General :: Unable To Mount Array?

Dec 5, 2010

My first post and only my second day using Linux (Ubuntu 10.10), so please be gentle with me. lol. Bit of back ground to my problem. I have a Netgear Stora that has just died, but realy need the info off the drive inside. Support have told me that the drive can be read on Linux, so here I am. Right. Places-Computer shows drive as "array". System-Administrator-Disk utility gives me everything blank apart from State : not running, not enough componets to start. Now there is a button under this "Start Array". Can I simply just click this or is there more to it than that as I don't want to lose anything on the drive.

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General :: DMRAID - Getting A Live Distro That Can Mount A Fakeraid Array?

Jan 24, 2011

I'm trying to rescue files from an Iomega NAS device that seems to be corrupted. This is the Storcenter rack-mount server - four 1tb drives, celeron, 1gb, etc. I'm hoping there's a live distro that would allow me to mount the RAID volume in order to determine if my files are accessible. Ubuntu 10.10 nearly got me there but reported "Not enough components available to start the RAID Array".

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General :: Mount Hard RAID5 Array With Software RAID0 And GPT?

Aug 8, 2009

I couldn't post in General. It said I had insufficient permissions to post there, so, this post does have to do with Windows slightly. Sorry that it's here, but I DID read the rules (I searched, and couldn't find an answer to my problem either)

Anyways, I have a RAID5 array 2.72TB (4x1TB drives) which I used in my windows installation, initialized as GPT, and I used "span" to make the single 2TB partition, and 720GB partition into one partition. I believe that Windows created a software RAID0. Ok, so now I've made the leap away from windows, and am going 100% into Linux (Debian, to be exact) and I'm trying to figure out how to mount this array. I've only done basic web/ftp/ircd server management on Linux before, and never anything with mounting drives. I'm a complete n00b at this stuff.

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General :: Unable To Display Output Using Awk In Array Iteration?

Jul 29, 2010

My script is not diaplying output as it contains awk while iterating over the array. My script is as follows:

shortcodes=( "56882" "58585" "58888" "57575" "57677" );
for shortcode in ${shortcodes[@]}
echo "`awk -F"|" '/ShortCode=tel:$shortcode/ { arr[substr($2,1,4)]++ } END { for( no in arr) { print no , arr[no] } }'


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General :: Unable To Access Intel Fake RAID 1 Array In Fedora 14 After Reboot

Jan 6, 2011

1st I am relatively new to linux (but not to *nix). I have 4 disks assembled in the following intel ahci bios fake raid arrays:

2x320GB RAID1 - used for operating systems md126
2x1TB RAID1 - used for data md125

I have used the raid of size 320GB to install my operating system and the second raid I didn't even select during the installation of Fedora 14. After successful partitioning and installation of Fedora, I tried to make the second array available, it was possible to make it visible in linux with mdadm --assembe --scan , after that I created one maximum size partition and 1 maximum size ext4 filesystem in it. Mounted, and used it. After restart - a few I/O errors during boot regarding md125 + inability to mount the filesystem on it and dropped into repair shell. I commented the filesystem in fstab and it booted. To my surprise, the array was marked as "auto read only":


and the partition in it was not available as device special file in /dev:


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General :: Convert Full-disk RAID5 Array To Partition-based Array?

Dec 23, 2010

I have a RAID 5 array, md0, with three full-disk (non-partitioned) members, sdb, sdc, and sdd. My computer will hang during the AHCI BIOS if AHCI is enabled instead of IDE, if these drives are plugged in. I believe it may be because I'm using the whole disk, and the AHCI BIOS expects an MBR to be on the drive (I don't know why it would care).

Is there a way to convert the array to use members sdb1, sdc1 and sdd1, partitioned MBR with 0xFD RAID partitions?

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General :: Bash: Calculating In Array And Storing Result In Array?

Dec 2, 2010

I have an array called arrayini which stores numbers. I want to take log to the base 2 of each of the numbers in that array and put it in file called result. I've used the following code to do it.


for ((i=0;i<size;i++))
echo "scale = 12; l(${arrayini[$i]})/l(2)" | bc -l
done >result

It works fine but its taking pretty long to calculate since I've got about 230,000 items in the array. So I decided to store the result into an array hoping that it'd be faster. I tried the following code. arrayresult is where I try and store the result. The code doesn't work because of the second last line.


unset arrayresult
for ((i=0;i<size;i++))
arrayresult[$i]="scale = 12; l(${arrayini[$i]})/l(2)" | bc -l
done >FILE2

There is a syntax error clearly.

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General :: Networking 2 Boxes - Error: "unable To Mount Location Failed To Mount Windows Share"

Mar 27, 2011

im trying to get a network setup i followed the instruction via gentoo wiki samba what i have done


then i did chmod 777 to the shared folders on both machines went into nautilus it sees the folder but it will not mount the folder showing the error msg:"unable to mount location failed to mount windows share" ive been searching unbuntu forums opensuseforums and google for an answer to this issue but as of right now anything that i have tried to do has failed and nothing seems to be working.

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Fedora :: Can't Mount RAID1 Array?

Dec 29, 2010

I have just upgraded to Fedora 14 from an older version. I now have problems mounting my RAID1 array, which was operating correctly until now. This is a software RAID which was initially built under Fedora 10.The array is md0, and is made of 2 SATA drives (sdc and sdd) which have only one partition. The underlying filesystem is NTFS. The array is assembled correctly and active, as reported by /proc/mdstat and mdadm -D.When I try to mount the array, I get this:

[root@Goofy ~]# mount /dev/md0 /mnt/raid
mount: you must specify the filesystem type


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Ubuntu :: Raid Array Won't Mount Since Rebuilding - Bad Geometry?

Jun 15, 2010

I had run out of space on a 30GB raid1 partition so I rebuilt it as I had three 30GB partitions on a pair of 120GB drives. I stopped the array and used gparted to create a single 120GB partition on one of the disks. I then copied the data from all three partitions on the other drive onto this newly cleared space, before zapping that too. So I now had two drives with identical single partitions, one of which had all my data and lots of space. I used mdadm to create a new array from the two disks, which looked good. It immediately started to resync the data onto the second drive. However, when I tried to mount the new array this is what I get:


bob@zaphod:~$ sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/md0 /media/raid/
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/md0,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error


I can mount the drives independently and GOOD NEWS the data is there! However, how can I get round this problem and mount the raid array.

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Server :: Directly Mount Raid Array Member?

Apr 8, 2010

Is there a way for me to mount a raid array member directly without using any of the raid tools? For instance, I have a raid 1 array that contains /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1. How can I mount /dev/sda1 or /dev/sdb1 directly? Doing mount /dev/sda1 <mnt point> does not work. If I try specifying the filesystem type with -t this doesn't work either.

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General :: Mount Cruzer Blade 16GB On "Unable To Mount 16GB File System"?

Aug 8, 2011

hen i try to mount Cruzer Blade 16GB on Ubuntu Im told that "Unable to mount 16GB file system Not authorized.@

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General :: Unable To Mount Drives

May 9, 2010

I installed backtrack3 but i am not able to mount my drives, i have windows-xp

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General :: Unable To Mount 500 Gb External Into OS

Jun 4, 2011

I am unable to mount an external in my linux os.I tried everithing,but not succeed.Linux os ver: RHEL 4(nahant update 5)Problem description: when I insert an external,autometically the icon will show at 'my computer'.But when I tried to open the device,the message will show that "device is already mounted or busy" I checked that one entry is autometically done in fstab after inserting the external.But "mount" command does not show it. I tried every possible command to mannually mount,but no effect.This problem is occure in only one server,but there is no such problem in other servers running same configuration.

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General :: Unable To Mount C 'Not Authorized'?

Apr 12, 2011

i used fedora14 system. "Unable to mount C 'Not authorized'"

this error appear at after i type a mistake command "chown my -R *" in path "/usr" by root account

and after i reboot laptop the mount doesn't work i tried to chown root -R , but it doesn't work. i have C/D/E NTFS partition in my win7

and i mkdir in /media/c
and when i use "mount /media/c /etc/sda1", it works
and i dont wanna use mount, i wanna in GHOME explorer direct click into C/D/E

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General :: Unable To Mount Pendrive

May 27, 2010

I am using CentOS 5.4 in VMware, having Win XP as host OS. i am unable to mount a pendrive. I have used "#dmesg" command to display the hardwares connected, but its not showing anything about Pendrive. Also tried #mount -t -vfat /dev/sda2 /pendrive........but the error is "...its not a block"

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General :: Unable To Mount DVDs On Gentoo?

Jan 31, 2010

I'm unable to mount any dvd on my HP 6735s laptop running Gentoo (with combined stable (+) and testing (~) ebuilds). Here's everything that I can come up with: $uname -a Linux aiur #6 SMP Thu Jan 28 17:02:59 CET 2010 x86_64 AMD Turion(tm)X2 Dual Core Mobile RM-70 AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux

NOTE: -aiur-r5 is my custom kernel name. I am having this problem with all the kernels since 2.6.31. I use the vanilla kernels from and compile them with some custom settings using menuconfig.

$ ls -l /dev/{cd,dvd,scd,sr}*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Jan 28 17:37 /dev/cdrom -> sr0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Jan 28 17:37 /dev/cdrw -> sr0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Jan 28 17:37 /dev/dvd -> sr0


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General :: Unable To Mount Ubuntu Partition

May 9, 2011

I was dual-booting Ubuntu (10.10) and Windows 7. I installed Backtrack in addition to these 2, and the Ubuntu GRUB was replaced with the one from Backtrack.

Now when I boot, only Backtrack and Windows 7 are listed in GRUB. When I run fdisk from Backtrack, I see all partitions, and running a Partition Manager lists the Ubuntu partition as a Linux partition. However, the partition manager says that it is unable to read the contents of the partition, and that it is unable to re-read the partition table.

Also, the Ubuntu, Backtrack, and Linux Swap partition are all listed under the same Extended partition.

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General :: Unable To Mount Root Filesystem?

May 27, 2011

I am using GRUB bootloader. I can boot into windows fine. But booting into linux gives me the error "kernel panic: unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0)I got LILO to load linux fine but GRUB always gives me this error regardless of the linux OS for this particular computer.

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General :: Unable To Mount Ext Hdd As Normal User?

Nov 24, 2010

I am unable to mount my ext hdd as normal user ,i am using xfce Unable to mount "80G Volume":

Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.23" (uid=1000 pid=2776 comm="exo-mount) interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume" member="Mount" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="org.freedesktop.Hal" (uid=0 pid=1908 comm="/usr/sbin/hald))

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General :: Unable To Mount USB Thumb Drive

Oct 10, 2009

I am very new to Linux ubuntu got it because friend said it way better than windows. The problem I am having is with my thumb drives. I cannot get them to work. It says I am unable to mount. The only way to get one to work is put one in wait tell it says it is unable to mount then put the second one in. At that point I am able to look at the second drive.

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General :: Unable To Mount Nfs Share Under Rescue In VM?

Jun 11, 2010

I have shared few directories through nfs in my fedora 12 OS.Here is the output of few commands from the virtual machine running on CentOS in both normal and rescue mode

[root@localhost /]# showmount -e
Export list for


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Mount Location / Failed To Mount Windows Share

Jul 26, 2010

I have a Dell Inspiron 1720 running Ubuntu v10.04 with a wireless card.My desktop is a Dell Optiflex running WinXP.The desktop is connected via ethernet cable to a Linksys wireless router. Certain folders on the desktop are set for sharing. Up until early last week I was able to access the desktop folders from the laptop with no issues.Suddenly I am now getting this error "Unable to mount location Failed to mount Windows share" whenever I try to access the desktop folders from the laptop.I suspect an upgrade is the culprit, but not sure.

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Software :: Error - 'some Of Your Partitions Are Unable To Mount Press 's' To Skip Or 'm' To Manually Mount

Jun 26, 2011

actually some my windows ntfs partiitions are unable to mount at start up. the error msg is -'some of your partitions are unable to mount press 's' to skip or 'm' to manually mount.

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Networking :: Unable To Mount Location: Failed To Mount Windows Share

Mar 21, 2010

i'm trying to connect to the three other machines in my house but am having quite a hard time doing so. i've never had a problem in the past with ubuntu, but, with 9.1 and windows 7, things have gotten a bit harder. i'm running 9.1 and my roommates are running windows 7. i've installed, set up and configured samba and i can see the computers on my network, but any time i try to access either of the drives, it says unable to mount location: failed to mount windows share.

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Software :: Unable To Mount Windows Drive - Mount Error 92 = Protocol Not Available

Oct 4, 2010

Not able to mount windows drive & foder, in linux. i have got following error.

mount error 92 = Protocol not available

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Software :: IPhone 4 Won't Mount (LMDE) - Unable To Mount Location: Unhandled Lockdown Error (-5)

Jan 6, 2011

I just installed Linux Mint Debian Edition on my friend's laptop. The biggest problem is getting his iPhone 4 to mount. On it shows a cool video of a guy managing his iPhone with Linux thanks to libimobiledevice. also says libimobiledevice supports the iPhone 4. But when he plugs it in, he gets an error that says:

Quote: Unable to mount location: Unhandled Lockdown error (-5) It's a serious issue and needs to be resolved ASAP. ***EDIT*** If this is a hardware topic, any mods can feel free to move it.

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Software :: Truecrypt Has Lost Mount Type - Unable To Mount

Aug 17, 2010

I have been using truecrypt to mount a partition on my computer for a few months now. Yesterday I tried to access it and it failed, with the following error:" mount: you must specify the filesystem type "

When creating the partition, the filesystem type was set to ext2. Apart from yesterday, I have not accessed this partition for a number of days now, and have done nothing to the operating in system in the ways of changing settings and such for a good week.

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General :: Unable To Mount Fat16 Disk Image?

Aug 2, 2010

I am having a rather strange issue. I have windows 98 installed into a disk image that I use bochs to boot it with. I want to transfer some files to the image but now I am unable to mount it. I will attach the drive to the loopback device but when I go to mount I get wrong fs type bad option ... etc.

The command I used to mount was

#mount -t vfat /dev/loop0 /media/loopdisk
cfdisk shows it ok as does fdisk. shows as a fat16 file system. When I attempt to check it for errors using fsck.msdos I get

# dosfsck 3.0.6 04 Oct 2009, FAT32, LFN
# Logical sector size (64543) is not a multiple of the physical sector size.

When I boot into windows 98 in bochs and check the disk it tells me there is no problems.

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General :: Unable To Mount Root Fs On Unknown-block

Jan 13, 2010

When I boot up for Ubuntu 9.10, I get a screen that gives me a selection of what I assume are versions of Ubuntu 9.10.I get: Kernal Panic: not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,3) and the process stops. I have to turn off the computer and go back and select "2.6.31-15 generic"What is going on and what do I need to do to get back to 17 generic version?

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