General :: Vaio PCG-Z505LE W/o OS - Load Without Media Drive?

Jan 17, 2011

Totally new to LINUX, be gentle! I bought a little old used PCG Z505LE just for email and very basic internet while traveling. The C drive OS was wiped due to licensing issues. The machine will only show the welcome flash, then shows "Operating System Not Found"; it will not recognize the external drives. How will I be able to load LINUX without a resident operating system?m (No, it does not have the OS backup division on the hard drive as later models did).

Means to load: It came with an external floppydisc drive and I have a ZIP drive plus it's adapter card, and an external USB MadDog CD ROM drive. I have ethernet internet and USB flash drives. As I Said, it does not recognize the external drives.

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General :: How To Measure System Load On Ubuntu Media Center

Jun 6, 2011

I want to measure the system load on my Ubuntu media center computer. What commands and utilities are available? I've explored the w, top, iostat, and uptime commands. Anything else I could use?

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Ubuntu :: Change The Mounting Point Of A Usb External Drive From '/media/disk' To '/media/Movies'

Jan 16, 2011

I was trying to change the mounting point of a usb external drive from '/media/disk' to '/media/Movies'

Here is were the stupid part takes over... I right clicked on the desktop icon for the device and selected Properties. From there I selected the Volume tab and in there I changed the mounting point to '/media/Movies' It accepted it and said the changed would take place when I unmounted it and remounted it. However, when I did this it now says it cannot be mounted as it says mount_point contains invalid characters usually /

Unfortunately, now I cannot get back into the properties to remove my error.

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General :: CD Drive Not Recognizing Most Media On 10.4 Lucid Lynx?

Jan 22, 2011

I can insert a " burned " CD and it boots and plays right away , but if I insert a purchased music CD or other Purchased media it just scans and does nothing . I've gone to "places " and opened the CD drive and get the message " no media found "or Insert media .Also in the properties tab of the CD drive type is "unknown " and permissions can't be determined .

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General :: EXT4 - Recover Any / All Of Data From Formatted Media Drive?

Jun 4, 2010

Last night I made the mistake of formatting my media drive. Before the format, it was ext4. then I formatted it to ext4 again because I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing(this mistake only gets made once). Now im looking for away to recover any/all of my data. The drive in question is 1tb. I have not written any new files to this drive.

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General :: Unable To Mount Location (no Media In The Drive) In UBUNTU 10.10

Jan 12, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 in a Sony Booknote (old one) everything works but the Floppy. Just for a couple application I need the floppy drove to work. I have try couple things but still not working. I can see the floppy (in Computer) and it runs/spins the media but it does not mount it.... I can't write or read form it.

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General :: Back Up My Media Library To An External Hard Drive From Ubuntu?

Aug 19, 2010

My media library isn't huge, but it isn't tiny (~50 GB). Every month or so, I just manually copy ~/Music, ~/Pictures, and ~/Videos to my EHD, and delete the old backup. But this is far from ideal. It's pretty slow, for one thing (~50 GB all together). It also isn't versioned, so if I ever want to go back multiple versions, I'm out of luck.

Is there any simple, stable, incremental way to do this? I'm open to using traditional version control systems like Git for it, although I haven't used them before for anything other than code. Command-line is fine (especially if it's scriptable). I only need to back up these 3 folders--anything that's not media is stored in my Dropbox.

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CentOS 5 :: KVM Greyed Out To Load Local Media?

Sep 19, 2010

I'm new to CentOS and I'm trying to Install a Win2008 container using KVM but the option to install through local disc/iso is greyed out. I'm running a Dell Poweredge 2950 on CentOS 5.4 and installed/udpated the recent packages for KVM. This option is the same for Xen also. I've tried to install with SU and also logged in with root.

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General :: Load More Than One Operating System On One Hard Drive?

Jul 18, 2010

just wanted to know if you can load more than one linux operating system on one hard drive? is it just like having windows and linux? I'm using ubuntu now but I really like opensuse as well.

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Software :: Cannot Load VLC Media Player - File Not Compatible

Feb 10, 2010

I have tried to download vlc media player but the file type is a .exe file which is a windows file, and that wont run or even open on the linux system. How to find a compatable vlc for linux!

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Ubuntu :: Windows Media Center Edition Won't Load From GRUB?

Feb 6, 2010

I have recently put Ubuntu on a friend's computer. I can access the windows partition and everything through Ubuntu. When I go to restart, his Windows XP Media Center Edition is in the boot loader's list but when I go to boot into it all I get is a black screen with a flash _ at the top left. It then just continues to sit there. I was wondering if maybe GRUB was looking in the wrong spot for the OS.

Before I installed Linux he was having problems with Windows XP, which is one reason why I switched him to Ubuntu. For some reason his computer was booting his HP Recovery partition instead of his Windows partition on start up. I was hoping by putting Ubuntu on and using GRUB as a boot loader I would be able to load Windows and Ubuntu side by side as it is on my machine. Windows still doesn't work though I hope people can help me out. I know this isn't really an Ubuntu question but I was unsure where to post boot loader questions.

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General :: GRUB-2 Bootloader Fails To Load For Lack Of Floppy Drive?

Jul 21, 2010

2010.07.21 while trying to install Ubuntu 10.4 I've been trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 on my Dell workstation and am unable to get the Grub-2 bootloader to load properly. It seems to be failing for lack of a floppy drive on the system resulting in an error message that reads : error: fd0 cannot get C/H/S values.

I've gone through the Grub-2 page at [URL].. to no avail and other sources having similar problems have likewise turned up no solutions. here's the background: A while back I was trying to install a different version of Linux and had the same problems, then had to set the project aside for a bit. I don't think this has anything to do with Linux or Ubuntu per se, but rather Grub.

The system is an old (4-5 years) Dell workstation that has one drive (128 GB) set up for Windows XP and a second new drive (500GB) which I installed for Linux. There is a DVD/CD drive and the system contains no floppy drive at all. In one attempt to get this working I tried modifying the BIOS to indicate there was a floppy drive - this created a failure earlier in the chain with the BIOS failing to load properly, not unexpected, just a shot in the dark at that point.

At the moment I am considering just running out to buy and install a cheap floppy drive to see if that helps. I'll never use the thing though so I'd rather find a solution that doesn't require me to spend money on useless hardware. In any case, here's the /boot/grub/grub.cfg contents:

# It is automatically generated by /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub
### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/00_header ###


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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Screen Doesn't Show And Installation Media Won't Load

Jun 7, 2010

I've got a dual-booting system with Windows 7 and Opensuse 11.2. I had a few other random kernels so I edited /boot/grub/menu.lst to remove them. This was fine after a reboot, then I went to YaST and changed the default boot partition to Windows, because I had edited the MBR and put Windows above the other boot partitions, YaST changed "default" to 0.

Now after a restart the Boot Loader doesn't appear, I just have a flashing cursor. When I try to boot from an OpenSuse installation disc and try repair the Repair Kernel loads but freezes on the OpenSuse splash screen. I've heard this is due to the fact I have an ATI Radeon card, if I hold shift during the CD load to prevent the graphical interface of the CD loading. I can type to boot "rescue" but it freezes on "starting udev...". Essentially I just need to be able to edit menu.lst back to the backup I made or change the "default" value back to 1.

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Ubuntu :: Drive Mounts As /media/286CC2A6397A0F2A?

Feb 8, 2010

Instead of mounting as something normal(like sda1), one of my drives mounts as /media/286CC2A6397A0F2A and(presumable because of this) doesnt show up in Storage Device Manager, so I can't auto mount

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Ubuntu :: Can't See Noontec Media Drive On LAN / Solution For This?

Jun 29, 2010

LAN with two desktops and laptop. Using SSH they can all see each other and share files fine.

Recently bought a Noontec Media player. It can see the three computers okay and grab files from them (or just play them over the network) but the Noontec drive is not visible from any of the three machines on the LAN.

I've bumbled around a lot but not getting anywhere and it's getting late so thought I'd try my luck here. I can ping it!!! Just doesn't appear on the network. Weird.

When I go Places->Connect to Server, I put in the IP and I can get to a password GUI but the manual and nowhere on the net mentions what that password is. What I do know is the media player is supposed to work with Samba and all is set up fine for that, both the computers appear there fine, just not the Noontec.

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Ubuntu :: Mounting New Drive With Media Files?

Feb 2, 2011

I don't know anything about Unbuntu I installed it because I had a virus and I didn't have a copy of windows. I have an extra HD with lots of media on it. At first it seemed to show up but then it disappeared. I did the sudo commands and the disk shows up as sdb. I have no idea what I am doing or what to do and all the guides keep talking about adding partitions and programs I have to dl from the net. This is a stand alone computer with no net connection.

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Hardware :: Can't Mount Floppy Drive (no Media)

Dec 17, 2010

every time i try to mount the floppy drive it tells me there is no media in the drive

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CentOS 5 :: Install Using An USB Key Than Optical Media Drive?

Aug 1, 2010

1- If I have a motherboard that supports USB boot (a Supermicro one), how can I put the CentOS DVD .iso that I just downloaded onto the stick to have the computer boot from it?

2- Certain Supermicro boards support IPMI (Kvm over LAN) and Serial over LAN and most notably Virtual Media Over Lan. I am wondering if there would be any problem installing CentOS using the Virtual Media over Lan.

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General :: Switching From Vista - On Sony Vaio ?

Dec 18, 2010

I have decided to switch from Vista to Linux on my Sony Vaio and wanted to know the best way to do it.

Basically i want to set my laptop like this because i want to get involved with wireless security testing.

I am thinking about taking the Backtrack wifu course

Now obviously it seems i will need Backtrack, so what is the correct way to go about installing? Should i try and purchase a cd to install or is there better ways?

Cannot wait to move away from Vista. I think it has been making me ill. ps.. i also want to learn BASH and Perl, so that is basically going to be the setup.

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Debian :: Best File System For Backup / Media Drive?

Aug 29, 2011

I'm setting up a Backup & Media server, which will be running debian. I will setup a small HD or SSD/CF card for the OS, and a MD raid for the data drives.The total size of the raid will be either 3 or 4TB, depending. Now, I need to figure out what filesystem to use on top of this raid.My criteria is as follows:

1. Support for large files. I can't imagine anything larger than about 1.2TB, but the 4GB of, say, fat32 just isn't enough.

2. Robust. I don't want it falling apart on me; nothing too unstable.

3. (and this is most important): Good Undelete support. I got burned recently when a software glitch managed to rm -rf my EXT4 drive. All the file data is still there, but all the metadata is gone. I *DO NOT* want that happening with this. I want to be able to do a "RM / -RF", immediately unmount it, and then recover *all* of the deleted data. Obviously, when data is overwritten it's overwritten, but I don't want to lose all my metadata if a "RM -RF" happens. FAT-32 is the model I'm looking at: You can usually recover deleted files if anything happens to the drive.

So, what are my options?EXT2 looks like a possibility. EX4 is *clear out*, unless there's some nice utility/mode that keeps a backup of all deleted metadata etc.

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OpenSUSE :: Accessing A Usb Flash Drive - Media Won't Open

Sep 19, 2010

I don't know why, but all of a sudden when I plug in a Corsair flash drive with a fat32 files system, it registers on the notifier, but when I try to open it in Dolphin, Dolphin opens in the /home/documents folder. Ditto when I try it as root. Media won't open to anything, and when I click on the Corsair listing in the folders on the left side of Dolphin, I get the error message: unknown file system 'vfat'. I have used this drive for over a year with no previous problems, and can access it in 11.3 on my laptop, so I suspect that a setting or something in my system has changed.

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Ubuntu :: How To Unmount Flash Drive On /media/_"[

May 20, 2010

I think my 4GB Cruzer flash drive has got a bit corrupted as it suddenly has started mounting at /_"[ instead of something along the lines of /45C1-8FE6 (can't remember the actual number). See the gparted screenshot attached.

So I thought I'd delete the partition, reformat and relabel... but gparted won't let me do it. When it tries to unmount, I get an error message:


Actually, I just figured it out whilst writing this. I used a umount command in terminal with escape characters, specifically:


That unmounted it so that I could reformat and relabel.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Adding A Second Hard Drive With Media Already On It

Sep 9, 2010

I just switched to ubuntu and i love it!! The installation went flawless but i had a second hard drive while i had windows vista to store all of my media, i.e. mp3 and pictures. Am i able to access the stored information on the second hard drive in ubuntu? Will i need to delete the partition in order to use the second hard drive for future use? The second hard drive shows up in the disk utility application, but not in the computer/file browser section. The file system for the second hard drive is hpfs/ntfs.

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General :: How Do I Fix Wireless For Mint On Sony Vaio M13M1E

Dec 12, 2010

I have a Vaio M13 M1E, and I'm trying the Linux Mint 10 (Julia) DVD, via a bootable USB stick created Universal USB Installer, but the wireless isn't working.On the other hand, trying Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook it works fine - given that Mint is a variant of Ubuntu, I'd have expected it to work the same.I've tried searching, but not found anything relevant, so anyone have suggestions on what to try?

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General :: Knoppix 5.1.1 LiveCD - Getting Errors On Sony Vaio

May 21, 2010

When starting Knoppix 5.1.1 livecd on my new Sony Vaio I get a bunch of errors, but when starting on any other computer it works perfectly fine. I can manage without using it on that computer, but what I could do so I could use my own computer with this CD.

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General :: Install Windows 7 On Media Partition \ Keep Media Partition Completely Separate From Any OS?

Apr 24, 2010

I just bought a new hard drive so that I could convert my XP-only machine into an XP-Ubuntu-Windows 7 triple boot machine.Since the drive is absurdly huge (1 TB) I wouldn't mind throwing ReactOS into the mixtoo.I just found out that master boot records are limited to 4 entries, meaning 4 primary partitions. I had Windows XP set up on my old drive as a boot partition, a program files partition and a media partition. Since I really didn't want to install XP from scratch, I cloned this setup on my new drive.

This leaves me one MBR partition entry for installing Windows 7, Ubuntu and ReactOS. I'd like to avoid having to install XP from scratch like the plague, partly because it's supposed to be a safety net in case things go wrong with my other OS's and because I've invested a lot of time getting it set up exactly the way I like it.Here are the options I've considered and why I don't like them:Install Windows 7 on my media partition. This would work, but I prefer to keep my media partition completely separate from any OS, so that I can reformat an OS partition without affecting my media partition at all.

Use wubi or something to install Ubuntu in the same partition as something else. Again, this is brittle.Move all my media to a logical drive on an extended partition. Create another logical drive on this extended partition for Ubuntu. The problem here is that extended partitions are rather brittle--if you nuke one, it renders the rest useless.Just put the old drive back in my computer and run XP off it. Use the new one for the other OS's. The problem here is that the old drive is slower and uses extra power, generates extra heat, etc.

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Ubuntu :: External DVD Drive Vanishes From List On Inserting Media?

Jan 20, 2010

I just bought an external USB DVD (ASUS SDRW-08D15-U) to use on a Kubuntu-based LinuxMCE system. The idea is to set up the computer in the basement and to retain the ability to play DVDs on the 2nd floor home theater. Unfortunately the DVD would not play movies, music, or show files when connected to the Kubuntu/LinuxMCE machine. I tested the drive on my windows laptop and it worked fine. Then I connected it to my Ubuntu desktop machine and got the same behavior as on the MCE machine.

This leads me to believe that my hardware is functioning fine, but I have an Ubuntu/Kubuntu issue. I figure if I can get the drive to work on my Ubuntu desktop, then I can apply the fix to my MCE machine. I opened the Palimpsest Disk Utility (System>Administration>Disk Utility) and saw my internal DVD listed (ASUS DRW-1612BL). When I hot-plugged the external DVD it appeared underneath the internal drive. But here is the strange part - when I insert any type of media into the external drive it Vanishes from the list, accompanied by a repetitive pattern of clicking and whirring noises. Very mysterious.

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Ubuntu :: The Disk Drive For /media/sdb1 Is Not Ready Yet Or Not Present

Jan 25, 2011

During the boot, the following message appears:The disk drive for /media/sdb1 is not ready yet or not present Continue to wait, press S to skip or M for manual recovery. This started to appear after I use the "pysdm" application.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.04 - No Sound On Sony Vaio E Series (VPCEA22EG)

Aug 5, 2010

I installed ubuntu after 10.04, when I play music there is no sound.

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Hardware :: Manage A Iomega Home Media Network Hard Drive (1TB)?

Nov 12, 2010

In MS Windows, I had the Iomega Home Storage Manager installed, to manage the hard drive as a administrator. Is there an alternative for Linux, and how to install?

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