This may be a basic bash array/string operation related question, but I couldn't find any direct answer. So here it goes:I have a lot of data sorted in various directories. All directories need same processing except for a special group of directories. I have a symbolic link of the script in discussion in each directory. I want the script to get the name of the current directory, check if that belongs to special group and do specific operations.So I get the name of the directory
Code: mm=`basename `pwd`` Now the the group of directories that needs something different to be done, contains these
I want the value between default tags 111 in this case.
I treid to use ${var1:10:3}
But the execution gived "bad substitution' error. If the tags are removed and substring is fetched it works fine. Is there any other was to get substring in a string with tags.
What I am doing is reading the text from a text document and storing all of the text inside of a ArrayList. I then set one of the values of the Arraylist as a string. I want to use regular expressions find out what the first two characters of the String are. if first two characters = "//" then function(); I only care about the first two characters though. If you need any more information, just ask.
this seems like it should be a simple thing, but I can't find it. Is there a bash shell command that allows you to create a string of repeated characters? Like a string of 100 '*'?
I am having difficulty getting sed to replace a string of text in an XML file, despite the fact that I have no trouble using grep to find that same string. Since the new string and old string to be replaced contain a lot of special characters, I thought it best to store them in variables as opposed to using a slew of backslashes:
But the problem is that in this case i just wanted to append "/home/dest" for which I could easily escape "/" with just two "", but I wonder if i have a long path like "/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j" I will have to escape so many /. Is there any other way by which I can avoid escaping forward slash.
I tried following:
But receiving follo error
Bareword found where operator expected at -e line 1, near "s/destination-path=/'destination-path=/home" syntax error at -e line 1, near "s/destination-path=/'destination-path=/home" Bad name after dest' at -e line 1. tried with enclosing in double quotes as well but in vain
My problem is to insert one sign like space or ':' into a line or string.The goal is to get a demiliter for `cut`.I tried to do it with `tr A-Z "'A '-'Z '" and such but without success.I guess a while read loop could do it but I don't know howto use it with ` expr length $STR`
I am reading strings from a file using readline() function,the file contains some strings which has only special characters, I need to avoid the strings which has only special characters, the special characters are not similar. How to do it in python.??
I want to archive all .ctl files in a folder, recursively.tar -cf ctlfiles.tar `find /home/db -name "*.ctl" -print`The error message :tar: Removing leading `/' from member namestar: /home/db/dunn/j: Cannot stat: No such file or directorytar: 74.ctl: Cannot stat:No such file or directoryI have these files: /home/db/dunn/j 74.ctl and j 75. Notice the extra space. What if the files have other special characters? How do I archive these files recursively?
I am working with a Tcl script and have some strings in the following format (RE): [a-zA-Z]+[0-9]{6}-[0-9]
There are some leading letters, combinations of capital and lowercase. Then six digits, followed by a hyphen, then one more digit. I would like to remove all of the leading alphabetic characters from the string. The resulting string would then be in this format: [0-9]{6}-[0-9]. In other words, six numeric digits, a hyphen, then one more digit.
I have tried: Code: set newstr [string trimleft $origstr alpha] But that only removes the first alphabetic character, not all of them.
I couldn't get anything with regsub to work correctly, but I am somewhat of a noob with RE's in general and regsub in particular. There are usually 5 leading letters at the beginning of these strings, and I could in most cases get away with using string replace and constant indices to extract the substring. However, my preference is for this to be robust enough to handle all cases with 1 through n leading alphabetic characters.
I want to search a particular string in a directory , that directory contains N number of subdirectories, and files and my requirement is inside the directory and subdirectory what are the files contains particular string like "TBone" i want to display that files. Is it possible to do that..
want to know if Ubuntu provides a command to search for a command having a specific word.e.g.If I know a command contains editor as a substring but don't know exactly what the command is,then is there a way to find that command or the list of commands having editor as a substring.
After hours (literally) of searching the web and reading man pages, I think I've come up with the following:Code:find . -exec grep 'path/to/file' -print | xargs -0 -I new_path mv {this is where I get confused}So my code above is incomplete, obviously. In order to finish replacing the string, I need to mv the new file into the old file's spot. How do I do this, by incorporating it into my line of code?
[Syenite] RegionUUID = 8fc56fdd-0afd-4074-9432-0ae8f42b799f Location = 9992,10007 InternalAddress = InternalPort = 9000 AllowAlternatePorts = False ExternalHostName = What I need to do is find out what the IP address is after "ExternalHostName ="
After that I will need to compare that IP to whatismyip and if it's different then replace it but that is easy to do with sed. I just can't figure this simple hurdle out.
Is there any way i can find a file with specific word inside it.For example if i want to find a file which has some text written inside it.How would i form a command to search them?
actually i want to extract the substring between 2 underscores e.g. in case of 1_40_37573.dbf i need 40 and in case of 1_101_37373.dbf i need 101 and so on
I am looking for Windows Search equivalent looking for file name patterns (not file contents but file names)....
I am aware of "globbing" and wildcard recursive search functionality in ls but I am still not capable of finding files under directories.
for example: I want to find all files starting with a string lsnr* under root directory / and any sub-directories.....
ie I want to look for files like lsnr*.* anywhere under / and any sub-directories under / such as /dir1/dir2/dir4 and dir1/other/dir/someotherdir/sub-dir etc.
so if I have /dir1/lsnrcontrol and also have /dir1/dir/2/dir3/lsnr-tinit.dat then I want to list the files names etc.
I tried to tag late onto a question similar to mine on stackoverflow (Find Non-UTF8 Filenames on Linux File System) to elicit further replies, with no luck so far, so here goes again... I have the same problem as the OP in the link above and convmv is a great tool to fix one's own filesystem. My question is therefore academic, but I find it unsatisfactory (in fact I can't believe) that 'find' is not able to find non standard ascii characters.
Is there anyone out there that would know what combination of options to use to find filenames that contain non standard characters on what seems to be a unicode FS, in my case the characters seem to be 8bits extended ascii rather than unicode, the files come from a Windows machine (iso-8859-1) and I regularly need to fetch them. I'd love to see how find and/or grep can do the same as convmv.
While modifying the definition of my PS1, I saw that "[" and "]" markers should be added to help bash to compute the right display lenght. Many exemples on the web do not use them or even mention them.I searched for a solution to add them automatically, like with sed, but I didn't find any example.Are they still needed and is there a recommandation not to use sed to define PS1?
I want to replace a string of directory path in a string to empty:
But this doesnt seem to give me the desired thing:
This gives the desired outcome, but its specific, i need a variable in the sed not a string. And if I replace STRING="/mnt/sda1/record/$dd/" then I cant use it for something else, cause its has all the weird backslashes now.