General :: Some Processes Do Not Start In Multi-user Mode

Feb 2, 2009

Few days ago, the server did not respond to a ssh request from a user at night. A user tried to check what went wrong with computer and tried to login from terminal next morning. As the computer was unresponsive, he somehow decided to boot it by turning the power off. To make the story short, the server rebooted; however, he can't login to his account. Actually, the server could not start some processes; but was able to ask user to enter his account username. Even though, he enters the correct username and password, server does not accept the request. I also could not login as root.

I just checked the server logs by booting it in single user mode. Here are some interesting lines:

Before the reboot:

irqbalance : can't balance irqs on a uniprocessor system: failed

After the reboot:

irqbalance : can't balance irqs on a uniprocessor system: failed
fsck /: (this is repeated 900+ times)


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Some Processes Does Not Start In Multi-user Mode

Feb 2, 2009

Few days ago, the server did not respond to a ssh request from a user at night. A user tried to check what went wrong with computer and tried to login from terminal next morning. As the computer was unresponsive, he somehow decided to boot it by turning the power off. To make the story short, the server rebooted; however, he can't login to his account. Actually, the server could not start some processes; but was able to ask user to enter his account username. Even though, he enters the correct username and password, server does not accept the request. I also could not login as root.

I just checked the server logs by booting it in single user mode. Here are some interesting lines:

Before the reboot:
irqbalance : can't balance irqs on a uniprocessor system: failed

After the reboot:
irqbalance : can't balance irqs on a uniprocessor system: failed


This might be something related with shadow file.

Here is part of /etc/shadow

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General :: Getting The Multi-processes Memory Used?

Sep 2, 2010

The following code is for monitoring the memory used by apache processes. But I got a problem that the data I got by this script is much larger than the physical memory. It was said that there are some libraries used simultaneously by many processes, so the data I got has some double counted part. Because apache has many httpd processes.

Anyone have an idea of getting the multi-processes memory used?

#!/bin/sh 20100813
USAGE="Usage: $0 processName"


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General :: Wrote A Program That Multiplies 2 Matrices Using Multi-threads And Another One Using Multiple Processes And Shared Memory?

Sep 22, 2010

I wrote a program that multiplies 2 matrices using multi-threads and another one using multiple processes and shared memory. Both in C.I need to find the total memory usage of these programs. I know of the top command, but when my matrices are relatively small they don't even show up on top because they complete so fast, how can I find the memory usage for these instances?Also, how can I find the total turnaround time of my programs

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Debian :: Using VNC In A Multi-user / Multi-system Network

Mar 21, 2011

Anyone successfully using VNC client on a Mac to control a Debian server?I have the vncserver setup on the Debian machine properly. But I'm having problems connecting to it from both a PowerMac running Tiger and a MacBookPro running leopard.I can connect no problem from a machine running Slack12.2, have not setup port forwarding on my router to connect remotely yet.My Debian machine is running the latest stable release of squeeze with KDE4.I originally tried this with RealVNC Enterprise for OSX but I'm not gonna buy it so I need another alternative after the 30 day trial ends as they have no free version for OSX.
The situation is that I do freelance graphic design on the PowerMac with Cinema4D and Photoshop so I spend most of my time on that machine which is located in my home studio in my attic. Aside from the MacBook and a Dell desktop(family machine)all my other machines and network hardware are in the basement. So to go from the attic to the basement everytime I need to do something on another machine is not practical, and the only other machine I need to access on a regular basis is the Debian box in the basement, this makes the most sense.

I also have a 14 year old living in the house and he's fascinated by all this and will meddle in anything he gets the chance to so all the Linux machines and network hardware need to be behind lock and key.

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Red Hat :: Specific Function Of MPM - What Multi Processes It Handles

Jun 13, 2010

I am a bit confused with MPM. I read one the article here: [URL]. Still have few very basic doubts:

1. What exactly is a MPM, a module has a specific function to do whats the specific function of MPM?

2. What are the "multi processes" it handles? Is it connections?
Quoting from the articles:
"The main difference between MPMs and normal modules is that only one of the former can be used and multiple ones can be loaded in the latter".

3. There are multiple MPM but aren't they operate differently and may cause conflict when more than one is loaded and operating?

I am really looking for concept of MPM

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General :: Emergency Mode Can Mount HDD With FS Error / Not In Rescue Or Single User-mode

Dec 1, 2010

My linux workstation recently crashed. After rebooting, Linux (Red Hat 5.3) will not boot properly and automatically went into emergency mode or recovery mode i think. I can still see my /home/user/ and all the files inside.I boot from CD to rescue mode and tried mounting read-only the /dev/sd5 which contains the files in the crashed hard disk to try to copy out my files but mounting was unsuccessful (invalid argument). I checked the filesystem type using fsck -N /dev/sda5 and shows it to ext2. i tried to mount another known working hdd and was successful.

My question is why in emergency mode, the crashed hdd is able to be mounted automatically as read-only but cannot be done in rescue mode thru a bootable CD?Is there any special mount options used in emergency mode?I also cannot copy out in emergency mode booting from the crashed hard disk as everything is read only.

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Fedora :: Open Multi Processes (command) Using Only One Terminal?

Apr 28, 2010

I just switch to fedora from windows recently. And I love the terminal of fedora alot. The problem is when I run some command on the terminal, I need to wait for that command to finish before executing another command. This is very inconvinient, say If I open eclipse using the terminal, this eclipse program will hog to the terminal until I closed it. So if I want to use terminal again I have to open another one.Hence the question is: Is there any way open multi processes(command) using only one terminal?

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General :: Max User Processes Different For The Same User?

Apr 13, 2011

When i do the following with logged in with root:


i get


When i login with user1 and do ulimit -a

i get


Why is the max user processes different for the same user? And how can i change this. I need for this user more then 20 processes...

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General :: Processes With Effective User Name Or ID

May 21, 2009

I am studying for the LPIC-1 exam, and reading a book that they recommend: "Introduction to Linux: A Hands-on Guide", by Machtelt Garrels. There's one question on the 4th chapter (Processes), that I found confusing: Question: Based on process entries in /proc, owned by your UID, how would you work to find out which processes these actually represent?

What does he mean? If I run the command (considering that my username is sl33p):
$ps -u sl33p me the right answer?

The ps man page says:
-u userlist
Select by effective user ID (EUID) or name.

This selects the processes whose effective user name or ID is in userlist. The effective user ID describes the user whose file access permissions are used by the process (see geteuid(2)). Identical to U and --user.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Run High-priority Multi-threaded Processes In The Background?

Apr 7, 2011

Using Ubuntu server 10.04.2 64-bit all up to date.

I am running multi-threaded processes. These use OpenMP in my own code and the multi-threaded ACML maths library. When run in the foreground, everything is fine i.e. if I have set


then when I start all 8 cores are in use and things whizz along. However, when running overnight and logged out using e.g. 'at now + 1 minute' then the command, I am only getting about 130% CPU and it slows down accordingly. I have tried renice'ing and calling from within a bash script in case sh is doing something odd but nothing seems to solve it. I am sure that in the recent past this wasn't the case.

The libraries being used are shared versions in case that might have any bearing.

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Programming :: Perl Child Processes Become Zombie On A Multi-core Processor?

Apr 11, 2011

I have written a simple script which has to find required patterns from a bunch of files ( where each file is around 2 GB each,which contain the output of seq 1 10000000000000) on an 8 core machine.I am current forking 6 child processes which run simultaneously on 6 cores of the processor & have to search for the required pattern in 6 different files & inform the parent process when a pattern is found using a PIPE.

The problem is,when a child process is done reading a text file looking for a pattern,it is becoming a zombie process.It exits cleanly when i put a $SIG{CHLD} = "IGNORE"; in the script.Can any one tell me whats going on & how do i improve the communication between child and parent processes?

use strict;


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General :: Killing All Processes Of Current User?

Jun 15, 2010

user@host$ killall -9 -u user Will it definitely kill all processes owned by user (including forkbombs)?

No new processes is spawned to user from other users. No user's processes are in D-sleep and unkillable.No processes are trying to detect and ptrace or terminate this started killall (but they can ptrace or do other things with each other) There is ulimit that prevents too much processes (but killall is already started and allocated it's memory)

E.g. if killall will finish untampered and successfully is it 100% that no processes are left with this uid? If no, how to do it properly (with standard commands and no root access). Will SysRq+I definitely kill all things (even replicating)?

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General :: Kill All Idle User Processes ?

Nov 18, 2010

All the kill idle user processes scripts I've seen don't take into account that the user might have multiple sessions open. Such is the case with one of our clients. Currently, every hour or two I need to do the following:

This will get the TTY and idle time for all users.

For each idle time over a half hour, I do the following (TTY is the TTY from the previous command with a space.

I then kill those processes.

There must be a way to do this automatically in a bash or perl script. I've tried both, but can't seem to get things to work properly.

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General :: Setuid Process Cannot See Processes Owned By That User

Nov 2, 2010

I would like to give a non-root user (nicollet) the ability to detect and send a signal to processes started by Apache2 (those processes are FastCGI scripts and the signal tells them to empty their cache). The processes are owned by the web user (www-data), and I'm running on Debian unstable.

I can't find any way to have the nicollet user see those processes.

The processes are running and can see by both root and www-data:

root@linux-01:~# ps -Af | grep baryton
www-data 17649 17648 0 10:27 ? 00:00:00 baryton
www-data 28145 1 0 Nov01 ? 00:00:12 baryton --bot
root 18701 18700 0 10:46 pts/0 00:00:00 grep baryton


The most surprising is that the grep process is indeed run by www-data (because it's started from a setuid executable) and is visible, but the baryton process isn't.

What's going on here? Why can ps run by www-data show those processes, but ps run by a setuid executable running as www-data cannot, when it's started by nicollet?

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General :: User Processes That Are Given Direct Access To I/O Ports ?

Oct 5, 2010

Normally all I/O goes through the kernel so that it can schedule the operations and prevent processes from stepping on each other. A few special user processes are allowed to slide around the kernel, usually by being given direct access to I/O ports. X servers are the most common example of this isn't it ? give examples for any other processes that are allowed to slide around the kernel ?

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General :: Whenever Start Httpd Service 8 Apache Processes Get Triggered?

Apr 29, 2010

I m using apache http server for hosting a website.

Whenever i start httpd service 8 apache processes get triggered . Is it normal? Is apache is default application server like IIS in windows?

top - 15:49:15 up 8 days, 22:53, 3 users, load average: 0.73, 0.77, 0.91
Tasks: 125 total, 1 running, 124 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 0.8% us, 8.0% sy, 0.0% ni, 91.2% id, 0.0% wa, 0.0% hi, 0.0% si
Mem: 2064720k total, 2017072k used, 47648k free, 204452k buffers


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General :: Print The Number Of Processes That Each User Is Currently Running In Unix?

Mar 6, 2011

I'm trying to get the end result to have the same format as this as well:

1 bin
2 daemon
67 erozner


Where the numbers are the number of processes being run by the user (the name right next to it).if I input the command egrep myFile into the terminal, it should look for every line with the letter x in myFile, right?

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General :: Mini Linux Distributive With Multi User Switch

Sep 27, 2010

I`m trying to find minimalistic distributive for vmware player with switch user option. With gdmflexiserver or something like this.Or perhaps there is a way how to do this in puppylinux or DSL.

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General :: Tools To View/edit User Space Memory Of Running Processes?

Nov 2, 2010

Are there any tools to view/edit user space memory of running processes on Linux?

It would be a great learning tool.

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Software :: Protecting A Multi-user Server - Per-user Limits

Feb 8, 2010

I'm looking for a way to limit:

-memory usage (mb/user)
-cpu usage
-processes (amount and no same process multiply)
-connections (amount of connections (to specific host))
-bandwidth (kbps/user and even owerall for regular users)
-disk usage
-available commands

For every other users than me/root.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Many Processes Enter In Disk Sleep Mode And Stops

Feb 18, 2010

Many processes enter in disk sleep mode and stops (Hang) and return to work after 10 to 20 seconds.

In System Monitor i get "Disk Sleep" like this:

My PC specifications:
Ram: 4GB
Hard Disk: 1024GB
Processor: AMD Athlon II X2
Display: ATI HD 4670
Motherbord: Gigabyte
System: openSUSE 11.2 x86_64

The problem still exists after system update and i try run other distributions like kubuntu and i don't get this error. I also change Hard Disk but the problem is still ongoing.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Will Not Stretch Across Screens In Multi Screen Mode

May 12, 2010

I have 10.4 and nVIDEA 5500 on my PC. I am running two screens, run as twin so that the desktop spans the two monitors.

I have noticed that when I try and stretch a window across the two screens, very useful in spreadsheets, the window 'pings' back to a much smaller size.

I open in, say my main monitor. I move the window to span across the two and than manually stretch the window. It will stretch to some extent but if I then go beyond a certain pint it then slams shut.

Also, if I click the MAXIMISE button on the window it only expands to full screen in one terminal.

This did NOT happen in 9.10, and does not happen in any Windows OS, so I know it has something to do with the new 10.4 build.

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General :: Always Single User Mode

Aug 10, 2010

I've created Oracle Enterprise 5 Virtual machine. It was running fine but not sure what went wrong and now when ever I reboot the machine, it goes to single user mode. If I enter "init 5" command it boots to multi-user X11 mode without any problem.I checked inittab file and default line has id 5. So it looks OK. What else can be wrong?

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Red Hat :: Boot In Emergency Mode (not Single User Mode)

Mar 10, 2011

I need boot in emergency mode (not single user mode), from docs:


in red hat enterprise 5 it's ok, not in red hat 6.

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General :: Run Systemsettings In Super User Mode In Kde 4.3.4?

Jan 24, 2010

I am trying to set up samba server on my box, and the easiest way seems to be to use the kde4 samba setting dialog. I need to run it as super user though. I tried

su -

but the window doesn't seem to appear on the screen.

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General :: User Application Run Entirely In Kernel-mode?

Dec 17, 2009

I have a question regarding application/process execution and it's the following:

Is it possible a user application (which will regularly be executed at user-space) to be re-written as a kernel-module to allow the entire execution to be under kernel-mode (i.e. no system calls should be needed)? I am not saying that this is the right thing to do; I am just asking if it's doable.

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General :: Can Only Login To Single User Mode

Mar 22, 2010

I'm running debian lenny. Suddenly when I rebooted my system I was unable to login. I type root and the password and it tells me the login is incorrect.If I boot into single user mode, it accepts the password just fine. Looking in the /etc/shadow file, it appears to be fine as well.Running passwd to set a new password sets a new password just fine, i can login to single user mode with the new password, however, I cannot login at a higher runlevel with the password.

If I delete a password in the /etc/shadow file, then try to login as that user, it simply says "Login Incorrect" without even asking for a password.

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General :: What Is Single-user Mode In Debian?

Oct 27, 2009

Upon OS start-up Debian gives a choice, one is just simply start Debian, another line to start Debian, but with brackets (single-user mode). What's this for? And when and why do you need to use this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: D-link DWA-552 Master Mode On 10.04 - File Transfers Or Bandwidth Consuming Processes

May 20, 2010

after successfully configuring the dwa-552 to work in master mode in ubuntu 10.04 (ath9k driver) I ran some file transfer tests. The download speed is very good (~50mbps) but the upload speed spikes at about 10-20mbps for the first few KB and then it's nonexistent (0-1kbps). This only affects file transfers or otherwise bandwidth consuming processes. Normal web browsing or ssh is not affected. After running a speedtest of my internet connection which is routed through the AP I could upload to the internet with 1mbps which is my inet connection maximum so apparently this is not affected. Tried the same file transfers with netcat to eliminate any other factors and had the same problem. dmesg and hostapd debug did not report anything unusual

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