General :: Get Gnome Terminal Execute Different Commands From Diff. Tabs?
Jan 6, 2010
In gnome terminal it is possible to open multiple tabs with Quote:$ gnome-terminal --tab-with-profile=jake_lardasset --tab-with-profile=virtualsexgranny -x alpineWe got even further....Quote:gnome-terminal --tab-with-profile=james_treesexer --command pymol --tab-with-profile=loverboy13 --command alpineand pymol runs, but not in the tab and alpine runs in the tab.The problem is, that when using a script to check mail it has Quote:gnome-terminal --tab-with-profile=chrissypink --command alpine --tab-with-profile=jake_hugerichard -x ssh xxxx@xxxx.ut.eenot the other way aroundIs there a simpler way to do this?And why is it not possible to execute ssh with the --command parameter and -x has to be used ,but top and so on can be executed with --command
After going Debian 8 (with Kali 2) I can no longer use my pre-defined tabs because apparently some genius decided that gnome-terminal no longer needs that kind of functionality (ie. tabs.)I really need my tabs back so I installed a pre 3.11 version that worked with tabs and profiles like this (see below) but that caused other problems.
I'm trying to get a script to open a gnome-terminal and input commands into it, just as you would typing them in. That way, I can automate commands using bash, even if the terminal is running a non-bash program like telnet, mysql, vim, etc.
So, for instance..
I would like to open telnet to connect to a mud (I'm aware of the security concerns) and input commands through a script.
This way, I can log in, enter name/password, and do some start-game stuff automatically.
This isn't just for a mud, though. I'd like to be able to script inputs for any terminal application... maybe automate vim, mysql, or whatever.
$ execute_some_long_command <command is executing> <Accidently press middle button that inserts bunch of garbage (including, for example, `rm -Rf ~/*`) into console>
How to let execute_some_long_command finish, but not execute inserted things?
when i tried to execute commands in TERMINAL i found these "~" "/" at the end of the path (user@hostname~ | user@hostname/) what does it mean and what is ~ and / ?
With xterm, I can do the following, and the scripts are executed sequentially in a single xterm: xterm -e ';' But with gnome-terminal, when I do: gnome-terminal -e; It runs them in parallel in 2 different terminals. I've tried a few combinations of ", and ', around the scrips, but no difference.
I am working on a small project for making a small configuration tool for ubuntu 9.10 for new linux users, that make their system working easily without knowledge of the linux commands.I created a gui in glade and loaded the gui with my python program to show up, now i wish to have some python codes that can launch a gnome terminal (and also pass some linux commands to it) on the click of a button contained in the glade file.
want to set more text files. They have "tab" differently (3, 4, 6 or 5 characters space).I have to use "sed" or "awk" sette them in the same tab (for example five space haracters).
I'm trying to run multiple commands on things I have found, how can I achieve this? find . -exec cmd1; cmd2 does not seem to work; it instead runs cmd2 after cmd1 has been executed on every file.
I use a long mount command to mount a NAS drive but have to retype it every time I need to mount the drive. Because it is on my laptop I only need to mount the drive from time
Customer asked me to create a menu for linux he also asked me to do this: Open like a command like where a user can execute for this the users have sudo enabled. The code below works OK. But it has an issue when a command is executed but the command does not need sudo
Like for instance Code: cd / sudo: cd: command not found
How can I allow a user to execute all commands when a command does not need sudo Code: echo -e "Press Control+C to finish" #echo -e " " while true; do read whichcmd?"Insert Command: " sudo $whichcmd done
I am creating this script which will login to a server with ssh and check if a particular exists there, if not it will create the user.This is the script:Quote:
I am trying to write one script. Purpose of my script is that it will login to particular user and it will execute some set of commands.What I was trying....
ssh to a machine on my network open up a terminal (gnome, xterm, whatever) and have it visible on that machines display be able to type and execute commands in that window, from my computer. i have kind of achieved this. on machine A, i ssh to machine B. on machine B, i open up a terminal and execute screen, C-a :multiuser on. on machine A, i execute screen -x and connect to the term on B. everything i type from A or B can be seen. i just want to be able to set this up without having to physically be at machine B. does that make sense?
When I try execute a variety of basic commands (including ps, ls, ifconfig, locate), I receive the error 'no such file or directory'.
Here are some suggestions that I've found online, that I have tried without success: I did a 'whereis ps' and found the file in the /bin/, and have checked that '/bin' appears when I do 'echo $PATH' I did a filesystem check which showed my hard drive as being clean I tried doing a 'sudo chmod 777 ps' but was told that I dont have permission. I don't think permissions for these files would have changed though (and I can't check as I can't run the 'ls' command).
i am working on some kind of PBX and i have list of telephone numbers inside a file, i have to insert these numbers into the correct command and then telnet to a remote server and execute these commands. i can read the telephone numbers and insert them into the command with no problem, but when i try to insert these commands into the send i face problem. here is the basic code
i can make external loop inside the Bash which read the input file and issue the command and then telnet and execute, but this will make the script connects and disconnects again for each line which cause high load on that server and hardwar problem. i am wondering if there is an option inside the expect interperter which makes the send read directly from a file... somthing like this:
since a recent upgrade to Mandriva 2010.1 I am not able to 'sudo' as administrator or when I use the 'root' password. I am the only user on this machine (Dell Inspiron 530S multi-booted with Window's Vista Home Premium, Ubuntu 10.4, and Mandriva 2010.1). I can get into the 'Manage Users' section of the control center by authenticating as 'root' but I can't access 'sudoers file' from command line.
I know CD, Apt-Get, and Dir, but besides that I know mostly Command Prompt commands and that's not many, and they seem to differ from Terminal. What are some useful Terminal commands that I should know how to use in times or need?
i don't know if there is a way to check or see the list of commands available to each shell you decide to use, be it BASH,KSH, etc in your terminal. You know how its works in microsoft, in cmd-line or dos, you type HELP and its brings all the commands available for use.
Recently I gained interest in running command from the terminal, like rhythmbox-client --play-pause and vlc --open, but I could not find the vlc's pause command under vlc. there's a way I can have a terminal display the commands that run when I do some action. For example, when I click on pause in vlc, the terminal should show me what command it used to pause vlc. What's the closest ting I can get to this?