General :: Sync Two Directories Using Rsync?

Dec 24, 2010

I try to sync two directories using rsync.

the source is on Linux, and the other is on windows.

So, I mount the directory on windows using the command mount -t cifs . in Linux system.

Then I execute rsync ....

Everything is OK, but rsync prints out

rsync: chown "/mnt/windows/A/." failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: chown "/mnt/windows/A/readme.txt" failed: Permission denied (13)

I want to sync the directories without changing ownership.

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General :: Sync Local And Remote Directories Using Rsync?

Jul 14, 2010

I have two linux box that i would like to keep in sync. I see option -avz syncs the remote with local but new local files are not pushed.

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General :: Consistent Sync Between Two Remote Directories

Aug 17, 2010

I wanted to create a consistent sync between two directories on two separate hosts. So when I write a file on one host, the file is automatically written on the next host. I don't have shared storage between each host.

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General :: Rsync Directories By Path / Filename Only?

Aug 22, 2010

Is there a way for me to rsync two directories comparing only filenames (and not file size, date modified, or any other criteria)?

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Ubuntu :: Using Rsync To Sync Within The LAN?

Jan 18, 2010

I want to use rsync to synchronize some folders on my LAN. I have this working with two scripts; one runs at the beginning of my work session and gets the latest directory tree from the server, and the other runs at the end of the session to put any local changes back on the server. My "get" script looks something like this:

rsync -avuzb --backup-dir=/home/user/rsync_backup_dir --delete my_server:/home/bak/common_data/ /home/user/data

This works well, and with the "b" option any file that has been deleted from the master directory tree on the server will be deleted from the local machine and moved to the local backup directory. This is a safety measure to prevent the loss of files through a mistake (on my part).

The problem is the "put" script:

rsync -avuzb --backup-dir=/home/user/rsync_backup_dir --delete /home/user/data/ my_server:/home/bak/common_data

I want to run both scripts from the local machine, but the "put" script will not save deleted files to a backup directory. I tried using a remote backup directory like "my_server:/home/user/rsync_backup_dir" but this did not work. Is there a way to backup files deleted from a remote server from an rsync script run locally?

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Ubuntu :: Using Rsync To Sync Folders?

Nov 28, 2010

OK, here is the test code I am using: rsync -acrv /home/randy/Documents /media/USB2/testbackup. What should I put in the code so that when I delete something in the Documents folder, it will also be deleted in the testbackup folder when I perform a sync.

How can I have it so the code will check if USB2 is available, if it is, do the sync, if not, do nothing.

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Software :: Rsync To Check Two Directories?

Jan 23, 2011

I just burnt a large no. of things to a DVD, and Brasero complained of errors. How do I check whether all the files on the disc are the same as the ones on my HD

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Ubuntu :: Sync Script - Delete Option In Rsync?

Jul 18, 2010

wrote a script to sync my netbook music with my server music and everything was fine.but if for some reason lets say i run it accidently and i'm not connected to my network, i just wiped my netbook music .here's what i got so far:

Sudo mkdir /media/ServerMusic/
mount -t cifs -o user=Justin,password=****** // /media/ServerMusic/[code]....

i need to have the --delete option in rsync (say i sync it and realize i hate some music, when i delete it from the server i don't want it still on the netbook.i want an if statement in here somehow, but i'm not sure how to do it.something like, the first command in the script should be a ping test, if ping doesn't work end the script, if ping does work continue or if the server music gets mounted to the created directory continue, if the mount failed, or even in the mounted folder is empty stop the script

what can i do here to ensure i can keep the --delete and not have to worry about losing my music if the mount fails?

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Ubuntu :: Sync Local Folders - Not Unison Or Rsync?

Apr 14, 2011

I need a program to run on Ubuntu that must be easily set up to do a series of different cloning operations at specific times between the USB drives on a single Ubunu pc, depending on the day of the week." So on Monday folder B is forced to match folder A, Tuesday C forced to equal D ... and on Sunday a whole bunch of these clonings happen. This must all run unattended (at 2am) and be robust with no "what do you want to do next messages" or having the whole thing give up if there is a problem with one file. Though I do need a log of success or failure. Windows programs that do this stuff are FolderClone and GoodSync. I looked at Unison and Rsync and one or two others, but none appeared set up to do what I need, or to be excessively complex / general. I don't need something that can sync two copies, or over internet ....

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Networking :: Rsync - Sync Files Modified Within The Last 60 Days?

Jun 3, 2009

Can anybody tell me how I can synchronise files between two computers in a network that have been modified or created within the last 60 days?

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Software :: Rsync-like Program To Sync Files Between Computers?

Apr 4, 2010

I'm looking for a way to sync directories between two computers, in a "two-way" fashion. Basically, I have a laptop and I have a desktop, and I want to keep a particular directory synced between the two machines. The easiest thing would be to have some kind of networked filesystem, but obviously this won't work because the laptop may or may not be connected to the internet at any moment. At any time I might be editing files on the desktop or on the laptop, and when the laptop is connected to the internet, I'd like all files on both machines to be synced to their most recent versions.

I thought I could do this with rsync but now that I've looked into a bit more it seems like it works only for "one-way" syncing. In other words files are synced from a server to a client or vice versa, but not both at once. First of all, am I right about that? And second, is there a program that will do what I want to do? OK, I guess you could do it with some SVN kind of thing but that seems like overkill. I guess if there's nothing out there it shouldn't be too hard to write a script myself to do it.

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Ubuntu :: Use Rsync To Backup Home Directories To A Nas?

Apr 14, 2010

I'm hoping somebody can find something here that I haven't. I'm trying to use rsync to backup home directories to a nas. First, I NFS mounted the nas and ran an rsync and everything worked out fine. the transfer completed after a few hours and everyting was transferred (lots of stuff!). I then decided that I don't want to leave the nas mounted all the time and I didn't want to automate mounting and unmounting of the nas as I didn't think I could produce a script that would work reliably enough. So I decided to start an rsync daemon on the nas and upgrade via that. I run the following command (results are included. the ^C is me killing it after it hangs).

ryan@server:/etc/backup$ sudo rsync -ax --stats --progress --delete /data root@
root@'s password:
sending incremental file list
data/home/user/Documents/The File.wmv


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Ubuntu :: Sync Folders To A Samba Storage Router (rsync)

Nov 4, 2010

how do I go about using rsync or grsync to sync folders to a samba share in my storage router? the samba share ip is smb:// tried using grsync but it says cant find smb!

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OpenSUSE :: Rsync Backup *cache* Directories And Files?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm creating a backup scheme with rsync.

It is pretty clear not to include these:


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Ubuntu :: Rsync Creating Wrong Permissions For Directories?

May 1, 2010

I try to use rsync for backing up some directories and I have to following problem: some files have permissions that prevent me from running rsync under my own user id. So I run it under root using the option "-a" which according to the man page should preserve the permissions, owner and group information:

However, when I run this under root, the directories created in the backup location get user root and group root while ordinary files keep the original user and group. What am I missing here? How can I get rsync to preserve the user and groups for all files, including directories?

Here is a command to illustrate my problem
sudo rsync -a /home/youruser /tmp

If you try that and terminate with Ctrl-C after a few seconds, there will be a directory /tmp/youruser where the directories contained within are owned by root group root.

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Ubuntu :: Sync Directories Between Desk And Laptop Both Within And Outside Of Home Network

May 26, 2011

I want to sync several directories between my laptop and desktop both at home and away from home. It seems like the tool to use for this is unison (I use rysnc for backups, but union seemed, better for this sort of thing - let me know if I'm wrong).

I found several posts that appear promising, however I was little confused about the details as I don't have much networking experience up to this point.


1) Is a reverse ssh connection the way to go? If I only wanted to do this on my home network I could just use ssh right, however in order to get around the router outside my home network the reverse ssh is necessary?

2) How do I handle changing IP address of my laptop?

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General :: Sync Thunderbird Contacts Between Computers, Like Firefox Sync?

Sep 19, 2011

I've discovered Firefox Sync a while ago, and it's absolutely awesome. Now of course I'd like most of my software to work this way! So is there a way to get the same behavior with Thunderbird?

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Server :: Rsync Files And Directories From A RedHat Host To A Windows Server 2003R2?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm trying to rsync files and directories from a RedHat linux host(v 4.5 & 4.7) to a Windows server 2003R2 Standard Edition with cygwin running. I'm executing the rsync command from the cygwin shell. The transfer involves rsync'ing approximately 1 TB of data from the linux server to the windows server. After about 280+GB of data transfer, the transfer just dies.

There seems to be no particular file or directory that the transfer stops at. I'm able to rsync GB's of data from other linux hosts to this cygwin server with no problem. Files and directories rsync fine.The network infrastructure is essentially the same regardless of the server being rsync'ed in that it is GB Ethernet running through Cisco GB switches. There appear to be no glitches or hiccups across the network path.

I've asked the folks at if they know of any problems or issues. Their response has been neutral in that if the version of rsync that cygwin has ported is within standards then there is no rsync reason this problem should happen.I've asked the cygwin support site if they know of any issues and they have yet to reply. So, my question is whether the version of rsync that is ported to cygwin is standard. If so, is there any reason cygwin & rsync keep failing like this?

I've asked the local rsync on linux guru's and they can't see any reason this should fail from a linux perspective. Apparently I am our company cygwin knowledge base by default.

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General :: Create A Backup Directory And 3 Directories Within That And Some Files Within The 3 Directories And Then Back Them Up Ot Restore Them?

Dec 19, 2009

i am in need of linux help. iam at college and i need this back/restore script to pass this final part of an assessment. i require a backup script that will not only backup but also restore files to the relevent directories. e.g. users are instructed to store all wordprocessor files in a directory named wp. so i am needing to create a backup directory and 3 directories within that and some files within the 3 directories and then back them up ot restore them. l know i should/have to do this myself by been trying to get/understand info for the last few days and came up with zero.

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General :: Multiple Users To Create Directories Over SFTP So The New Directories Keep The Same Permissions?

May 15, 2011

I want to make a webserver with multiple users allowed to login through SFTP to a specific folder, www.Multiple users are added, lets say user1 and user2, and all of them belonging to the www-data group. The www directory has an owner www-data and a group www-data.

I have used chmod -R 775 on the www folder, but after I try to create a folder test through my SFTP server (using Filezilla) the group of the directory created has only r and x permissions, and I am not able to log in with the second user user2 and create a directory within www/test due to a lack of w permission to the group.

I also tried using chmod 2775 on www directory, but without luck. Can somebody explain to me, how can I make it so that a newly created directory inherits the root directory group permissions?

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Server :: Sync File Server Data Into Backup Server Machine By Command- Rsync -avu?

Jun 21, 2011

iam trying to sync file server data into backup server machine by command- rsync -avu path/of/data ipaddress-of-backup-server:/path/where/to/save after running it ask for root password and manually it is successful.but i want to make it automatic.for that i also tried cronjob and also generated authentication key but iam not successful in login automatically..anybody know how to authenticate root to login for storing data in backup server.

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General :: How To Store Files / Directories In Different Different Directories?

Mar 23, 2011

I am writing a script, in that my requirement is, if all the fill types stored in one directory from that we need to separate different different directories based on the file types.

for example in a directory(anish). 5 different types files
1- directory
2- .txt files
2- .sh files

like that and my requirement is the (1- directory is moved to one new directory(dir) which we are given in the script)and (2 .txt files are moved to another new directory(test) which we are given in the script)and ( 2 .sh files are moved to another new directory(bash) which we are given in the scrip)finally the directory anish should be empty..using bash it is possible !!

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Ubuntu :: Using Rsync To Sync Music Folder To Another Folder Called Music On An External USB Drive?

Nov 25, 2010

I am thinking of using rsync to sync my Music folder to another folder called Music on an external USB drive. I will be using the Scheduled Tasks front end to schedule the syncs. What should the syntax look like when I put it in Scheduled tasks. I want this to be as simple as possible.

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OpenSUSE :: Sync Pim Data With Palm Treo 680 Via Bluetooth - Jpilot Sync Suddenly Broken

Oct 24, 2010

I use jpilot on opensuse 11.3 64bit to sync pim data with my Palm Treo 680 via bluetooth. This worked fine until today. Now I get the following error message when I try to sync: Syncing on device bt: Press the HotSync button now dlp_ReadSysInfo error Exiting with status YNC_ERROR_PI_CONNECT Finished.

The last successfull sync was on the 20th October and today is the 24th October. I did not change any settings in jpilot or on my palm device. So I guess there must have been an update of opensuse which causes this error. But I do not now how to look up the updates during this period or how to undo them. Was there an update between the 20th and the 24th Oktober, which might affect either jpilot or bluetooth functionality?

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Ubuntu One :: Sync Chewing Up CPU Cycles - Using From 50-80% Long After Any Sync-able Files

Sep 10, 2010

I've got Ubuntu One syncing a single 25MB folder on 4 computers. On one of these computers, the ubuntuone-syncdaemon process constantly pegs the CPU, using from 50-80% long after any sync-able files have been modified and successfully synced. The process is only using 8.9MB of RAM.

Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid)
Kernel 2.6.32-24-generic
1000.8 MB RAM
Pentium 4 2.53GHz
Free disk space: 280.9 GB
System monitor shows 56.8% total RAM usage, 15.4% swap file usage.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Sync Audio On Already Badly Out Of Sync Video?

Jul 9, 2011

Audio sync method. "Stretches/squeezes" the audio stream to match the timestamps, the parameter is the maximum samples per second by which the audio is changed. -async 1 is a special case where only the start of the audio stream is corrected without any later correction.Searching the net makes one believe that this command is just some sort of magic.People just put it in the line and it just works. Isn't that nice?

It says nothing about how to change the TIME the audio starts syncing. Like do I want it to start 5 seconds delayed? Or what about 5 seconds sooner?What if the audio gets more out of sync as the video goes on? Can I slip it a little at a time? What? No magic?No one mentions a file that already has badly synced audio.So what -async 1 really does is simply start the audio at the beginning of the file. LIKE AS IF THAT ISN'T STANDARD PROCEDURE?So what is the exact solution to syncing a messed up video? And why can't it just do the proper "timestamp" sync in the first place?No docs, no info and you are left out in the cold.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Advanced Rsync - Make The Rsync Set Or Keep The User And Group Affiliations?

Nov 17, 2010

Thought I'd post it here because it's more server related than desktop... I have a script that does:


This is used to sync my local development snapshot with the live web server. There has to be a more compact way of doing this? Can I combine some of the rsyncs? Can I make the rsync set or keep the user and group affiliations? Can I exclude .* yet include .htaccess?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Rsync Gmail / Run Rsync --recursive --times --perms --links --delete?

Jan 7, 2011

When I run rsync --recursive --times --perms --links --delete --exclude-from='Documents/exclude.txt' ./ /media/myusb/

where Documents/exclude.txt is

- /Downloads/
- /Desktop/books/

the files in those directories are still copied onto my USB.


I used fetchmail to download all my gmail emails. When I run rsync -ar --exclude-from='/home/xtheunknown0/Documents/exclude.txt' ./ /media/myusb/ I get the first image at url.

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Server :: Rsync Execution - With Crontab - Have Given Full Path To Rsync Too

Apr 12, 2011

I have a tiny shell script to rsync files between two servers and remove the source files.

This script works fine, when it has been initiated manually or even when the rsync command is executed on the command line.

But the same script doesn't work, when I try to automate it through crontab.

I am using 'abc' user to execute this rsync, instead of root, as root login to servers are restricted in all of our servers, by us.

As I mentioned earlier, manual execution works like charm!

When this is initiated through crontab, it runs the first command(chown ...) perfectly without any issues. But the second line is not at all executed, and there is no log entry i can find at /mnt/xyz/folder/rsync.log.

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Software :: Run Rsync To Download Files From A Server Without Rsync Daemon?

Sep 18, 2009

I just tried to sync files from one server to another. After the sync process, I found the files are bigger than original ones.

I looked up the web and found someone mentions the rsync daemon. So I have to run the daemon on one server before I run the rsync?

The command I used is rsync --partial --progress -r source destination

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