General :: Setting ACL For A Temporarily Mounted Directory?
Sep 8, 2011
I wanted to set ACL for a directory. For that it is important that the device should be mounted as acl on that directory.
But I do not want to add the acl mount in /etc/fstab. So I am tempoararily mounting the device to some temporary directory as acl and setting ACL and then unmounting it. Then, I'm mounting it to the original directory.
The code is below:
mkdir -p $tmp
The group is being changed, but ACL is not set for the directory.
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Jul 6, 2010
Sorry if this is the wrong section for this type of question. Anyway, I have two servers running Ubuntu 10.04. Server A has an NFS share that is mounted on server B, and the former has this share set up with specific permissions for a group called netusers. This group basically grants its users read/write permissions, and blocking all of files from anyone who's not part of the group.My question is this: how can I set up the permissions on server B, such that if I was to add a new user on server B, he would have read/write access to the share? I tried adding a counterpart group called netusers with the same permissions on B, but that didn't work.
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Oct 4, 2010
I'm running Fedora 12 - Linux with a boot partion on /dev/sdb3 of a hard disk.
I downloaded a vanilla kernel version and have built it and run it successfully. I built this kernel to play with building device drivers.
My grub configuration uses the same root filesystem for my fedora installation as my vanilla kernel; both use the LVM root filesystem. (/dev/sd4 /dev/sdb5 /dev/sdb6)
When I'm running fedora 12 ( I can see the files in /boot which contains my kernel, system-map, initramfs, grub directory, etc. I also see my vanilla kernel and it's associated support files (map, initramfs, etc.)
My question is when I boot into my vanilla kernel and I look in /boot, I only see my vanilla kernel and it's associated support files. No grub, no fedora kernel. If I do a df -a, I see that /dev/sdb3 is not mounted like it is when I'm running my fedora kernel. I'm confused as to what is going on here. Can anyone shed some light on this?
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Apr 20, 2010
I have an interdependent collection of scripts in my ~/bin directory as well as a developed ~/.vim directory and some other libraries and such in other subdirectories. I've been versioning all of this using git, and have realized that it would be potentially very easy and useful to do development and testing of new and existing scripts, vim plugins, etc. using a cloned repo, and then pull the working code into my actual home directory with a merge.
The easiest way to do this would seem to be to just change & export $HOME, eg
cd ~/testing; git clone ~ home
export HOME=~/testing/home
cd ~
screen -S testing-home
# start vim, write/revise plugins, edit scripts, etc.
# test revisions
However since I've never tried this before I'm concerned that some programs, environment variables, etc., may end up using my actual home directory instead of the exported one. Is this a viable strategy? Are there just a few outliers that I should be careful about?
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Aug 9, 2011
I am curious if mounting a directory inside an already mounted directory is considered safe? I have done this on an Ubuntu server before but never thought to ask if it could cause problems.An example:
/dev/mapper/Raid5-VMStorage on /var/lib/libvirt/images
/dev/mapper/Raid1-SpareStorage on /var/lib/libvirt/images/Workstations
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Feb 18, 2011
I installed java in my pc by running the following on the shell
I need to set the path to the bin directory and also a new environmental variable JAVA_HOME.
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Feb 25, 2010
I'm having trouble breaking down permissions in linux. Here's the scenario. I have two users: UserA & UserB with each having to ownership and access to directories myDirA and myDirB respectively.
UserA --> /source/myDirA
UserB --> /source/myDirB
I need to set the permissions so that userA can access myDirA and myDirB. There are other users and directories but they should not be able to view outside of their own directories (which is the way it is now). I don't have groups set up for them and I'd rather not change anything else but just the permissions.
rwxr_x_r_x UserA
rwxr_x_r_x UserB
They're read/write/exec permissions are identical.
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Jul 28, 2011
I have a jar file which can be executed by going to the directory and then running 'java -jar start.jar'. Start.jar is the Solr example server.I would like to create a boot script in init.d for this, but have little experience with this.Is there a way to specify the 'current' directory in a boot script?
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Mar 21, 2010
I'm using ubuntu 9.10. I used the command:
root@aduait-laptop:~# sudo chown -R root:root /media/104B-FF96/Private to set the permissions of Private folder for root but it is giving error:
root@aduait-laptop:~# sudo chown -R root:root /media/104B-FF96/Private
chown: changing ownership of `/media/104B-FF96/Private/5.jpg': Operation not permitted
chown: changing ownership of `/media/104B-FF96/Private/6.jpg': Operation not permitted
chown: changing ownership of `/media/104B-FF96/Private/7.jpg': Operation not permitted
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Jan 6, 2011
I'm dual booting on a laptop with an 80gb hd. I've set up the partitions so windows xp has 20gig, ubuntu (edit: 11.4?) has 7 gigs, 3 gigs swap space, and the rest is formatted as FAT32 that I'm looking to use as shared space between the two OSes. The ubuntu live install partition tool suggested (possibly demanded?) that the fat32 be mounted as /windows or /dos, and I chose the former. Everything's running fine, both OSes see the partition, but I can't set my home folder to exist in this shared space.
I've been in system > admin > users and groups- I try setting the home folder as /windows/home/chris. (I had a home folder backed up that I have already copied to this location) The dialog recognizes that there's a folder there already, asks if I want to use those new files or copy old ones. I say use new files, and close the window. Nothing changes though- in fact if I open users and groups immediately after, it's already reverted to /home/chris . I've tried changing from a different user account as well.
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Feb 10, 2011
I am trying to get NFS mounts working properly using autofs, but I'm only getting partially results. I have an auto.master set up for indirect mounts and a list of map files for each entry. Forgot to mention that when I mount the directory using /etc/fstab or setup a direct mount in /etc/auto.master I can see files in the mounted directory...
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Jan 11, 2010
I have 3 disks in my PC which are partitioned equally as I use them for Raid 1.The first partition on every disk is a simple ext2 partition for booting. No Raid there. So I mount them as /boot and /boot2 and /boot3. So I can backup my /boot to the other boot directories. That worked for some month and this morning I just want to look if all directories have enough free space left. So I did a df -h and got this:
Dateisystem Grove Benut Verf Ben% EingehÃĪngt auf
6,0G 301M 5,4G 6% /
udev 1,5G 292K 1,5G 1% /dev
/dev/sdb1 122M 29M 87M 25% /boot
/dev/sdc1 38M 21M 16M 59% /boot2
/dev/sda1 122M 29M 87M 25% /boot
As you can see /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1 are both mounted on /boot
Here is what mount says:
/dev/sdb1 on /boot type ext2 (ro,acl,user_xattr)
/dev/sdc1 on /boot2 type ext2 (ro,acl,user_xattr)
/dev/sda1 on /boot type ext2 (ro,acl,user_xattr)
This is no Problem for me as I could just remount it correctly, but I would like to know if this problem is known. I did not change anything by now and this PC is a server which is running 24/7, so I can deliver more debugging Information if someone is interested.
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Apr 19, 2011
I have a server running RHEL6 and a virtual machine also running RHEL6. I created a directory /home/data on the server and another on the VM. When I mount the host directory on the VM, I am not able to change the ownership/permissions through the VM no matter what. The ownership is set to "nobody" and I can't even change it to root.
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Oct 18, 2010
I'm having a bit of an issue with Lucid installed via Wubi. I stuck the OS on its own partition (30 GB in size), and don't store any large files in the Ubuntu file system (when I download something large I move it to another hard drive.) I don't have anything wacky or esoteric installed on my system.
I've been consistently having a problem where, after a few hours or a few days of being booted up, Ubuntu warns me that my available HD space is dangerously small. The amount of available HD space Ubuntu sees then shrinks from a few GB to nothing within a few minutes, and the only way I can seem to solve this is to reboot. Taking a closer look at what's happening, my Home folder balloons in size until there's no more writable space recognized. But there are no files being created or added to, so it looks like there's a bug of some sort. This SEEMS to be correlated with watching videos (or maybe it's the pulling of large files from a mounted directory into RAM? My videos are all on another HD, as mentioned before). I can generally go a few days without getting the "low space" message, but I can't seem to make it through a full 2-hour movie without getting the error.
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Jul 8, 2011
I have a problem with sshfs. I want to share a binary with some others computers, but i only want them to be able to execute (no read/write ). So, on my main server, I chown root:root bin & chmod 701 bin. That work nicely on main server, local users can execute bin w/o read/write ... But when I mount directory using sshfs, users cant exec/read/write ...
SSHFS version 2.2
FUSE library version: 2.8.4
fusermount version: 2.8.4
using FUSE kernel interface version 7.12
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Apr 15, 2009
I'm having trouble with an NFS mounted directory on a newly installed 5.3 server.
The directory mounts fine using this command:
However I cannot write to the directory despite it being mounted RW and having read-write access on the host (a Netapp Filer). If I check permissions on the mounted directory, I see it is owned by 'avahi-autoipd':
I have disabled the avahi-daemon in chkconfig, although it wasn't running to begin with. Any idea why this directory would be owned by avahi-autoipd and whether or not that has anything to do with why I can't write to the mounted directory?
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May 28, 2010
I am using back in time to back up files from home and from another mounted directory on my system (ntfs). The back-ups are occurring automatically and appear to be complete; but, I cannot delete old back-up snapshots in the backintime GUI Also with sudo nautilus or as root in terminal with (rmdir) I cannot delete the snapshots. My drive is filling up and rather than uninstalling back in time, I would like to simply delete the unneeded snapshots. How can I delete these files? Is there an rsync file that I should configure to delete these? My expectation of backintime was that it would back-up at the requested frequency and not create complete duplicate copies of the files, but, use symbolic links to unchanged files. How can I verify if this is the case? Does the cron file control this>
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Nov 8, 2010
mount an NFS directory as a regular user (which doesn't have sudo rights) because a suitable entry (i.e. with the user option) is defined in /etc/fstab file.But, when I mount it, I am not the owner of it! The owner is the default superuser of the system. So I don't have write permissions in the mounted directory.
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Jun 14, 2010
i was fiddling with some new commands i learned and typed something weird. Then bash broke on me for a while. here's the command i typed while in /bin bash > lessi believe i was in "sudo su" as the moment. i want to understand this because when I typed it bash didntork. i tried to type "ls" after and it didnt result in anything.but thats not all it didnt receive any commands.Was this a crash? and why/how did it fix itself after i logged off.
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Apr 16, 2011
I tried following the instructions in this link to disable and remove iptables firewall using commands:
# service iptables save
# service iptables stop
# chkconfig iptables off
# iptables -F
# iptables -X
# iptables -t nat -F
# iptables -t nat -X
# iptables -t mangle -F
# iptables -t mangle -X
# iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
# iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
Its seems to work temporarily and then the firewall gets enabled again by itself even without restarting.
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Apr 30, 2010
I am continuously getting fork: resources temporarily unavailable even when I am typing ls command.
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May 24, 2010
How do I temporarily but completely uninstall Ubuntu 10.4? I can't locate it in my registry, either using RegEdit or Revo Uninstaller. This is temporary. I will re-install on a different computer of mine that has much greater memory.
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Feb 10, 2011
What is the least painful way to temporarily prevent uploads to an FTP server by certain accounts? they all only upload directly to their home directory setup in /etc/password
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Jan 20, 2011
Is there any way to temporarily "switch off (and back on)" the internet connection on a system (that runs linux)? The following methods are not allowed:Turning off the router. That would lead to a lot of angry young individuals. This method must be particular to my workstation.Use root privileges (coz I do not have them).
Yank the ethernet cable from the system.Why: Sometimes the internet proves to be a distraction.I am using the following system: Fedora release 11 (Leonidas), linux kernel 2.6.30 and GNOME 2.26.3
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Jan 21, 2010
I need to test linux group permissions on a repository. In one shell, how can I temporarily remove one of my group associations? e.g.If my groups are defined as:
% groups
foo bar baz
How can I make it so it only returns foo bar without baz?
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Mar 16, 2009
I would like to know if it is possible (and, if so, how I would go about doing so) to temporarily limit my Internet connection on a Linux box.
I am developing some new features for one of my Web sites, and I want to see how it performs when using a slower Internet connection. Although it's great for most aspects of my job to have a lightning-fast connection (around 25000-30000 kbps download and 20000-25000 kbps upload speeds), it really makes it difficult to know even what average users might experience when using some of the aspects of our Web site.
I have Linux Mint installed in VirtualBox on my computer, and I'd like to find some way to potentially temporarily "trick" that installation into using a much slower connection to the Internet for testing purposes.
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Oct 31, 2010
I have video files in multiple directories. Is there a way to setup a vitrual directory that shows that content of all the video directories. Sym link is not good enough since the content of these directories changes all the time.
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May 18, 2010
using Back In Time to backup my home directory to a second hdd that is mounted at /media/backupThe trouble is, I can do this using Back In Time (Root), but not using Back In Time without the root option. This is definitely a permissions issue - it can't write to the folder, but when I checked by right clicking on the backup directory and looking at the permission tab, it said I was the owner
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May 29, 2011
I am somewhat new to linux, and fedora especially, I'm currently trying to get a linux based active directory server build in my home. I've tried using samba, dhcpd and the bind9 service but it wasn't wanting to work, so I did some searching and found 389ds on the fedora projects page. Now I'm having issues setting up the directory here's the log.
[11/05/29:10:37:47] - [Setup] Info This program will set up the 389 Directory and Administration Servers.
It is recommended that you have "root" privilege to set up the software.
Tips for using this program:
- Press "Enter" to choose the default and go to the next screen
- Type "Control-B" then "Enter" to go back to the previous screen
- Type "Control-C" to cancel the setup program
[11/05/29:10:37:47] - [Setup] Info Would you like to continue with set up?
[11/05/29:10:37:49] - [Setup] Info yes .....
[11/05/29:10:37:50] - [Setup] Info Your system has been scanned for potential problems, missing patches, etc. The following output is a report of the items found that need to be addressed before running this software in a production environment .....
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Jun 28, 2010
I am setting up Fedora-13 with "389 directory server" for authentication. I had performed the following steps.
1. Install FD-13.
2. Yum install 389-ds.
3. Run script to configure.
4. Start 389-condole and create few group and user for testing.
I can see these user with "ldapsearch" and with "phpldapadmin". It looks my server is responding. However, I am unable to see any user name with "getent passwd". also "ssh server_user@server" is not able to login. Whereas "getent passwd" shows local user and "ssh local_user@server" is able to login. Also note that I am not using ssl, so want to avoid ssl.
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