General :: Tool To Convert My Whole Java Code To C / C++?
Aug 6, 2010
As a part of my project I have to write the code from scratch in c/c++ but I already have a full blown Java code available with me. Is there any tool that can do the same.
I am new to this network and to linux and have a question involving instructions I have received from a faculty member. I am trying to run a program to compile some GUI output files for PFDTD processing to create electromagnetic survey models. I created a symbolic link to a file subdiv.f90 which is a software tool for partitioning a Maxwell block into multiple blocks for parallel processing on multiple processors. I was told to use the command:
ifort -O2 subdiv.90
to compile it, and that I may have to use the module command:
module include intel-compilers-10.0.023
to compile the code. Neither have worked and I am wondering if anyone knows of an alternative compiler command that I might try.
Does anyone know an application that can draw UML graphs automatically from Java code for linux platform. I've tried startuml, but in doesn't work very well.
I wanted to convert some XLS files into CSV format in my Linux box. Could you please tell me is there any command line tool available in Linux. Since i have a requirement for automate this job via a cronjob , so i would be needed a command line tool.
I want to test my netbeans project, whether it is Vulnerable to any attacks. So I have browsed for testing tools. I found this tool Coberturs-1.9.3. I have downloaded this tool and extracted and tried to run this tool. But I am facing all these problems as mentioned below.
I am trying to find a way to get/read the C source code from a JFFS2 image file. All I have is the jffs2 file and nothing else. I was looking for some kind of converter or reader that would allow me to do this. I know very little about Linux. I need to give the source code to a developer to save time on a new version/redevelopment of the original application.
I've read the threads here and on other forums and searched the web but haven't found a program to fit my desires.
I want to take some existing C source code that is both undocumented and uncommented (definitely not mine)and convert it into a flowchart or other format that is more easily understood.
I've run across many programs of this type for winblows but I don't want that OS on my system regardless of price!
I am running a mentor graphics tool which used java-jre. Every time I try to invoke the tool I get the following error message
From the error message I thought gcc_4.2.0 is not installed in my system. I went to synaptic package manager and installed gcc_4.2, but I still get this error.
free program that can convert my webpages containing javascript and html code into a flowchart. also i dont mind if the program works on either windows or ubuntu as i have both.
I need to code a media streamer in java but I found out that I would need the java media framework to simplify the task. I downloaded the bin and need to export it into the files where my jdk packages are at by default. I'd rather not set my path variables because I'm not so good at interfacing with BASH. I just want to start nautilus in sudo and drag and drop like I did with my python packages. I am just having trouble locating the jdk lib.I'm not using openjdk but sun-jdk 1.6.18. My OS is Lucid. The package is JMF2.1.1e. I'm pretty sure I just need the just the lib files from it and none of the executable.
I keep getting this error about 1-10% of the time when a Java application tries to play audio. When this happens, the whole JVM quits, which means the crash is in native code. I find it difficult to test my Java games, for obvious reasons, since I am a Java developer primarily. I use Eclipse 3.6 SR1 to develop my Java apps, and I'm a recent convert to Ubuntu from Mac OS X. EDIT: Whoops, forgot to mention that I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 "Maverick Meerkat" x86_64 version.
I'm trying to build a GUI for my java app and compile with gcj (to native code). I started googling and found 3 possibilities: Java-Gnome, Gnome-GCJ and libswt. Unfortunately, Java-Gnome is not compatible with gcj and Gnome-GCJ is, but is no longer maintained. The third option, libswt, I could not find any clear information what is it and how it works. Can you enlighten me a bit more about the subject?
I've just installed java (jre-6u21-linux-i586.bin) on Red Hat 4.4 AS and issued this command to check the java version: java -versionand got :bash :java: command not found
I'm looking for a tool that can directly convert mp3 file to a swf file. Tried ffmprg - 'ffmpeg -i master.mp3 -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f swf -y -vn new.swf', output is as follows:
I found a way to perform this task using ffmpeg to convert the mp3 file to a wav file, and converting the wav into a swf file using swftools (wav2swf), although this is not a good option because the output swf file size is very big - for a 12mb input 320kbps stereo mp3 file, the swf file is 25mb. Also downloaded a free direct mp3 to swf conversion software, which had an output swf file - with the same 12mb mp3 file - of ~400kb.
The requirements I have from the tool are:
1. Can be ran from the shell.
2. Direct conversion, or an indirect one that will produce a small output swf file.
I have learnt that the network locked huawei modems may be unlocked to use any sim card bu getting a special unlock code and it should ask for it when a "foreign" SIM card is inserted. This procedure works well in Windows, but in Linux where I use wvdial, I dont get prompted for this unlock code. Does anyone know how to insert the unlock code in Linux using any Linux tool (GAMMU/GNOKII/Minicom etc)?
I'm trying to use convert, I have installed the imagemagick. I use this line:convert *.jpg test.pdf but I'm only able to convert to pdf 1 single jpg file, not multiple files at once. When there's more than one file, I get the following error: Segmentation fault
Java is installed in linux machine and when I enter the command java -version it shows java is not found.At the same time when i run from the folder where its installed with ./java -version it works.
first of all why its not working from any other place? also why do I need to give ./ from the folder?