General :: Defrag Disks When Using Any Distros

Sep 19, 2010

if there is really no need to defrag disks when we use any linux distros.

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General :: Need To Defrag HDD In System? (ext3)

Feb 10, 2011

I recently moved around, deleted and just had a general day of cleaning up the file structure on my pc. HDD contains about 2 TB of data. Around 1 TB was relocated on the disc, and yet another TB was moved to external drive.

In windows this would likely means it was time for a defrag. Can't find any defrag tools in Xubuntu and that lead me to remember I read somewhere that there is no need to defrag when running Linux.

So is that correct? Is defrag only for the wondows world and something we never need to do in Linux?

If not is there a way to do a defrag from terminal?

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General :: Noise - Like Defrag - From Hard-drive In Ubuntu

Jan 11, 2011

ive just installed ubuntu and notice there are noises coming from my hard-drive like its defragmenting or optimizing but the light isnt coming on... i never noticed this activity in windows7? - when it defrags in windows 7 i can hear it and the light flashes but on this the lights not flashing but i can hear wot sounds like fast writing, really fast clicking

Looking on web it seems to be a problem with power management settings in ubuntu being incorrect... i refuse to believe its the manufacturers as its been fine in windows for past 2 years


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Fedora :: How To Defrag Ext4

Oct 27, 2009

fsck reports 18905 non-contiguous files (20.9%) and 40 non-contiguous directories (0.0%) on an ext4 file system so I would really like to defragment it.

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Fedora :: Does 14 Online-defrag

Nov 5, 2010

Does Fedora 14 online-defrag?

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Multimedia :: Defrag A FAT32 USB-stick In Ubuntu?

Apr 24, 2010

How to defrag a FAT32 USB-stick in Ubuntu?

When my parents got a new 16:9-television I found, it has a USB-slot to display photos. So I bought a new 2 GB USB-stick for them and copied over some photos. Well it works quite well, if you organize the photos in folders (because a flat list is simply unmaintainable).

I really spent some time to work this out on my laptop. But the next day I showed it to my parents on their TV, the photos came in seemingly random order. Taking a second look the order is not really random, but shuffled once for all time. The television does no sorting at all and shows the photos in the order, the files were added to the directories.

As I understand from the documentation of the TV, defragmentation can not only rewrite files so their contents are in a neat sequence, but also reorganize folders and especially sort the entries. There is just one problem: My last WinXP-PC was already recycled, though I still have the installation-CD.

Now I definitely don't want to install WinXP everytime over Ubuntu, just to do some defragmentation now and then. Moreover I don't want a dual-boot, as it would tempt me, to abandon Ubuntu and switch back to WinXP.

On the other hand, I don't want to bother my friends with this little problem, as far as admitting, there are things I simply cannot do with Ubuntu won't help me persuade them, that Ubuntu is a veritable replacement.

Finally the TV and the stick are at my parents home which is quite a distance away. I imagine bringing more photos on my laptop *TO* them, but not taking the stick with me every-time, just to "repair" it on some WinXP-PC somewhere far away, thereby effectively taking all the other photos away *FROM* them.

Getting more specific:

1. Are there any defragmentation / reorganization / reparation tools to maintain FAT32 under Ubuntu?

2. Has anybody ripped Scandisk+Defrag from WinXP and got it running with wine? Is this save in the way, that it will not damage the FAT32 filesystem?

3. I've installed WinXP in VirtualBox from Sun (not the OSE-version). But so far I could not access any USB device. The menu-entry in virtualbox is simply grayed out.

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Software :: Best Way To Go About Performing Offline Defrag Of Ext4?

Aug 3, 2010

Can someone tell me the best way to go about peforming an offline defrag of ext4? Considerations:Needs to be safe (i.e.: not wanting to bork up my music files 8))I have seen ref. to e4defrag. Everything seems to point to it still being buggy.I have a large ext4 drive with 2/3 empty that gets lots add / remove.would like ti be able to see the amount of fragmentation.would like to make file continous and then condensed to start of partition ( that would make read times faster right?)

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Debian Hardware :: Servers Which Contain SATA Disks And SAS Disks?

Feb 25, 2010

I have servers which contain SATA disks and SAS disks. I was testing the speed of writing on these servers and I recognized that SAS 10.000 disks much more slowly than the SATA 7200. What do you think about this slowness? What are the reasons of this slowness?

I am giving the below rates (values) which I took from my test (from my comparisons between SAS 10.000 and SATA 7200);

dd if=/dev/zero of=bigfile.txt bs=1024 count=1000000 when this comment was run in SAS disk server, I took this output(10.000 rpm)

(a new server,2 CPU 8 core and 8 gb ram)

1000000+0 records in
1000000+0 records out
1024000000 bytes (1.0 GB) copied, 12.9662 s, 79.0 MB/s (I have not used this server yet) (hw raid1)


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Ubuntu Installation :: Which Disks Can Be Main Boot Disks

Mar 31, 2010

I have/had a PC with several hard drives, and a mix of ubuntu and windows on multi boot.The old boot drive died screaming, and I need to start again. (But my data is safe! yay!)

Is there anything special about which drive can be the main drive to start booting from? Or to put it another way, can I install to any of the other 3 and expect it to work, or do I need to switch them around so a different drive is on the connections for the recently dead one?

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Ubuntu :: Tool Similar To Windows Defrag - Disk Cleanup?

Jul 8, 2011

Does Ubuntu have any tool similar to Windows defrag or disk cleanup that cleans up your hard disk and clears up some space?

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Programming :: Efficient Access Of Huge Files Or Defrag Ext4?

Sep 30, 2010

I need to figure out how to arrange for the fastest-possible read-access of a large or huge memory-mapped file. I'm writing high-speed real-time object-chasing software for a NASA telescope (on earth). This software must detect images of fast moving objects (across arbitrary fields of fixed stars), estimate what direction and speed the object image is traveling (based on the length and direction of a streak on the detection image), then chase after the object while capturing new 4Kx4K pixel images every 2~5 seconds, quickly matching its speed and trajectory, then continue to track and capture images until the object vanishes (below horizon, into earth shadow, etc).

I have created two star "catalogs". Both contain the same 1+ billion stars (and other objects), but one is a "master catalog" that contains all known information about each object (128 bytes per object == 143GB) while the other is a "nightly build" that only contains the information necessary to perform the real-time process (32 bytes per object == 36GB) with object positions precisely updated for precession and proper-motion each night. Almost always the information in the "nightly build" catalog will be sufficient for the high-speed (real-time) processes.


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Software :: Got A Fat32 Extern Hard Drive And Would Like To Do A Defrag And A Scandisk On It With Fsck?

Feb 24, 2010

I got a Fat32 Extern Hard Drive and I would like to do a defrag and a scandisk on it with fsck? Can any one tell me what is the command to do it? I could not find it on google,

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General :: Share /var And /usr Among Different Distros?

Feb 9, 2010

I currently have one very big partition in my laptop that runs Ubuntu. I have to install Fedora for work and I'd also like to try out OpenSUSE, so I'll have to repartition. Since I don't want to duplicate data, I will move /home to a different partition and mount it from all three. I'd like to know, can I also do this with /var and /usr? If so, would that mean that every program I install will be available from all three?

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General :: Find Other Distros Which Act The Same Way?

Dec 31, 2010

according to [URL]..age-management Slackware build packages using the original source code, making only negliable changes to it.

I was trying to find other distros which act the same way. Does anybody know some?

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General :: How To Install 2 Distros

Feb 22, 2011

i have linux mint 10 installed on my system and i want to install fedora 14 too .since fedora 14 comes with grub legacy and not grub 2 so,if i install fedora 14 would the grub 2 that comes with Linux mint be over-written by grub leagacy if yes,then how do i install fedora 14 withoust losing grub 2

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General :: Commands In The Different Distros?

May 12, 2010

i am still a linux newbie. i'm trying to study the features of the different LINUX distros through installing ubuntu,debian,redhat,centos and fedora as Virtual Machines in VirtualBox.As i've figured out, they look different somehow, they have diffirent managers ,i.e. for downloading or updating their components. BUT MY QUESTION: are these distros internally compatible ?

Do any commands exist in one distro but not in the others? ARE ALL Distros compatible on the CLI-basis ?

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General :: Any Other Distros Which Allow To Install 'on' Windows?

Jan 22, 2011

Are there any other Linux distros (apart from Ubuntu) which allow you to install 'on' Windows?I'm having problems installing Ubuntu on my Thinkpad, it keeps breaking down halfway during the installation. I wanted to try another.I wanted to try and use fedora KDE but it doesnt appear to have the 'windows' installation version?

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General :: Which Distros Install From USB/Live USB

Jun 26, 2009

A friend of mine is working at a company that's getting a lot of netbooks. None of them have optical drives so USB is important. They are going to switch most of the netbooks from Windows XP to Linux. I told him that both Ubuntu and Ubuntu Netbook Remix can be used this way. He installed both to a USB Drive and what he likes is at bootup it gives the option to either run it from USB as a Live Distribution or to install it to the hard drive.

The installation would give him a way of switching them to Linux and in other cases for users who prefer Windows XP they still have the option of using a USB Flash Drive when they want to use Linux. The question: What other distributions work this way? I have looked at Fedora, CentOS, Mandriva, and OpenSUSE. Would either of these install from USB or even work as a Live Distribution from USB or even do both? Are there other distributions that would do this?

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General :: Which Distros Require 'sudo'

Feb 23, 2010

I thought ubuntu was the only distro that requires the 'sudo' command. I could have sworn I just read that OpenSUSE does, too. So who all *requres* it?

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General :: Delete Multiple Distros And Keep One?

Feb 26, 2010

I want to switch to a different distro. So now I have 2 linux distros on my computer, and also win 7 (as a backup). how do i delete the other distros and keep the one I want?

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General :: Distros Appropriate For Specific Computers?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm looking to install Linux on two of my home computers. Here they are, with a brief description of what they will be used for. Rig #1: main desktop: Dell Dimension, P4 3.0GHz, 2GB Ram, 128MB PCIe Video Card Currently, I have WinXP Pro installed and it is my main workhorse computer.

I would like to have a fairly full featured distro that I can test drive as an alternative to WinXP (which I use mostly for web browsing and mp3s and games... I know I may be out of luck with getting many of my games working on linux, but I can live with that). The only other caveat with this machine is that it has to work using a USB wireless network adapter. The wireless router is nearly inaccessible and too far away to plug into. And there are no wired ports in the house.

Rig #2: old computer: Celeron 850, 512MB Ram, 30GB HD, 64MB AGP Video card My really old computer that has just been sitting around collecting dust. I would like to install a fairly lightweight distro (for obvious reasons) to play around with. Maybe get some experience using linux from an admin perspective, like installing/compiling packages, running servers, etc...

I have already tried to install Linux Mint and Xubuntu on my main desktop. While both installed without any errors, neither of them was able to boot into linux. Presumably because of this bug:

Which seems to be a problem with Grub/Ubuntu. So I'd like to stay away from Ubuntu. So what are some distros that you guys would recommend for these two rigs, given my potential uses/limitations?

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General :: How To Tell What Distros Compatible With Processor

Jul 23, 2010

I have an old mini-desktop computer I want to have as a spare machine for internet browsing and checking email. It has a copy of XP currently, but the previous owner didn't put the key in so I can't get onto it at all. I plan on putting linux on it, just not sure what it can handle. It has 384 megs of RAM I believe, and the processor is a via C3, so I'm not even sure if I can run linux on it. I've checked the faqs and googled a bit, but I can't tell if it's i486, i586, or one of those things, and I'm not sure what linux distros(if any) are compatible. Will linux mint be able to run on a 900mhz processor of this sort and 384 megs of RAM? I'm thinking no, but it's the only linux distro I've dabbled with before. If not, will ubuntu? Will opensuse?

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General :: ATI 5800 Drivers With Various Distros?

May 24, 2011

I was using Ubuntu but changed distros recently due to Natty which I found buggy with Gnome. I just don't care for Unity. I have tried Fedora 14, Fedora 15 Beta, OpenSuse 11.4. I am leaning towards Linux Mint.

Except for Ubuntu, my ATI 5800 video card fan is running constantly. I ran the Dell diagnostic on the card. It reported the card was running correctly. It also runs correctly in Windows 7.

I am a semi-newbie and have some confusion as to which drivers to use for my card. Two questions:

Is there a a thread someone can point me to to correctly install the correct driver for any particular distro?;

Is there issues with ATI video card drivers and certain distos?

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General :: Could Two Distros Share The Same /home

Jul 27, 2010

Just out of curiosity, suppose I had a harddrive with three partitions. One partition contains Slackware (or whatever), and one partition contains Debian (or whatever). Could both of these installs use the third partition as its /home, without causing any problems?

edit: meant to put this into Linux General, not Debian. Could anyone move it?

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General :: Dependency Resolution And Distros?

Aug 5, 2010

Is there a distro that has the best dependency resolution than the rest?

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General :: Installing Multiple Distros On One Hd

Jan 19, 2010

I want to install multiple distros on one hd just to get some experience with them. I'm wanting to try out different distros and DE's, so I think I'm settled on wanting to install Ubuntu, Mandriva (or PCLOS), opensuse, and Linux Mint, all on a 40GB drive, giving a little more than 10GB to one of them to use as my primary Linux OS. I also have a current XP install on another hard drive that I'd want to leave connected so GRUB will detect it (not touching it at all during OS installs).

After trying several times to get 4 (or even 3) OS' installed on one drive using one GRUB has been a pain, so it looks like I'll have to put each OS' GRUB on it's respective partition and use one OS' GRUB as a primary in the MBR. With all that being said:

1. What's the best GRUB to use? Much difference between Ubuntu 9.10's and Mint 8's?

2. I'm not worried about saving data on a separate /home partition, so could I use one swap partition and a / root for each OS (giving each one about 10GB)? Would that just mean resizing the previous install's partition and manually creating a 10GB / ?

3. I've read the GRUB 2 guide several times, and when manually adding all of the GRUB's in different partitions to the "main" GRUB, all I need to enter is the title, root entry, and possibly chainloader +1?? This is the area I need the most help in... manually adding entries to GRUB 2... not too worried about Windows because that's usually detected, just adding other distros.

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General :: How To Get Theme Sounds For Distros

Nov 24, 2010

What directory stores the intro and outro sounds for:
Linux Mint GNOME
Linux Mint KDE
PCLinuxOS 2010

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General :: Points To Compare Distros?

Apr 1, 2010

I 've a question regarding which points should be considered to compare 2 different linux distros say RedHat & Ubuntu. for a production environment non-db applications ..

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General :: Sync Evolution Between Distros

Jan 22, 2011

On my network I have one computer running Fedora 14 and another running Ubuntu 1.0. I need to sync Evolution between these 2. The problem is Evolution folders have different content in the 2 distros. Is there a way to sync e-mails, contacts etc, between these 2 distros?

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General :: The Best Book For Suse And Other Distros

Mar 30, 2011

I need PDF version of this book SUSE Linux Toolbox 1000 Commands for openSUSE and SUSE Linux
anybody has it?

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