Slackware :: Cannot Scan As User

May 1, 2011

Printing (as user) is fine and scanning as root works too, but scanning as user doesn't work. I've had similar problems in the past, but there's something else going on now.This thread doesn't help either.Yes, I'm a member of the scanner group, and like said before: as root everything works fine.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Scan As A User?

Jun 4, 2011

I have just installed 11.04 (64-bit) and I cannot scan as a user. Scanning as root works fine. My device is a Brother MFC-7420. I've installed the brscan2-0.2.5-1.amd64.deb package from the brother page. After installing this, I can run xsane as root and scan perfectly.

I could not find any instructions for enabling this as a user on 11.04, so I followed the instructions for 10.04 at [URL]...n1c.html#u9.10 and added the following between libsane_usb_rules_begin and libsane_usb_rules_end

# Brother scanners
ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes" I then restarted udev, turned my device off and on again and tried to run xsane. I get the following error:

Code: "Failed to open dvice `brother2:bus3;dev1': Invalid argument I looked at what the rules were trying to do when libsane_matched is set to yes, and found that setfacl was not installed on my box. I installed this and changed the line to read


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General :: Detect That An User Has Press The Scan Button On An Epson Scanner?

Dec 28, 2010

It seems that they are not shown under xev ...Someone knows if old scanner, can be detected in terms of button pressing ?[URL]button pressing does not show up into deamon.log

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Slackware :: Get Jump And Scan Option For Xterm?

Jan 21, 2010

xterm is scanning lines one by one.It takes time.I did jumpScroll: true ,but it results same. But rxvt is better comparing this. Where would i get the global configuration file for rxvt and xterm?

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Debian :: Eeepc Wifi - Every Time Scan For Network Using Iwconfig Wlan0 Scan Or Wicd And Computer Completely Freezes

Jan 9, 2011

I installed squeeze on my eeepc 1015ped and downloaded the correct firmware-brcm80211 drivers but every time I scan for my network using iwconfig wlan0 scan or wicd, my computer completely freezes. I previously had a solid install running xmonad, and wicd was working like a charm (using the same broadcom driver) but i tinkered too much with it and decided to do a fresh install. I haven't quite run into a problem like this before.

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Slackware :: Slackware 13/VirtualBox 3.1: No Sound When Normal User?

Feb 15, 2010

I installed Slackware 13 in VirtualBox 3.1 (seehere)When I'm logged in as a normal user, I get a mesage that Intel *** (sound device) doesn't work anymore and I hear no sound.But it works very fine when I'm logged in as root.

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Slackware :: How To Add A User To Be Able To Sudo

May 27, 2011

How do I add a user to be able to sudo?

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General :: What Happen When Add User In Slackware 13.1

Aug 27, 2010

I am a beginner of Slackware. I am using Slackware 13.1. I want to know, when I add an user in Slackware, which files and folders will be create in Slackware?

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Slackware :: Alternating Between 2 Web Browsers As The Same User?

Jun 11, 2011

Kernel, Slackware 12.0

I, user john, with home dir /home/john_dir, login as john, always running the xfce4 desktop, and run Mozilla Firefox. Some other time, I again login as john and run the Seamonkey web browser. Or, maybe, I, john, am running the two browsers at the same time.

As a result, what happens with directory /home/john_dir ? If I am a person who likes to do some settings not in the GUI but by editing the files user's home dir directly (those begining with a period), won't I find this dir to be a real mess?

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Slackware :: Can't Startx Using Ordinary User

Sep 13, 2010

i've added a user using

useradd turf passwd turf and so on.. after loggin, i can't startx..

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Slackware :: Add/remove Groups With User?

Dec 28, 2009


gpasswd -a username -g audio,...

What are the other options?

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Slackware :: Possible To Mount As A Normal User?

Jun 28, 2011

I just want to be able to access and modify the files on my usb drive as a normal user. The mount command works perfectly as root but then the files that I end up copying to my home folder can only be modified as root. I only use a window manager and use just bash for file management. I just want to be able to it through the command line.

(using 13.37)

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Slackware :: Mounting Device As User In KDE?

Mar 30, 2010

when I login as a user and went to KDE environment, I wasn't able to mount a device because access was denied. What is the best way to achieve this?

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Slackware :: Starting X Programs As A Different User?

Apr 23, 2010

Is there a way to start X programs as root from a root login shell?

I generally get an error about being unable to open the display.

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Slackware :: (ver. 13.37) After Delay, New User Causes X To Crash?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a new installation of Slackware 13.37 on an old Dell Optiplex P4. Right after installation (when I only had a root account) I found that X (regardless of window manager) would develop video problems after a few minutes (horizontal lines, slowdown -- though without crashing). A message board informed me that that there was a bug in my onboard Intel video chip that would require me to enable shadow buffering (which amounts to disabling 2D acceleration). I made the change in the Xorg.conf, and the issue disappeared.

However, once I finally got around to adding a new user, X began acting up again, though I have no idea whether it's related to the earlier problem. Now, after a few minutes, it actually crashes -- though only when started under the new user. Root still works fine. I'm new to Linux, and still trying to sort through all the different logging tools, so I'm not sure what I ought to be posting. Here's the relevant bit from Xorg.0.log:

[ 1886.178] (II) intel(0): Modeline "800x600"x70.0 45.50 800 840 920 1040 600 601 604 625 -hsync +vsync (43.8 kHz)
[ 3090.195]
[ 3090.195] 0: /usr/bin/X (xorg_backtrace+0x3b) [0x80e72fb]
[ 3090.195] 1: /usr/bin/X (0x8048000+0x5dbf5) [0x80a5bf5]


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Slackware :: What Groups Should User Be Added To

Jun 12, 2011

So I just recently installed fresh 13.37 over my 13.1 install. Went multilib, and added myself to the usergroups I thought I might need. But truth is, I don't know what half of these are and I just picked the ones that sounded right. I'm the only user on this computer, although I might possibly maybe add another someone if I have to for some reason.

For my user account, I added myself to:

Basically, I want my own account to be able to do everything I normally do without too much restriction (use the disc drive, mount hard drives, browse the web, read/send email via Thunderbird, download stuff, etc), but leaving the important stuff to root so that if someone else happens to use the computer under my account, they can't do any damage. Did I select the right groups for this? Should I add or remove any? And what groups should a user have if I just want them able to browse the web, download files, use their /home, run non-root apps, and nothing else?

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Slackware :: Slack 13.37 32 Bit Bad Graphics For Ordinary User?

Apr 29, 2011

Have got slow bumpy - slow to load -slow to refresh graphics. Also noticed that when inittab 3 and doing a non graphical login for user startx wont work. Something about fbdev not loading.

logining in via kdm works for user. have tried placing an xorg.conf into /etc/X11 with what used to be ok for user to have using an radeon hd 2400 pcie graphic card. Also placed a file into /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/100-dri.conf again with what used to work to get dri working. Is it me or is slackware graphics gone down hill since 13.0?

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Slackware :: Auth_mysql With 12.2 Failing To Validate User

Aug 30, 2010

Slackware ver 12.2
Mysqld Ver 5.0.67
mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0 patched with apache22.diff

Symptom: when trying to use mod_auth_mysql to validate access to a directory via mysql DB, get prompted for user name and password but never find user and password combination despite using good values for login to mysql (same values in apache directory statements work as a cli login to mysql) and confirmed as valid in the user_info table (see values supplied to prompt in select * from user_info). Mysql general log does not show any attempt to access, strace does not show any attempt to setup local connection to mysql port. In a working version in Fedora I setup to test do see access described in the general log and strace shows a setup to mysql port. No useful messages in slackware apache access_log, error_log, mysql error logs, system logs.Have tried many combinations of mysqld variables, apache variables, mod_auth_mysql versions and variables, to no avail. Reinstalled apache, mysqld, etc.

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Slackware :: Can't Start Tint2 As Regular User?

Aug 12, 2010

If I start tint2 as root it works, if I try as spoovy, it segfaults.

bash-4.1$ tint2
real transparency off.... depth: 24
xRandr: Found crtc's: 2
xRandr: Linking output LVDS with crtc 1


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Slackware :: How To Auto Login In 13.1 As A Normal User

Jul 20, 2010

How can I auto login as a normal user in slackware 13.1. I need to auto login in X.

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Slackware :: KDE Desktop Freezing On Root User / Fix It?

May 18, 2011

I recently ran into a problem with my install. I accidentally messed with the bottom panel in my KDE on my root account. This caused my desktop to freeze up. Every time I attempt to restart into my root, it loads, but is completely frozen. Is there some way I can overwrite my KDE config files without starting X server or from a standard user account?

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Slackware :: Migrating User Accounts From SLES To 13.0

Mar 19, 2010

I've just rebuilt a server that had SLES10 to Slackware64 13.0. I wanted to keep all users and their passwords, so I copied all user entries in the old SLES /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files to the corresponding new Slackware files. It turns out that the passwords are not interpreted correctly. I presume that SLES uses a different hashing function than slackware. Is there an easy way to convert these hashes, or will I have to reset all passwords and force users to change at login?

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Slackware :: Mount - Shutdown As Non Root User

Jun 5, 2010

What if I want to install Slackware for my parents so then I no longer have to get rid of virus and malware for them. Is there way so they never have to log on as root? Any way to access CD's and to shutdown computer? I only know how to do those things as root.

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Slackware :: Accessing Public_html In User Directory?

Jun 15, 2011

I cannot get apache to show the files in ~/public_html it gives me this error



You don't have permission to access /~george/test.txt on this server.According to the .conf file it should have read access...

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Slackware :: Cannot Run Installpkg And PKGtool As Normal User

Mar 24, 2011

I have recently installed the Slack 13.1 x86_64 on my laptop. It works fine! But I have one trouble with it. I cannot run the installpkg and pkgtool with my normal user. It says to me that there is no command found. Is it a problem with the sudoers file or these commands are not really installed? Maybe my path is incomplete?

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Slackware :: Running Root Commands As User?

Nov 7, 2009

After a few hours work I have managed to set up pptd so that my daughter can log into her account at Imperial College. My problem now is that I need to have a script that she can run if she wants to log in. She will have to invoke a couple of root commands and I do not want to give her the root password What she needs to do to set up networking is:


pppd call imperial dump debug logfd 2 nodetach require-mppe
/sbin/ip route add default dev ppp0

How can I enable things so that she can run this script as user?

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Slackware :: Slack 13.x: Cannot Startx As Any User Except Root?

May 27, 2010

Just installed Slack-13.1 and it looks really good. At least as root. Problem is, I create a normal user, and when I log in as the user, startx just gives me a black screen.

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Slackware :: Touchpad Not Working In X For Non-root User?

Jan 2, 2011

Just recently discovered that for a non-root user the touchpad on my Acer laptop ( Aspire 5720z fyi ) isn't working in X ( KDE or XFCE ). It does work in in tty (at login) and for root it works in both environments.

I'm running 13.1 x64 on it, with the normal security patches via slackpkg. Didn't notice before since I normally use a mouse (and thus I do like the touchpad being disabled so I don't 'tap' away the cursur while typing).

With the recent holidays (with family visits and all) I took the laptop on my lap,.and voila: no trackpad movement.. I did some searching allready, but this problem seems to be solved since a while, and isn't supposed to be in 13.1

FROM RELEASE NOTES Piter Punk for udev and slackpkg work, updating the shadow password system, writing the initial patch for polkit to use a shadow authentication backend so we could consider using KDE 4.4.3, and making tap-to-click work with Synaptics touchpads out-of-the-box,)


/etc/modprobe.d/psmouse(.conf) allready has this commented line:
#options psmouse proto=imps

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Slackware :: What's The Command To Add These Groups To User Account

Jan 29, 2010

What's the single command to add these groups to user account?


users floppy audio video cdrom plugdev power netdev

Suppose user account "myuser" is already created with only "users" group.

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Slackware :: : No Sound In Normal User Login Mode

May 17, 2010

My HDA NVidia (VT1708S Digital) doesn't work when I login normal user. It works perfectly when I login root.

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