General :: Upgrading Ubuntu From 9.04 To 10.04?

Jul 13, 2010

I am planning to upgrade my OS to the latest version of Ubuntu. I would like to retain some of my configuration files and startup scripts. Can someone please tell me what is the best way to do this? I mean what directories to make a backup of so that there are minimum clashes?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Warning When Upgrading To 10.04 \ "Upgrading May Reduce Desktop Effects, And Performance In Games And Other Graphically Intensive Programs?

Sep 29, 2010

i am trying to upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 from 8.04, and am getting this warning:"Upgrading may reduce desktop effects, and performance in games and other graphically intensive programs.This computer is currently using the AMD 'fglrx' graphics driver. No version of this driver is available that works with your hardware in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.Do you want to continue?"should i continue? i have no idea what a 'fglrx graphics driver' is

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General :: Upgrading From Ubuntu 8.04 To 10.04?

Apr 19, 2011

What risks, if any, do I have to my files by upgrading from Ubuntu 8.04 to 10.04? My fear is that popping in the CD will destroy everything I've stored for the past few years.

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General :: Upgrading From Ubuntu Jaunty

Nov 17, 2010

I have Ubuntu Jaunty and would like to upgrade to the latest Ubuntu 10.10

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General :: Upgrading To Ubuntu 11.04 Natty

Apr 28, 2011

If I upgrade from Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 will any and or all of my preferences/programs have to be re-configured/re-installed or will it just upgrade and leave everything how it is??

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General :: Can't Adjust Touchpad After Upgrading From Ubuntu 8.1 To 9.1

Dec 1, 2010

I just upgraded from Ubuntu 8.1 to 9.1. Selecting (tapping) with the touchpad is a problem. I can not adjust it with the System > Preferences > Touchpad GUI. I have to tap and tap and tap, harder and harder. The sensitivity is way off. Can't adjust it with the GUI.

Anyone else have this issue. I'm using a Dell Inspiron.

More info: sometimes I tap and it works. Other times I have to tap tap tap tap, harder and harder. I believe it's a matter of adjusting the sensitivity of the touchpad, but do not know how to do this after upgrading to 9.1.

Can't do it with the GUI.

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General :: Upgrading Puppy 4 To 5 ?

May 5, 2011

I have downloaded and burnt an iso file of Puppy 5 . What is the best method to upgrade puppy 4 , Which is already on my Toshiba Satellite , To Puppy 5 .

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General :: After Upgrading To Ubuntu 9.10 External USB Drive Won't Auto Mount?

Nov 13, 2009

I upgraded Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 desktop a few weeks ago and an external USB drive that was mounting at startup on 9.04 is no longer mounting on 9.10. If I unplug the USB cable and plug it back in it comes up. The issue is strange in that when a regular non-admin logs in the drive auto mounts but does not for an admin login. I have not been able to put together search results that would lead me to a hint of why this would occur and/or what aresolution may be.Why would the drive auto mount when a regular user logs in but not auto mount for an admin? When I say admin I guess what I mean is a user with more privileges such as member of the admin group.

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General :: UPgrading Gns3 0.6.1 To 0.7 On Centos?

Apr 7, 2010

identifying the upgrade path from gns3 0.6.1 to 0.7. I need to know all the packages that are need please and where to get them, plus cli command.

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General :: Upgrading From Fedora Core 7 To CentOS 5.4

Jan 19, 2010

I need to upgrade one of our systems from its current distribution, Fedora Core 7, to the most recent version distribution, release 5.4, of the CentOS operating system. Can I do an in-place upgrade of the operating system without any adverse side-effects? Are there any issues that I should be concerned with before proceeding?

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General :: 9.10 Randomly Hanging With No Warning After Upgrading?

Jan 30, 2010

Acer veriton 5000 pentium4 1.7mhz 2Gb ram. double booted with win2k.I had no trouble upgrading from Ubuntu 8.04 to 9.04. For some reason 9.04 would not upgrade to 9.10 so I installed from disc, with minor hics. Now works well but randomly hangs with no warning and I have to switch-off and restart to continue. Very annoying. I do not get any error alert it just hangs and when rebooted carries on quite unperturbed.

Additional info.
on booting in recovery mode got following::
754677 Render error detected eir??????

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General :: Upgrading A Kernel In A Production Environment?

Jun 21, 2010

What are the precautions and procedure do i need to follow while upgrading the Kernel?

Please let me know the complete details of a procedure of upgrading a kernel in a production environment?

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General :: Upgrading To Fedora 8 - Cannot Mount Partition

May 3, 2010

Not sure if I should consider myself a newbie or not, as I have been using fedora 1 for some years, but I only installed it as per the manual and then used it to web surf, didn't delve into the guts of linux. The other forums seem to be speaking languages largely beyond me. Anyway, I find I need to upgrade now. I have tried upgrading to fed 8 from the DVD, but I get the message 'cannot mount /dev/hda1', which is my windows partition.

Looking at the release notes , it says fed 8 expects all partitons to be labeled, as if this is a new requirement. Using /sbin/blkid I see hda1 is not labeled. Is this the problem? How can I label it? Looking at a 'how to' site, I found e2label and tune2fs, but it seems they only work with ext2 or ext3 partitions. In the bigger picture, I am expecting too much to upgrade 1 to 8? Should I give up and just install fed 8 from scratch?

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General :: Upgrading A Dual Boot System?

Aug 9, 2010

I hope this is posted in the right forumI have a dual boot ubuntu 10-4 and windows vista each on a separate 500 GB drive.nt to install Windows 7 in place of vista but I understand that there are some issues with grub 2 if vista and linux are already installed.Also can it be done from within Vista as an upgrade without doing a complete reinstall.I also wondered if installing windows 7 as a virtual box would be a better option.only have a few programs that I need to run in windows but I do use them regularly.

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General :: Upgrading Kernel To 2.6.32 In Pardus 2009.2?

Aug 30, 2010

I have a Thinkpad which uses a Realtek Wifi controller. I read that with the 2.6.32 kernel, the driver is now part of the kernel by default. I have pardus 2009.2 installed and would like to upgrade the kernel from 2.6.31 to 2.6.32 But i cant find this kernel in the default repositories.

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General :: Can't Find System Menu After Upgrading Kubuntu To 10.04 / Get That?

Jul 26, 2010

I just upgraded my old Kubuntu 8.(something)to the new 10.04

After upgrading, i cant find the system menu(The one usualy located down
to the left)

Also having a problem with my desktop resolution, its maxed at 800x640
according to xrandr, tried adding some lines as SU in command line with
xrandr, only get the message, cant find vga1.

My computer is a sony vaio FZ-260e

Its nvidia 8400gt(m) display adapter, and according to adept the
Nvidia drivers should be installed.

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General :: Flash Player Not Upgrading On FF 3.5 With Natty Narwhal?

May 23, 2011

After the upgrade to Natty from v9.04, though, my flash player won't update past version; the latest version is This is rather annoying in its own right, the more so when I watch quite a bit of hulu. I have so far tried uninstalling and reinstalling flash through the software center and by manually installing the .tar.gz file available from this site: [URL]Perhaps most distressing is that the site advertises that you're downloading v10.3.181.4, when I can't get past

Interestingly, when I tried the 'download via APT' option specifically for Ubuntu, there were issues. It would get to the 'open with' box, but when I tried to click on software center, nothing would happen (software center would dehighlight, and no further action would take place) including when I specifically searched and selected software center.As of a few minutes ago, the apt server was having issues (or firefox is) and firefox reports it is unable to find the file.

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General :: Upgrading Encrypted System From Lenny To Squeeze

Apr 8, 2011

I'm looking to upgrade from Lenny to Squeeze and would like to check if there's anything special I need to do. Software-wise there's nothing out of the ordinary on the system but, while looking into upgrading, I've read some horror stories regarding encrypted systems. I've only previously installed from fresh.

Here is how my current partitions/filesystems are set out:
. sda1/sdb1 > raid > ext2: boot
. sda2/sdb2 > raid > luks > lvm > ext3: root
. sda2/sdb2 > raid > luks > lvm > ext3: swap
. sda2/sdb2 > raid > luks > lvm > xfs: data
. sdc1/sdd1 > raid > luks > lvm > freespace: vms

Would this just be a standard upgrade, as per these? [URL]. I will be backing up important data before I attempt to upgrade.

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General :: Upgrading Redhat To Support Ext4 For Files Over 2TB In Size

Sep 27, 2010

We are currently running Redhat 5.4 64Bit (Build 2.6.18-164.e15) however having issues with tar files that are greater than 2TB in size.

We have been told that upgrading the kernel to support the ext4 file system (supported in version 5.5?) and mounting the current 10TB nas share as an ext 4 file system may solve our over 2TB file size issues. Are their limitations within the ext3 file system that cause issues to files greater than 2TB and if this is the case Do we have to update the kernel (complete rebuild), or can we load a package on the redhat box to support the ext 4 file system Where do we get the upgrade/package. I have logged onto the redhat site and can not find kernel updates but can find the full installation packages. We are not connected directly to the internet and do not have access to the update repository

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General :: Software Update Authorization No Longer Valid After Upgrading From F13 To 14?

Jun 7, 2011

I recently upgraded from Fedora 13 to Fedora 14. Now, when I run the Software Update graphical utility, I am getting an authorization failure. I tried using yum update from a command line after issue the SU command and it seemed to work. I would much prefer to use the graphical utility but can't figure out how to give myself permission for this. I also noticed that my graphical shutdown utility is now disabled (grayed out).

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General :: Update Gnome To A Newer Version Without Upgrading Fedora?

Oct 16, 2010

I am using Fedora 11 and I was curios if it is posible to update gnome to a newer version without upgrading Fedora.

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General :: Intermittent Stuttering In Video And Audio Playback Since Upgrading To Maverick

Jan 2, 2011

I've been having a problem with intermittent stuttering in video and audio playback since upgrading to Maverick (it also happened when I briefly installed Lucid). It started out as the odd skip every 20 minutes or so but now it can happen 5 or 6 times in 10 minutes when watching a film. I've tried:

reformatting and clean installing using a half-dozen players installing every codec I could think of (only after the normal ones wouldn't help) diangosing my 3 hard drives (the problem occurs on them all and they're not in a RAID setup) changing then changing back my video drivers disabling pulseaudio and ubuntuone-sync (these were not installed in my previous, working setup) looking at every relevant log file (mplayer, smplayer, demsg...) I know of running ubuntu's testing utilities I'm out of ideas. Going back to Jaunty is the only solution I'm pretty sure will work but it's not exactly ideal. It will be a few months a least before I'm able to install a completely new distro.

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General :: Root Of Previously Installed System Not Found Getting Message When Upgrading?

Jul 4, 2010

I am trying to Upgrade from Fedora 12 to Fedora 13 using Preupgrade. My system downloads the the Upgrade and tries to install it but returns a message "Root of the previous system not found". I would really like to fix this problem but dont know how.

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General :: Lost Sound When Upgrading To Ubuntu 10.40, Except For Ubuntu Sound During Start-up?

Sep 20, 2010

Since I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.40, I no longer have sound, except for the Ubuntu sound when it loads during start up. Does anyone know how I can recover sound on my computer?

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General :: Upgrading Fedora 11 To Fedora 12?

Apr 24, 2010

I have been using fedora 11 and just wanted to move to fedora 12.After doing search on google I found the commands to upgrade it.

1- yum update rpm
2- yum -y update
3- yum install preupgrade
4- preupgrade

All the updated went on smoothly but on rebooting the system after executing the "preupdrade" command, system is not able to boot. Below is the snasphot of the error that i am getting:


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Ubuntu :: Upgrading From 9.10 To 10.04

May 8, 2010

2 hours later and my system was upgraded. No problems. Only thing was that there is no splash screen. For about 10 seconds a blinking cursor and a purple background with UBUNTU on it.Don't know if this is normal.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrading KDE 4.4.5 To 4.5.0 ?

Aug 10, 2010

I am trying to upgrade KDE 4.4.5 to 4.5.0 (Kubuntu 10.04 LTS) but the attempt results in 22 packages that can be upgraded and 111 blocked updates.

The problem is due to a dependency issue with libqt4-assistant and ktorrent. aptutide offer me a solution to remove these two packages, as well as some other packages that seem important to me, and leave package kubuntu-desktop with unresolved dependencies. II don't know what that lib is needed for, but I use ktorrent every day. So this solution seems like a bad one to me.

How to upgrade to KDE 4.5 and keep ktorrent? Or is it better to wait for Kubuntu 10.10 release and then do a distro upgrade (which will surely get round the problem)?


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Ubuntu :: Upgrading From 10.04 To 10.10

Dec 8, 2010

I'm currently using Ubuntu 10.04 with LAMP and i have hosted my few websites in it.

What if I use do-release-upgrade, Do i have to configure each and every settings again or do-release-upgrade will automatically migrate all my settings.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrading To 10.10 From 10.04 Using CD

Apr 18, 2011

I've recently done a full installation of 10.04 on my machine. Not too long after, I applied for a free 10.10 CD that Ubuntu offers instead of donwloading it due to no internet access.

How can I upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 using the free CD that Ubuntu mailed to me?

I don't really want to consider doing a clean installation again as I have important programs and plug-ins installed on my current version.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrading 10.10 To 11.04?

May 6, 2011

How do I upgrade Xubuntu over the internet? I don't want to have to download torrents and stuff, but when I tried to upgrade via the update manager, it started upgrading to Ubuntu 11.04 instead of Xubuntu. Now it's just sitting here telling me I have over a thousand updates available even though I never typed yes to the upgrade (I started it at the command line). I don't know how to shut it down.

EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out. It actually was upgrading to xubuntu after all.

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