General :: Win7 Ubuntu 11.04 Dual Boot-Unable To Set Up

Jun 6, 2011

I have a e-machine x64 machine, running win 7 home premium. I have tried to run WUBI, and do a side by side install, but either way, I cannot get it to dual-boot. Any ideas? Comments (other than trashing Win-7?).

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General :: Dual Boot Problem With Win7 And Ubuntu

Jan 25, 2011

I'm only a few months into working with Linux, and am getting used to it slowly. I messed up trying to load Ubuntu 10.04 on a new Gateway (Acer) laptop that has Win7 on it. I need Windoze for a couple commercial applications. Neither will boot w/o a CD. I'm guessing I messed up the load. I would like directions/ideas. I think that since Windoze is such a hog, I should remove Linux and partitions, restore Win7 and try again. Do I need to do something to GRUB as well?

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General :: Attempting DUAL BOOT Win7 With Kub 10.04?

Jul 27, 2010

Current rig:

Toshiba Satellite L455 laptop
Celeron 2.20 GHz
Windows 7, 64bit

I downloaded the DVD release of Kubuntu 10.04, from The file is: Kubuntu-10.04-dvd-amd64.rar . I burned it to a DVD, as image, with ImgBurn application. See any problems so far? I want to dual-boot, leaving my Win7 in tact. I am confident that I can handle this with some patient instruction.

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General :: Lilo Can't Boot Win7 From Dual Boot?

Dec 15, 2010

I cannot boot into the Windows 7 partition, which I guess is /dev/sda1. I have Slackware installed on /dev/sda2 which boots fine, my /etc/lilo.conf looks like


/etc/# Start LILO global section compact


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General :: Dual Boot 7 Saving Win7 Loader?

Jul 22, 2010

I need to install linux (with Grub) un a disk with windows 7 loader (i have 2x choice on that loader and i need to use it).

I tried to dig to find out some methods but nothing.

It's safe? It's better to install Grub on another partition - same physical disk?

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General :: Dual Boot Win7 And Mint9 Using 2 HDDs?

Jun 2, 2010

I would like to know the best way to dual boot an already installed Win7 HDD, with adding a second HDD to which I will install Mint9?

I have attempted this in the past with Mint8, but managed to screw it up some how with Mint 8`s Beta Grub2! So bear with me if I am skittish on repeating a "conventional" Grub bootloader selection approach!

This time I would prefer to install Mint9 to it`s own HDD with Win7 disconnected if possible, and installing Mint`s Grub bootloader directly to the Mint HDD installation, just to insure Win7s MBR isn't affected by the Mint9 installation, by keeping each O.S. and it`s bootloader completely separate and apart. Of course then comes the question of how to access my new Mint 9 installation, since reconnecting my Win7 HDD (with it`s MBR) will become the default, with no knowledge of any Mint installation.

Would a third party bootloader such as "Easy BCD" be the way to go? Or am I over complicating what I would like to accomplish here? The main thing is: NOT having to upset my twice installed Win7 installation again!

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General :: Make A Win7 And Backtrack 4 Dual Boot?

Jun 7, 2010

I want to install boh win 7 and backtrack4 on my pc. how can I do that?

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General :: Repair Grub2 In MBR? Win7/10.10 Dual Boot?

Dec 24, 2010

I have a win7/10.10 dual-boot set up, more or less following the tutorial (I know, I know). I had to reinstall windows, and its taken over the MBR so that only win7 boots now. My shared drive and the ubuntu filesystem are still there, I just can't get to them without a boot cd. So, I tried to follow the tutorials, which all basically say to reinstall grub or grub2. I tried one method, but ubuntu told me that installing grub2 anywhere but the MBR was a bad idea

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General :: Bootloader, Dual-boot With Win7, And Large Drives?

Aug 15, 2010

I just tried to install OpenSUSE 11.3 on sda4 which is approximately the 2nd half of a 1TB drive, with a pre-existing Win7 installation on the 1st half. The installation summary (before it made any changes) told me "The bootloader is installed on a partition that does not lie entirely below 128GB. The system might not boot." Naturally, not keen on having a computer that won't boot, I aborted the installation.

Of course it's not below 128GB -- Windows is there.

Is there a workaround that is straightforward enough for someone who has very limited experience with GNU/Linux and isn't a comp-sci student?

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General :: Upsize Partitions On New HDD - Dual Boot (11.04 On Win7 With Grub)

Aug 12, 2011

I have been an MCSA for the last 20 years, but recently I have been very impressed indeed with Ubuntu 11.04, having dabbled with and then discarded Susi Linux some five years ago. My problem may be summarised as outlined below: Using the downloadable ISO I installed Ubuntu 11.04 as a dual boot on a Win7 100GB HDD on my Lenovo T61 laptop. No problem they both rock and I'm very impressed. During the installation procedure I selected the largest partition sizes available from the Ubuntu installer wizard being 25GB Extended split into 18GB Ext4, and 3.2GB and 3.2 GB swaps (I couldn't suss out any way of manually increasing them any further).

I found that the 11.04 Startup Manager application didn't work at all, so I downloaded and installed Grub Customizer 2.1..and that did work after a fashion.. certainly enough to actually effect changes in the grub configuration settings. Everything worked so well on the 100GB HDD that I decided to transpose the entire disk image to a new 500GB WD Scorpio and make the dual boot my main working disk. Using Acronis I imaged off the 100GB installation selecting the partition by partition, and retain disk signature options. I then recovered the image to the new 500GB HDD and everything works beautifully on the new HDD.

Except of course all the partitions are still the same size. I won't waste your reading time recounting everything that I have done using Acronis Disk Director (V Good) and Gparted (not so good), but needless to say whatever I do Grub won't have it, and I have lost count of the times that I have re-recovered the good image. Basically I want to increase the partion sizes to apportion larger partitions to both Win 7 and 11.04 and obviously I'm missing something somewhere.

Fdisk -l -u produces..
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders, total 976773168 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x9f011ed1 .....

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General :: Win7 User Installing Dual Boot Slackware 13?

May 29, 2010

I'm a pretty experienced Windows user, and have coded in x86 and win32 API for a while, so I know the system reasonably well. I've used windows since the days of Win95, and prior to that I had an Amiga - so I'm pretty rusty in unix-like operating systems. I have little C coding knowledge beyond reading it, though I can understand what the programmer is doing from reading the source. My only experience with installing linux was on a 486 laptop that failed spectacularly when the CDROM couldn't be detected and used, so I'm necessarily a little wary of doing this, but I've become quite exasperated with Windows lately.

I have decided to make my life interesting (if not easier at first) by dual-booting Linux with Win7. My current machine is a dual-core intel laptop with 2GB of RAM and an ATI X1250 mobile GPU, with a 120GB HDD. I have two partitions currently on this machine - both 60GB-ish. The main C: drive is Win7. I'm aware of the hidden partition that Windows installs. I have an external 1TB USB drive for my applications and data, so space shouldn't be a problem. There is no floppy drive (unsurprisingly) and I can boot from the internal DVD drive.

I have chosen the Slackware 13 distro because it seems to be well respected as a learning tool for unix-like operating systems. My main aim here is not to abandon Windows at first, but to learn a new OS. I'm aware that Slack may not be the most user-friendly distro, but will give me knowledge that I might not gain under other distros. If I'm making a mistake here, then let me know! I have plenty of free time to devote to this little project, and I'm not afraid to learn. I am however afraid to destroy my Win7 fall-back. If all else fails, I need to be able to go back to a working OS to jump on the net to find the answer to what went wrong.

So my question, as per the subject title, is: What do I need to know before I do this? I have no idea what I'm doing with regard disk partitioning beyond Partition Magic - which I don't actually possess anymore. I can use the Windows disk management app. I have no idea how to manage a boot sector. So are there any gotchas that I need to bear in mind? I've already read this thread: [URL]. Which I must admit looks very complicated! I have a fair bit of time before my Slackware 13 DVD-ISO image downloads (20KB/Sec) so have some time to gather information.

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General :: Dual Boot - Replace Vista With Win7 Without Affecting Fedora?

Oct 9, 2010

I had Windows Vista Business in my compaq presario CQ40-145 TU laptop, over which I installed Fedora 13, making the system dual boot. The Windows is set to be the default OS. Now I want to replace Vista with Windows 7 professional without affecting Fedora. As far as I understand, during boot up, the system enters Fedora's booting process and then gets redirected to Windows, and it is not directly windows even if the default OS is windows.

The reason behind not disturbing fedora is the updates, extra software and packages installed and the pain and time it took me to make my speakers, wlan and flash player work in it. I even don't remember the exact process of what I did. I don't have now so much time to search for it again. So I will take up only that way in which Fedora is not affected at all. And the second problem is my DVD drive is not working at all. So I'll like using USB stick for the same.

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General :: Wireless Disabled After Installing Update And Restarting (dual Boot Ubuntu/win7)

Jun 21, 2011

the only issue that i have: the wireless is always disabled.

when i install new updates, the wireless comes back enabled and everything is fine but when i restart ubuntu its disabled again !!

i have a DELL studio 1537 laptop (broadcomm wifi card)with a win7 service pack 1/linux ubuntu 10.04 LTS dual boot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot With Win7 - Bitlocker And TPM - Without The Usb-stick The Pc Won't Boot

Oct 18, 2010

I have searched and read threads about the Bitlocker, grub and TPM issues that might show up, but I can't draw any conclusions as some information contradict each other. To make sure I don't screw up my pc as thought I need to make a new post.

At work I'm supposed to run Windows 7 and encrypt the win-partition with Bitlocker. I have installed Windows, turned on the encryption and it ties into the TPM. But as I am moving over to the *nix department I want to run Ubuntu as dual boot to check everything rusn fine with all the systems I need. Before I installed Windows I partioned the disk:

1,5 GB for system/bitlocker requirement
147 GB for Windows, C:
85 GB which is empty where I intend to install Ubuntu (not formated yet)

I boot into Windows with my bitlocker/TPM key on an USB-stick. Without the usb-stick the pc won't boot. Now, before I try to install Ubuntu I want to make sure to do it the right so I don't mess up the Windows installation or won't be able to boot the pc at all.

There seem to be several "schools" to this. Some suggest I should have installed Ubuntu first, then Windows and then encrypt. Some say, no worries just fire away and install since you are not planning to read the windows-partition from Ubuntu. Or an alternative, install but make sure to deactive the encryption during installation. Some say, install but make sure grub is installed in (multiple choices) location.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - Win7 Not Being Able To Boot Anymore

Apr 29, 2011

So we install Windows 7 home premium. Then in goes the Ubuntu Disk. Ubuntu seems to think that the windows 7 partition is one big lump of unallocated space. Tried multiple re-installs of Windows 7, all concluding the same. A bit of googling told me that it has something to do with partition tables or something. I even tried to use Gdisk to delete Gpt from the windows disk, which - as I have absolutely no idea what any of it means, - resulted in me screwing up the entire Win7 partition hence win7 not being able to boot anymore.

i've seen on the internet include a lot of technical garble which I don't understand. I've been using Linux for a while, but as far as partitioning and dual booting is concerned, it's always gone smoothly for me up until now

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - Can't Boot Win7

Nov 16, 2010

I've installed Ubuntu 10.10 (64bit) next to my Windows 7, in SSD hard drive. I'm able to boot Ubuntu with no problem, but my problem is my Windows. When I try to enter windows 7, all I get is a black screen with one blink char, and from there it does nothing...

My PC:

cpu i5 760
4gb ram
mb gigabyte GA-P55A-UD3
gpu gainward nvidia gtx 460

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Ubuntu Installation :: Will Not Boot - Dual Boot Win7 And 10.04

Mar 21, 2011

I have the option of selecting between win7 and Ubuntu during start up, but when i select Ubuntu it goes to the first 2 lines of command and then restarts again. Windows 7 works fine. This is the second installation of ubuntu on this computer, the first attempt did the same thing (would not boot into ubuntu but win was fine) after i lost power. This time i shut the computer off for a full week while i was on vacation. I have switched between windows and ubuntu a couple of times and had no issue with this installation.

HP Pavilion
AMD AthalonII X4
8GB ram
AMD HD 4550

64-bit windows 7
Ubuntu 10.04LTS 64-bit

All stock and at cool temperatures.

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Ubuntu :: How To Dual Boot With Win7

Mar 1, 2010

I want to dual boot with windows 7. How would I go about making a partition etc.,. for windows? I know how to dual boot other OS's off of windows but not linux. I just want to dual boot with ubuntu and windows 7.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot Win7 With 10.04 Or 10.10?

Jan 22, 2011

My wife wants Ubuntu dual booted on her new Acer laptop which has Windows 7. My question: Is 10.10 stable enough to put on her computer? We have used Ubuntu for a number of years and have always stayed current with upgrades, but I have become leery lately of rushing into new versions of Ubuntu. I had too many problems when I upgraded to the last couple of times. I'm inclined to put 10.04 on her computer unless I can be assured that 10.10 is good to go. Or would I be well-advised to move back a version or two?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot 11.2 / Doesn't Boot From Win7

Feb 14, 2010

I turn back to openSUSE and install it in my machine (win7 installed first),but i can't boot from win7. openSUSE doesn't boot from win7 (like ubuntu) and i can't see ntfs win7 partition from openSUSE. Why openSUSE is so complicated about dual booting

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Boot Into SuSE (Dual Boot With Win7)?

May 26, 2011

I'm trying to dual-boot Windows 7 with openSuSE 11.4, i was told that i should install SuSE after windows 7 as it takes care of the boot-loader and automatically detects my windows installation and not vice-versa,
But that is not true in my case.

So i had 2 hard disks one had windows 7 installed and one was empty so i decided that i should get openSuSE 11.4 on the empty hard disk and dual-boot it with windows 7 (that i already had installed). Downloaded the DVD, put it on a USB and installed SuSE on the other hard disk normally, it detected my windows installation on my main hard disk but i didn't touch that, only formatted my other hard disk to ext4

After the installation it booted automatically into SuSE, but now every time on a fresh restart the system boots automatically into windows. Methods i have already tried to resolve this and it didn't work:

1. Booted from the DVD and selected an "Upgrade" not "New Installation" so i could boot again into my SuSE installation which did work, checked my "Boot Loader" options from YaST and checked the "Boot from MBR" option instead of the "Boot from root partition" option, That Did NOT work.

2. Used the same method to Boot into SuSE with the "Upgrade" Option opened up the terminal and tried to install grub manually again using this link


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Ubuntu Installation :: Set A Dual Boot With Win7?

Jan 13, 2010

I bought a new computer (laptop HP DV6-1375dx) and I want to set a dual boot with win7, like I did with my desktop (clean install) However, my question is, with the new laptop all I have is the rescue disks vs. having the single OEM version. IS that a problem? for the desktop I followed lifehackers article "Dual boot win7 and ubuntu in perfect harmony." no problems at all.

what I am afraid of is formatting the new hard drive and the recovery partition and not being able to use the disks for some I over-reacting?

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall Win7 - Dual Boot

Jun 5, 2010

Currently i am dual boot win7 and ubuntu, and the win7 is installed first in C drive, then ubuntu 10.04 is installed in D drive, my question is can i uninstall win7 and just keep the ubuntu on my machine?

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Ubuntu :: How To Get Win7 And 10.04 Dual Boot Running

Dec 6, 2010

There was windows 7 Home Basic pre installed onto Hcl Desktop at my Office, then I installed ubuntu 10.04 to it, everything was ok untill I restarted. When I select windows 7 from dual boot, it takes me back to dual boot grub page. So I did inserted Windows 7 cd and restored windows by this

bootrec.exe /fixboot

Now only windows 7 is working and booting. I want ubuntu 10.04 on the dual boot, how and what is exact method of recovering ubuntu without harming windows 7? Is it with ubuntu 10/04 cd?? If i do live cd and restore grub, will windows 7 work?? I haven't given any details of hd0 and root, i'll manage, just tell the procedure.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Dual Boot - Win7 As Primary OS

Jan 28, 2011

Should I first partition my HDD using partitioning software (Gparted ETC.)? I have Win7 as my primary but I just want some sort of linux OS on my laptop. I only want to give it 30GB, and I checked the partitioning helper that ubuntu 10.10 has on its installer and quite frankly, it sucks.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot - No Option For Win7

Feb 4, 2011

i need win7 to run a rip software for my new roland printer, but i want to use and learn ubuntu for personal use. i tried installing win7 then installing ubuntu next to it. now when i start the laptop it only starts ubuntu and there is no option for win7.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot 10.10 And Win7?

Feb 11, 2011

I've tried this a couple of times and can't load Ubuntu.Here's the scenerio, I have 3 partitions.

/dev/sda1 = ntfs (Win7)
/dev/sda2 = ext4 with the / mount point
/dev/sda3 = swap space

I've some tutorials where I need a /boot partition as well and others where I just need the root partition. At the bottom, there is a drop down box for you to select the device for boot loader installation. Those options include /dev/sda, /dev/sda1 (Win7) and /dev/sda2.

I need to do to get the dual boot working? My first thought is to install the boot loader onto /dev/sda but I'm unsure. It keeps booting Win7 and can't get the option to load Ubuntu.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: 14 And Win7 Dual Boot?

Nov 8, 2010

I install Fedora 14 32bits the same way I install Ubuntu. First, make unallocated space for it (about 150Gb). During the installation setup, I select "use all continuous free pace" as partition option, coz it's fastest and easiest. /dev/sda/ is selected as location for boot loader, and leaves Fedora as default boot target. Installation process goes very smoothly, but when the system restarts. The computer boots up as if Fedora has never been installed, it goes straight to Windows7, No GRUB boot loader menu whatsoever.

troubleshooting attempt #1: at first I thought it maybe the GRUB compatibility issue between 32bits Fedora and 64bits Win7. So I tried out 64bits Fedora, doesn't work.troubleshooting attempt #2: then I tried to install the boot loader on the Linux partition (first boot sector of boot partition) and let Windows 7 controls the startup menu by using FreeBCD.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Win7 Is Not Working On Dual Boot?

Jan 21, 2010

I used to have a win7 hp laptop. I decided to use ubuntu9.10. i installed it to my second drive (d after shrinking of c: drive to 100 gb. After installation of ubuntu, i try to boot win7 from grub screen, it goes to blue screen and restarting, not opening. But when i choose ubuntu, it is working properly. When i try to repair it, the win7 cd does not see any drive, only its x drive (where it boots). how can i start my win7 again. I am working on this 2 days.

============================ Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 1.97 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #4 for /boot/grub.
=> Syslinux is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb


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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Win7 And 10.04 - Unstable

May 24, 2010

Does ANYONE have a stable dual boot Win7 & Ubuntu 10.04 system? I have been trying for WEEKS to get a computer configured for my student lab. I get things going and everything seems to work for a few days. And then for no reason, the next time I reboot, Grub just seems to commit suicide.

Latest example. Win 7 & Ubuntu have been co-existing perfectly fine for about a week. Iow, I do something, then reboot, and the grub menu comes up - I select something and it boots my OS of choice for that session.

But today, I've been putting the last few touches on this computer before I use Clonezilla to copy it to all of the computers in the lab. You know - hard stuff like:

* set the default profile in Windows

* install a printer in both Ubuntu & Windows

* set a background image for the logon screens that have our "don't do anything bad" policy.

how there is nothing in there that should mess w/ grub or the boot loader, right? Yet I reboot the computer, I get to where grub should load - and BARF - I get the Bios splash screen again and the computer reboots on it's own. What the !@(#$&!@#$% is going on that this keeps happening to begin with?

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