I already have an existing linux (centos 5.5) running.
I would like to add a second HDD and the partion is /data. Now, my question is it necessary to configure swap on the second drive or no need to configure swap since I already have swap on first HDD.
Lucid on an Acer Travelmate800.Can anyone tell me why I have 0k for swap space? I allocated swap which I can see in my Disk Utility's 'volumes' display.
RAM for older machines like I use is fairly cheap these days. But flash memory is just as cheap or cheaper. So I'd like to ask about the feasibility of expanding my system's memory using flash memory. And about whether creating a partition for swap on the flash memory, or whether a swap file on the flash device, is the better way to go.
By flash memory I have in mind mainly USB sticks or what are sometimes called "pen drives." But I do also have CF and SD cards that, with the proper cheap adapter (one of which I already own for adapting CF) could be used to create extra swap space. So, what is the current consensus on the feasibility/advisability of using flash memory for swap? I've read about the limited write cycles of flash being an argument against using it for swap. But recent reading indicates to me that the limited write cycles problem applies mostly to older, smaller-capacity flash memory. Some will come out and say that, for larger-capacity flash memory, the life of the device is likely to exceed the amount of time your current computer will be useful (I think I've seen estimates in the range of 3-4 years life--minimum--for newer, higher-capacity flash memory).
A more persuasive argument I've heard against using flash memory for swap is that access times for these devices can be much slower than SATA, and maybe even IDE, hard drives. That would certainly dictate against using flash memory for swap.
So, how about some input on this issue? Anyone using flash memory for swap? If so, what kind (e.g., usb stick or SD/CF)? Are you using a swap file or a swap partition? How's system performance? Likewise, has anyone had flash-memory-used-as-swap die on them? The consequences would undoubtedly be dire. Also, has anyone measured flash memory access times to confirm or refute claims about slow access times? Are some types of flash memory better/worse than others in terms of access times?
how to swap the CTRL and ALT keys in KDE? to me it seem like the ALT key is better positioned to be used more often for stuff like the CTRL-W close or the CTRL-S save. and there is no way to press CTRL without taking my fingers off of the home row.
i once resized my / because it had plenty of space and put that into my swap . then i wanted back the space in / so i delted swap . then remade swap with the free space .here's my fstab :
Code: # /etc/fstab: static file system information. #
I'm considering formatting my PC and installing more than one distro. Is it possible to use the same swap partition for all the distros, no matter how many they are?
I'm using some milters on a Sendmail box that recommends using a RAMdisk [tmpfs] to store temporary files, the performance benefits of which are quite noticeable. However, the problem is if a huge number of messages are all delivered at once this partition can be pushed off the physical memory and into swap. When this happens the performance tanks to about 1/20th to 1/30th of normal.Is there anything I can do to keep a tempfs from being swapped to disk?
There are plenty of tools for umounting/mounting/automounting usb flash/pen drives/dongles/hard drives. There's the Device Notifier on kde 4, for example.
But what about other devices like headphones, mice, keyboards, modems, etc? A tool for doing this would be very handy.
I am new about swap and filesystem. Now I encounter a problem: 2G ext4 disk /dev/sda7 # Want to be used as swap in fedora 24G ext4 disk /dev/sda8 # My fedora is built on it without Swap As described above, I want to use /dev/sda7 as swap in /dev/sda8. How to deal with it?
I'm interested in figuring out which programs on my machine are using swap, and how much each is using. I realize this can probably be done with top, but I am having trouble figuring how how.
What I've tried:
Start top Press f (add column) Press p (SWAP colum)
This adds a SWAP column, but the data doesn't seem to be correct. Top lists Firefox as using 582m of swap, but the header simultaneously reports that 0k of swap is being used.
My drive is a 160GB and currently having 2 partitions:swap (taking about 2 GB) linux (taking about 155GB)
Here's the fdisk -l
I'd like to do the following:Increase the swap partition to 5GB Reduce the Linux system partition by 25GB and give this 25GB to a new partition, which I'd like to use for my Data - this should be accessible by both Linux & Windows
I have an CentOS 5.4 install with several swap partitions of 2048Mb each (someone suggested to me the OS would run better like this?). But, I have a few other partitions and I'm sick of having so many to check and monitor. Also, having set up another machine with only one swap partition, I am not finding it running any better/faster.How do I go about deleting all the swap partitions and making a new one (to fill the exact same space as ALL of the old ones)?
I then only created /dev/md0 which consist of /dev/sda2 & /dev/sdb2 in RAID 1 mirror.
When I boot the system, I show that Swap fails during boot in bright 'red' letters. I don't know if it failed activating both or just any swap partitions in general. When I look at 'df -h' while my system is booted, I show:
I'm installing the ubuntu on my new computer with 1 TB hard drive (and core i7 870 with 4G RAM), for the purpose of scientific computing. I have two questions:
1. Since I am not absolutely certain that the simulation won't use larger swap space than usual (say 3x4G = 12G), I intend to set it initially as 12G keeping in mind that I might have to extend it later. So one might suggest putting it on lvm partition. But then I read that I can maximize the speed if I put the swap at the outer track. If I mix it with the other logical volumes in the same volume group, then I don't know where my swap space is across my hard drive, isn't it? So this might suggest I make it as a primary partition. I'm stuck..
2. My current planned partition map is / 1G /tmp 10G /usr 20G /var 5G /home the rest
taking into account I will install MATLAB and maybe other visualization software. What do you think of this scheme?
as per the output, there is no swap partition in my system..i am lack of analysing the output above. please describe me about buffers,cached fields and "-/+buffers/cache" row.and do i need to create swap partition or not?if yes, how?
As my harddisks are completely full I want to swap a 1,5TB drive with a 2TB drive to give me some breathing space. The 1,5TB is part of a LVM spanned volume. My simple question, how do I move all data from the one drive to the other drive without ruining my spanned volume?
a friend of mine recently installed Ubuntu in his Laptop however is running really slow. It's Dell 1520 so I don't think the computer is that slow. I think what the problem is that he doesn't have a swap space. ok, I could use GPARTED to resize the HD and create SWAP space but how can I tell the system to permanently use that space?
I'm using slackware about a month now and two days ago I checked to see the usage of my RAM and I saw that there was no swap, no used, no total, nothing! (how can this be?) swap -s returned nothing, I checked fstab and there was swap there so I entered the line about swap:
I believe it' s correct. I checked after restart with "free" and the total was ok but used is 0. I copied about 5 GB to see what would happen and still nothing. RAM was nearly full but still no swap used!
I have a rel 5.6 system that we just added more memory to.
1. What is the correct or best way to increase swap? 2. Can I remove the swap space later on? 3. How do you remove it when done?
Our rootvg only has 8G available to it and I want to be sure if i allocate anything out to it I can reclaim when done without having to rebuild the system.
We have to do a lot of data moves so we allocated extra memory to this VM system and now we need to increase swap. I did see several articles in google but they describe using a new swap partition, a swap file and increasing an existing swap space. I am still not sure what is the best way to go knowing this is a temp situation.
during my fedora 12 installation, i made a swap partition by the wrong denotion "/swap".so when i had used the command "df -h",it showed the /swap entry in the list.so i deleted that particular partition using the "parted" utility. Now my doubt is, 1.where is that partition?(whether it has joined with other partition or still alive) 2.if it alives,is it possible to make it as a swap partition?
I'd like to know if it's possible to bring pages from a particular process into main memory, or to set parameters for a given process, or class of process so that it will not be swapped out.
How can I figure out which programs are using up swap space? My current memory usage is 2.9GiB out of 3.0GiB used(and I though I had 4GB, I need to check into that) and 1.3Gib of swap used.
When we want to setup a linux system, there is a common a suggestion like set the swap space as twice as big than your physical memory, I want to know why do we need this and how is this suggestion come from?
I have a Mac keyboard where the Alt/Win (i.e. Option/Command) keys are inverted compared to a regular PC keyboard, and I'd like to swap them. I haven't had any luck with xmodmap so far. The standard configuration is as follows:
I do not want my computer to swap data to disk. I have no swap partition:
Back in the day (maybe as recently as kernel 2.4?) this used to work. Memory-hungry processes would be killed by the oom killer and I would restart them. But now (Linux 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:24 UTC 2011 x86_64) google-chrome (13.0.782.24 beta) regularly sends my machine into a death-spiral of swapping. Or at least something that feels like swapping: X windows take forever to update, disk drive whirs, gnome panel memory chart hits the ceiling, and I see this message in the syslog:
But, according to syslog, the kernel does not run the oom killer. For good measure, I set swappiness to 0:
My workaround is to use ctrl-alt-sysrq-f when this starts to happen. Anyone have a recipe for configuring Linux to run oom_kill on its own, in this situation?