General :: Removing The Comma From A Currency Entry?
Apr 24, 2010
I have a file of the formcol1, col2, $330,000, col4 ...col1, col2, col3, col4 ..col1, col2, $230,000, col4 ...The comma within the currency value causes the column to display unevenly when I open it so I want to remove it. I think I should be able to use the sed command but I am not sure extactly how. All the values have 3 digits after the $ and before the , so have triedsed -e 's/$[0-9]*,/ but I am not sure how to 'replaced with the string found just without the comma'So two guestions:1. Is this a good way to do it?2. How do I do it
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Apr 4, 2011
i have a program showing up in the application tab. Since i need to do the ALT F2 command to use program can i remove it from the app tab.If so how?
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Sep 28, 2010
I am having a problem with servers that have been set up using the dollar $ symbol as the system currency setting and I need to change this to the South African rand 'R' symbol. I only have remote access to the systems via ssh (putty) and I have this issue on both a RHEL5 and OpenSuSE 11.? machine so I am looking for a generic solution. Is there a configuration file, command or command line tool I can use/ change to change this setting.
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Mar 6, 2010
I'm using Fedora 12 with Gnome and I have a slight problem with my places menu. I have entries in the list that I would like to remove, but cannot figure out how. I multiboot Fedora with Windows 7 and windows 98. My Places menus looks something like this:
Home Folder
Music .....
Now, if you notice there are 2 entries for both my 'Storage' and 'Windows 98' partitions. On of them will actually open up a window showing the contents of the partition, the other displays an error which basically says "Unable to mount, drive is already mounted". Right clicking on the entry has the same effect as left clicking, it just brings up the error message. They do not appear in the Bookmarks menu.
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Jan 26, 2010
I currently dual boot and wish to know how to remove the Windows partition/drive while still allowing Ubuntu 9.04 to load safely as my main OS. I know how to restore windows partition by;
If MBR gets damaged boot from MS Windows Xp disc, Select "R" for "recovery console", select main windows installation drive (admin password usually nothing, just press enter) and type "FIXMBR" this will allow you to boot windows again, but Ubuntu partition will be unbootable and require installing ubuntu again to dual boot.
But this leaves Ubuntu partition Un-bootable as it removes the grub menu, how would I do the same for Ubuntu and make window partition un-bootable so I can remove it?
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Nov 13, 2010
how to remove an "Open With" Entry in the right click menu in Nautilus? I accidentally created an entry for all "folder" type of files for "Code::Blocks", so every time I right click a folder, I get an "Open With Code::Blocks IDE" option.
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Oct 12, 2009
I have a fairly long list of data that I am trying to put into a math program (maple) but before I can do that I need to edit the format of the data such that at the end of every 25th line I add a comma. I would prefer a solution that uses vi, but if that's impossible sed would be fine also (or awk).
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Aug 12, 2010
sometimes there are one, sometime there are two exchanges in this log file. the 100= is the stock exchange- if there are two, they are seperated by a comma. i understand how to escape a comma in a regex, but I am having trouble with combining it.
35=8 39=1 38=1000 32=13 14=754 31=1.11 44=1.1 100=AMEX,ISE
35=8 39=1 38=1000 32=151 14=205 31=1.1 44=1.1 100=AMEX
35=U 39=2 38=1000 32=45 14=184 31=1.1 44=1.1 100=AMEX,ISE
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Apr 7, 2010
need to monitor pecific processes over a time frame in terms of the amount of memory and cpu usage it utilizes. I can do this using the top -p <pid> option and using ps to retrieve the pid's. However, seeing that the pid's might differ and it needs to be run on about 13 different machines, I would like to write a script for this that can be run at set intervals. My problem that I have is this:
- When running top -p <pid> I can specify a comma seperated list of the processes required to monitor at that specific time.
- I can use ps -ef | grep <process> | grep -v grep| awk '{ print $2 }' to retrive the list of pid's and output this to a file.
However, how can I output these to the file as a comma seperated list without having to manually do this every time? The reason for this is (an example), lets say I want to monitor the cpu and memory usage of postgresql as well as all its child processes, then I would ps grep for postgres and get the list of pid's for instance.This list then needs to be passed to top -p as a comma seperated list of pid's I suspect that awk or sed might have some options available for this but I do not know this well enough.
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Feb 16, 2010
I'm trying to count words in a text file that has a comma as separator. I know that I must user wc -w, but wc uses space as a separator
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Oct 10, 2010
I wanted to randomize the comma separated string.String like "test1,test34,test5,test6".And it would be displayed differently when I ran each time.
Expected output like "test5,test6,test1,test34".
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Nov 10, 2010
I have a CSV file that's created in an application that can't output lines longer than 250 characters. the data fields, all together, are longer than this. how would I remove the line break from every line that ends with a comma? For example:
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Mar 21, 2010
I just made the complete switch from windows 7. I'm looking for a weather applet and a currency conversion applet for my desktop.
I tried gdesklets but I couldn't get any of the weather applets to work. They couldn't find weather data. The weather part of my gnome-panel works fine.
I also couldn't find a simple currency conversion tool with gdesklets.
Ps: major kudos for anyone who can find a tv guide desklet.
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Feb 9, 2010
i'm trying to get several strings from a single string, separated by comma's.there are comma's that do not separate strings, however, those enclosed in example would be:vt, word1, (word2, word3)word4
exploding by ',' would result in:
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Jun 1, 2010
I have a csv file in this format:
I want to extract only the strings after the comma,
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Mar 21, 2010
I'm trying to compose a line of numbers each single digit taken from a variable eg: 1010001 each variable digit is either a 0 or 1 made from variable layer1 through 7. I need to add each layer variable to the last to compose the number with no commas or spaces and add it directly after the -p option in the show_command line. I used array and list and the commas mess up the command and inserting "pens" in the show command interpertes it literally instead of the list or array value? The insert should look something like 1000110
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Aug 21, 2010
I have a plain text file with 360 lines of varying length text. How do I add a comma or other symbol to the end of each line so that I can convert the file to csv format that I can open in a spreadsheet (45 rows, 8 columns). That means each 8 lines of text forms 8 columns, with 45 rows.
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Nov 23, 2010
I would like to create csv output from an ipcalc calculation.
[me@host scripts]$ ./ipcalc
Address: 11000000.10101000.00011110.00101 000
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Nov 26, 2010
I have been searching previous posts but could not find an example which works with my data. I think I might be the spaces in my fields. I have a massive data file and need to join 5 line blocks separated by a comma.
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Mar 10, 2009
I have a script that output all my data in to a comma-delimited file separated by ";"
Current Output:
"SAP 1117A";;;0;0;0;0;0;3;;""
I would like to remove all lines that have an NA in the second field.
New Output
"SAP 1117A";;;0;0;0;0;0;3;;""
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May 31, 2011
I know a bunch of commands and I am comfortable using the terminal, I even set a powerpc server but I can't figure out how to remove epiphany on this new computer I'm setting up. I didn't install anything with tasksel. I installed gnome and xorg afterwards... I load it up and 'startx' just fine. then I check around for the programs that were installed. I lik'em gimp, lot's of utilities. gedit. anyway I find epiphany, which I have already established that I dislike, I immediately go to the root terminal (another nice program that comes with gnome) and type apt-get remove epiphany-browser-data the output says it will be deleting gnome... however I have researched and found these are simpy meta packages that don't really matter.... however under the section that states all the packages that will be removed by autoremove there is a huge list... I doubt these packages are safe to remove. how to remove epiphany without removing a huge amount of probably needed software
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Feb 27, 2011
what i did was, remove evolution mail from synaptic, what i wanted to do was just remove the indicator applet from the task bar. i read a bunch of bad stuff about removing evolution from synaptic vs just removing the applet.
im worried. did i break anything or put my security at risk. after, i used a command (older) (sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop)to install ubuntu desktop. because i thought that it would fix evolution. then i went to synaptic and installed a package called evolution. i rechecked evolution in applications menu. however, i notice that i have both a checkable evolution and two evolution icons. nothing 'seems' broken. im not sure if it ever was. and evolution calender pops up as normal, as does the the installed plain evolution. they both seems to be an exact copy of the other.
all i really wanted to do was remove the indicator applet. did i make a serious mistake. since ive had ubuntu, ive reformatted a lot because i was worried i made a mistake of some kind. however now im into the more "make a mistake and fix it stage' as im pretty happy with my current desktop and have worked hard to customize it. the command, sudo apt-get remove indicator-messages removed the mail icon. i still am worried that i broke something, or put my security at risk. also, now i have two mail icons. evolution mail and calendar, and another just called evolution.
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Apr 9, 2010
I am in the process of learning some scripting, however I am running into a roadblock in specifying a certain time format in the array. Ideally I would like to use Here are the lines of text that I am interrogating:
1123,3/25/2010,00:14 Thu,33229
1124,3/26/2010,13:30 Fri,33230
1125,3/27/2010,04:49 Sat,33231
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Aug 25, 2010
These should be my last pleas for help with regard to Fedora 13. I've been unable to turn off the notifications that appear in the top right corner, despite a decent amount of searching on google. I can't remove any notifications package without removing a bunch of important software along with it. Also, F13 refuses to "Safely Remove" either of my external disks. I have to yank out the usb cord, touching wood each time.
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Sep 13, 2011
I mount a device mount /dev/xvdf /mnt/mongo and verify the mount using df-h:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/xvda1 7.9G 955M 6.9G 12% /
tmpfs 299M 44K 299M 1% /dev/shm
/dev/xvdf 20G 589M 19G 4% /mnt/mongo
But now I'm trying to figure out how to make it auto mount on boot. I understand I need to add a new entry to /etc/fstab, so I perform: $ sed -i '$ a/dev/xvdf /mnt/mongo xfs defaults 1 1' /etc/fstab But, after reboot, it seems that the auto mount didn't work. The device didn't appear in the df -h list.
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Apr 19, 2010
i think i have found a bug in the unix ACL permissions. I tested this problem in the Ubuntu 9.10 and in SLES 10 and 11, all of them with setfacl 2.2.47.
Well, I have done the following test:
1) Create a folder and set some named user, and set the same ACL entry for the Default ACL, like the following example:
mkdir dir1
setfacl -m u:rodrigo:rwx dir1/
setfacl -d -m u:rodrigo:rwx dir1/
getfacl dir1/
# file: dir1/
Note that some permissions are different from the ones in the Default ACL in the dir1/
why the file1's permissions are diferrent from the dir1's default ACL entries? Is this a bug?
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Aug 9, 2011
I am using a windriver Linux. I have built the I2c-core, i2c-i801 and i2c-dev drivers and they are getting inserted while booting. After boot up, there are sysfs entries in /sys/class/i2c-dev/i2c-0 and /sys/bus/i2c/i2c-0. But there is no entry in /dev. In dmesg, it shows a line:
i2c /dev entries driver. But it does not creates any entry in /dev.
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Feb 11, 2010
I already have LD_LIBRARY_PATH setup in my /etc/profile as:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
Now there is a request to add a new entry for LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
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Oct 14, 2010
I have a requirement that a job run at a particular time every other Friday. I was wondering if I can configure cron to do this - perhaps using the /step feature? For example, can I do the following?
0 21 * * 5/2 /my/command
If this works, how does it decide when to begin skipping? In other words, where is the first Friday? Is it the first Friday of the Year? of the Month? I would just try it, but it would be an awful long time to wait to see whether or not it is working.
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Jun 8, 2010
I have two ide hard disks. One with windows and other with ubuntu 10.04. i want both windows and ubuntu in grub menu so what should i do ?
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