file3 is a link to another file3 somewhere else on the system.
Now let's say I chmod 777 the directory and all contents inside it. Does my file3 in /tmp receive those permissions? Also, let's say we have the same situation but reversed.
/tmp/file3 -> /directory/file3
If I apply the permissions on the file being linked to, how does that effect the link?
I was about to post a new thread and saw that there are several answers out here already and I have done the new group permission one on my server -- actually on my test server I just added "my user" to the group "root" to gain rw access to /var/www/htdocs/.Someone suggested that the proper way might be to do symlinks to the directory in a real production environment and I wanted to find out if that is the *best* way to go or whether to actually make a group "www_admin" (pick your favorite flavor of this) and add my users to that group?
I guess I am looking for the "best practice" in a real corporate production environment that is most secure.
I want to add my daughter as a user and give her full permissions to all the same folders and files that I use. I have given her permission to folders and their sub folders however she doesn't have rwx on the individual files within the folders. What is the command line to set this up?
Also with the command;
Code: chown -R root:root files
what is the -R for and when do I need or not need it?
I have a partition that I mount as /data on all of my distros of my multi-boot machine. I am having a bear of a time figuring the right way to address permissions/groups so that any distro can use it (or any removable drive).I tried (in linuxmint) making a group '/data' and assigning the users on my machine to that group, then changing the permissions/groups of the files and folders in that mount as belonging to the /data group, then booted to fedora 15, made the /data group, added the users to that group, I'm not sure that this way will work (it doesn't seem to) or if it's the best way to proceed. some of the things I don't get are:what is the '1000' user and group?is the user/group info on (in or somehow attached) the mount itself?does this seem like a good way to do this?is there on way to 'apply permissions to enclosed files' recursively through the nautilus context menu?
I just want to upgrade my Slackware 13.1 kernel ( to the latest stable kernel from ( I have never done anything like this and I am a Linux newbie, so I would appreciate a "Kernel Patching for Dummies" version if possible. I did do a search on this forum and most of what I read was over my head. I found an FAQ on on "How To Apply A Patch" but when I attempted what they suggested, it said it couldn't find the file to patch at line 5 and asked me which file to patch. So I CTRL-Z'd out of there and came here. Here's what I tried:
I have an ntfs partition that I wish to access as a normal user(non-root). For this I did the following. As root I created a folder /windows and did a chmod 777 -R on /windows. Then I added the following line to /etc/fstab
Now, the partition is mounted alright but the problem is that when any other user (non-root) creates a files in /windows (say by executing touch newfile) the newly created file has the owner and group set as root. The non-root user can create the file and he can also delete the file, however, he cannot change the permissions of the file and also the owner:group is always set as root:root. How do I get across this problem, i.e. how do I mount a partition, so that a non-root user can also change the permissions and ownerships of the files he creates.
Finally I managed to install my printer/scanner drivers.The last thing I need to do is to add the following two lines to 40-libsane.rules (which is a read only file):# Brother scanners ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes".How can I change permissions for this file or add these lines without changing permissions?
Some people love icons, but not me. I prefer the file list view. I have stumbled around Ubuntu 10.10 trying to find where to set this preference, but have had no success so far. In windows, you would set the preferred view and then apply to all folders. Ubuntu does not follow this paradigm, and indeed, why should it? I have searched the preferences in Ubuntu, and did a global search f this site for related topics. I know you have to be able to do this, I just don't know how. This is the type of topic I will probably kick myself for when someone shows me how easy it is to do. If you don't know how to do it though, it is still black magic.
I am trying to automate ftp to transfer files from windows to Linux server automatically and my script looks like this .
@echo off SET CUSTOM=/apps12i/oracle/KIRAN/apps/apps_st/appl/custom/12.0.0/reports/US echo user oracle> ftpcmd.dat
Any files we transfer through ftp from windows , their default permissions to be set 755 automatically . We are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 7) .
copying permissions from one file to another.I know that command for changing permission is "chmod", for example chmod 666 filename However, I have one file filename1 and by listing all contents of a directory with ls -al I can find out its permissions in form -rwwx and similar. Now I want to define exact same permissions to other file "filename2". How to use chmod command to accomplish this. Other way around would be to simply copy permissions from one file to another. Is there any command for this purpose?
I had created a file under a directory & set the permissions through chmod command but when I create another file under this directory, I get the default permissions. Is this due to umask or can I set the file permissions through chmod under a directory.
I tried to run one grep that excludes symlinks and pipe it into a second that searches for my pattern but I continue to get the recursive directory loop error. As a result (I think) my grep is incomplete as the search just loops between directories symlinked together.
A bit of an oddity that I've recently run into with my storage folder in my system; it's a newly installed drive that I've set to mount at /storage. When I first tried to use it, programs that I used that attempted to write to it tossed Access Denied errors at me in their own way. Checking the permissions (at the Terminal, ls -l / | grep storage) showed that /storage was set to 'rwxrwxr--'--Owner and Group were given full read/write/execute, but Others could only read. However, my logon to my system is a member of group root. Why, then, with the above bits set, would I not be able to write to it? Changing Others permissions to rwx (and presumably rw would have worked out for me since I don't leave anything executable there) allowed me to write to it, but I don't understand why that would have been necessary. So far as I'm aware, the prior drive that was in my system--mounted at the same location--did not need this treatment.
I'm using my Linux (SLES 10) server as a File Server at this point. I need to set File Permissions to nested folders differently to different groups. For example:
homesharedengineering* should be read only for groupA homesharedengineeringadmin should be read & write for groupB Plus read only for groupA homesharedengineeringautocad should be read & write for groupC Plus read only for groupA
I've been using Webmin and Putty to set permissions but Putty only allows me the Default Group, it won't allow me to set several groups on the same directory. Webmin seems to allow me to add multiple groups (Webmin --> Others --> File Manager --> Info & ACL tab will provide extended abilities) but when I add multiple groups, they don't seem to take effect? I'm wondering if my setup at the 'Share' level or at the hierarchy of my folder structure (unix based) needs to be set specifically?
I keep creating practice perl scripts in a linux directory using vi <filename> and need to chmod 751 <filename> before I can run it as I wish to. I'm sure there is a simple way to default my permissions or config them at creation, but I'm not familiar with it ayuda me por favor.
Is it possible to let users create the directory or files but only user "yat" can delete them.suppose other users are geller ross joe from group FH , who have privileges. whenever these users create file or dir , they should not able delete it.BottomLine: Group users should create file but should not be able to delete them.By the way using sgid bit didnt help .
Kernel, slackware 12.0 For a given app run by me as user john to be able to create a file in /foo1/foo2/, what do I need? (a) john to have write permissions in /foo1/? (b) john to have write permissions in /foo1/foo2/? (c) john to have write permissions in both /foo1/ and /foo1/foo2/? Any hint will be welcome. Note: No. It's not homework. KTorrent complains when trying to create the files being downloaded, saying 'permission denied'. But I think he is being run by another user. I can explain in a different thread.
I'm studying Linux and just started reading about permissions and ownership. My question is how would you have multiple users or groups given access to a certain directory? When doing an ls -l I see the owner, group and others that have permissions that have access to the file or directory. But what if I need multiple different groups access to a particular file or directory all with different permissions?
I first installed linux as ubuntu version 9.04 straight off of a Computer Active CD and liked it so started to delve into file permissions and authorisations, simple stuff I suppose just so I could feel my way around things for a while. Using the built in Ubuntu software centre I downloaded and installed a prog which handles authorisations and I found that very helpful but then through the update manager I installed the latest distribution update (9.10) and now find that the authorisation software only lists a couple of things that I can get to and consequently every time I mount one of my hard disks I'm asked for my admin password even though I am logged in as administrator which is a hassle,
a small one but there all the same, as a newbie I realise it must be me not understanding something but I just dont know what, also in the previous version right clicking on the logging out panel gave you an option to remove the 60 second shutdown or restart delay and that has disappeared in the new version, again its really only just a nuisance thing but I find that sorting out this sort of thing will help me to understand the system
I am having problems with groups and file permissions. I have a file owned by myself
Code: -rw-rw-r-- 1 diblemar users 2.1K Jun 3 06:02 /cluster/shared/Injects/1404_1405_1000033606_79964.return.xml
I want to modify the file using a cgi script running on an apache server (on the same machine). Both diblemar and apache are in the same group.
Code: apache:x:48:diblemar
However, I receive a file permissions error when I try to modify the file. I assumed that with the permission settings above apache would be able to modify a file owned by someone else in the apache group.
This question is about windows 7. I want the "C:program Files" folder to be a symlink to a directory on another partition. I can't do this from within windows because it locked the Program Files Folder. Will a linux live CD do the trick?
drw-rw-rw- 2 owner developers 4096 Jun 24 15:13 models
these were set with
sudo chmod -R 0666 *
My user has developers as the primary group (the same group as the file), but I cannot access the directory via the terminal or ftp.
[myUser@machine]$ id myUser uid=503(myUser) gid=505(developers) groups=505(developers) $ cd models -bash: cd: models: Permission denied
I had the same problem before the directory belonged to my group, and I even went so far as to restart the server, without any luck. How do I set permissions to this directory so that I and other members of the group developers can access it?
I have a web application which calls scripts on the linux box it's deployed on. Currently, there are some file permission issues which prevent the scripts from running properly. How can I give my web application the needed permissions? I thought of creating a user 'group' , assigning my web app to that group, and changing the ownership of the script files to the new group. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble with the following: What user id does my web app have? If my web app does not have an user id,
any way to change file permissions of NTFS drives? All my C programming files resides in a NTFS drive and I need to set execute permision on them in order to run. I tired chmod -Rv 777 /media/Programming. and also tired chmod 775 *.* after entering the folder in which all my files resides. but both these commands doesn't seem to have any effect on the files. I know NTFS doesn't use Unix file system and chmod command goes in vain.
When a application is ran from the shell:fork() is calledexecve() is calledI know the shell stats the file to make sure the required permissions are allowed in the child shell. But I can not find this in the man fork. Nor can I find this in man execve. Which one of these processes/calls stats the binary to be ran?
I've checked out a subversion project with source c++ files in netbeans 6.8 on Red Hat 5.5. My machine has a dual boot with windows xp and RHEL 5.5 so I checked out the project on a folder called winshare which is a shared drive/partition (E: under xp) allowing both operating systems to access the contents. I've Fedora as virtual machine on xp and wanted to be able to work on the source seamlessly whether using fedora or RHEL.
Problem is that Netbeans is able to build the source just fine but I can't seem to run the generated executable. It has -rw-rw---- permission and the owner is the same user logged in (let's say user1) but no matter what I do, whether I change permissions as user1 or root issuing command chmod 777 -R /dir/where/file/is does not have any effect whatsoever on the executable as well as any .cpp or .h files (nothing that I need exectue permissions on .cpp but just to make a point).