General :: Shrunk A LVM2 PV, Now Can't Do ANYTHING To Lv_root?

May 11, 2011

I did all the fsck, resize2fs, lvresize, pvresive, parted, etc. stuff and was very careful about what I was doing, but clearly wasn't careful enough. I did backup lv_root to another drive with fsarchiver before I buggered things up, but I can't restore it because, well... I don't know! At this point I'd really just like to wipe the drive I messed up except for /boot and start over but I don't know how to do that when the system seems to think the drive is mounted when it ISN'T.Here's some info:- device is /dev/sdb with sdb1 as /boot and sdb2 a lvm2 volume group containing lv_root and lv_swap -- it was a default Fedora 11 installation that used up the whole drive- i did nothing to /boot and it seems to be fine, grub loads, choosing Fedora 11 shows the logo but quickly becomes a black screen, choosing Fedora 15 Live USB that I originally added from Fedora 11 works just fine (currently trying to fix things from Fedora 15)- i deleted and recreated lv_swap and it still shows up in /dev/vg_box- i shrunk lv_root and the filesystem is within the right size of the lv, which is within the right size of the pv, which is within the right size of the partition, which i made sure i used the right sectors, but lv_root does not show up in /dev/vg_box.

- lvscan says both lv_swap and lv_root are active but lvdisplay says lv_root is "NOT available"- system thinks /dev/sdb2 is mounted even though it ISN'T and can't seem to do ANYTHING to it because of thislvchange -ay /dev/vg_box gives:

device-mapper: resume ioctl failed: Invalid argument
Unable to resume vg_box-lv_root (253:2)


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General :: Extended Sata Partition Shrunk At 15 Partition Limit - How To Re-enlarge

Jun 2, 2010

extended sata partition shrunk at 15 partition limit, how to re-enlarge i hit the 15 partition limit, forgetting it now exists for sata drives, thinking i would add more. upon creation of the 15th, it squished the end of the extended partition to meet the last logical partition, leaving a large unallocated portion after the extended partition, which seemingly nothing can be done with, just sat being wasted space. i have since deleted a few of those partitions, but so far have still failed to find a way to recoup the unallocated space back into the extended partition.


if necessary, i'll do it the painful long winded way of backing up and starting the extended partition again from scratch, but i really rather wouldnt have to do that. i'm sure there must be a way of telling the extended partition to once again reach the end of the drive.

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General :: LVM2 - Adding And Removing PV

Sep 14, 2009

My Linux OS is mounted on a LVM spread across an 8GB SD Card and a 4GB Flash Drive. I've used about 6GB and have about 2.xGB left. I'm trying to download Sabayon and I don't quite have enough space to store DVD size ISO. I have extra 2GB Flash Drive that I am not using and can converted to a PV and that would give me the necessary space I need to store the ISO. Now the ISO would spread from 4GB Flash to my 2GB Flash. My question is complicated, so bare with me. I want to know by adding 2GB PV into LogGroup and then remove it from the same LogGroup and then added back later. Would the data still exists and accessible? What happens to the data when I remove it the first time, would be automatically deleted, or stay hidden to plug back in?

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Software :: XFS Filesystem Spontaneously Shrunk By 12TB ?

Jul 8, 2010

I'm running a system where we had a 62 TB XFS filesystem running on top of a LVM2 logical volumes (which in turn is comprised of 5 PVs, each of which is a external 16 bay RAID). Well, this weekend there were some I/O errors on the filesystem. I rebooted and then ran xfs_repair. The filesystem looked ok, but then I noticed using df, that it was only reporting 51 TB!

I looked at pvdisplay and also noticed the entry for one of the PVs is as follows:

Please note where it says that 12.00 TB is 'not usable'. I don't know what precisely is meant by 'not usable'. I looked back and it looks like it's been this way before the problems this weekend, but it is very suspicious.

I really have no idea as to how to proceed. I've never seen anything like this before. lvdisplay says the volume is 61.85 TB. parted says the filesystem on top of this volume is 68.0 TB. xfs_info says the volume is 51 TB, which is what df -h is also saying.

The system is Centos 5.x (not sure which version, but the kernel is 2.6.18-128.1.14.el5). Hardware is a Dell Poweredge 2950 with an LSI fusion SAS card, which is connected to a SecurStor ES RAID 16 bay unit w/ 4 additional JBODs.

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Ubuntu :: Notification Icons Have Shrunk To One Pixel On Upgrade To 11.04?

May 2, 2011

I've upgraded (though at this point it doesn't quite seem like an upgrade ) to the Natty and have had a pretty good load of issues*.

I've gotten the system to a working state, and things seem ok, aside from this:

I've got a few applications (Skype, etc, etc) that are now squished into a single pixel in the notification area. I can right click on it and get the context menus from them, but that isn't exactly the greatest solution.

*I've had to switch over to the classic view, roll back my nvidia video drivers, and reinstall mozilla shredder/sunbird.

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General :: LVM2 On F10 - Reduce LVM Size And Remove 2 HDDs?

Oct 15, 2009

I have the following HDDs in an LVM2 configuration on an F10 box running Mythtv :-

# pvscan
PV /dev/sda2 VG VolGroup00 lvm2 [297.88 GB / 0 free]
PV /dev/sdd1 VG VolGroup00 lvm2 [931.50 GB / 0 free]
PV /dev/sdb1 VG VolGroup00 lvm2 [298.06 GB / 0 free]
PV /dev/sdc1 VG VolGroup00 lvm2 [931.50 GB / 0 free]
Total: 4 [2.40 TB] / in use: 4 [2.40 TB] / in no VG: 0 [0 ]

The system never uses more than about 250GB of HDD at any one time, so I would like to remove /dev/sdd1 and /dev/sdc1 from the LV and then from the machine and leave /dev/sda and /dev/sdb alone.

Does anyone know that if I use the command "system-config-lvm" to reduce the total LVM size to say 580GB, whether all data is preserved (I don't have any way at this stage to backup up 250GB of data, unless I buy more HDDs and that is the whole point of this exercise anyway - remove the two terrabyte drives to be used as backup disks).

Once I am happy that the data is safe, I will use "pvmove" and "vgreduce" to remove both terrabyte drives.

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General :: Mounting Lvm2 - Copy Some Files From Another Harddisk

Mar 8, 2010

I have just reinstalled Centos 5.3 on a new harddisk. I would like to copy some files from another harddisk which is also install with Centos 5.3. I have followed some guide in the internet but failed to mount the old harddisk. I got "unknown filesystem type 'lvm2pv'" error when trying to mount /dev/sdb2.


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General :: Convert Free Space From Lvm2 To Ordinary Partion

Apr 22, 2010

I have read a couple of threads that deals with resize partion and then create new lvm partion.That is not what I want to do! I have resized my partion from 275 GB to 150 GB. the reason for this was hoping for more space to be able to create a normal partion with cfdisk but that does not seem to work.
I have free space, but how can I use it to create room for a new ordinary partion.when the default partion layout for fedora/centos is to fill the whole space up whether you use it or not?

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Ubuntu :: Double Compression Technique Shrunk A 700mb File Down To 40mb?

Dec 31, 2010

I downloaded a file that was 40mb compressed and was almost 700mb when fully extracted. It was inside a .rar file that in turn was inside another .rar file. How can this be done in Ubuntu? Can this also be done with .zip and .7z files?

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Ubuntu :: Display Size On TV - Shrunk And Has A Lot Of Unused Space On The Sides/top/bottom

Sep 28, 2010

I am running 10.04 Lucid on a Toshiba Satellite A105. The onboard video is an Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950. The issue is that when I connect it to my Panasonic widescreen TV (laptop is widescreen as well) the display is shrunk and has a lot of unused space on the sides/top/bottom. So like, if I wanna watch something from Hulu, I plug in the S-Video, and I can watch on the TV, but it's not using all the screen available... I have not found a way to resize the output so it fills the screen.

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Ubuntu :: Hard Drive Shrunk - "hidden" Partition Might Be Recovered?

Mar 10, 2011

I decided to swap my existing small hard drive for a bigger one which went well. Then I formatted the old drive using a windows vista machine before putting it on my spares shelf. To my amazement after formatting my 20GB hard drive had become an 8GB hard drive. I fear the worst but remember that Ubuntu put a large swap file on the drive and wonder if Vista has just ignored the system partition. I tried attaching it to my Ubuntu laptop which reports a healthy 8GB hard drive even after formatting again. I don't know enough about Ubuntu to try repartitioning it in that so I tried DSKCHK in windows which reported a healthy 8 GB hard drive. Is all hope lost or is it a "hidden" partition which might be recovered under Ubuntu? If so, how?

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Fedora :: Install Grub2 On LVM2 ?

Nov 26, 2010

I have a working Fedora14 system. /boot is on sda1.

Here is my system:


I would like to install Grub2 to have /boot in LVM2 as well. Is there a guide for it or can someone help me with this task?

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Ubuntu :: How To Resize Lvm2 Partitions

Jan 7, 2011

I recently installed fedora on my system along with windows in a dual boot unfortunately, the fedora partition is too big and is taking 80% of my disk space. lvm2 volumes are not recognised by windows so i decided to shrink my fedora lvm2 partition and create a new fat32 partition to store common data. i tried gparted from my ubuntu 10.04 CD but it was unable to resize the partition can someone suggest to me a GUI tool which could do the the resizing of an lvm2 partition?

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Ubuntu :: How To Mount Lvm2 Partitions

Feb 7, 2011

I have ubuntu installed on 2 hdd. one of my hdd is having a lvm. I am unable to acess the home partition created in this lvm from my other hdd. in fact it is not shown at all inside the explorer window, the whole lvm block itself. if u run disk utility that also does not show the lvm partitions as mounted. So what are the steps required to be done to access those LVM partition from the other disk.

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Ubuntu :: Tweaking LVM2 For 4K Drives ?

Mar 18, 2011

Preface: I have just bought two new WD20EARS hard drives and have added them into my LVM and moved all my data from my old failing seagate drives to my new drives. I also have a WD10EARS in the LVM.
These are WD Caviar Green Power 4K hard drives.

Using Ubuntu 10.10 64bit and LVM2, everything is working but I want to know if I can tweak it for more performance. I am relatively new.

1. How can I check if the 4K drives are aligned?
2. How can I check what block size LVM is using?
3. I didn't partition one of the WD20EARS when adding it to a LV, will this be problematic or effect performance? Can I partition it without losing the data that is on it now?
4. I heard XFS is better than EXT4 for large files and people tend to suggest using certain formats when they're talking about LV's, if I check the format of any of the hard drives it says they are lvm2...?

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Ubuntu Servers :: LVM2 Does Not Recognize /dev/md1

Jun 26, 2011

Recently I have upgraded my home file server from ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04. I found my LVM+RAID5 does not work any more. Here are stuff I have explored so far

$sudo lvdisplay
--- Logical volume ---
LV Name /dev/fsvr_main/var


I don't know where /dev/md1p1 come from and why /dev/md1 is not recognized by lvm any more.

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Debian :: How To Resize Partitions With LVM2?

Feb 20, 2010

Can someone help me understand by giving me the commands I need in order to shrink my "debian-home" logical volume by 10GBs and increase the size of my "debian-root" logical volume by that same 10GB of data? (Everything in that computer is ext4 including the /boot ... physical volume? (I think that's what it's called))I would REALLY appreciate it if someone could just give me the exact or approximate terminal commands that I would need to use. I assure you, I will never forget them

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Software :: LVM2 - Recover LV_BACKUP ?

Jun 21, 2010

Yesterday I had a functioning system but needed to do an reinstall of ubuntu because of missing dependencies. Then I installed /dev/sda5 as normal (no lvm) When I ran vgchange -ay after installation it did not find my missing logic volume. Instead got a whole bunch of error messages. I googled and followed the advice below vgreduce --removemissing UBUNTU. I did this vgreduce command because when running pvs I got /dev/sda5 unknown device.

Read LVM HOWTO, but I dont understand this part. How can I know which pvs belongs to which LV "Use pvcreate to restore the metadata: pvcreate --uuid "<some_long_string>" --restorefile /etc/lvm/archive/ <PhysicalVolume>" below:


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OpenSUSE :: Lvm2-clvm Will Not Install On 11.3 X86_64

Jan 4, 2011

Running 'zypper install lvm2-clvm' results in a message: Resolving package dependencies... Problem: nothing provides needed by lvm2-clvm-2.02.45-16.2.x86_64 Solution 1: do not install lvm2-clvm-2.02.45-16.2.x86_64 Solution 2: break lvm2-clvm by ignoring some of its dependencies So it cannot find the cpg library, which appears to be a part of openais (if I believe google). I have configured the following repositories:


What could be the problem here? Am I just missing a repository or is cluster LVM not supported on opensuse 11.3?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Slow LVM2 Lv-to-lv Copy

Jul 16, 2011

I've got three disks together on a *home* server that constitute four LVs.The two are the root and swap LVs installed by the Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS installer on the OS drive (250 GB VG: Beta). The third & fourth LVs I made of two physical volumes (640 GB and 200 GB VG: Data) and mounted each inside /torrent. All are ext4.

I'm migrating lots of large files from /home to inside of /torrent, but I'm seeing EXTREMELY slow speeds (700KB/s).I'll admit this is my first time using LVM, and I tried it only because of the numerous smaller drives I have sitting around that weren't getting used. I didn't expect such a large drop in speed.

Here's a more technical review of the setup:


me@Beta:~$ sudo pvdisplay
[sudo] password for me:
--- Physical volume ---
PV Name /dev/sdb
VG Name Data


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Server :: Maximum LVM2 Logical Volumes ?

Sep 15, 2010

Are there any maximum amount of logical volumes a LVM2 volume group can contain?

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Server :: Recover Raid 5 Array + LVM2?

Jan 27, 2010

I had a raid 5 + lvm 2 array and lost a disk. While it was recovering the array, the power was down and recovery stopped. When I recovered the power and start the machine the array was unable to start, it was degraded and the states were different between disks. Every disk watched the array in a different way. I put you the states:


Number Major Minor RaidDevice State
this 0 8 33 0 active sync /dev/sdc1


The first part in /dev/sdc1 is the same for all the devices, I just post you the states. Another thing is tha all the devices say that there is no superblock It seems that 3 disks are "active sync" but the states of the others doesn't match between them. And /dev/sdd1 is spare, the disk I added manually at first to start the recovery process.

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Software :: Log File Size When Mirroring With LVM2

Feb 11, 2010

I'm going to be using LVM2 to mirror 2 250GB drives for redundancy and fault-tolerance. As per the best docs I have found on mirroring [URL], I am going to keep the log file on a separate physical volume, however I can't seem to find anywhere a good reference for how much size I need to save for the log file. Everything says "small," but "small" doesn't really help in the real world :-).

I have plenty of space on the 3rd pv but want to leave as much of it as possible for other stuff. Should I leave 32MB ? 500MB ? 1GB?

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Software :: LVM2 Pvmove A Multi-pv LV In One Step?

Oct 13, 2010

I've a VG that contains one LV which consists of several PVs in a concat. Now I want to pvmove the whole construct to a new set of PVs in one step! Of course I could move PV by PV but is it possible to move them altogether?

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Software :: Removing Broken Disk From LVM2

Jun 14, 2010

I had a 400GB hard drive fail on me today that was part of an lvm2 logical volume made up of it and 3x1TB hard drives. I did a partial mount of the lv to assess the damage, and it wasn't bad. All the important stuff is either on the other disks or backed up. So, I want to reduce the lv and remove this disk from the vg.

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Slackware :: Way To Restore Deleted LVM2 Volumes?

Jun 12, 2010

I was trying to remove a logical volume, but used the lvremove command incorrectly.

I did something like:


Thinking it would remove somelv from myvg

But instead it said "volume group somelv: not found" and then deleted all the logical volumes in myvg.

Is there any way to restore them or is it reinstall time?

I had some backups of my system, but unfortunately they were stored on a logical volume in the same volume group.

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CentOS 5 :: Yum Update Dependency - Kpartx And Lvm2

Jan 5, 2010

I'm trying just a generic yum update to bring the machine up to date, I'm running into problems with two packages and their dependencies, kpartx and lvm2

I've removed any additional repositories, and performed a yum clean all

I think my problem comes down to device-mapper, it's asking for 1.02.32-1 to install lvm2 however if I run a yum list device-mapper it only shows 1.02.24-1.el5 as installed, and it is not marked for update. I've tried downloading the rpm directly, If i try to install the rpm with yum I'm told that there is nothing to do, if I try to install directly I run into problems with conflicts with the already installed package.

The kpartx seems dependent on device-mapper-multipath

I'm getting this problem on 2 machines.

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Fedora Hardware :: Remove Unused Space From Vg LVM2?

Nov 23, 2009

This is my situation: on a LVM2 partition, i have shrink a logical volume to free new space for a new partition.

My system-config-lvm screen: code...

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Fedora :: Win7 Install Changed Part' To Lvm2?

Jun 1, 2010

I've done a search thru the forums on a recent headache but couldn't find anything. now we all know that windows installations knackers the grub boot-up, and it becomes modus-operandi to repair the boot loader, with a live distro. however, in my current dual boot system (vista.sp2/fedora12), i've done a clean install of windows7 over the current windows ntfs partition. as standard, the boot menu would vanish. but when i put in the live-linux cd, gparted now shows the fedora partition (sda6) as LVM2. i'm somewhat of a neophyte with linux, but fedora12, suse11.2 and ubuntu don't seem to yet support this file system. since i don't have critical data on the fedora partition yet, i usually wouldn't mind reformating this part', but the wireless chipset on my laptop cost a fortune on cups of coffee and beer to install, and in addition i used the fedora12 FEL spin and want to keep the installation intact. is there anyway to make the LVM2 indentifier back to ext3 or 4 and repair grub form there (without loosing the current partition kernal etc.)?

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Fedora Installation :: Extend A LVM2 Group On FC13?

Nov 5, 2010

I have installed my Fedora on a LVM2 group and alocated a total of 10 GB. Which of course is abusrdly and ridiculously low space. As a matter of fact I did even more stupid thing - I allocated 4 (four) gigabytes for /swap !

I am complete novice in Linux and fedora, but I want to extend my /root lvm drive with at least 20 gb.

I burned parted magic on a CD and tried to manage the LVM2 grop, but it said LVM2 was not supported in parted magic. And so I tried the Fedora Partition Manager and got lost in what and how. I tried reducing the /swap space and increasing the / space, but failed - I could only select zero Mbytes for swap space, and had the only option of decreasing space for /, which is really not what I want to do.

What I want to do is extend the space for the whole LVM2 Logical Group , which is now 10 GB total for / and /swap. Or at least I'd like to reduce my /swap size and increase my / size.

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