the permissions of the users when i logged in a root and how to change the permissions of the users. 2.How to change the permissions for the commands. example:when i logged with my other user account(not with root user) i dont have a permission to use the move(mv) command. #mv filename /backup my error : Permission denied. I need to know how we can set the permissions for the commands even.
I have a question that i want to make a normal user to execute the commands which the root user is able to execute, say if i have a user named siru and when i logged in using siru i cannot run commands like tracert,nmap@loccalhost and all but i can run when i have logged into root account so my question is how to make siru to run the command tracert,nmap@localhost.I have even edited the .bash_profile of siru's home directory from
# .bash_profile # Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
i have a java program and to run it, i have to go into terminal and typecd <where the file is>java -jar <filename>.jarthis works fine, but is there a way to make a shortcut/small program to do this for me when i double click?
For example, when I want to have an identical line to the above line, I must press "yy" and then P (or p). Could somebody give me the list of such commands.
if I open a terminal and hit [TAB] [TAB] it will display "Display all 2583 possibilities? (y or n) ". If I press y is there a way to capture the output and write it to a file? Not like it is a command so I can't just use a redirect to a file? If not I guess I could just do an ls on all locations of $PATH and capture that to a file.
List of 77 lines with the names of movies. For ease, let's say it's in a text file. What I want is a command line argument I can pass that'll read each line and pick one of those 77 lines at random, except I can't figure out how to do this. Is there a program I can just pipe the output of 'cat listofmovies.txt' to?
I've just started experimenting with SSH tunnels. I wanted a way to connect to MySQL on our website VPS but wanted the connection encrypted rather than just using PHP's mysql_connect() function and connecting to the remote IP. This seems to be working great. I'm also looking into autossh to make sure that the tunnel gets reconnected when it drops.is there a command/utility that can list the currently active SSH tunnels? Be great if there was a way of terminating an active tunnel through a command as well. Or is it a case of manually digging through the process list and killing the specific PID like I have been?
I for the life of me can not find the list of CLI/console commands for Deluge. I'm trying to at least find the command to change global download speed.
i am working on some kind of PBX and i have list of telephone numbers inside a file, i have to insert these numbers into the correct command and then telnet to a remote server and execute these commands. i can read the telephone numbers and insert them into the command with no problem, but when i try to insert these commands into the send i face problem. here is the basic code
i can make external loop inside the Bash which read the input file and issue the command and then telnet and execute, but this will make the script connects and disconnects again for each line which cause high load on that server and hardwar problem. i am wondering if there is an option inside the expect interperter which makes the send read directly from a file... somthing like this:
I am running RHEL release 4 (Nahant Update 6). I currently have a fax server that has been encountering issues recently after hours. My boss would like our helpdesk to monitor the status of these modems throughout their shift. This has led to a request for a helpdesk account to be created on our linux box that only has access to a few commands. Is there a way to limit the new user to only have access to the following commands?
cd less cat
Additionally I would like to create a script for them to run that would chmod our modems when necessary since their permissions reset after a power cycle. BUT not give them access to the chmod command, just chmod through that script for those specific devices.
i have a linux server, the Operating system is SUZE 9 but i need to see all commands executed by any users connected on the server and the ip of the host in a log file.the history file does not contain all info that i need .please is there a way to write a script in order to save this problem .
i have edited /etc/rc.local and i can add the command 'deluged' and it runs just fine but i need it to run under my username but when i change it to 'sudo -u sean deluged' it doesnt run deluge at startup. whats even weirder is if i run this command 'sudo sh /etc/rc.local' it runs deluge as seanjust like its supposed to.
Here is my scenario, I want to create about 3 groups of users:
--Admins-create and manage users --Support1-Restart basic stack apps(httpd, mysql etc) --Support2 Backups
So in my sudoers file i have managed to set them all up to perform the tasks above. However, I want to limit the users in the specific groups from running commands from other groups. eg a user in admins shouldnt be able to restart the stack applications etc. I have tried using the ! to create an exception eg !/etc/init.d/httpd start for the users but its not working.
i've query regarding, user creation in Linux( RHEL 5), i.e, i've created a user ([root@localhost ~]#useradd slash ) and switched into that user, but am not able to run commands in it......It's displaying a message saying, PERMISSION DENIED. Do we need to provide any permissions while creating a user
Customer asked me to create a menu for linux he also asked me to do this: Open like a command like where a user can execute commands...so for this the users have sudo enabled. The code below works OK. But it has an issue when a command is executed but the command does not need sudo
Like for instance Code: cd / sudo: cd: command not found
How can I allow a user to execute all commands when a command does not need sudo Code: echo -e "Press Control+C to finish" #echo -e " " while true; do read whichcmd?"Insert Command: " sudo $whichcmd done
Senario is we have a system where root has authorised keys set up so that it can do a passwordless ssh to $WORKSTATION. I then need to run a script on $WORKSTATION as user "bob" and NOT as user "root". I do not want to set up user "bob" to be allowed passwordless ssh so any ideas how I can do this?I have tried variations of (as user "root"):ssh $WORKSTATION "su - bob; ./my_script"
After a few hours work I have managed to set up pptd so that my daughter can log into her account at Imperial College. My problem now is that I need to have a script that she can run if she wants to log in. She will have to invoke a couple of root commands and I do not want to give her the root password What she needs to do to set up networking is:
How to allow access to some commands having root privleges to be run by non root user. I am new to unix/linux and I have a major assignment. I have to find ways to run particular commands which can be run only by root from a non root user. I know sudo is one of the way but i need some different approach.
I am trying to write one script. Purpose of my script is that it will login to particular user and it will execute some set of commands.What I was trying....
I did some digging on the sudo command and I do know the config file is /etc/sudoers Read the manual for sudoers and found out that I must use visudo to edit the file I read some of the examples at the bottom of the file and tried entering my own account in following the example. one of the commands I was trying to allow my account to perform without root login is the mount command So I tried adding this in (kreid8 /bin/mount ALL) I then saved & exited the file and logged out of root and tried sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdc1 /media. I got an error saying I had to be root in order to do that But when I use the visudo -l option it shows that I have that privellege. Did I edit the file incorrectly?
#!/bin/sh su et cd "media/ET" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:.
I want ET to be run as the user "et" and for some reason, I can't directly su/sudo to run the file without being in the user "et" and the "/media/ET" directory.
I've had a server setup working perfectly for the last 2 years. Today we installed a newer version of postgresql and recompiled apache/php.
Postgresql will not start now.
"service postgresql start" = /var/lib/pgsql/data is missing. Use "service postgresql initdb" to initialize the cluster first. To initdb we need to be as user postgres.
"su - postgres" = "no file or directory"
In /etc/passwd = postgres:x:26:26:PostgreSQL Server:/var/lib/pgsql:/bin/bash
how i can login as postgres user and enter these commands?
I was looking at some Vim plugins, and I installed one called Abolish. The page from where I got it [URL] only says:
install details Extract in ~/.vim or ~vimfiles
So I extracted it in ~/.vim. Now, the issue is that, if I edit a file as root, I am able to use the commands; however, when I edit a file as a normal user, these commands won't work. So... could this be a permissions issue? Or should I copy the plugin in some other directory, maybe?