General :: Whats Easiest Way To Go About Setting Up Web Server

May 21, 2010

Im trying to set up a web server on Linux and I was wondering if there may be any shortcuts available or a simple step process to get me where I need to be in regards to setting up the server.

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General :: What Is Easiest Smtp Server To Setup And Configure?

Feb 25, 2010

I need to setup a mail server, purely for relaying mail to a MS exchange server. A previous employee used Postfix on CentOS. I have limited Linux knowledge and no experience with any mail server software other than MS Exchange, so we cannot continue with this solution (unless I can find a way of managing it all from a gui). Does anyone know of an MTA that can be configured completely by GUI? Everyone says sendmail has millions of features and loads of documentation, but I simply do not have the time to learn it. I need something that can be configured with minimal knowledge and via GUI, not command line. The only reason I'm not using Exchange is to try to save money, and hopefully it will be more secure.

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General :: Easiest Way To Mass Delete Files Without Crasing Server?

Jan 18, 2010

I have like over 60 gb of tons and tons of tiny tiny files.

I used
rm -rf *
and I ended with system load of over 100+.

Any idea how do I mass remove the files without crashing the system? I have Q9550 with 8 gb ram.

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Server :: All Websites Are Down And Can't Find Whats Wrong

Nov 17, 2010

I have a CentOS Server and i use ispconfig 3. I have hosted 10 websites and the other day all my websites went down. I have tried to look at the logs i cant see any thing ISPconfig logs dont have any errors.

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Server :: Whats The Best 64bit UPnP And NAS Distro

Jun 2, 2011

I've got a solid PC w/Xeon dual core, 4gb RAM, and (2) 1Tb Sata HDs - looking to replace a WinXP pc that currently is running PlayOn (for media to the BD player on the TVs) and sharing folders/drives to all the PCs (WinXP, Win7, OSX, and Ubuntu.

I have tried a few distros to get media shared to the BD players, and even a Win7 - but the BD players can't seem to play any of the video files on the newer 'servers' - and only the Win7 even appears to the Sony TV in the living room (even though it can only browse the folders with video files). Another problem with the Win7 being tested for acting as a server - is the Macs cant seem to access the shares (get Access Denied errors).

Wondering if there is any good distro that is mainly setup for sharing files and storage space to all my devices. Thinking of trying FreeNAS, and seeing if I could add the UPnP/DNLA server packages to it?

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CentOS 5 :: Easiest Way To Mirror Existing Server Setup On A New Server?

Jan 13, 2011

We have two CentOS 5 servers in production (web and database). We are setting up a single staging server that will mirror the configurations of these servers as closely as possible. What is the easiest way to ensure the exact same software and configs as the production servers are setup on the new staging server. Our contracted data center provider has already informed us that they do not perform images and NO we do not have physical access to the machines. It is undetermined whether we will be virtualizing the staging server into two virtual servers yet, so for the purposes of this post lets assume we are not. I'm seeking a faster/more precise method than doing this by eye and hand.

Some information on our web server code...

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Server :: CentOS 5.3 - Easiest Way To Keep Software Updated?

Mar 17, 2010

I have somewhere between 8 and 12 servers, spread amongst different webhosts, all running CentOS 5.3. Everything on the servers has been compiled from source:
> EngineX, PHP, MySQL, Munin, etc

I compile from source because I usually run ./configure to modify the source before installing. What would be the easiest way to keep the server software updated? I am considering creating custom packages from a server which I would keep up to date manually. Then use Capistrano or Puppet to install those packages on all of my servers.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Easiest Way To Move 200 Accounts To New Server?

Feb 9, 2010

I'm in the middle of moving my lab to a new server in the middle of the school year.. and need to copy all the user accounts to the new box, hopefully with all the student's passwords and contents of their folders intact.And since we are using the system daily, I need to do it all in an hour or 2.I'm thinking I can just

1. diff /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow from the old the new
2. copy all the student folders to new /home
3. write a script to set the permissions on all the new /home folders to match the user names.

It seems easy and safe so long as I back up the 2 existing files..Any reason not to try? Or is there an easier way?

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General :: Whats The OS For Running WoW

Jan 18, 2011

I'm looking for an OS to run WoW on mainly.

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General :: Whats OS Required For Denso GT10Q-SR?

Dec 22, 2010

have you ever try using Denso GT10Q-SR barcode scanner??could you tell me whats OS which required for this scanner?could it work in linux?

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General :: Not Able To Connect To Internet / Whats Wrong?

Oct 30, 2009

I am running Xandros3.0.1 OC on the same PC with Win XP Pro. Connection to internet through Win XP works fine but whe I try to connect through Xandros I got following message: unsuccessful PPPOE initialization request.
What did I do wrong.

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Ubuntu :: Absolute Easiest Way For Noob To Host Simple Website From Non Server Desktop?

Jul 31, 2010

Are there programs for this? Really really simple page layouts that you can edit and host from a graphical desktop that has your web browsers and Pidgen and VLC media player and everything running on it at the same time?

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General :: The Easiest Method To Get The Pid Of Last Process?

Feb 25, 2011

For example, how to do this:

$ job1 &
$ job2 &
$ wait $p1 $p2

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General :: Easiest To Use Distro For I486?

Mar 10, 2011

i was just wondering what linux distro (in your opiniion) is the easiest to use for a new user like myself. I currently use Zenwalk, which isn't bad but i hope there is something easier to use out there

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General :: Easiest Way To Upgrade From Fedora Core 4 To 14?

Jan 16, 2011

This is my first post and I figured why not start it off with a question!
First off, thanks for this site, I have a LOT of reading to do!

Secondly, my question is, what is the easiest way to upgrade my live server from Fedora core 4 to Fedora core 14 (latest stable version).

I have a box that is live with a couple of small active forums on it where the upgrade would take place.

I want to upgrade my box to stay up to date with the latest release of Fedora linux to take advantage of any enhancements or security fixes that has been implemented since version 4.

My box is colocated at a data center. Would it be best to upgrade from a CD or remotely? I have read there is quite a risk upgrading the OS remotely and some issues like broken files or dependencies could occur.

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General :: Easiest Way To Be Notified When Someone Starts Using Wireless Network

Jun 20, 2011

what's the easiest way (in, let's say, ubuntu) to be notified when someone (besides me) starts using my wireless network ?

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General :: Easiest Way To Make A Backup Of An Entire Hard Disk?

Jan 10, 2011

I got myself a dell laptop from the local computer store. Its a used machine with Windows Vista Home Basic on it. I want to load Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 though so I can do perl development. BUT I want to keep a copy of the entire harddrive with the dell utility partition and Windows Vista in case I want to go back. I was thinking I could image the drive but I not sure what to use, I don't have Ghost or anything, Someone had told me about Clonezilla. Would that work for me? Is it hard to use? Also I want to burn the data to a DVD or something more storable than a harddisk.

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General :: Setting Up Raid Server?

Apr 29, 2011

I just built a home computer with 3TB hard drives I wanted to set up in a RAID 5 and load Ubuntu server onto it. The first thing I did was set up the drives in a RAID 5 using just the motherboard chipset software to do it, so a 'hardware' RAID basically. I installed Windows first to see if all the hardware works ok (that seemed the easiest way to verify it) and with the exception of the ethernet card (which needed a driver disk to work) everything was plug n' play and worked wonderfully. After that I booted the Windows install disk again to delete the partitions, hoping Ubuntu 10.10 server would create its own.

The problem I'm having is no matter what I've tried (deleting and recreating the RAID 5 setup, departitioning the drives), whenever I try to install Ubuntu it won't recognize the RAID as a valid disk. Ironically, it did at first, because I installed windows to verify the hardware. The ethernet card wasn't working automatically in the Ubuntu setup, (although it found the unformatted RAID drive), so I installed windows and figured out it was just the drivers that needed to be installed.

So now when I try to install Ubuntu, it finds the ethernet card perfectly and connects to the internet during the installation...but that actually stinks because it's telling me it's still accessing the drivers from the drives that I thought I formatted. Once it gets to the storage part of the installation afterwards, it can't find the RAID drive anymore. I tells me to choose a disk from the list, but the list is blank. So I can't install on it.

If I remove the RAID entirely and just keep the drives as 3 separate IDE drives, it finds every drive perfectly and can install to either one I choose. But I don't want this, I definitely need them RAIDed.

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General :: Setting Up A Server In Ubuntu

Apr 6, 2010

I have started using linux(ubuntu 9.10) on a standalone PC so i can't try out the tasks that require connection to a server. Can I set up a server on the same PC and use it as a client too? If not, what are the possible alternatives to practice the tasks that require a server?

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General :: Setting Up A Ssh Server Of Fedora 14

May 4, 2011

I am trying to set up a ssh server on my mom's box that is running Fedora 14. I have set the server up and when I am logged onto the box locally, it lets me log in. But when I try to shell in from my apartment some miles away, I get the following error:ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host.However, when I try to ping it, the machine is reachable, and traceroute likewise gives me a clear route to the remote machine.

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General :: Setting Up Production Web Server?

Jan 7, 2011

This is my first time to set up a production web server and I got some few questions on our migrations:

1. Our website from the Web Hosting company already gaining 5000000 hits/month and 35000 unique visitors/month, problem is we only have 2x4mb dedicated line here in the office and one IBM x3650 m3 for our LAMP, you think guys its enough to handle that kind of traffic if we start moving our web server here in the office?

2. If I register to GoDaddy for example, do I still need to setup a DNS (BIND) server on our side?

3. This is my current Apache config:
Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) DAV/2 mod_fcgid/2.3.6 mod_auth_kerb/5.1 PHP/5.1.6 mod_python/3.2.8 Python/2.4.3 mod_ssl/2.2.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.8.8 with PHP eAccelerator.

Anything to share to increase the performance of the web server?

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General :: Setting Up Local Server For Php / Mysql

Feb 28, 2010

I've been doing XHTML/CSS for the past several weeks, and started learning PHP last week (all on windows). Learned how to set up IIS server, mysql and php to be able to do all the work locally. Now, I've got Ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop and want to continue working with the book I have on it, so I can do some of the work when I'm away from home as well. Questions I have are:

1. How to set a server up?
2. SQL? (mysql?)
3. php? How do I check if I already have any of those installed on my system, and if not how to set them up?
4. where would the root system be for the server if I have it, or if not, where will it be?
5. do I refer to it as "localhost" here aswell i.e. [URL]

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General :: Sendmail Without Setting Up A Separate DNS Server ?

Mar 1, 2010

I'm trying to set up a simple local email service on a small office client-server network. Can I use sendmail without setting up a separate DNS server. If I need a DNS server can I set it up on the same computer as my sendmail MTA? Can it be a private DNS server?

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General :: Setting Up Fedora DS(389 DS Server) On CentOS 5.4?

Jan 9, 2010

I have been confused with the overall new 389 DS Server Setup.All I did upto now is:yum install 389-ds
and it did all the installation correctly.

All I need is Setup 389 Server with SSL.I did went through but no Idea how to proceed.I am confused with the following points:

1. Do I also need to run and setup-ds-dsgw too?

I tried running and it stucked at :

The server 'ldap://' is not reachable. Error: unknown error.

2. When Should I run the script? After running the above setup-* scripts?What changes I need to make on the script?

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General :: Can Unistall GUI Interface For Ubuntu Server / When Done Setting It Up

May 18, 2010

I have ubuntu server installed on an older 1700+ AMD machine with 512 DDR Ram and 40 GB HD. I don't know the first command to type in the Linux command line and from what I have read their is a GUI interface you can install but it's not recommended for security purposes. My question is can you install the GUI to setup the server and then uninstall it when your done and is there any downside to this approach?

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General :: How To Practice Setting Up Of NFS Server And NFS Client On A Laptop

Jul 18, 2011

I want to practice setting up of NFS server and NFS client on Redhat using virtual machine on my laptop. I dont think setting up NFS should not be a problem but how do I replicate a NFS client. I just have one laptop. Is it possible to replicate both server and client using the same laptop? If so, can anyone tell what tools i can use to perform the above for practicing.

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General :: Setting Up FTP Client/server With Vsftpd In Ubuntu 9.04?

Feb 23, 2010

I currently have 4 Linux Servers installed in a test lab that I have built for my job. I am in the process of trying to get FTP to work (vsftpd is installed). I don't need an FTP GUI or anything, I can use terminal (and I don't have an internet connection, so I probably can't get one anyway). I bring up the terminal and I type FTP and I am presented with a few problems:

1. If I try to FTP to one of the other Linux Servers on the network, I get "No route to host" error.

2. If I try to FTP to the Server I am sitting on, then I am able to successfully connect, obviously. But when I do an "ls," I don't see any available files.

I am assuming this is because I have not yet set up a folder for it (i.e. Windows uses "ftproot" folder). I am running Ubuntu Gnome 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope for a GUI, and I am running Ubuntu Server underneath (Yes I need a GUI for what I am using the server for).

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General :: Setting Up CentOS VMWare Server On Windows Vista Box?

Jun 2, 2011

I'm trying to learn Linux and have created a VMWare guest operating system using CentOS 4.8. I expect the next step is to install ssh in order to transfer files to the server but as of yet I haven't figured out how to assign it a host name or how to effect a transfer.

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OpenSUSE :: Whats The % Symbol Mean

Mar 19, 2010

seen it more in Windows than Linux but nonetheless I was always curious what does the % mean/do?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Whats Is A Purpose Of Kde Or Shall

Jan 9, 2010

Whats is kde or shall i say the purpose of kde.

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