General :: What Happen When Add User In Slackware 13.1

Aug 27, 2010

I am a beginner of Slackware. I am using Slackware 13.1. I want to know, when I add an user in Slackware, which files and folders will be create in Slackware?

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Ubuntu :: What Will Happen If Deleted All The Default User Groups

Dec 19, 2010

i am considered a power user in windows but in ubuntu ima total noob. in the users settings, manage groups, i see like 100 groups. and thats just annoys me, all i want is to be the admin and everything to work its not rocket science is that so hard for linux? I DO NOT WANT TO BELONG TO A FREAKING GROUP I JUST WANT 1 SIMPLE ADMIN ACCOUNT. someone please explain everything related to this subject. i mean i see stupid groups like 'audio' and 'couchdb'. WTFi dont want these useless groups to exist on my system

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General :: Set What Should Happen In Terminal On A Certain Command?

May 20, 2011

If I execute

cal 2013

in terminal, it echoes the calendar for the year 2013. For the matter of fun, I'd like the terminal to echo

This year won't come.

How should I do this? I tried adding it as an alias to .bashrc, but I cannot create aliases with spaces.


The final solution:

echo "cal() { if [[ $@ > "2012" ]]; then command echo "This year won't come."; else command cal "$@"; fi; }" >> ~/.profile && source ~/.profile

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General :: Install NS-2.28 Under 10 Happen "Ns Make Failed"

Dec 15, 2010

I want to install NS2.28 under Fedora 10,using GCC3.4.2(and GCC3.2),occured the follow problem:

Ns make failed!

I also used some other higher version GCC to compile NS-2.28,but there were some other problems.

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General :: Win7 User Installing Dual Boot Slackware 13?

May 29, 2010

I'm a pretty experienced Windows user, and have coded in x86 and win32 API for a while, so I know the system reasonably well. I've used windows since the days of Win95, and prior to that I had an Amiga - so I'm pretty rusty in unix-like operating systems. I have little C coding knowledge beyond reading it, though I can understand what the programmer is doing from reading the source. My only experience with installing linux was on a 486 laptop that failed spectacularly when the CDROM couldn't be detected and used, so I'm necessarily a little wary of doing this, but I've become quite exasperated with Windows lately.

I have decided to make my life interesting (if not easier at first) by dual-booting Linux with Win7. My current machine is a dual-core intel laptop with 2GB of RAM and an ATI X1250 mobile GPU, with a 120GB HDD. I have two partitions currently on this machine - both 60GB-ish. The main C: drive is Win7. I'm aware of the hidden partition that Windows installs. I have an external 1TB USB drive for my applications and data, so space shouldn't be a problem. There is no floppy drive (unsurprisingly) and I can boot from the internal DVD drive.

I have chosen the Slackware 13 distro because it seems to be well respected as a learning tool for unix-like operating systems. My main aim here is not to abandon Windows at first, but to learn a new OS. I'm aware that Slack may not be the most user-friendly distro, but will give me knowledge that I might not gain under other distros. If I'm making a mistake here, then let me know! I have plenty of free time to devote to this little project, and I'm not afraid to learn. I am however afraid to destroy my Win7 fall-back. If all else fails, I need to be able to go back to a working OS to jump on the net to find the answer to what went wrong.

So my question, as per the subject title, is: What do I need to know before I do this? I have no idea what I'm doing with regard disk partitioning beyond Partition Magic - which I don't actually possess anymore. I can use the Windows disk management app. I have no idea how to manage a boot sector. So are there any gotchas that I need to bear in mind? I've already read this thread: [URL]. Which I must admit looks very complicated! I have a fair bit of time before my Slackware 13 DVD-ISO image downloads (20KB/Sec) so have some time to gather information.

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Slackware :: Slackware 13/VirtualBox 3.1: No Sound When Normal User?

Feb 15, 2010

I installed Slackware 13 in VirtualBox 3.1 (seehere)When I'm logged in as a normal user, I get a mesage that Intel *** (sound device) doesn't work anymore and I hear no sound.But it works very fine when I'm logged in as root.

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Software :: : When Run The Browser Nothing Happen

Mar 2, 2011

I found advertising about a security update for firefox yesterday. Today I downloaded the patch from slackware official site. My slackware is a 13.1 version i686 So I downloaded mozilla-firefox-3.6.10-i686-1.txz I installpkg the file successfully.

Know, when I run the browzer, nothing happen.

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CentOS 5 :: What Actually Happen When We Do Yum Install

Jun 3, 2010

How the rpms work? Are they packages with a script file within them which run once they are downloaded? I want to know if there is anyway, I can see all the commands that an RPM package runs on my server when I do a `yum install ....` or `rpm -Uvh ....` Are those opensource or not?

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Ubuntu :: Scheduling A Script To Run Does Not Happen?

Mar 23, 2011

I can not get 'crontab' to work.Below is the results of 'crontab -e':

10 * * * * /usr/bin/sigrot
0 18 * * 5 /usr/bin/


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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Browsing Hangs - But Everything Works - Did Not Happen On 9.10

Aug 10, 2010

Its on an older laptop, a Toshiba Sattelite M50-252. A friend of mine had this laying around, and it wasn't running windows very well. So I installed Ubuntu 9.10 on it and it was performing decently enough for browsing and mailing.

On Ubuntu 9.10 there was a problem sending large images for printing. It would make the printer (A brother HL-4050 CDN, placed on the network) say out-of-memory. Same print job from windows would not make this error. Upgrading the system to Ubuntu 10.04 worked.

Actually, I had before tried 10.04 on the machine but ended up formatting and reinstalling 9.10. This was because browsing on 10.04, no matter what browser, would simply hang randomly. A search on google could be performed, and some pages loaded. But some pages didn't load at all or only a few % of them, and the browser would just claim to be "resolving host".

On 9.10, on all 3 installs i've done on the machine, this problem was NOT to be found.

Here goes the real issue: 4 days ago I installed 10.04 to test again(6 months after its release, lots of updates has been done), and browsing worked great. The laptop has been used a lot since then and now yesterday it started stalling again. The most interesting thing is that APT-GET works fine. New software downloads with a snap. Also WGET with a single file works (although it seems to hang at the resolve once in a while).

Why on earth did it suddenly start to behave like this? Nobody with even the knowledge of using SUDO has been using the machine and it has been used ONLY for browsing. Automatic updates are disabled as well. Even weirder, this happens both using the wireless network card and cable.

I have no idea whats going on. Ubuntu 9.10 works always. 10.04 worked the second time (after a few months of updates) but started stalling after a few days. The system itself runs perfectly well, and there is nothing wrong with apt-get and so on as i said.

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Fedora :: Stopping And Replaying File Causes Same Thing To Happen Again

Jul 29, 2009

I am having a problem with sound in a range of applications. Playing an mp3 file is OK for 30 seconds or so, and then it seems to skip and make crackling noises. Stopping and replaying the file causes the same thing to happen again. I have installed all the mp3 codecs so i'm not sure what's going on.

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Ubuntu :: Resizing Partitions With GParted And What Will Happen With Grub

May 7, 2010

I want to resize and eventually remove some partitions on my drive but I need to know how this will affect grub and what to do if I need to fix it.I currently have 3 standard partitions and 1 extended partition on a 160Gb drive.

1st Partition -Windows XP about 60Gb with about 35Gb used. NTFS

2nd Partition -Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 amd64 about 40Gb, 22Gb used ext4

3rd Partition -Linux swap about 2.5Gb

Extented Partition -Ubuntu 9.10 about 49Gb with 23Gb used ext4

I'd like to shrink the Extended partition down and add the space to the 2nd partion where Lucid is. Eventually, I'll want to delete the whole extended partition and add all the space to the Lucid partition.

After using GParted to resize these partitions, what will happen when I boot? Will I need to tell grub where the swap and 9.10 are? I am not changing the start of the first two partitions so I would assume there will not be any problem with them (I'm not sure how moving the start of the swap might affect the Lucid installation though).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Boot Up U11.04 Server In Vmware / What Happen?

Jun 25, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 server edition into vmware workstation. Everything works well and I can even set-up a LAMP server.

Next, I issue a reboot or shutdown to my ubuntu server.

The next time I want to start up my ubuntu server, it won't boot up. There is only a black screen with no flickering cursors.

Anyone knows what happen?

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CentOS 5 :: What Will Happen If A System Has A Hard Boot While Yum Update

Aug 10, 2011

i want to know two thinsg about yum update

1) does it overwrite existing configuration files that is will i need to reconfigure every service after running yum update

2) If somebody pushes the reset button or electricity to the system is reset while yum update is running what will happen i think there can be two stages to that

a) if it is still downloading while the electricity to system is reset

b) it is installing while electricity to system is reset

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Ubuntu Installation :: What Would Happen If Erased - Would The Option To Boot Disappear

Aug 28, 2010

Presuming ubuntu was dual-booting alongside windows with GRUB, and I formatted the ubuntu partition, what would happen at startup; would I still be able to access windows, and would the option to boot ubuntu just disappear?

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Debian Multimedia :: Connect From Remmina To Jessie On Another System Via Xdmcp - Only Black Screen Happen

Jul 16, 2015

I want connect from remmina to jessie on another system via xdmcp but only black screen happened.

my daemon.conf
Code: Select all[security]


Enable = true

And gdm3 listen on udp/177. My syslog :

Code: Select allJul 16 10:17:46 office /usr/bin/dbus-launch[1455]: X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
Jul 16 10:17:46 office /usr/bin/dbus-launch[1455]: Major opcode of failed request:  140 (RANDR)
Jul 16 10:17:46 office /usr/bin/dbus-launch[1455]: Minor opcode of failed request:  7 (RRSetScreenSize)
Jul 16 10:17:46 office /usr/bin/dbus-launch[1455]: Value in failed request:  0x0
Jul 16 10:17:46 office /usr/bin/dbus-launch[1455]: Serial number of failed request:  150

[Code] ....

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Fedora Networking :: Losing Internet Connection On 12 Assaing The Ip Address Manual In The Configruation Part But No Nothing Happen?

Dec 14, 2009

lost my internet connection on fedora 12 ? i try to assaing the ip address manual in the configruation part but no nothing happen I've tried googling for the problem

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Clicked On The Video Preview Option (expecting Nothing To Happen) And It Played In A Kaffeine Window?

Feb 7, 2010

I was looking for some film info and ended up at the Apple quicktime website. Clicked on the video preview option (expecting nothing to happen) and it played in a kaffeine window.

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Slackware :: Cannot Scan As User

May 1, 2011

Printing (as user) is fine and scanning as root works too, but scanning as user doesn't work. I've had similar problems in the past, but there's something else going on now.This thread doesn't help either.Yes, I'm a member of the scanner group, and like said before: as root everything works fine.

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Slackware :: How To Add A User To Be Able To Sudo

May 27, 2011

How do I add a user to be able to sudo?

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Debian :: Mount Sshfs At Startup - Get Mount For UserA To Happen On Boot

Mar 18, 2011

I am struggling with getting an sshfs mount mounted on system boot. I have a script that mounts the sshfs for "userA". When userA runs the script all is well - user A can access the remote filesystem, root user can't see it as expected. The basic command is: sshfs userA@remote host:/home/userA /home/userA/mountdir -p 21212 -o password_stdin < passwordfile. I can prepend the sshfs command in the script with su - userA -c and when I run this script logged in as root all is well, userA has access and all is well. If I then put this script in /etc/init.d and reference it properly in the rc. directories the mount doesn't happen. If I prepend the sshfs command with sudo, same thing. Logged in as root I can run the script and UserA has access. Run the script in /etc/init.d during startup and the mount doesn't happen. Echoing text to a log file shows that the script is being executed but no mount happens.

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Slackware :: Alternating Between 2 Web Browsers As The Same User?

Jun 11, 2011

Kernel, Slackware 12.0

I, user john, with home dir /home/john_dir, login as john, always running the xfce4 desktop, and run Mozilla Firefox. Some other time, I again login as john and run the Seamonkey web browser. Or, maybe, I, john, am running the two browsers at the same time.

As a result, what happens with directory /home/john_dir ? If I am a person who likes to do some settings not in the GUI but by editing the files user's home dir directly (those begining with a period), won't I find this dir to be a real mess?

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Slackware :: Can't Startx Using Ordinary User

Sep 13, 2010

i've added a user using

useradd turf passwd turf and so on.. after loggin, i can't startx..

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Slackware :: Add/remove Groups With User?

Dec 28, 2009


gpasswd -a username -g audio,...

What are the other options?

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Slackware :: Possible To Mount As A Normal User?

Jun 28, 2011

I just want to be able to access and modify the files on my usb drive as a normal user. The mount command works perfectly as root but then the files that I end up copying to my home folder can only be modified as root. I only use a window manager and use just bash for file management. I just want to be able to it through the command line.

(using 13.37)

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Slackware :: Mounting Device As User In KDE?

Mar 30, 2010

when I login as a user and went to KDE environment, I wasn't able to mount a device because access was denied. What is the best way to achieve this?

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Slackware :: Starting X Programs As A Different User?

Apr 23, 2010

Is there a way to start X programs as root from a root login shell?

I generally get an error about being unable to open the display.

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Slackware :: (ver. 13.37) After Delay, New User Causes X To Crash?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a new installation of Slackware 13.37 on an old Dell Optiplex P4. Right after installation (when I only had a root account) I found that X (regardless of window manager) would develop video problems after a few minutes (horizontal lines, slowdown -- though without crashing). A message board informed me that that there was a bug in my onboard Intel video chip that would require me to enable shadow buffering (which amounts to disabling 2D acceleration). I made the change in the Xorg.conf, and the issue disappeared.

However, once I finally got around to adding a new user, X began acting up again, though I have no idea whether it's related to the earlier problem. Now, after a few minutes, it actually crashes -- though only when started under the new user. Root still works fine. I'm new to Linux, and still trying to sort through all the different logging tools, so I'm not sure what I ought to be posting. Here's the relevant bit from Xorg.0.log:

[ 1886.178] (II) intel(0): Modeline "800x600"x70.0 45.50 800 840 920 1040 600 601 604 625 -hsync +vsync (43.8 kHz)
[ 3090.195]
[ 3090.195] 0: /usr/bin/X (xorg_backtrace+0x3b) [0x80e72fb]
[ 3090.195] 1: /usr/bin/X (0x8048000+0x5dbf5) [0x80a5bf5]


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Slackware :: What Groups Should User Be Added To

Jun 12, 2011

So I just recently installed fresh 13.37 over my 13.1 install. Went multilib, and added myself to the usergroups I thought I might need. But truth is, I don't know what half of these are and I just picked the ones that sounded right. I'm the only user on this computer, although I might possibly maybe add another someone if I have to for some reason.

For my user account, I added myself to:

Basically, I want my own account to be able to do everything I normally do without too much restriction (use the disc drive, mount hard drives, browse the web, read/send email via Thunderbird, download stuff, etc), but leaving the important stuff to root so that if someone else happens to use the computer under my account, they can't do any damage. Did I select the right groups for this? Should I add or remove any? And what groups should a user have if I just want them able to browse the web, download files, use their /home, run non-root apps, and nothing else?

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Ubuntu :: XP / Kubuntu - If Delete Kubuntu What's Happen To My Boot Cycle

Mar 31, 2010

XP Pro SP3
Ubuntu 9.10
Kubuntu 9.10

Tri-booting. They were installed in the order I listed above. I ran into a few bugs with Kubuntu, so I no longer want to use it. I want to use GParted on a LiveCD to format Kubuntu and expand my Ubuntu home partition to sit on top of Kubuntu's space right now. If I nuke Kubuntu, will Grub still exist with my Ubuntu/XP entries to boot?

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