General :: Resize A NTFS Partition In A Disk?

Feb 1, 2010

I need to resize a NTFS partition in a disk for which I have an image (dumped with dd).

I mounted it through the loop device on linux:

# losetup -o 32256 /dev/loop0 disk.img # I got the offset from looking at fdisk's output
# mount /tmp/t /dev/loop0
# ls /tmp/t
[content of NTFS partition shows correctly]
# umount /tmp/t
# gparted /dev/loop0

gparted shows me the disk correctly; it just contains one large NTFS partition I want to shrink.

I have it had it running for one hour now.

Question: will this work? There is lots of disk access but the timestamp and size of the underlying file disk.img remain unchanged.

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General :: Disk Management - Resize The Partition

Mar 30, 2010


I want to resize the partition

for example..
/u01 is 50 gb.
/u02 is 30 gb.

i need to risize /u02 to 100gb( i have space left of around 60 gb and I need to take 10gb from /u01)

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Resize NTFS Partition

Aug 12, 2010

I am trying to resize a Windows XP partition. The partition has plenty of space available. When I boot off the CD, I open Gparted. I try to move the partition down, but it does not move at all.

Within this Windows installation, it only shows 1% fragmentation.

I want to dual boot using two partitions.

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Software :: Reliably Resize NTFS Partition?

Sep 21, 2010

To replace my aging hard-disk, I bought a new, bigger disk to hold two NTFS partitions (system + data) to run XPSP3.

Unless I missed it, PartClone in Clonezilla doesn't resize a partition to use the extra space. So I now need to resize the second partition.

Since NTFS is a proprietary filesystem, before I go ahead and use Gparted or some alternative, can experienced users confirm that resizing NTFS partitions using Linux tools is rock-solid, or I better use a closed-source, Windows-based solution instead?

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Software :: Resize A Partition On An IDE Hard Disk To Use The Entire Disk?

Jan 7, 2009

I'm trying to resize a partition on an IDE hard disk to use the entire disk but can not get more than a 309GB partition. I can get 295, 300, 301, 302GB, etc... fine but start getting problems with anything over 309GB. I get the following error with 310GB or more:

error: block relocator should have relocated 533 Warning: You should reinstall your boot loader before rebooting. Read section 4 of the Parted User documentation for more information. I am using Slackware 12.1, GNU parted 1.8.8, ext2 filesystem.

Some output that may be of use:

root@asus:~# parted /dev/hdb print
Model: ST3500630A (ide)
Disk /dev/hdb: 500GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos


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OpenSUSE Install :: Fix NTFS Partition Messed Up By Qparted Resize?

Apr 22, 2010

I used QParted to size one my hard drive's NTFS partition to make unallocated space available to install SUSE. QParted created the the unalloacted space fine and I got SUSE up and running.

However, the NTFS partition is messed up. The QParted GUI and the SUSE's Disk management GUI shows it as NTFS drive with 319 GB space. However, nothing seem to be able to read/write to it. QParted gives a warning "Unable to read contents of this file system! Because of this some operations maybe unavailable." Is there any way to fix this NTFS partition so I can recover data from it?

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Software :: Best Tool To Resize NTFS Partition With XP Installed On Vista?

Jan 19, 2010

What's the best tool or method to resize an NTFS partition containing Windows XP Home but with some evidence of being installed using Windows Vista? (Possible answer: Windows 7...) I bought a Fizzbook Spin, UK version of Intel Classmate PC with touchscreen. Disk is about 55 GB; I want to resize system partition C to about 17 gigabytes and then maintain it using something like partimage on live CD/DVD/USB for complete backup of volume: 15 gigabytes roughly compresses to one DVD, 2 gigabytes for hibernation memory storage which I won't back up (and can't move off C), pagefile on the next volume (probably 4000 MB on FAT32, an affordable commitment of disk space to buy not worrying about the page file size). Plus, I will be able to store the backup of volume C on volume D.

The machine can boot Linux (Knoppix 6.2) from external DVD drive, from a USB flash memory key, and from SD[?HC] card. I don't have a separate Windows install CD or recovery partition, but there's an Intel tool to generate a recovery, um, stick. There's evidence that XP's partition was created by Vista, as follows: 1 MB unused before the system partition; an error message about "correcting errors in the uppercase file" which apparently means "Vista did something on this disk that XP thinks is wrong, but this is not serious" - and several attempts to resize the volume with GParted have left Windows unbootable, blue-screening for a split-second and then rebooting. Apparently that's a Vista experience, and it would've been really bad if I hadn't taken a backup already.

I'm pretty sure that in at least one attempt, I remembered and successfully turned OFF the default-on "Round to cylinder" option in GParted... or is that WRONG? Standard Vista/Parted/resize advice (before 2010) such as [URL] seems to be "Use GParted, then use the Windows Vista installation CD to make your ruined hard disk partition properly bootable again." Since I don't have a Vista installation CD to use or legally borrow for this computer - unless I buy Vista or Windows 7 (which I'm considering anyway, for speech recognition) - I appear to be stuck. I do have more than one other XP computer, in case I can use something from there to exorcise the Vista-ness. But I want to keep the extra software (and device drivers) supplied with this little computer.

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Ubuntu :: Resize Partition - Use Space Taken By Vista To Extend My /dev/sda6 Ntfs

Nov 11, 2010

I have a dual boot Ubuntu 10.04 and Vista laptop.

My Ubuntu partions /dev/sda4 extended, which contains a /dev/sda5 ext4 and a /dev/sda6 ntfs partition.

Vista is on /dev/sda2 ntfs. I would like to wipe vista out, turn off dual boot (if possible) and use the space taken by vista to extend my /dev/sda6 ntfs partition in ubuntu.

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Fedora Installation :: Resize Of NTFS Partition On Install - No Progress Indicator On The Installer

Apr 13, 2009

I am doing a fresh install of Fedora 10 64bit on my PC. What I have done is, freshly installed Vista Home Premium 64 bit on the entire Hard Drive (680GB), then fired up the live CD and told the installer to resize sda1 (The windows partition) to about a 60:40 ratio. I intend to dual boot the system

Now the thing is, it's been running for half an hour now and there's no progress indicator on the installer so I don't know if its actually doing anything. Well there is a progress indicator but it's nonsensical, it just moves backward and forwards. The HDD indicator LED on my computer is flashing every now and again, but not constantly as I expect it to?

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General :: USB NTFS Disk Suddenly Won't Mount - Partition Gone / Repair It And MBR Without Losing Data?

Sep 12, 2009

Just ran into an uncomfortable problem. I usually never save any documents on my machine, and keep all my stuff on an external USB hard disk. (an 80GB TrekStor DS microdisk q.u)
Well yesterday this disk just would not mount.
Read through related posts but nothing seemed to work. Even tried it on a Windows machine.

Tried TestDisk utility. Found nothing wrong with the drive, but still could not repair the MBR.log code...

Palimpsest Utility recognized the drive, but just will not let me do anything with it except format it.

How can i repair the partitions and MBR without losing all my data?

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Fedora Installation :: Mount NTFS Partition From 10 Rescue Mode/Disk?

Mar 9, 2009

Background for the problem:

A. I have partitioned my WinXP LTop into:

--- WinXP NTFS partition
--- a vfat partition (mounted onto /fat32)
--- Installed F10 on ext3 virtual partition

B. I do not want install grub-loader in the Master Boot Record (that would loose my WinXP boot-loader for ever)

C. I have installed grub boot loader in the First Boot Sector

D. Now I have to boot using Rescue Mode, do:

1. dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/fat32/linux.bin bs=512 count=1
2. mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /ntfs
3. cp /fat32/linux.bin /ntfs
4. modify /ntfs/c/boot.ini and introduce the statement 'c:linux.bin="Linux"'

Problem: Im not able to do step D.2 above.

** after booting linux using the Rescue Mode: sh-3.2# chroot /mnt/sysimage sh-3.2# uname -r sh-3.2# mount -f ntfs /dev/sda1 /ntfs FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/ No such file or directory ntfs-3g-mount: fuse device is missing, try 'modprobe fuse' as root


* The rescue mode boots into i586 based kernel (I dont know what is the actual difference between i586 and i686 - will really appreciate if anyone can educate me about it). * The installation is only a i686 image and consequently there is *only* '/lib/modules/' dir and *no* other dir. There is no dir as xxxx.fc10.i586.

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General :: Delete And Resize Windows Basic Ntfs Partitions With Gparted

Mar 22, 2011

I have a windows box running w2003 server on 1 volume with 2x ntfs basic partitions. c: = the windows bit, d: = the data bit for user data.I have cloned (clonezilla) the volume to another and deleted the data (d bit and want to extend the c: into the freed space.I'm booted from a partedmagicv5 cd and using gparted to attempt this.I can't see a way to do this with gparted but then, I could be thick. Maybe I clone off reformat and copy back?Is there a better way or even is this the correct forum (please don't refer me to Microsoft website:-) for this type of question?This is a test box so not worried about breaking it, but the test is to try to solve a live problem at a school I support which is running out of hd space.

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Ubuntu :: Accidently Modified My File System Of Some Partition In My Hard Disk From Ntfs To Fat

Apr 16, 2011

i accidently modified my file system of some partition in my hard disk from ntfs to fat...i havnt formatted the drive...but now i cannot mount this partition...

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Ubuntu :: 10GB Of Data Overwritten In NTFS Partition - Hard Disk Safe

Jul 22, 2011

So the first 10Gb of a 450GB NTFS partition have just accidently been written over with an Ext4 filesystem that spans the entire partition instead. all foolishness asside, what can be repaired. Now I know Ext4 likes to jot bits of meta-data down (inodes blocks) along the way, and this can be about 5% of drive capacity, that said, there's alot of small text files and stuff, coe files so forth that can surely be recovered

I've looked into magicrescue and testdisk, but they fall into the only two groups to exist:
1) Filesystem independent, that is search almost like a patern - well exactly like a pattern match, to find the header and footer of files.
2) Filesystem recovery tools, like, damaged bootsector, so forth

I need one, that will be able to extract files, Iunderstand this will be a hard task, but.... text files; surely that'll be easy, anyway. This is my backup drive, they''re both WD you see, anyway. This is important, given the coding is ASCII surely.

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Hardware :: Ran Mkfs.vfat Over Top Ntfs Partition - Any Way To Restore Ntfs Partition Info?

Oct 12, 2010

I was attempting to format a flash drive, and well, used the wrong sdX device. I've run DiskInternals Partition Recovery tool, and all my files are still there (you have to pay $139 to have it restore the files). Is there any way using tools in linux to restore the ntfs partition/files? It was a single disk with the partition taking the entire drive. I've tried mounting it with the -t option, but it says invalid ntfs signature. Man, two lessons the hard way, make sure you backup (duh) and be careful what you type as root.

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General :: Recover A Disk After Failed Gparted Resize?

Aug 1, 2010

I was trying to resize an external ntfs hard drive, so that I could make room at the front of the disk for a swap partition. At the end of the process gparted encountered an error. It couldn't see my disk again until I rebooted the system. Now, when it looks at the hard drive, it sees it as one big unpartitioned hard drive.

I'm pretty sure all the data is still there, uncorrupted. I just can't access it. How can I fix this?

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General :: Resize Partition With Parted

Dec 14, 2010

I have a partition, which is 32GB and is mounted to / of the archlinux distribution.I want to create another partition, I need about 5GB and I want to take them from this partition.If I use parted to resize the partition will I lose any files?

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General :: Unable To Resize (enlarge) Partition?

Jul 2, 2011

I want to increase the size of my Linux partition (yellow and highlighted in image), which is situated in an extended partition, along with my biggest partition.

When I try to select the options from any partitioning software (EASUS, Paragon, Gparted) the option to resize is not available (or can't enlarge).

For example in the Paragon Hard Disk Manager, I can't add free space before the partition, even if I first shrink the "G:" partition, then try to enlarge the one with Linux.

Do you know what's happening here? Why am I not allowed to resize the partition?

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General :: Resize Partition On External Drive

Mar 21, 2009

Computer hardware is not my bag. I accidentally installed ubuntu on external F drive, thinking it was C drive, unaware that ubuntu installs on drive with most available space. Installation involved partitioning the drive in about half. So, before I install it on C drive, I want to restore my F drive. I deleted partition using XP Disk Management tool and tried to use gParted on Parted Magic live boot cd to resize remaining partition that contains my data. But it doesn't seem able to expand the good partition to reclaim the 'unallocated' space. How do I accomplish this? Must I backup and reformat?

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General :: How To Resize A Partition From Command Line

Aug 21, 2010

I'm trying to resize a partition from a command line using the instructions on this page:


The line below is the one I can't get to work right.


Now, using fdisk, we must resize hda1 to 6000M, and create a new partition. Command: "fdisk /dev/had".In our case, the fdisk commands are "p d n p 1 1 +6000M t 7 a 1 n p 2 enter enter w", resulting in this "fdisk -l /dev/had" output :

I've made this work before but I cheated by using Acronis to create the partitions. I really want to get it to work from command line.

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General :: Resize Root Partition & Add Space To Home?

Aug 8, 2010

l my root (/) partition has 11G free space and my /home is only left with 5g around and /usr has around 8g in my fedora 13 .So is there any possibility to "resize" the root partition and add it to home partition bcoz i see the opposite in the threads(resize home to add space to root).My home has nothin more than a movie which is 700MB and i've installed some new application yesterday. But it shows half of the space is almost used!!!

/dev/sda7 12G 925M 11G 9% /
tmpfs 497M 2.6M 495M 1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda9 12G 5.0G 6.0G 46% /home
/dev/sda8 12G 4.1G 7.3G 36% /usr

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General :: Unable To Resize Fedora 12 Lvm Partition With Gparted

Jan 14, 2011

Unable to resize fedora 12 lvm parition with gparted. Need to resize to make room for ubuntu linux on same drive. When the fedora lvm parition is selected gparted says "No lvm support at this time". I am using gparted through the pmagic (partedmagic) linux boot disk. I have almost the lastest pmagic (5.7) there is a pmagic 5.8 on source forge.

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General :: Ubuntu - Resize Root Partition From A Flash Drive?

Aug 2, 2010

I need to make my root partition bigger to add more free space. Is there a Linux version that will fit on a small usb flash drive that has the tools I need? I plan to boot a Linux distro from a flash drive in order to resize the partition.

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General :: Recovering Files From A Failed Ext4 Partition Resize?

May 6, 2011

I didn't know a resize operation on a 750 GB disk was going to take 40+ hours, and I was biting my nails the whole time, until the power went out when "only" 8 hours where left.I can still mount the partition, and many of the files are still there, but some files show as '? ? ? ? ? filename.ext' with ls -l.If I try to go inside such a directory: Input/output error.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Resize The NTFS And Add To Ext4?

Aug 19, 2010

I have a dual boot system with Ubuntu Lucid and Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit on a 320 GB hard drive. During the last month, I've completely moved from Windows to Ubuntu but I have to keep Windows for a few softwares like ooVoo and Office, especially OneNote. But now 105 GB for windows and 50 GB for Ubuntu doesn't seems right, as I can't copy any more files on my Desktop in Ubuntu, because it's full. I was just wondering if it's possible to resize the NTFS partition and add like 50GB or so to the ext4 partition which is my Linux's root. The NTFS drive is on /dev/sda5 and the ext4 one is on /dev/sda7.

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Ubuntu :: 2 NTFS Partions > 1, Delete Then Resize?

Apr 18, 2011


Disk /dev/sdb: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders, total 312581808 sectors


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Programming :: Shell Script To Resize NTFS Partitions

Sep 1, 2010

Can someone help me to make a shell script to resize automatically the NTFS partitions of my disk ?

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General :: Mount NTFS USB Disk ?

Feb 19, 2011

I am facing an issue in linux El4,I want to mount NTFS USB Hardisk to linux, I tried to mount but i got fs related error, after I have installed ntfs-3g, then i tried to mount through this command (mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb) but now i getting Fuse error, is there any possibilty to mount NTFS disk to linux EL4 without install Fuse.

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OpenSUSE :: NTFS FOLDER - Keep 2 Ntfs Partitions Intact Will Deleting The Partition

May 26, 2011

I am doing major deployment of opensuse 313 pcs from windows to opensuse. I am having a problem that I have to keep 2 ntfs partitions intact will deleting the partition that has windows. Now everything goes well, opensuse installs but the problem is that I cannot give user full rights to ntfs folders. I have used graphical file permission methods n terminal chown n chmod methos but still permissions revert back to root.

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Software :: Changing An NTFS UUID - Restore An NTFS Partition From A Backup?

Dec 25, 2010

I am trying to restore an NTFS partition from a backup and I need the new drive to have the old (dead) drive's UUID (which I recorded).I really really really cannot use the option of changing fstab to mount using a new UUID, for this case I need the old UUID that existed on the other drive.Is there some ntfs equivalent of tune2fs that'll let me change the UUID on an ntfs partition?

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