I am running flash-player plug-in inside of Firefox on a SLED 11 machine.Firefox can print to the network printer without issue from File > Print.However, I cannot get the flash-player plugin to print at all. The print dialog comes up, asks for which printer, and which pages.I click Print and it was as if I had pressed cancel.
I am using Fedora 14 right now and i can't figure out how to put in adobe flash player into the plugin repositories of the browser.
Does anyone know how to get it working so I can view ..... videos and or any other media file? Maybe step by step from the start? I downloaded adobe flash player version all ready. I don't know if I should uninstall it then reinstall... Well enough of my rambling I'll let the veteran users have the final say.
I use slack 13.1 64 bits on my intel i7 machine. That is I can't find a flash-player plugin that works on all browsers. The firefox crashes on open. The release of adobe 64 bits plugin simply doesn't work on any browser. I use slack 13.1 64 plus kde. Anyone knows some that works?
Recently I installed fedora 13 it works fine in all aspects as per my need except flash player problems in firefox.. I tried to install flash using the following commands: rpm -Uvh [URL] then I updated the repositories then I typed, yum install flash-plugin nspluginwrapper.{i386,x86_64} pulseaudio-libs.i386 alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.i386 libcurl.i386 but it says no package available in the name flash-plugin.
I have problem with installing flash plugin in ubuntu 9.10. I tried it through synaptic package manager, there it shows connecting to archive, canonical site and it will not proceed after that.
I am very new to Ubuntu, decided to try it again with the new 10.4. I really need to have flash player plugin installed, but I get this error: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. E: _cache->open() failed, please report. I even tried to go through the software center and the extra install through the help site from the firefox browser, but still get the error message.
Tried installing flash player plugin, but Firefox says it can't install it. I installed manually, restarted firefox, but it still tells me I'm missing the plugin.
I have just installed Debian "Lenny" AMD64 in my PC, but I can't find a compatible flash player for AMD64 in the adobe site, the only version I found is for i386.
I just installed F11KDE, and I am trying to get it to run Flash content in Firefox. I have been searching for solutions for well over an hour and have found nothing that works. How can I get my installation of the Firefox browser to play Flash content. How do I install it? I have tried
# yum install flashplug-in or something to that effect, as well other attempts of different varieties, i.e.-rpm, yumex. Nothing is working.
Setup: Ubuntu 10.04 (Fresh Clean Install) AMD64 Desktop - Using Firefox 3.6.9 with Flash Player Plugin
Problem: I can watch videos but cannot interface with the plugin. I.E. I cannot change volume, fullscreen, progress bar adjust, etc.
After researching for many How To's and install scripts I finally came across one that worked for my particular setup:
I got the script from the following link:
This installed successfully and I can watch videos but cannot interface with the plugin. I.E. I cannot change volume, fullscreen, progress bar adjust, etc.
I read that changes are in progress to update the 64 bit Flash Plugin for Mozilla, could this be a bug people have reported?
i am a proud newbie user of debian linux. the desktop i use is xfce. i have iceweasel as the web browser. it cannot access flash content like videos videos and some others because the adobe flash plugin is not installed. i've done the following without success. i downloaded flash_player_10_linux.tar from adobe's site, unpacked it to get libflashplayer.so. but under /usr/lib/iceweasel, there is no plugins folder to put it in. there is, however, a broken link called plugins. then i created a plugins folder under home/myaccount/.mozilla and pasted the libflashplayer.so file over there. i restarted iceweasel, but it cannot still detect flash content.
then i ran apt-get install of jre and downloaded all java packages. however, while installation it gave an error saying, "cannot overwrite iceweasel/plugins". this came most probably because as mentioned earlier there is no plugins folder under iceweasel to begin with. on running the about : plugins command, i get "no plugins installed". i then deleted the plugins folder from .mozilla and directly pasted the libflashplayer.so file under usr/lib/iceweasel (since it contained many other .so files). how to enable iceweasel to enable the adobe flashplayer plugin.
the movie player which i have installed cannot play .flv files. it says, 'flash demuxer' is the required plugin' which is not found... what should i install to make movie player to play .flv files??
When I try to use wget or install anything that uses wget to install (flash player plugin), it fails, as my IT admin blocks direct access to IPs. I see wget takes the domain and resolves it's IP and then downloads (atleast thats how I get it?), and then I get "connection refused". Is it possible to force it use the domain and not the IP?
I want to install flash player plugin for my Mozilla firefox in terminal, so that I can watch video, what kind of command that I must type in terminal?
Today I installed an upgrade through update manager of the Adobe Flash Player Plugin and it breaks the flash in all three of my browsers: Firefox, Opera and Chromium. Had to revert to previous version to get it to work. Ubuntu Version 10.10 i386 Sony Viao Laptop.
I have released a Firefox extension, called FlashVideoReplacer, that automatically replaces embedded flash video object with video/mp4 or x-flv, allowing to watch flash streaming content with a less CPU intensive plugin.
Does the $ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree command always downloads the latest flash player plugin?Does it install for all currently installed browsers? Because it seems like it does.
In my frustration to get adobe flash working in firefox I deleted the /usr/lib/flash-plugin folder. Now when I try to uninstall "Flash-Plugin" from YAST it fails as it can't find the sub-folder. I also cannot install the latest version of flash player as it says that it is already installed - So I am stuck in a loop.
I am running SUSE 11.2.
Is there a config file of installed programs that I can modify to remove the "Flash-Plugin" entry, or is there another way to get over this problem.
I just installed Adobe Flash Player 10 and it says it's installed, when I go to firefox and Epiphany it still has flash player 9, Ive quited the browsers and everything Ive uninstalled/reinstalled still no luck.
I am using openSUSE 11.0. This OS installation gives firefox 3.0.5 Beta. I had installed new version of firefox at /usr/local/bin/firefox. I had placed link of this firefox at /usr/bin using this command ->
linux-snvz:/usr/bin # ln -s /usr/local/bin/firefox/firefox firefox My older firefox contains the flush plugin. So i can easily played ..... video's in my browser. But now my new browser saying that it doesn't have flash plugin. I was tried to install flash plugin once again.
Even after installation also my browser is again without flash plugin.
What is the best way to install a plugin capable of playing real videos for Debian Linux? In particular I want this web page to run correctly under Iceweasel and Chrome:
I'm using Chromium and a 64-bit version of libflashplayer.so I was wondering if there's a new version out, but it's close to impossible to find the download for it.
I have the same machine and software as Carlsewell (software version: Eee pc; Biosversion 0802) and I followed this advice to the letter:
Paste this file into '.mozilla/plugins/' in your home directory - this is a hidden directory, so you'll have to select 'show hidden files' or similar from your file manager. restart firefox.
I've downloaded the static .tar.bz2 file for Skype .
Same with Flash, my default browser is Konqueror. explain everything for dummies. I've also created a non-root user (kasu) and when I try logging in, I get the error message; There's no home directory and it can't be created.