General :: Can't Configure Ip Address On Lynux Enterprises 5

Apr 14, 2011

i have installed lynux entrprises 5 but i cant configure my ip address on that..whenever i tried to open an eth0 it gets some error. i m using inteldg41ty motherboard and 160 gb hd,1 gb of ram how can i solve this problm..?

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General :: How To Configure IP Address / Gateway In Ubuntu 9.10

Mar 2, 2010

As a new user I like to know how to configure ip address, gateway etc in ubuntu 9.10. I used opensuse 11.1, their I can manage to do these but ubuntu I did not find anything.

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Fedora :: Configure A Static IP Address (14)?

Apr 3, 2011

I am trying to establish a static IP address using the instructions I found at:I cannot find this file in Fedora 14:Code:/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-Auto_eth0

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Networking :: Configure An Ip Address For Ubuntu?

Apr 25, 2011

The configuration is completely different than any other version of linux i've used.

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Networking :: Configure An Ubuntu 8.04 LAN Connection To Use More Than One IP Address?

Jun 21, 2010

In WindowsXP I am able to assign multiple IP Addresses to a single LAN Card/NIC Port by clicking "Internet connections> Local Area Connection>Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)> Advanced> Add".

Is there a way to configure an Ubuntu 8.04 LAN connection to use more than one IP address?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Configure A Static IP Address On Karmic?

Jan 22, 2010

I am currently using transmisson on ubuntu 9.10 however want to switch over to Utorrent using wine to get more options as rss feeds etc.. I will still use transmission some aswell.

I want to see if there is a guide on how to configure a static IP address on karmic?

I have found the following how to on port forward (my router WNDR3300 for utorrent) [URL]..but this pertains to using windows and not linux. I am also a linux noobie.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Configure Ip Address - Unknown Host.

Aug 10, 2010

this issue which has suddenly occurred on both my Desktop and my Laptop. When I try to configure an IP address to any interface I get the following error....

uadmin@Ubuntu:~$ ifconfig br0 addr
addr: Unknown host
ifconfig: `--help' gives usage information.

I get this for ethernet interfaces as well. I do not understand what is different as I was able to configure the ip address only the day before yesterday on the laptop..? The Desktop has had this issue for about 3 weeks now.

br0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 32:70:40:91:06:25
inet6 addr: fe80::3070:40ff:fe91:625/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0


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OpenSUSE Network :: How In World Do I Configure SSH With DHCP Assigned Address

Aug 7, 2011

I am just trying to get SSH working between 2 local machines on OpensSuse 11.4 boxes. I have the SSHD daemon running, the firewall is configured to allow SSH to pass, and I am using SSH's password authentication. However, my machines cannot see each other. Anytime I try to SSH, I get "Could not resolve hostname<hostname>: Name or service not known."

Of course, that leads me to believe I need an entry in my /etc/hosts file. However, I use DHCP, and therefore have a dynamic IP address. Therefore, my hosts names will only be good until the next IP renewal. How in the world do I configure SSH with a DHCP assigned address?

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Networking :: Configure To Resolve For Hostnames When An IP Address Is Provided To DNS Server

May 21, 2010

How do we configure to resolve for hostnames when an IP address is provided to the DNS server.

Things I tried

The DNS daemon was started by the resolution failed. Find the logs below

** server can't find NXDOMAIN

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Server :: Configure Apache To Host 5 Domains As Virtualhosts In The Same IP Address?

Jun 2, 2011

I've been for a while trying to configure my apache to host 5 domains as virtualhosts in the same IP address, but seems that neither one makes it through... it always takes first one, because it is the default:

NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>


As you can see I tried the ServerName with the http://, in quotes, without it...

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Fedora Servers :: Configure Email Address Alias Using Regular Expression In Postfix?

Mar 8, 2010

I am trying to configure virtual alias using regular expression.

For example :

Email send to and will deliver to user mailbox.

Email send to and will deliver to user2 mailbox.

And the numbers or alphabet in between user name and the domain will be vary , I can't just do a normal alias.

I been try to play around with and the virtual alias table but still not able to get work. So I am not sure is the didnt configure correctly or the regular expression is not working.

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General :: What Is Production IP Address And Management IP Address In Servers

Jul 20, 2011

what is Production IP address and Management IP address in Linux servers? What is the significance of these two? When to use what?

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General :: Virtual Memory Address To Physical Address?

Apr 13, 2010

How can I get the physical address corresponding to a virtual address in linux by using /proc file system

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General :: Use Where Save For The Physical Address Going Towards The MAC Address

Jul 19, 2010

im REALLY new with linux and ive downloaded and installed heres the do i set up WLAN internet use? ive tried using ipconfig/all on windows command but im not sure which info to use where save for the Physical Address going towards the MAC Address info

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Networking :: Configure A (openSUSE) Client To Dhcp To EBox DHCP Server - Lease An IP Address

Mar 25, 2010

I am puzzled with trying to configure a linux (openSUSE) client to dhcp to eBox DHCP server. I am using dhclient to lease an IP address with dhclient eth0 -s and get a response

openSUSE11232CL1 dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 4
openSUSE11232CL1 dhclient: DHCPOFFER from
openSUSE11232CL1 dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67
openSUSE11232CL1 dhclient: send_packet: Network is unreachable
openSUSE11232CL1 dhclient: send_packet: please consult README file regarding broadcast address.

The server reports eBox141 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:0c:29:3e:57:a3 ( via eth0
eBox141 dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 00:0c:29:3e:57:a3 ( via eth0

I interpret this as the server receives the request and the client accepting it but the lease does not last long and the connection breaks. what this could be and why the connection breaks? Or my undestanding is totally wrong on how it works and should work? And BTW, where is that README file that's referenced in the message I receive on the client?

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Server :: Configure Address Of Next Level DNS In BIND Server?

Sep 24, 2009

I need to know how to configure the address of the next level DNS server in my BIND server. im in a FEDORA 10 system.

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General :: Installing Hudson In Centos 5 - Manage Hudson By Using Configure System And Configure Options?

Aug 9, 2011

I have tried to install and configure Hudson in centos distro version 5.Installed hudson with tomcat by deploying .war files.after configuration was completed, builded a project.It displayed build was completed successfully.but I was not able to download output of build.

So I rechecked configuration,found that i havent set artifact file pattern to archive. how to set artifact file pattern and how to get build output. how to manage hudson by using configure system and configure options.what is the correct way to configure public hudson?.

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Security :: Address Space Randomization On 2.6.28-15-generic Ubuntu 9.04 - Finding Base Address?

Sep 14, 2009

Im an academic (university networks and security lecturer) studying/teaching network and operating system security, and inspired by the work of Hovav Shacham set about testing ASLR on linux. Principley I did this by performing a brute force buffer overflow attack on Fedora 10 and Ubuntu 9. I did this by writting a little concurrent server daemon which accidently on purpose didnt do bounds checking.

I then wrote a client to send it a malicious string brute forcing guessed addresses which caused a return-to-libc to the function usleep with a parameter of 16m causing a delay of 16 seconds as laid out in [URL] Once I hit the delay I new I had found the function and could calculate delta_mmap allowing me to create a standard chained ret-to-libc attack. All of that works fine. However .... To complete my understanding I am trying establish where I can find the standard base address for ubuntu 9 (and other distros) for the following, taken from Shacham:-



/proc/uid/maps gives me some information but not the base address ldd also gives me the randomised starting address for sections in the user address space but neither gives me the base address. Intrestingly ... when a run ldd with aslr on for over (about) 100 times and checked the start point of libc I determined that the last 3 (least significant) hex digits were always 0's and the fist 4 (most significant) where between 0xB7D7 and 0xB7F9. To me this indicated that bits 22-31 were fixed and bits 12-21 were randomized with bits 11-0 fixed. Although even that doesnt define the boundaries observed correctly.

Note: I am replicating the attack to provide signatures to detect it using IDS, and for teaching purposes. I am NOT a hacker and if needed to could reply from my email address as verification.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Port Forwarding From Public Address To Private Address?

Feb 24, 2010

Currently my OS is Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope Desktop OS and my web server is Apache2. I have a public address 60.x.y.z and my pc local address is 10.x.y.z. I have a web app in my Apache2 which currently run in localhost(10.x.y.z).

I would like to enable the web app so that it could be browse from outside. I know there maybe some port forwarding process and some commands involved in order to do that. But I have no idea on the steps to do that.

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Networking :: Error Str2addr:Address 35 Outside Range Of Address Field Length 1?

May 12, 2011

I am working on implementing a protocol on NS2.34 .I really need help to solve this problem . Actually , I don't now whether the problem is generated by the tcl code or the c++ code when I run the simulation, I get this result :

num_nodes is set 64
45 - Calc highestAntennaZ_ and distCST_
highestAntennaZ_ = 1.5, distCST_ = 550.0

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Programming :: Pass Ip Address, Port Address And Some Parameters From Command Line?

Apr 1, 2011

I want to pass ip address,port address and some parameters from command line using python script.The ip address and port address for establishing socket connection and remaining parameters to execute different connection.

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Programming :: Shared Memory Address Area In Process Address Space?

Feb 21, 2011

if i attach a shared memory to my process whch part of the address space it will add(like stack, heap, data, code...).

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Networking :: Program To Assign Globa LIPv6 Address And Bind() To The Previously Assigned Address?

Apr 24, 2010

Consider the following program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>


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Ubuntu Networking :: Static IP Address And The Install Configures For A DHCP Configured Address - Network Not Starting

Dec 16, 2010

Version 10.04 LTS. Installed desktop version and network worked but I needed a static IP address and the install configures for a DHCP configured address. I tried changing to static address using the System->Preferences->Network Connections application but was unable to get the system to come up with the network up.

So I manually modified the /etc/network/interfaces and the /etc/resolv.conf files. I restart the system but when I do an ifconfig, I don't see a configured IP address on eth0 (only the loopback address). If I run /sbin/ifup eth0 everything then works fine and ifconfig shows the correct address bound to eth0.

My files are as follows:

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Address Box - Search For Something In The Main Address Bar - Input At The End

Jan 16, 2011

When I try to search for something in the main address bar It always adds the following with my input at the end

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Ubuntu Networking :: IP Address Set To Manual But Still Queries DHCP For Address

Mar 12, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and I'm having problems trying to assign it a static IP address. No matter what I put in the Preferences->Networking area (identifying the interface as Manual)... it still will query DHCP for an address if I run the dhclient command. I'm using to using ubuntu server where I just set the IP in the interfaces config file.

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Programming :: Physical Versus Virtual Mac Address And Mac Address From NIC's Firmware?

Apr 6, 2011

I need a small shell based program that prints the mac address of physical ethernet adapter from it's firmware. I need this utility for license generation and appliance activation. I have tried several example but none of them is flawless, The easiest method I have found is to parse the output of "ifconfig" command but it has also some drawbacks.

1. Firstly program should differentiate between physical and virtual adapters. Physical means installed on board(wired or wireless) or installed additionally. Virtual adapters are those created by VPN or created by virtualization apps such as VirtualBox/VMWare etc. I am not interested in virtual ones.

2. In case of more them one physical adapters(wired and wireless), it should print the mac address and description(name & vendor) of both/all adapters.

3. If media is disconnected then also it should be able to read the mac address and description(name, vendor) of card.

4. This one is bit complex. I know that 'ethtool' can show you the universal mac address but it's limited to use only 2 types of drivers and won't work in all cases.

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Networking :: Dynamic IP Address With PTR Record Versus Fixed IP Address Without?

May 7, 2010

I am running my own Postfix mail server. Some time ago I noticed that most email was rejected because of the server's dynamic IP address. So I got a fixed IP address. However then I noticed that some mails got rejected due to failing the reverse DNS check. So my ISP told me to get a range of IP addresses and they could then create a PTR record for one of those addresses. That is now running but it turns out that the IP address used for the PTR record is a ... dynamic IP address. So Spamhaus PBL rejects my emails again.

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Server :: Blocking Dhcpd Address Lease For Specific MAC Address?

Sep 4, 2009

I hv Cent OS 5.3 installed as server. I hv a network of approx 100 desktops and laptops. For a security purpose i want to block certain laptops from gaining a the network access using dhcp. Can we block the ip address leasing if a specific MAC address request for a ip lease?

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Server :: IP Address In Ubuntu \ Dont Find Inet Address?

Aug 4, 2011

If I give "ifconfig" in my laptop I get eth0,lo,wlan0.In that where do I find my Ip address in Ubuntu in 10.04. In eth0 I dont find inet address.Where can I find it?

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