Hardware :: CD Burner Appears To Write To Disks But Disk Remains Blank

Jan 13, 2011

My CD burner seems to be writing to the disks, it gives me a progress bar, you can hear the disk rapidly spin then slow to about half speed, just like it does in Windows when it works. But it doesn't work in Ubuntu 10.10 32 bit?

This is a CD reader/ writer, but it only reads DVDs, not writes.

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Fedora Hardware :: DVD Burner Not Recognizing Disks?

Apr 14, 2010

about 2 months ago, my DVD burner stopped working... It would just burn stuff, say successful, then be unusable. I can see information on the disk, but it doesn't look like it worked. (Weird look to the data). if I pop in a disk, it just loops into this noisy blinking state, and I can hear the eye flipping about... never really doing anything.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Logging In The Screen Remains In The Login Splash And A Small Terminal Appears In The Upper Left Corner

Jan 23, 2010

recently had to reinstall ubuntu 9.10....after all the updates & changes i made in synaptic and some restarts, i wanted to proceed in installing my nvidia drivers, so i stopped gdm and attempted to login as root, but it would not let me. it's strange because i created the root account password prior to this.

so, issuing the command to restart gdm brought me to the login window. after logging in, the screen remains in the login splash and a small terminal appears in the upper left corner. can't seem to get gnome started up.

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Ubuntu :: DVD Burner - Half Dvd Blank

May 13, 2011

Finally got around to buying a DVD player so i put 3 old Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns on one dvd and it plays fine on the computer. However , when played on the tv-dvd player only one movie ( the last one on the dvd ) would play . I did not use a 3rd party converter app as the dvd player advertised that it would play standard avi movies. I burned with Brassero and noted that half the dvd was still blank if that's relative .

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Ubuntu :: Burn An ISO To A Blank DVD With Brasero Disc Burner?

Jul 10, 2011

I have been trying to burn an ISO to a blank DVD with Brasero Disc Burner, but every time I try, it gets at around 93% done, then gives me:

"The disc could not be ejected, though it needs to be removed for the current operation to continue"

I have attached a screenshot of the error. And this is not my error screenshot, I have a different DVD Drive. I just attached this one because I didn't want to wait for it to give me an error again so I could take my own screenshot.

Does anybody know why this happens? Or a way to fix it? Or a different software to burn ISO to DVD that is as simple as this one.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Disk Burner Freezes Creating Image Checksum

May 31, 2011

When I try to burn an ISO to a DVD it goes okay but when it's finalizing it says:
Creating image checksum
And then it just freezes.

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OpenSUSE :: Desktop Goes Blank After Boot Then Re-appears When Shutdown?

May 10, 2010

Desktop goes blank after boot, then re-appears when shutdown. How do I fix? I turn on computer, it starts fine with the usual green boot screen, the little bar progresses then the screen goes blank. Then when I go to turn off (push power button), the desktop re-appears. What can i do to fix? I need my desktop back (I haven't made any changes to my system since last boot, and I have turned off, pulled cables out, put them in etc...it must be a software issue) I'm using OpenSuse 11.1 Gnome 32 bit

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Selecting Install, Blank Screen With Blinking Cursor Appears?

Mar 11, 2011

1) Burned Ubuntu 10.10 to a disk, When tried to install (Select Install Ubuntu) screen goes blank with dim backlight and a blinking cursor on top. Same thing happens with Try Ubuntu without installing.. 2) Tried on Lenovo T410 and Dell 1330. issue exactly remains the same.3) Tried it on a VM Worksation 6.0, "This kernel requires an x86-64 cpu but only detected an i686 error is popping up". So thought its a Ubuntu x32 an compatibility, hence downloading the 64 bit now. Will burn and check it later.

Brand: Lenovo T410
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M520 @2.40Ghz
BIOS: A1674IMS Ver 1.0L


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Ubuntu :: Browser - Plain White Blank Screen Appears Only With The Titile Bar Named Firefox ?

Jan 13, 2011

I installed ubuntu 10.10 alongside Win7 recently, absolutely new to this OS.

Experiencing problems with firefox browser. A plain White blank screen appears only with the titile bar named Firefox. Actually when the web-browser icon is clicked, just a cursor BAR appears stuck inside the extreme left end of the screen (cursor bar something like the one we find in word processors or this blinking line while I type this). I manually have to expand the bar in order to get the firefox browser, which is the plain white screen.

Initially had problems with the missing wireless firmware, reading through this forum I activated the Broadcom driver. But before that, I wired in my laptop to the router and then FIREFOX worked fine, after an update which installed bout 214 updates the firefox got conked.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Use Ram Instead Of Disk - Write To Disk At Shutdown

Mar 21, 2011

I have a netbook I'm not using and which I transformed into a server with Apache, Tomcat6, Netatalk, Webmin, BIND9 and Tor.

Problem is, the disks never stop spinning because all of the programs write a few kb at least every few seconds to disk, even when nobody is connected to it.

My question is: Is there a way to have the computer boot from disk like normal (maybe even a squashfs), keep ALL CHANGES to ram and then save to disk when either the ram is full (unlikely because the server is rebooted every few days) or at shutdown?

I thought about a mixture of ramfs and unionfs but I'm not good enough yet...

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General :: Untouchable Disks Via Disk Utility And GParted

May 26, 2011

I have what I think are hybrid GUID/MBR disks that I created by splitting already MBR/NTFS disks via GParted, leaving unallocated space, then creating HFS partitions within OS X from the unallocated space on them.I want to delete those HFS partitions and re-extend the NTFS on them, but I can't because GParted sees the disk as somehow unchangeable; I assume OS X has done something to them.I now can't extend or do anything to the disks via the OS X Disk Utility OR GParted. What can I do?

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Hardware :: RAID10 - Disk Failure Plus Non-fresh Disks?

Nov 17, 2010

I have experienced a failure in one disk in my 4 disk software RAID10setup, but a straightforward rebuild is thwarted by the fact that twoof the other disks are considered non-fresh and hence get kicked outof the array. This of course prevents the array from starting up.Here's more detail about my setup:I have 4 2TB SATA disks in RAID10.

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 1 243201 1953512001 fd Linux raid autodetect
/dev/sdc1 1 243201 1953512001 fd Linux raid autodetect


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Hardware :: Two SATA Disks:counldn't Find Partitions In The Second Disk?

Sep 1, 2010

I have two SATA disks, 80G and 1T. Using "df" command we can see the all partitions:

/dev/sda3 6.7G 2.5G 3.9G 40% /
tmpfs 1.7G 0 1.7G 0% /lib/init/rw
udev 1.7G 220K 1.7G 1% /dev


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Ubuntu Installation :: Disk Space - Failes On A "E: Write Error - Write (28 No Space Left On Device)"

Jan 4, 2011

df -h [URL] I did the following command to find everything is in /usr or /var, then tracked it down to /usr/lib and /usr/share as the main offenders, but out of all the directories none are more than 1mb or so.

du -sh /* | sort -gr | head -n 5

I tried to uninstall firefox, which is what got me in this mess in the first place, the log claims it will remove ~240 mb but failes on a "E: Write error - write (28 No space left on device)" [URL] If I could juggle something onto an external hard drive so I can uninstall firefox I would be out of the wood. Failing that I believe a new install is in order.

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Fedora Installation :: Reconfigure Grub When Adding Disk To Machine Where Both Disks Have Own MBRs?

Mar 17, 2010

How do I reconfigure grub when adding a disk to a machine where both disks have their own MBRs? I have two volumes:Disk 1 - actually mirrored RAID-1 drives managed by ICH9R on the motherboard Disk 2 - a single drive managed by ICH9R on the motherboard, but without RAID. Disk 1 is the "old" disk containing WinXP on the first partition. The MBR of Disk 1 was created by Windows. Disk 2 was built on the machine while Disk1 was unplugged. Disk2 has Win7 on /dev/sda1 and Fedora 12 on /dev/sda7. Obviously, Disk 2 has grub installed on its own MBR.

When I plug-in both Disk 1 and Disk 2 at the same time, I would like to reconfigure grub so that it gives me the option to switch between WinXP on Disk 1, Fedora on Disk 2 and Win7 on Disk 2. (I may also want to install Ubuntu on another partition of Disk 1, but that's a separate issue.) The problem is that when I plug in Disk 1, Disk 1 becomes /dev/dm-0 and Disk 2 becomes /dev/sdc (instead of /dev/sda as when I installed it). (I don't think I can switch this order because I'm worried that Windows will become confused.) So, how do I keep all partitions the same and get them all to work from grub? On which MBR will I need to install grub? How do I configure it to see all 3-4 of my operating systems? Do I fix grub from the Fedora LiveCD?

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Ubuntu :: Xubuntu Live Disks Not Working (disk Is Intentionally Plural Not A Typo)

Jan 11, 2011

I like the xfce desktop environment over the gnome one. So when i chose an emergency plan B in case something happens to windows AND/OR arch, i always try Xubuntu. I have made multiple live disks from multiple computers, and none of the live disks function properly. One went haywire when i tried to update the system(can't remember exactly what went wrong), one would not even actually boot into the live disk, one would not install, and so forth and so on. At first i just though it was something wrong with the iso since the download had been paused and resumed multiple times, but right before i chose arch linux a friend tried using his xubuntu disk and it failed to work either, and i recently tried using another computer and had another failed result.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Does Replacing Failed Disk On Raid5 Change Any Data On Other Disks In Raid

Jan 9, 2011

I've got a raid5 array of 4 disks with ubuntu 8.04 runing on it that is currently still working:


Smartmontools for /dev/sdc tell that there are 9 sectors pending for reallocation:


197 Current_Pending_Sector 0x0012 100 100 000 Old_age Always - 9
198 Offline_Uncorrectable 0x0010 100 100 000 Old_age Offline - 9
And /dev/sdd has increasing number of reallocated sectors (about 1 every couple of minutes):


5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 100 100 036 Pre-fail Always - 1735
/dev/sdc has failed a coulple of times this week (but I have always sucessfully readded it to raid5) . But the increasing number of reallocated sectores on /dev/sdd concerns me even more.

I'm affraid that during removal of /dev/sdd and adding new /devs/sdd disk, raid might fall appart. That's why I would try to do it in Ubuntu Live CD:If the raid falls appart (/dev/sdc fails) during the readding of new /dev/sdd disk, I might still remove the new /dev/sdd and return the previous one and assemble the raid with:

/dev/sdd (old one that was previously removed)

Does assembling Raid in Ubuntu Live and adding new disk for /dev/sdd write anything on /dev/sda, /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc in the process of adding /dev/sdd into raid5?

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Ubuntu :: When Turn On The Computer, The GRUB Menu Appears, Press Enter, Then A Little Flashing Underscore Appears On The Screen?

Dec 21, 2010

I recently removed Winblows Vista from my laptop and replaced it with Kubuntu 10.10 (I left the recovery partition on there, just in case). When I turn on the computer, the GRUB menu appears, I press enter, then a little flashing underscore appears on the screen in the top left hand corner. After a few seconds, the Kubuntu logo appears and I can log in.But yesterday I replace Kubuntu with Ubuntu 10.10. The Boot process is the same, but the little flashing underscore in the top left hand corner flashes for about 10 seconds longer then Kubuntu 10.10 did, and then a few paragraphs of text appears for a few seconds, then I am logged in automatically.Is this "unusual" boot process anything to worry about, or am I just being a noob.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Reproduce With The 32bit (x84/i368) Disk. Just To Note, The ISO's And Disks Have Been Checked With Matching MBR?

Mar 16, 2011

I'm just starting out with Ubuntu 10.10 on the desktop, (got VPS experience) and I'm running into an issue when installing Ubuntu 64bit. One that I'm unable to reproduce with the 32bit (x84/i368) disk. Just to note, the ISO's and disks have been checked with matching MBR.

I'm able to run the live CD on both versions perfectly. However when I press next after the 3th step of installation (The one in which you can choose whether you want to install updates and 3th party software or not), the Ubuntu 64 bit version stalls. Ubuntu doesn't freeze or anything, but it just doesn't seem able to go to the next step. (Partitioning)The odd thing about is that I can access the step perfectly on the 32bit disk. Now here is the question..... What could be the clarification for this issue and would it be possible to resolve it? (If so, how?)

P.S. Attached you can find a dxdiag output of the laptop. It's an Acer Aspire 7520G.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Disk Got Full Now Blank Screen

Jan 7, 2011

The disk on this machine was full (0 bytes available). I rebooted and now it just goes to a blank screen. I thought I might need to free up some space for something, so I booted to a live cd and freed up some space. Still boots to a blank black screen.

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General :: Different Write Through Put On The Same Disk?

Apr 5, 2011

I am using kernel, and my hard disk is West digital WD10EARS-00Y, 1TB. This disk is just for data, I made 2 partitions on it, each has half. And I have another small disk for system. I am using ext3.

this is my fdisk /dev/sdc
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdc1 1 60800 488375968 83 Linux
/dev/sdc2 60801 121601 488384032+ 83 Linux


I ran some dd to test the write throughput on /dev/sdc2. If I run it in /data2, I got around 70MB/s. If I create some directory, say /data2/dir/, and run dd again, I might get 60MB/s. Sometimes I still get 70MB/s, sometimes I get 60MB/s, differs for directories.

I wonder if this is because the allocation policy of file system, ext3, or this is from my hard drive?

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Debian :: Cannot Rename The Disk Or Write Anything

Apr 1, 2010

I have formatted to EX3 in gparted all went fine, however I cannot rename the disk or write anything to it as access is locked to root Furthermore a file has been created called "lost and found" its locked and 46GB in size - what is this?

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Ubuntu :: K3b Does Not Write On Appendable Disk

Jun 20, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed on my Armada laptop with a Teac CD-W24E internal and a Plextor-DVDR PX504A via USB. I use K3B for writing CD data projects to 700mb CD-RW 1-4x discs. K3B writes ok on both drives if the inserted disk is a blank disk. If I insert an appendable disk with lots of space left, it asks to blank it before writing. I find no way to write on an appendable disk with K3B. Is this a software limitation or am I missing something?

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General :: Cannot Write Into Hard Disk

Mar 17, 2010

Well appears to be that i have two partitions..one of 300gb i did on windows time ago and one of 100gb where i place my DEBIAN LENNY 5.0, the problem is that i cannot write into it..only i can copy stuff from it.

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Debian :: Installer Not Showing Partitions - Hard Disk Blank

Nov 2, 2010

My PC configuration is as follows:
CPU: AMD Athlon II 245 X2

SATA Controller is in AHCI mode in BIOS.
Partition Table:
1. Pri. (Windows 7 Ultimate)
2. Log. (Data)
3. Log. 15GB free space (want to install Linux in this partition)

I want to install Debian 5.0.4 from DVD. But the installer is not showing any partitions, it says entire hard disk is blank. But I ran 'fdisk -l' in the console, it shows the partitions correctly.

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Fedora :: Unable To Write To USB Connected Disk?

Apr 18, 2010

I am trying to scrape all of the info off of an old Fedora disk so that I can referb the box and put new stuff on it, but for some reason I can't get the permissions (even as root) to write to the disk.

It is currently mounted under /media/backup and I can browse it all I want, but still can't write.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No 'write To Disk' Option?

May 18, 2010

Upgraded from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS, but can't get the sound working.Have downloaded the 10.04 Ubuntu CD image to installwhen I try to follow the directions at[URL]BurningIsoHowto for burning the image............it says to Right click on the ISO image file and choose Write to Disc. I have no WRITE TO DISC option when I right click.Will some kind soul please tell me how to burn the downloaded CD image to a CD?

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Programming :: Process Does Not Write To Disk While On Background

May 18, 2011

I am doing a program that reads data from a gps and some other devices and writes some files with all the information. When I run it normally it works fine, but if I run the program in the background (with the ampersand) files are not created until I bring it to foreground or close it. I am confused, the program should run the same way with and without the ampersand. (Could it be that the main process that creates all the threads does not create them when it is executed in background? It seems like if the program is stopped until I take it to the foreground).

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Ram Drive With Atomic Write-to-disk

Apr 12, 2011

I'm only somewhat new to linux but I still don't have a real grasp of it's deep innards and I had a fairly outlandish idea that I'm wondering whether is possible/plausible or not.I want to run a game server on CentOS that has a very high dependency on fast writes-to-disk. Disk writes are pretty much the single bottleneck in this server.First I looked at allowing a high queue of writes to pile up before it flushes them to the disk, but I read that this causes fsync, which is still used commonly, to take a very long time.

I've been thinking about the possibility of running the server on a RAM disk, but I still want changes to be saved to non-volatile storage. Not all at once, but have it actively write the changes to disk. The hope is that this would smooth out the peaks and valleys of write activity and improve overall performance, but I have not seen this idea discussed anywhere.

So my question is, is there any plausible way to continuously copy writes to a RAM disk to a physical drive without slowing down the speed of the writes to the RAM drive below the speed of said RAM? Or is there a better way to obtain this sort of performance, short of investing in expensive equipment?

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Programming :: Write() To Disk Causes Memory Leak?

Oct 26, 2010

I have encountered this problem of memory usage is increasing as the during the my program is being run until 1Mb is left then it stays at that.A part of the program is this:

#define WRITE_BUF_SIZE (1024*1024)
void post_data(const void *data, unsigned long size)


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