General :: Extend /home Or / Partition Through LVM?

Jun 14, 2010

How can I extend /home or / partition through LVM. Is this possible ?

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Red Hat :: Can Use LVM Now And Add Another Harddisk To Extend / Home Partition

Mar 5, 2011

I have my harddisk partitioned with fdisk. It has seven partitions. I have some important data in my /home partition. The /home partition is almost full. I want to extend the size of /home. Mind you I'm not using LVM. Can I use LVM now and add another harddisk to extend the /home partition. Will I lose my data. Or do I have to re-install linux?

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General :: Extend A Partition Using One Disk

Apr 27, 2011

I would like to know if is possible extend a partition using one disk. I have 50 GB on /dev/vdf2 and would like to add on:

/dev/vdc1 50G 6.4G 41G 14% /home3

And this partition will have 100G of space..

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General :: How To Extend Partition Without Formatting

Jun 29, 2011

I have created one partition. Now I want to extend that partition without formatting it.

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General :: Centos 5.5 Need To Extend A Device Partition

Sep 23, 2010

Have VMWARE workstation 7. Have to extend partition /dev/sda1 mounted to /home/user

1. Originally /dev/sda was 10gb I've extended device via VMWARE to 30gb.

2. When I do: fdisk /dev/sda it tells me that /dev/sda 30gb

3. when I check: df -h /home

it shows 10GB

4. How I can make Linux see the 30gb at /home/user?

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Fedora :: Cannot Extend LV For Home

Oct 15, 2010

I have a 100GB HD with FC13 installed, default layout with options suggested during installation. I recently purchased a SSD 120GB and move the data the old HD from it with dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=1M. Since the SSD is 120 Gb, so I should have 20GB space not utilized.

After the moving,

# fdisk /dev/sda1
Disk /dev/sda: 128.0 GB, 128035676160 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 15566 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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Red Hat :: Cannot Extend PV (LVM) After Resizing Partition

Dec 16, 2010

I know there are probably alot of threads about lvm however they aren't addressing my problem. I want to extend the PEs available in a VG. This VG already has LVs and those are active and mounted. From what I read from the manpages of pvresize this should be perfectly possible.
pvresize resizes PhysicalVolume which may already be in a volume group and have active logical volumes allocated on it.

I did the following steps and wonder if anyone has the same issue. THe machine where I am talking about is an ESX VM.
1. Resized the vmdk in ESX (+1G)
2. Let the kernel reread the device geometry: echo 1 > /sys/block/sdc/device/rescan
3. fdisk shows me the new size... so far so good
4. I resize the partition using fdisk (remove, recreate) and gave it the 8e type (lvm)
5. wrote config to disk
6. executed partprobe
7. pvresize /dev/sdc

Here it goes wrong! Pvresize says in the verbose output it sees the same size however at the end it says the pv has been resized. I have seen when I put volumes "offline" using vgchange -a n vg on a test machine, and then try pvresize it seems to work ok. This is against what is in the manual as it says pvresize should work on online mounted volumes.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Create A New Home Partition, Don't Want To Preserve The Existing Home Partition?

Jan 14, 2010

Trying to clean install 11.2 dual boot with Win xp already installed. How do I create a new home partition, don't want to preserve the existing home partition from a previous attempt. DVD installation and automatic config keeps saving the thing.

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Ubuntu :: How To Shrink / Extend Partition

Jun 24, 2010

Here is screenshot showing my current partition in Gparted.
What I want to do is shrink the one (Ubuntu) and extend the other (XP) so that that they are more or less the same size. How?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Extend My Partition ?

Aug 2, 2010

I have a disk partitioned, with windows on on one partition, ubuntu appears to be installed on an extended partition ... and iv run out of space... i need to extend the partition that ubuntu is installed on by 40gb

I have tried downloading gparted... burning it to a cd and then booting from the cd .. but i get upto a message that says use at your own risk then my system just reboots ....

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Server :: How To Extend Boot Partition

Oct 18, 2010

My linux server working with LVM partition and with /boot partition, now my /boot partition is full, now i need to extend my boot partition. can i know how to do it, without any data loss.

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Fedora :: Running Out Of Space - How To Extend Partition

Mar 4, 2011

I have an Asus eee, it has a solid state drive which has been partitioned with a 4GB and 8GB partition. I installed Fedora 14 onto the 4GB partition but I am running out of space. I have formatted the 8GB partition with ext4 but I am unsure the best way to create more space for the default installation. Can I extend my / partition onto the 8GB partition or possible move the /swap partition onto it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Shrink One Partition To Extend Other One

Sep 19, 2010

I have 60 plus GBs of free space left in my Vista partition that I would like to devote to my ubuntu install.

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Ubuntu :: Use Unallocated Space To Extend A Partition?

Jul 19, 2011

Is there any way to use unallocated space to extend a partition that isn't close to that partition? there is an image attached, I can extend /dev/sda2 but not /dev/sda1 ( the one that i want to) I used the live cd to run gparted.I had to move /dev/sda2 to to the right and then extend /dev/sda1

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Ubuntu :: Running Gparted Off Cd - Extend The Partition Of My Computer

Aug 2, 2010

I want to run gparted off the cd so that I can extend the ubuntu partition of my computer...I hdownloaded the gparted iso file and burnt it onto a CD...but how do i run the software?.... there appears to be 3 folders on the cd (isolinux, live and syslinux) and two other files 'copying' and 'g-parted live version' - these two are both text files...

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CentOS 5 :: Root Partition Is Completely Full And Want To Extend

Oct 25, 2010

I also tried to use Gparted but I couldn't install it :(

My root partition is completely full and I want to extend it.

df -h :

fdisk -l

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Ubuntu :: Move / Resize Attempt To Extend Partition Fails

Aug 3, 2011

I am dual-booting 11.04 alongside windows 7. I shrunk my w7 partition, and would like to extend my ubuntu partition to fill up the remaining space. When I boot from GParted live cd, and attempt to 'move/resize' my ubuntu partition, it simply fails. It doesn't really give an error message either, simply 'failed to move/resize [partition name]'

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Red Hat :: How To Extend Partition Size In Redhat Linux Enterprise Without Formatting

Mar 24, 2010

i want to extend my existing partition size,but it should do it without formatting my operating system.i don't have the solution.Is this possible?if possiblsolution.hope somebody should give the answer

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Ubuntu :: Resize Partition - Use Space Taken By Vista To Extend My /dev/sda6 Ntfs

Nov 11, 2010

I have a dual boot Ubuntu 10.04 and Vista laptop.

My Ubuntu partions /dev/sda4 extended, which contains a /dev/sda5 ext4 and a /dev/sda6 ntfs partition.

Vista is on /dev/sda2 ntfs. I would like to wipe vista out, turn off dual boot (if possible) and use the space taken by vista to extend my /dev/sda6 ntfs partition in ubuntu.

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General :: Expanding - Home Partition ?

May 2, 2010

So I recently installed Ubuntu on a blank 250GB HD..

When I was doing the partitions I separated the / and /home and /bin etc

Ultimately I gave 30GB to my /home.

However I kind of need a bit more space now.

There is still a lot of empty space on my HD and I want to know is it possible to increase the size of my /home by about 20 GB?

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General :: Sharing - Home Partition ?

Oct 26, 2010

I have used linux on and off for a few years now but still jump between distros.

I have just got my old toshiba laptop working (got lucky and got given another broken laptop for free and managed to merge them into one working laptop )

I am about to install mint 10 RC and fedora and just realised why on earth have I not created a seperate partition for /home?

I have done a quick google and I know it can be done but I thought id ask you guys if you had any tips or advice on sharing files between 2 or more distros?

I have found a how-to for this but if there is a specific tutorial that you would recommend?

Doing some more research into it and I have found that sharing the /home file is 'not adviced' unless using differant user names for each install... so I am now planning on making a /data partition instead.

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General :: Two Distros With The Same /home Partition?

Oct 11, 2010

I am running Ubuntu with root on one partition and /home on another. I am proposing adding another distro (probably openSUSE) with its root on a partition which is unused at present, and the same /home partition as Ubuntu. Will using the same /home partition for two distros work? I realise that I will have to use the same usernames and passwords for both.

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General :: Windows - Using A Home Partition That Already Has Data?

Jan 24, 2010

I want to install Ubuntu side by side with Windows. I have a big NTFS partition that has a folder with the same name as my username (let's say "joe"). Inside "joe" I have my personal files. Outside "joe" but still in the partition, there is random stuff that doesn't really belong anywhere, or now useless programs that I had to install there because the main Windows partition ran out of space. If during the Ubuntu installer I choose to use that partition as /home and make a user called "joe", will everything work fine?

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General :: Move The Home Directory To Another Partition?

May 25, 2010

I created a partition in my hard disk for my data (documents, multimedia, etc.).How can I:Move the /home/ directory to the new partitionMake the OS (Ubuntu Linux) treat that directory as the default /home/.

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General :: Shift / Home To Separate Partition?

Sep 2, 2010

Is there a way to move /home to a separate partition?
also, i would like to know if the /home partition can be fat32 or ntfs.

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General :: Move /home To Ntfs Partition?

Sep 5, 2010

There was a Toshiba Satellite notebook with XP I decided to install Fedora 13 in dual boot mode.So, I booted with Gparted and shrunk the ndows XP partition to just 24 GB.Then I set up partitions for Linux this way/boot, ext4 256 MB/, ext4 16 GB/home, ntfs 176 GBswap, 8 GBI intentionally left about 8 GB left just in caseThen I proceeded to install Fedora 13.I used the customized mode to use the already set up partitions and keep Windows XP.At the moment of setting the mounting points, fine with /boot, / and swap. But Anaconda wouldn't accept mounting point for /home.I went on anyway.Fedora got set up and run moothly.However, /home resided in / with only 10 GB left.And the /home partition could be seen as a separate disk with its 176 GB.This is /etc/fstab:

# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Sun Sep 5 05:46:26 2010


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General :: Old KDE /home Partition In New GNOME Context?

Apr 10, 2011

due to perpetual Mandriva worsening by the day I have recently took the plunge into Ubuntu. So far it seems perfect for me, my hardware is supported, I am getting a very pleasant desktop experience from it (so to say, the situation has reversed from 3 years ago when Mandriva 2008 was the better choice over the Ubuntu of those times).

However, it did not occur to me that Kbuntu was the KDE version I am now running Gnome Ubuntu. And hey, it is a nice Mac replica I would like to stay on Gnome! But! although I have mounted the old /home partition right onto its former /dev/sda5, Ubuntu Gnome would not allow me to log in with former Mandriva KDE user. The /home/my_old_user folder is still there...

Any way to keep my old KDE user in new distro on Gnome ? I am just guessing this would be the reason why Gnome does not see it - the old user account (because it comes from a KDE environment). Or ?

EDIT: I am now on kubuntu, and still can not access the old user account. How come ?

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General :: Two Different Distributions Sharing The Same Home Partition?

Jan 23, 2011

Is it practical to have 2 different Linux distributions which share the same home partition? I know that programs save their configuration in home directory and that can mess up, yet I would like to play with different Linux distros at the same time while always finding my files at home.

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Ubuntu :: Using Old Home Backup In Separate Home Partition

Mar 28, 2011

recently i made a backup of my home directory in 10.10 before reinstalling 10.10. again.This time I chose to manually define the partitions (50GB Root, 25GB Swap, 325GB Home)Now i wish to migrate the old home into the newly installed home, which is on a separate partition.I have found the following documentation URL...Still, as a beginner I am not quite sure about the necessary steps to perform.As the new home is located on a separate partition is it possible to simple delete all directories there and copy all directories from old home to new home with rsync?

Do I have to install all the software that corresponds to the old home first followed by migrating home or first migrating home followed by installing the software such as thunderbird, Texlive2010 etc.Guess that migration should take place at a later stage. Otherwise my old profile files from firefox and thunderbird will be overwriten by new ones?

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Ubuntu :: Move / Home To Existing / Home Partition?

Jul 1, 2011

Been digging around and not finding anything that quite works.

Background: I had an existing 10.10 install and 10.04 on another partition. When I installed the 10.04 I told it to use the existing /home partition which is also being used by the 10.10 install. All good, both users have directories with all their data in the same /home partition.

Issue: So, as the 10.04 was 32bit (experimenting but another story) I decided I would replace with 10.04 64bit. All went well except when I did the manual partitioning I screwed up and instead of setting the existing /home partition to 'use but don't format' - which I think is what I must have done last time - I left it as 'don't use and don't format'. So, obviously, now the new 10.04 install has its /home inside /, which I don't want. I want it on the existing /home partition as it was with the previous 10.04 install.

Question(s): Is there any simple(ish) way of doing this without a reinstall? Not a major problem as I have only just installed and can do it again without losing anything but time, but I would like to figure out a way to do it without if possible.I want to essentially move the /home/user directory (rather than the /home) and make it /media/home/user inside the existing partition. Seems easy enough on the surface but becomes involved as I investigate.Ubuntu 10.04 minimal install with Xfce DE.

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