General :: Xml Parsing Using "" Library

Mar 8, 2011

i need a sample xml parser program which parses given xml file and prints its contents iam very new to this area and iam using library I wish that provided example should be in C only

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Programming :: Http Authentication With Libxml2

May 29, 2011

I'm trying to add HTTP authentication to my app (it's a rss reader). As the app is in written in C and uses Libxml2, I've been searching in Libxml2 doc, but it seems it's not possible. Maybe someone could point me to a link to relevant info about how I could achieve that?

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Programming :: Libxml2 : XmlFreeTextReader Crashes

Feb 22, 2011

I am using libxml2 (libxml2-2.7.6-1.fc10.x86_64 ) I get crash when I call xmlFreeTextReader after the XMl file is processed. Following is the sample code that I am using:


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Programming :: Use Libxml2 On MinGW - XmlFree Crashes

Oct 22, 2010

libxml2 works fine on Linux machines. On Windows, the distribution at [URL] is built for the Microsoft C compiler/linker. The tools pexport and dlltool supplied with MinGW work fine to enable linking to these libraries EXCEPT for static data within the DLL. libxml2 is written so that calls to xmlFree, xmlMalloc and xmlRealloc dispatch through static variables in the DLL - the actual function has another name. BUT, the link library that dlltool builds has its own .globl variable that never gets initialized, and calls to xmlFree(whoever) wind up at location 0.

SOLUTION: AFTER an initial call to xmlParseFile() or some other xml function that initializes the DLL's variables, add the line:

if(!xmlFree) xmlMemGet(&xmlFree,&xmlMalloc,&xmlRealloc,NULL) This will initialize the application's static pointers to the dll's routines. (The NULL pointer would return the address of xmlStrdup, but it's a function already, not a variable <???> so it works anyway).This solution is portable - if you run on a Linux machine where the pointers are properly initialized already, it won't hurt anything.

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Red Hat :: Install RHEL4.8 Libxml2 And Libxsl - Undefined References

May 20, 2011

I have a RHEL4.8 machine, and I am trying to install the following libxml2-2.7.8 and libxslt-1.1.26 The OS installed versions are: libxml2-2.6.16-12.6 and libxslt-1.1.11-1.e14_7.2 I installed libxml2-2.7.8 and it appears to have installed successfully. However, when I attempt to build and install libxslt, it complains about some undefined references when linking to libxml2 which I believe are not in the old version (but do exist in the new one I installed). I am not able to erase the old versions and I am not able to update to the ones I want. I am at a dead-end at the moment and I am not sure how to proceed.

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CentOS 5 :: Installing PHP 5.3.6 - Libxml2 Issues And The MySQL Saga?

May 25, 2011

I've been at it all day trying to get PHP synced up with MySQL. The long and short of it is, php-mysql RPM's lead me into dependency hell (I've been trying to repent but for some reason I always end up there) after I had already used an RPM to install PHP. MySQL is fine, for now.

Here's where I'm at now... I have since uninstalled any previous versions of PHP and have grabbed the tar.gz2 version of PHP to compile / run with the "--with-mysql" option enabled. However, whenever I try to ./configure --with-mysql, I'm eventually told that "configure:error: libxml2 version 2.6.11 or greater required."

Running "rpm -qi libxml2" confirms that I've got version 2.6.26 installed... What gives!?

As is customary, here is my system info: Information for general problems.

== BEGIN uname -rmi ==
2.6.18-238.9.1.el5 i686 i386
== END uname -rmi ==
== BEGIN rpm -qa *-release* ==


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General :: ERROR: Source Object Has EABI Version 0 But Target Turbine Has EABI Version 4

Apr 2, 2010

When I compile my application, I received following error: ERROR: Source object has EABI version 0, but target turbine has EABI version 4. So I need a libxml2 file with ARM EABI version 4. Can I find one from the internet? or does anyone know how to create one?

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General :: The Script To Parsing The Log Message?

Apr 6, 2010

I am working on the script to parsing the log message . the followings are my task:1. Read the multiple log files, such as N1-2009-10-01, N2-2009-10-2, N3-2010-01-02....2. Parse the specific message, such as "aaaa"3. If found the "aaaa" message in the log file and export to excel file PS. i use zgrep:zgrep -a --text "aaaa" * > /home/TTS/myfileand inside file looks like:

N3.2009-11-26-03-05-02.console.log.tar.gz:2009-11-25 20:12:57,429 - aaaa
N4.2009-11-29-00-25-03.console.log.tar.gz:2009-11-28 10:42:18,209 - aaaa
N6.2009-12-01-10-05-02.console.log.tar.gz:2009-12-01 10:00:24,902 - aaaa


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General :: Firefox XMl Parsing Errors

Jun 30, 2011

I keep getting Firefox XMl Parsing Errors(64 bit firefox). It's driving me crazy. Even in safe mode this happens.

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General :: Parsing A File Into Database?

Jul 14, 2010

parsing the text file in perl.I have very large text file with plenty of columns and can i parse the file into Oracle database.

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General :: Parsing A Binary File?

Mar 17, 2011

Is it possible to parse through a binary file using a script using either Korn shell or Bash

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General :: Parsing Strings Containing Bash Scripts?

Jan 15, 2010

fakeFile's contents :


blah $(date +%F) blah

fakeScript's contents :


while read line; do
echo $line
done < "fakeFile"

so here's the problem : is there any way to evaluate the fakeFile's contents (in the fakeScript), so that the term "$(date +%F)" (or any other bash script) in a string , translates to it's corresponding value ? (in this example , we want to have "blah current date" instead of " blah $(bash script) blah " )

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General :: Parsing File With Multiple Delimiters?

Jun 21, 2011

I am using nessus to scan systems, and it generates the report file without any specific delimiter. Shown below is how a typical line in the file reads (It might show up as a very long line.


xx.xx.xx.xx|cpq-wbem (2301/tcp)|49272|REPORT|Synopsis :;;The remote web server is affected by multiple vulnerabilities.;;Description :;;According to its self-reported version number, the HP System;Management Homepage install on the remote host is earlier than 6.2. ;Such versions are reportedly affected by the following ;vulnerabilities :;; - Session renegotiations are not handled properly, which; could be exploited to insert


The field of interest (for me) are IP ADDRESS, Synopsys, Description, Solution and Risk Factor. I tried the following command to parse this:


sed s/:;;/|/g report.nsr | grep Risk Factor |High | awk 'BEGIN {FS = "[:][;][;]"} {printf("%s|%s|%s|%s",$1, $6, $7, $10)}'

But this would not give desired results as ':;;' is not a standard delimiter and hence gives incorrect results. how to grab everything that occurs between the strings 'Synopsys', 'Description', 'Solution' & 'Risk factor' in the above example? In other words i may be asking to use multiple delimiters.. in the order of occurance.. is there a tool that supports multiple delimiters?

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General :: Parsing Output - End Of File Option ?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm working on a alias/script that will make it easier to look at my environment via the set command.

On my ubunto when running set it also displays some 10 pages of code pertaining to something called "imagemagik". at the end of the output. This code begins with the { character.

This is annoying if I want to look at my environment when working on scripts. How could I use something like grep, awk, sed, or whatever to ignore everything after the "{" character.

That seems to be the simplest way as long as there are no leading brackets in my environment. (And if you're thinking I should just remove {imagemagik}, I might just do that. But I still would like to know how to do this).

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Software :: ./configure Problem For Libsf Library Due To Apparently Missing Libdb Library ?

Aug 4, 2011

./configure script fails to configure libsf. Please check the following last few lines of configure script error.

But find command shows the following;

It seems the file libdb does exist. man dbopen displays man page for dbopen. I also tried to ln -s /usr/lib/libdb.a and /lib dir but all were in vain.

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General :: Capturing And Parsing Xterm Cut Buffer In EMacs

Jan 17, 2010

I'd like to make an indirect control for Emacs (in Ubuntu Linux) so that I can swipe some text in an xterm with the cursor, cutting it into the X cut buffer, then run a macro in Emacs to parse the cut buffer text to look for text saying "line XXXX" where X is all digits, then go to that line in the current Emacs buffer. I think this is possible by using emacsclient to get emacs to run a macro, then the macro parsing the cut buffer, then issuing a goto-line command to the number that's been parsed. My problem is I don't know how to write the emacs script to read the X cut buffer and parse it.. I've been going through cookbook examples but none seem to fit.

My goal is to ease development. When I have an error/information/status message printed in an xterm, I want to swipe the error message which says something like "syntax error on line 2776" then press a keyboard shortcut which Ubuntu will interpret to launch emacsclient, which causes my already-open Emacs to grab that text, parse it, and go to the line number I just swiped. Only this last step of parsing is the hard part. (Yes, I know you can run a shell INSIDE of emacs, but this is doesn't fit my workflow). How would I make emacs look at that X cut buffer and parse out the line number and issue the "goto-line" command to the current buffer?

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General :: Parsing Delimited File And Variable Scripting?

Sep 23, 2010

I did some searches and after a few hours was able to get what I needed. What I didn't find was a fully encompased means of what I'm used to in the windows world in working with delimted files. Hopefully this is helpful to others and if there is something better or leaner way, even better.We have an issue where managing printers, just viewing on RHEL w/ sys-conf-prtr we lose any number of, up to ~30 printers from lpadmin. Rather than stare and compare to find the missing ones, I wanted to make an intuitive script. This is what I came up with.

while IFS="," read Prntr IP; do


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General :: Parsing Columns In Bash / Extract The First Set Of Numbers And Get Them To Appear Only Once?

Sep 28, 2009

as a result of a find command, i have

852065 72: /bin/gunzip
852065 72: /bin/gzip
852065 72: /bin/zcat

(the first column is inode number and the second is size if you're curious)

I want to be able to format it in a way such that:
852065 72:

I know I can get the bottom half using awk- but I can't figure out how to extract the first set of numbers and get them to appear only once

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Programming :: Libxml2: Removing Output On Stdout/stderr - Element CA Does Not Carry Attribute Maxlength

Jul 26, 2010

I'm using libxml2 to handle/manipulate some XML files. In order to check the consistency of a XML file, I have a DTD and I'm using the xmlValidateDtd method to compute the check.

However, when an error occures during the check (for example an attribute is missing in a XML tag), then libxml2 writes the error on the stdout/stderr. For exemple:


/home/XML/FreeFour.xml:18: element CA: validity error : Element CA does not carry attribute maxlength

The method return the right result (true or false depending on the check result), but occurring errors are written on the stdout/stderr, and I actually don't want that.

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General :: Link Shared Library Against Other Shared Library?

May 27, 2010

I think that the solution is very simple, but I cannot reach this solution. I'm trying to build an that uses is compiled using C; is compiled using C++;

Inside "Aso.h" file I'had declared:


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {


There's no error to compile that, this library seems to be compiled correctly, but using the "nm" command the functions appear with "U" of undefined. Trying to build an executable using the library, I got this error: /lib/../lib/ undefined reference to `foo(int, int, int)' I think that to solve this problem it's only link the with the .o files generated at the compilation phase of my Bso. Using the "ldd" command I'm able to see that depends on, so what am I missing?

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General :: Parsing Through A Nagios Config File To Extract Info W/ Sed - Awk - Vi

Oct 13, 2010

I have a config file called hosts.cfg.

It contains entries like this:


There are many more of these entries in the file, over 500, all in this same format: each host has a "define host" followed by 18 directives contained in squiggly brackets.

If I want to know all the hosts that are in the hostgroup called SERVER_GRP, I suppose I would need to read every hostgroups line (8th directive in squiggly brackets) that contains SERVER_GRP and output the corresponding host_name line (1st directive in squiggly brackets) from that entry.

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General :: Bash And Php Parsing / Not Getting The Data To Output Correctly Into The Rows?

Oct 26, 2010

i am trying to get a script that i'm calling to have information from a sql populate into rows... but i'm not getting the data to output correctly into the rows. can someone please help?


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Programming :: SDL Static Library - Shared Library ?

Apr 7, 2009

I'm reading about shared, static, and dynamic libraries. What is SDL? Is it static, shared, or dynamic?

I always thought a library would be a lot of .h and .cpp files compiled separately into .o files and then if you compiled your own program you could use the -l parameter to link the library and it was all compiled together. Now I'm not so sure.

I don't even see any SDL .cpp files in my system anywhere. All I have are lots of SDL .h files in /usr/include/SDL and I don't really understand the code in them.

I'm making a wild guess here: SDL is a shared library. SDL itself is NOT compiled into my program, therefore SDL must be on any system my program tries to run on. When I compile and link SDL all it needs is the header files to know what SDL function and objects it can use. And then on every system it uses an already compiled SDL shared library thingy somewhere.

So... where is that part of SDL? All I can find are header files.

I'm thinking the advantage of shared libraries is that someone could say update SDL on their own system and take advantage of the new features without having to download new executables with the new version of SDL compiled into them for every program that uses SDL.

So if I'm making an editor and a game engine and they both use a lot of the same .cpp and .h files that I wrote and I'm tired of updating one and then the other and I need to turn them into a library, then a shared library might be kind of a silly solution. I could just make a static library. Right? Because it's not SDL. Nobody else is ever going to use this library.

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Programming :: Convert A Dynamic Library ( To A Static Library (filename.a)?

Nov 18, 2009

How can we convert a dynamic library ( to a static library (filename.a) using gnu gcc . Can we get a static library form a dynamic library . I saw a few post in which the conversion form a static library to a dynamic library is mentioned but, unfortunately, not the other way.

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General :: Parsing File Dates - Get The Date Of The Last Time A File Was Modified ?

Jan 11, 2010

I need to get the modified date on a file in linux to use in a script.I tried using 'ls -l' on the file, but this caused problems when the date turned from a single digit into a double. The reason for the problem was because I was parsing the result string on spaces.How can I get the date of the last time a file was modified so I can use it in a script? For example, if a file was modified on 1/11/2010, I need the 11.

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General :: Parsing Err Or Invalid $END - Correct User Use Of Invalid Characters

Feb 10, 2011

Trying simply to insert into table. Have succeeded in doing this but now want to correct user use of invalid characters. If I'm understanding correctly, Real-escape-string seems to correct these, so I've been trying to figure out how to use it. A short, test code version gives me a syntax error at INSERT VALUES, which--because it still has the single quotes in the text--tells me the real-escape-string didn't work. The code below gives me a parseing error with invalid $END at </body>.

Insert Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' VALUES (UTC_TIMESTAMP,'What's happen' bra?')' at line 1 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/powere15/public_html/DB/exercises_insert_record.php on line 94
<html><head><title>Exercise Catalog Insert Record</title></head>
/* Change db and connect values if using online */

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General :: Parsing Text And Combining The Parsed Text?

Oct 28, 2010

EDIT1: I should note that I was trying to do this in PERL, not sure if other alternatives are more simple?EDIT2: I should note that for text file 3 (reference), it's a long list of MANY cnp_id values and their corresponoding chr, start, and end values. So, the code will have to take the cnp_id from text file 1 and/or 2 and search through textfile 3 (reference) to match on the cnp_id and then take the corresponding chr, start, and end values and add to the relevant line in the output.EDIT3: Sorry, I should mention that the text file entries are all tab-delimited.I have 3 text files:File 1:Columns represent sample IDs (sample_id) and rows represent CNP IDs (cnp_id). Cells represents the confidence level (confidence) for each sample and CNP.Quote:

cnp_idP5E6_SNP6.0_JHP5_010408.CELP5E11reh_SNP6.0_JHP5_011808.CELP7C7_SNP6.0_JHP7_021208.CEL ... etc.


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General :: How To See If Shared Library Is Currently Loaded

Jul 13, 2011

How can I see if a shared library is currently loaded? (i.e. system-wide, process agnostic)How can I see all shared libraries loaded by a process?

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General :: Force Firefox To Use Different Library?

Aug 12, 2011

I'm trying to upgrade to Firefox 5 on RHEL5, and am getting the following error:

./firefox-bin: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by /home/isdtc/tdiakiw/bin/firefox5/firefox/

As the computer is a work machine,I don't have access to update the libraries directly. To try and get around this I downloaded the library.strings | grep GLIBCXX shows:


Is there some way of forcing firefox to use this library instead? I have tried adding the directory containing the new library (with a so name) to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and then running, but I'm still getting the same error message

+ moz_libdir=/usr/local/lib/firefox-5.0.1
+ found=0

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General :: How To Configure Library Path

Jun 1, 2010

i'm using slackware 13.0 with glib2-2.18.4-i486-1 and gtk+2-2.14.7-i486-4 i need to install newer gtk+2, i've installed glib-2.25.7, but in my home directory, so how do i configure the gtk+2, so it points to the glib library path in my home directory. i've tried this command


./configure BASE_DEPENDENCIES_LIBS=/home/sadlie/.testapp/usr/lib

but it still comes with the same error message


Requested 'glib-2.0 >= 2.23.6' but version of GLib is 2.18.4
Requested 'atk >= 1.29.2' but version of Atk is 1.26.0

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