General :: What Format Should Rip A CD Track In For A Windows User

Apr 4, 2010

I wanted to show a track from a CD to a friend who uses Windows. I tried to rip it in MP3 (LAME) format, because I couldn't remember whether Windows Media Player can read OGG or FLAC (whatever that is) format. Due to some kind of error (no explanation given other than "command failed"), my K3B would not rip in MP3. Which of the formats can Windows Media Player read? I know it can read WAV, but that's inconveniently large to send by e-mail or over an instant messenger.

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Ubuntu :: LibreOffice Track Changes And Save As .doc Format

May 30, 2011

I'm using LibreOffice 3.3.2 to open a document I received through work. The document is from MS Word in .doc format and has some track changes. I started using Libre Office to track my changes to the document but the only format I can save it in and retain my changes is .odt which is fine for me. However I would like to return this in .doc format.

It seems odd that LibreOffice happily opens a document with track changes but cannot save them back in that format.

Am I doing something wrong? I am using Edit>Changes>Record and then File>Save As.

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General :: Windows .wma Format ?

Apr 6, 2010

I thought Linux couldn't do anything with Windows Media Audio files because the format is proprietary. So when a friend sent me a WMA file, I was surprised to find I could listen to it without needing to borrow a Windows-using computer. Is it only recording and saving in WMA format that we can't do? (And is it the same with the Windows movie format (.WMV)?

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General :: Format Ubuntu 7.10 And Change To Windows Xp?

Dec 17, 2009

i'm wuzp from m'sia. i already install kubuntu 7.10 in my laptop. but now, i want to format back to windows.

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General :: Windows - Best Drive Format For A 2TB Seagate External HDD Which Can Be Supported In All OS

Jun 30, 2011

I have a 2TB Seagate GoFlex Desk External HDD. I want to format it. Which is the best disk format, which will be supported in all OS, like Windows, Linux and Mac?

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General :: Format HDD Running Ubuntu 10.04 To NTFS For Installing Windows 7?

May 14, 2011

I'm trying to install Windows 7 on a system running Ubuntu 10.04 but I ran into problems because the hard drive is not NTFS formatted. How do I get this hard drive to NTFS so I can install Windows 7?

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General :: Dos Option - Format Hard Drives - Load Out Side Of A Windows Program

Mar 25, 2011

what are all the options dos- ect! to format a HD. for the Linux platform is there not a way to load Linux out side of a Windows program .

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General :: Simple Script To Convert Datetime Format To UTC Format?

Oct 9, 2009

just wondering is there a simple script to convert datetime to UTC format. I have been searching different forums but most answers are for converting UTC to datetime. For example what is a simple command/script to convert todays datetime to UTC format i.e. '2009-10-09 11:47:59'.

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General :: Format A USB Hard Drive To Vfat Format But Can't?

Sep 15, 2010

I need some assistance in trying to format a USB hard drive to vfat format but can't seem to do so. I am currently using RHEL 5.3. I have tried the following commands and they all come back as "command not found"

mke2fs vfat /dev/sc1
fdisk vfat /dev/sdc1
mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc1

What am I doing incorrectly?? Can someone please point me in the right direction??

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General :: Change One Time Format To Other Format?

Jun 21, 2010

the time format i have used is %m:%d:%Y:%H:%M:%S eg- 06:21:10:13:29:18 and i want to convert it to 2010-06-21 13:29:18..

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General :: Format Another Drive To "accept" Delete/erase Windows?

Feb 2, 2011

How do I format another drive to "accept" Linux and delete/erase Windows?

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General :: Windows OS User For At Least 18 Years?

Aug 4, 2010

I have tried using Linux several times but to be truthful it just seemed to be so complicated when compared to windows OS's That it just never really appealed. The one thing That really annoys me about Linux is that Widows makes it so easy to connect to the internet and even if you run into a problem nearly every Provider offers support for Win users.

My provider BigPond (Australia) Solves all Win OS problems with just a simple phone call, but when I say LInux " Sorry We don't support that system." is the reply. So! My cable modem is supplied by BigPond but when I try to log in using Ubuntu 10.4 : Nothing works. Linux just can't recognise the hardware and no one seems to be able to tell me how you you link Ubuntu to your normal Internet hardware.

Why is it so difficult for Linux users to do what is just a breeze for Windows users. Until Linux can match Microsoft in user friendly competition, it will always run a dismal Last to Windows in any form and Win 7 is just such an easy to use service. So is there anyone out there who can tell me how I get Ubuntu to recognize my Modem and at least get me started?

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Debian :: Display User Quota In Human Readable Format

Mar 10, 2015

I want to display users quota in human readable format, so if the size is over 1 GB I want the quotas displayed in GBs

So when I issue the command below should I not get the results in GB ?

Code: Select allrepquota -sa

bob -- 87200M 400G 440G 879 0 0
dave -- 255G 400G 440G 3627 0 0
jim -- 10664M 400G 440G 230 0 0
tom -- 10737M 400G 440G 636 0 0

User bobs usage is 86GB, should 86GB not be displayed rather than 87200M?

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General :: How To Configure A Windows Machine For User

May 12, 2011

How do you configure a Windows (preferably latest version) machine for a Linux power user, so that s/he can get most out of it?if all you have to add is a one-liner, your answer will be converted to a comment.

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General :: Create A Windows XP User From A Partition?

May 21, 2011

Long story short, someone repaired my brother's computer and set a password on his account, now we can't get in and can't contact the person who set the password. Is it possible to create a Windows XP user if I have access to the windows partition, from a linux partition or pendrive, for example TinyCore?

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General :: Windows User Trying To Open NASM ?

Nov 10, 2010

I am accustomed to Windows, and I am inexperienced with Linux. What I am trying to do is open NASM in Linux Mint. After several (poorly made) attempts at finding binaries on the hard drive that might open NASM, I have concluded that the problem is my own inexperience.

I have installed NASM using Synaptic in hopes that I might learn x86 assembly, and I am using Linux as that is the OS that is used in the book I am using to teach myself. Unfortunately, as I have stated, I cannot even figure out how to open NASM, and thus I cannot test what I have learned.

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General :: Hexdump Of First Track Of HDD?

Jun 29, 2011

How would i do a hexdump in Ubuntu for the first track of a HDD? I am looking for a winhex-esque output if that makes sense. The first track has 63 sectors, each 512 bytes long. I tried

dd if=/dev/sda bs=1 count=512 | hexdump -C

but that only gave me what appears to be the MBR, or first sector of the HDD.

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General :: Windows 7 - Different Operating System For Each User On One Machine?

Dec 11, 2010

I've come across this rare issue, I have a friend that uses some software that is particularly slow in Windows 7, the best compatibility is in Windows XP, I told him to make a partition and have both OSes in the computer, at which he replied: "Could I have a different OS for each user?", it seemed like a good question to me, so is that possible?, suppose that I login and it boots me to Vista, then I loggout and Linus Torvalds comes and logins and boots him into Ubuntu, he gets bored and logs out, afterwards my friend comes and logs in, booting into XP, summarizing:

The operating system that will be loaded will depend on the user that logs in.

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General :: Track DoS Attack With Apache?

Jul 21, 2011

Last day i have faced an attack on Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu).A user shoots 53 hits within 20 seconds from same IP and as a result db connections to MySQL increased.

a.) Is there any way in Apache to block these type of requests

b.) how can we trace when this type of attack happened to Apache.

Also I have noticed an entry in Apache error log during attack period

Error Log

[Wed Jul 20 20:28:49 2011] [debug] proxy_util.c(1806): proxy: grabbed scoreboard slot 0 in child 753 for worker http://localhost:8294/
[Wed Jul 20 20:28:49 2011] [debug] proxy_util.c(1825): proxy: worker http://localhost:8294/ already initialized


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General :: How To Track Samba Users

Mar 18, 2011

At my office we are having a samba sever, staff will access their respective folder from their Windows XP systems. I wish to track all user access activity like file creation, modification, deletion and etc. I tried smbstatus -v, from the output I am not able to guess what the user done. I am giving some of the results I get please help me or you can suggest best way to get access log.

Samba version 3.0.25b-0.el5.4
PID Username Group Machine
14721 govind govind tsl-019 (
4832 chandra chandra trivent-9b92c9c (
Service pid machine Connected at


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General :: Track Spend Time On Computer?

Sep 4, 2010

Possible Duplicate: time tracking application on linux Every Linux time-tracking application I've seen assumes you're tracking time for projects, perhaps to create invoices later for your clients. This is not what I'm looking for. Rather, I just want some insight into how I spend my time on my computer. I'd like to waste less time on my computer, and spend my time on more productive tasks. The first step to improving anything is to measure it. But I can't be bothered or remember to click on some icon and switch "projects" every time I change from my terminal to browsing ....., or something like that. I want the time I spend on different applications tracked automatically.

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General :: Track The Command Fired On A Putty?

Jul 16, 2011

Is there any utility which will monitor all commands on SSH SHELL fired by any user who logs in using putty or any other client? If this record is saved somewhere,

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General :: Process_explorer-0.3-117.i386.rpm Won't Open / Track It Down?

Mar 15, 2011

I tried to install this RPM file and Yum says it's installed but when I type procexp in the shell it states that command not found. So how do I track the problem down?

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General :: How To Track Down What Causes 'segmentation Fault' If No Errors?

Mar 31, 2010

I have been trying for like 2wks to figure out why I keep getting seg faults in Viper WM from slackbuilds.I have it on 6 diff versions of slack, 12.2-current and also in debian and arch.In all of them VWM crashes with seg fault?!I really like it alot and need to figure out what the issue is?

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General :: Reauthoring DVD - Add / Change Audio Track

Feb 3, 2010

I received a DVD of my son playing hockey at the Verizon Center in DC. The accompanying audio only comes out of the right channel. I would like to modify it so the same audio comes out of both channels. I have already done some reauthoring (changed the aspect ratio from 4:3 to 16:9). How to modify/edit an AVI to fix my audio issue. Here is a copy of the video on .....: [URL]

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General :: Back Track 4 And Toshiba M645?

Nov 14, 2010

I got offered a position with an IT firm that requires me to do system penetration testing I heard Back Track was the way to go. I was reading and came across some forums stating that BT4 has issues with wireless network adapters in laptops.The network adapter is a:

Intel Centrino Advanced-N + WiMax 6250 (WiMax + 802.11a/g/n)

I'm not worried about the Wi-Max, just picking up Wi-Fi.

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General :: Hide First Track When Authoring Audio CD?

Mar 4, 2010

What is the purpose of hiding the first track when authoring audio-cd?

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General :: How To Track Kernel Releases And Changelog

Jun 17, 2010

I want to track 2.6.33 kernel releases. I can see that has couple of releases like rc1, rc2,rc3, git<>. Kernel 2.6.33. got released early Feb this year.
So How many releases of kernel 2.6.33 were there? I checked at but couldn't find the complete information.

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General :: Windows User Password Forgot - System Recovery Tool?

Sep 25, 2010

I have a friend that tried to change her user password on Windows, and now can't log in to her account. Of course it's the only user account on the computer. Are there system recovery tools on any Linux liveCDs that could change the passwords of Windows user account?

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General :: Ubuntu: Track Application History In Gtkwm / Gdm?

Mar 3, 2010

Is there some way I can track all applications that were opened by a user during a gnome session in ubuntu?Do gdm/gtkwm keep a history of all applications that were opened in some log file?

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