General :: Ubuntu 10.04 - Driver Lost After Kernel Update
Dec 26, 2010
I just updated an Ubuntu 10.04 kernel to 2.6.32-27-generic, and a wifi driver (r8187) is not present there. Is the only solution reinstalling it or is there a simple way to move it from an older kernel I have on the same machine?
I compiled the kernel and <insert drumroll> it boots!(my first kernel roll, I'm kind of shocked actually) That's the good news. The bad news is that my NVIDIA drivers are gone in the wind. That's not entirely true as I can still boot into the old kernel and startx. Is there a way to download the driver using the command line for reinstall?
I recently installed 11.3 from DVD Am using Ubuntu Lucid Grub2 bootloader as I have several OS's Updated Grub so that the new kernel version 4 would boot but it boots to a command line... What has happened to my desktop?
Initial FC12 install worked great, kernel allowed radio kill switch functionality Fn-F11 for wlan and Fn-F12 for bluetooth.The last two kernels have broken that functionality.
I just upgraded the kernel on my Ubuntu laptop from 2.6.32-24-generic to 2.6.32-25-generic (using the update manager under gnome). After the update, the wireless network controller shows up as UNCLAIMED when I do lshw -C network.When I try to install the driver with the commands sudo modprobe lib80211 sudo insmod wl.ko
i get this error message: insmod: error inserting 'wl.ko': -1 Invalid module format
I have compiled the driver using the 2.6.32-24 kernel. Do I have to re-compile with the new kernel?I'm a unix user, but not a kernel hacker, so I'm wondering if I will run into problems every time I get a kernel update? Or is this problem an exception?
I have checked the known issues and the sticky post, it does not seem to be related. I have Ubuntu as my host OS and I want to run Windows as a guest.
Now, Here is the error:
Kernel driver not installed (rc=-190
The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel module by executing
'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'
as root. Users of Ubuntu, Fedora or Mandriva should install the DKMS package first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary. I have done the obvious:
I still have the same error. I just updated from Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10, then I was prompted by virtual box to update to the newest version, then this happened.
I managed to get my Linksys AE1000 USB wireless adapter to work on Unbuntu 10.04 LTS.but recently I updated the kernel to 2.6.32-26 and when i rebooted I logged on to see my wireless connection was not working.even worse, I can't fn the links i had that showed me how to install it in the first place, its about the fact that the new kernel uses a different usb setup(probably incorrect, let me know it its incorrect). its an issue that the hacked driver isnt compatible with the new kernel release, how can i revert to the older version that it did work on? i'm using a RALinkTech driver [URL]
i ran yum update which updated kernel to Now after logging in i get a blank white screen. With previous kernel updates i have had no such problem. Anyway, the boot messages are following:
checking for module nvidia.ko [FAILED] nvidia.ko for kernel was not found [WARNING] The nvidia driver will not be enabled until one is found [WARNING] Driver already disabled
I have an HP laptop running 11.3/KDE4.5.2, has integrated HD3200 ati graphics.
Yesterday, ATI version 10.10 fglrx driver was installed on the system, kernel was I use the "build rpm" option with the downloads from ATI. All seemed running well.
I had installed the automatic recompile script posted by please_try_again after moving to, so today's new update was a chance to see it in action.
After the update and reboot, the X server restarted so I have to assume the automatic recompile script ran, although I did not see any messaging (place to look?).
However, some things did not seem "quite right". fgl_glxgears ran, but seemed slow (only 70 or so fps) pm-suspend failed to sleep the machine, I see the error message "s2ram_do: Device or resource busy" in /var/log/pm-suspend.log, which I think (?) is fglrx related but not sure why I think that. I moved to a root terminal, init 3, removed the fglrx rpm with yast, deleted the fglrx rpm and rebuilt a new one with I then installed the new rpm (with yast), ran aticonfig --initial, then rebooted.
Basically, I am at the same level as above, fglrx installed and running, but slow and pm-suspend still not working.
So now I wonder if there is a new problem with the -5 kernel update, something like the excitement a couple weeks back when we had to patch the driver (or the kernel symbols) just to get a compile.
Can i assume someone has been able to cleanly update to and get their fglrx running again?
An observation, which may or may not be related to my issues. The fglrx rpm installs a new /usr/lib64/dri/, but in reviewing the log file /var/log/Xorg.0.log, it never appears to load. Two other *dri*.so modules do load. There is no "dri" section in Xorg.conf; I seem to recall there being one a while back, but much seems to be changing there.
I upgraded my Linux kernel from 2.6.35-23-generic to 2.6.35-24-generic and the Broadcom wireless STA driver stopped working. If I try to reinstall it with Jockey it fails and shows this in the log:
I'm running Fedora 13 x64 and updated the kernel to the latest version ( to I use the proprietary nvidia drivers (currently 260.19.12) so I had to compile the kernel module against the new kernel sources and reinstall the driver. The process was apparently successful, but when I try to start X nothing happens, it's as if the computer had been suspended, my monitor acts like it isn't receiving any input. I have full runlevel 3 access, and the system seems pretty much fine up to that point. Nvidia's own sanity tests which are built into the installer reported no problems with my driver.
i just updated my Fedora 14 from Kernel version to Now the driver for the broadcom wireless ethernet adapter is not detected anymore I installed the driver using
The package is still installed but when i but when i use modprobe again the output is "module wl not found" Anybody some ideas? By the way, here is the hardware specification
Here's what to do right after applying the latest kernel security patch ( to get the ATI driver back to work. Do not reboot yet make sure the update installed the headers and sources for kernel rpm -qa | grep should print the files in red on a 64bit system:
I seem unable to get an nvidia driver working properly after upgrading to the latest kernel with Fedora 11.Here is my laptop and its specs:[URL]I've tried both the kmod and akmod unsuccessfully. Everytime it gives me a black screen on boot, I can fix the problem by popping in the LiveCD, and changing the xorg.conf file back to the backup.Here are the errors/warnings from my boot.log file:
Code: WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong into /etc/modprobe.d/. Checking for module nvidia.ko: [60G[[0;31mFAILED[0;39m]
I install fedora on my usb-hdd. Sometimes i boot it from real machine, sometimes i boot from virtual machine (kvm). When I boot from real machine, hdd driver is usb-storage, when i boot from virtual machine hdd drivers are ata_generic and pata_acpi.
Everytime i update kernel, mkinitrd only create initrd image contains only hdd driver current running, and I must recreate initrd manual with all preload hdd driver. How to config fedora to everytime update kernel, mkinitrd can make initrd image with all hdd driver I need?
Is there a way to get the matching Linux kernel headers automatic on a regular kernel update via the Ubuntu packed manager? Every time I get a new kernel I must do an aptitude install linux-headers-`uname -r`
I had a working ubuntu 10.10 system two days ago with kernel 2.6.35-24. I have a gtx 460 card so I have the driver from Jockey/Additional Drivers installed.
Two days ago update manager prompted me to install 2.6.35-25. I've never had problems updating kernels so I did. I Rebooted my machine and gdm/gnome no longer starts. I always get stuck on the tty1 screen. I did some troubleshooting and figured out that my current NVidia drivers seems to be messing it up. So I booted into my older kernel (2.6.35-24) and removed my NVidia driver.
I used these steps to switch from nvidia to nouveau: NvidiaDriverSwitching
I can now boot into my latest kernel (2.6.35-25) but now I'm having problems trying to reinstall the nvidia drivers.
jockey sometimes doesn't list any available drivers. and when it does, it gives me an "System InstallArchive() error" when trying to install.
I tried installing nvidia-current via apt-get and I get these errors:
Code: Setting up nvidia-current (260.19.06-0ubuntu1) ... Removing old nvidia-current-260.19.06 DKMS files... dkms.conf: Error! No 'DEST_MODULE_LOCATION' directive specified. dkms.conf: Error! No 'PACKAGE_NAME' directive specified. dkms.conf: Error! No 'PACKAGE_VERSION' directive specified.
I'm relatively new to Linux.My netbook ran updates yesterday for Ubuntu and now I am unable to reconnect to wireless network connection.I am using WPA2 encrypted security.I am able to connect via wired LAN. Also, when I went to connect using USB mobile connection, I get an error "unable to mount location". I get the same error if I try to connect my external CD drive. I have tried to force mount but no luck.
I want to add usb network support to a real-time Linux distribution we're using at work. USB devices are recognized, but when connecting a usb network adapter no network interface is created.
I have given the task of writing a SDXC(32GB~2TB) driver for Kernel 2.6.24. I have following queries..
1> Does Linux Kernel 2.6.24 supports SDXC??? or SDHC(4GB ~ 32GB)..I know i surely supports SD...
If i need to modify the driver for SDXC what changes i need to do..Any pacthes are available?? which files need to be modified... whether driver/mmc/host/sdhci.c???
1> The SDIO host controller is implemented in FPGA in our board, & the Processor to FPGA interfacing is through PCIe.. I am not able to understand this interfacing.. what PCI related functions i need to use... I Have the Device ID & Vendor ID of Host controller...
For several months, I've had a couple problems with my X display. The first is an occasional seg fault that cascades thru all applications, leaving me with nothing, and requiring a reboot.The second is that all mozilla derived browsers -- firefox, epiphany, icecat -- crash very frequently. Sometimes this requires a reboot or restart of the display.Since I am not seeing complaints from other people about this for my distro (f14), but it did not happen on the same hardware with my previous install (f10), I'm putting it down to some combination of software.
My first suspect is the ati catalyst video driver. I don't use GL much, so I actually don't need the proprietary driver installed all the time. If it is the problem, I'd like to leave it installed for when I need it, but mostly use the kernel's native radeon driver.I had hoped this would be as simple as removing the fglrx driver and loading radeon, but that doesn't work -- when I start X again, the kernel loads fglrx. I changed the xorg conf to use the "ati" (xorg) driver; this leads to "no signal" to the monitor and I have to reboot.
With the recent upgrade kernel, my ATI driver can no longer work. After upgrading to the new kernel, upon reboot I would get stuck at the "checking battery status" and can't boot into kubuntu.
I'm running Kubuntu 10.10 64 on intel i5 with radeon hd 4870.
So I thought I messed something up since I was fooling around with conky script the day before. I did a clean install of kubuntu 10.10 64 and reset all my settings and my files. At this point, everything works smoothly and I can reboot multiple times without a problem.
I proceeded to install the Radeon catalyst driver following the documentation, which worked perfectly for me on the previous kernel. After rebooting, I can no longer get pass the "checking battery state" black screen. I had to boot into safe book, uninstall all fglrx and also delete xorg.conf to be able to boot back in normally.
A more comprehensive phrased question since I lost access to the other one.I would ask that the other one be deleted, not this one, as it should not have been migrated in the first place.There are currently two NTFS drivers available for Linux.
The NTFS driver included in the kernel, and the userspace NTFS-3G driver that makes use of FUSE.By all accounts, NTFS-3G works perfectly.My question then, is if the NTFS filesystem has been successfully reverse engineered, why have the kernel NTFS team not implemented the changes in their driver? At the moment it is still marked as experimental, and there is a good chance it will destroy your data.
About a month ago, I decided to go deeper in my Linux knowledge. I've been reading a lot and found out that Arch linux would be my learning distro. As I was installing Arch, it was a pain at first but I really learned a lot which I would never ever learn with Mint. Now I decided to take a step further is which "compiling your own kernel".
Everything was smooth in my Arch for a 2 weeks until I decided to compile my own kernel. I currently have a Nvidia GTX 460 1GB card.
BTW, the method I used to install nvidia with 2.6.37 was
Code: pacman -S nvidia nvidia-utils and that worked with all of the .37 kernels (-1 -2 -3 -4) which was download from
When I compiled the .38 (using the same .config of .37), it just boots up to the terminal (not loading gdm). However, I could still login by typing my username and password. So I've checked dmesg of both .37 and .38 and noticed that the Nvidia driver is not loaded in .38.
I tried reinstall it by running pacman and it doesn't do anything. It was thinking of uninstalling nvidia and nvidia-utils but there are so many dependencies conflicts (like screensaver, compiz, etc).
Since, I didn't want to mess up my .37 install, I just grabbed an old HDD and installed from scratch again. This time, I compiled the .38 kernel first (without gui) and then installed nvidia nvidia-utils. It was the same problem.
With this observation, I'm concluding that the nvidia and nvidia-utils from pacman is not compatible with .38.
I've read that I have to wait for nvidia to release a driver that will be compatible with the .38 kernel. Is that true? Does it mean I have to wait for nvidia/nvidia-utils to be updated from pacman? How would I know when it is updated?
I've also read about nouveau, but I guess that is not for me because it doesn't support 3D.
Is there a work around for me to use nvidia/nvidia-utils with .38?
Is nvidia and nvidia-utils proprietary drivers? What is the difference with these two and the one you download directly from nvidia?
First of all, I apologize for the bombardment of questions. As you can tell, I'm so clueless on how nvidia drivers work on linux in general (since it was spoon fed by mint) and I really would love to learn about this is a deeper level. Could someone please explain to me (LAYMANS terms) how nvidia works (and possibly a solution to my issue).
EDIT: Additional info - I have a netbook that also runs arch. It uses an Intel GMA integrated video chip which I used "xf86-video-intel" from pacman and I believe since it is open source, it works with .38 fine. So does that mean if you use an open source driver, it will work with all other kernels?
my problem is on installing nvidia driver on fc12 32bit but, first of all, as i understood the pae kernel requires more than 4gb of ram,i have a 2.2 ghz cpu with 2 gb ram,but when i run command:uname -r it answers: [i have fc12 32 bit] when we try to download linux we have a 32bit edition or 64bit edition,do we have an edition which is only for pae? or when we install for example the 32bit edition on a computer with more than 4gb of ram then the kernel automatically will change to be a pae kernel??
I'm attempting to install the driver for my atheros AR8131 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet adapter (in my Lenovo laptop) on my newly installed RHEL5 system (it's not currently being recognized).
I tried using: 'make install' but hit an error "Makefile:61: *** Linux kernel source not found."
After this, I tried: 'sudo yum install kernel-devel kernel-headers'
To rectify this, but hit this error "No package kernel-devel available" (and the same for the headers). What should I do?
Update manager downloaded and installed latest kernel (Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.31 -16 -generic). When I tried to restart I get the message { 1.661235}Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown - block(8,38). Everything works fine on previous update.