I'm trying to compose a line of numbers each single digit taken from a variable eg: 1010001 each variable digit is either a 0 or 1 made from variable layer1 through 7. I need to add each layer variable to the last to compose the number with no commas or spaces and add it directly after the -p option in the show_command line. I used array and list and the commas mess up the command and inserting "pens" in the show command interpertes it literally instead of the list or array value? The insert should look something like 1000110
want to get a text file and use sed commands on it to make it more manageable.(because I don't know how in python) Then take each line based on what it starts with and send it to the proper lcdnumber.display. I need an adjustable "pause" to allowing slowing down of the entire process equally but I think the way I'm using the time.sleep is messing things up as only 1 in 10 value sets make it to the lcd and sometimes some of the segments don't get drawn. Also the x digit and the y digit are now being sent to one lcd how can I grab just the first half of the double value xy up to the space as x and then grab the remainder as y so all three xyz values go to three separate lcd displays? I attached 2 files one before and one after the formating.
I want to read values from a text file about 2 times a second and update a textLabel with those values but it only inputs the values with the last value from the text file? I tried the same thing with an LCDNumber but it only updated every 10 value changes? After each change do I need to clear the textLabel or refresh the window? For testing the print z and print x in the code prints the values correctly.Heres my code:
i'm trying to get several strings from a single string, separated by comma's.there are comma's that do not separate strings, however, those enclosed in parantheses.an example would be:vt, word1, (word2, word3)word4
exploding by ',' would result in: [0]=>vt [1]=>word1
I have a plain text file with 360 lines of varying length text. How do I add a comma or other symbol to the end of each line so that I can convert the file to csv format that I can open in a spreadsheet (45 rows, 8 columns). That means each 8 lines of text forms 8 columns, with 45 rows.
I have been searching previous posts but could not find an example which works with my data. I think I might be the spaces in my fields. I have a massive data file and need to join 5 line blocks separated by a comma.
I am in the process of learning some scripting, however I am running into a roadblock in specifying a certain time format in the array. Ideally I would like to use Here are the lines of text that I am interrogating:
How would I list 4 users ID numbered 10, 11, 12 and 13 from my users list and output them to a file busers where their names are numbered by ascending order? How would I accomplish that on a one line command?
I am trying to get this script to work. The purpose is to download a list of modules from the slax.org the list consist of a list of module numbers. What I am trying to do is Download the file or the file name corresponding to the number in the list.the list is comma delimited. this is what I have done so far and I am a stand still.
#!/bin/sh # Wget script to retrieve modules from slax.org modules # # ----Begin of user defined values ----- # Path to wget
Just i want to ask doubts in c programming. I dont know whether this is the right place to ask doubts in c. If this is not a correct place, may i know where can i get help for c programming?is there any active forum or mailing list for c programming?
I have a fairly long list of data that I am trying to put into a math program (maple) but before I can do that I need to edit the format of the data such that at the end of every 25th line I add a comma. I would prefer a solution that uses vi, but if that's impossible sed would be fine also (or awk).
sometimes there are one, sometime there are two exchanges in this log file. the 100= is the stock exchange- if there are two, they are seperated by a comma. i understand how to escape a comma in a regex, but I am having trouble with combining it.
need to monitor pecific processes over a time frame in terms of the amount of memory and cpu usage it utilizes. I can do this using the top -p <pid> option and using ps to retrieve the pid's. However, seeing that the pid's might differ and it needs to be run on about 13 different machines, I would like to write a script for this that can be run at set intervals. My problem that I have is this:
- When running top -p <pid> I can specify a comma seperated list of the processes required to monitor at that specific time.
- I can use ps -ef | grep <process> | grep -v grep| awk '{ print $2 }' to retrive the list of pid's and output this to a file.
However, how can I output these to the file as a comma seperated list without having to manually do this every time? The reason for this is (an example), lets say I want to monitor the cpu and memory usage of postgresql as well as all its child processes, then I would ps grep for postgres and get the list of pid's for instance.This list then needs to be passed to top -p as a comma seperated list of pid's I suspect that awk or sed might have some options available for this but I do not know this well enough.
I have a file of the formcol1, col2, $330,000, col4 ...col1, col2, col3, col4 ..col1, col2, $230,000, col4 ...The comma within the currency value causes the column to display unevenly when I open it so I want to remove it. I think I should be able to use the sed command but I am not sure extactly how. All the values have 3 digits after the $ and before the , so have triedsed -e 's/$[0-9]*,/ but I am not sure how to 'replaced with the string found just without the comma'So two guestions:1. Is this a good way to do it?2. How do I do it
I have a CSV file that's created in an application that can't output lines longer than 250 characters. the data fields, all together, are longer than this. how would I remove the line break from every line that ends with a comma? For example:
I am doing something for a class, and i have to list all the files in the users home directory, and i did a ls -F so the directories have a / after them but i don't know how to remove them because i just want the files not the directories
I need to create a program where the user creates an account and he/she is entitled to add interests and creating friendships with other users.The main algorithm depends on an object which is the user and its attributes are adding interests, friends, so on.Users are stored in a linked list while their interests are stored in another list.What I want to do is every time a new user is created dynamically create a new list during execution for personal info. storage. Is that possible?
Is there something like GtkRecentManager that will give you a list of recently-used or most-used applications instead of files, or will GtkRecentManager give you apps too?
I have a C header file which have arrays of predefined(known) structure type. But i dont have names of arrays and their size. when i include that file and compile my application, i want to know the names and sizesof those arrays.
purpose of application is to get the content of those arrays and to explain it in descriptive words instead of hex numbers.ofcourse this can be done by file pointers and reading also with out header file inclusion, but as i am working in C, once compiled, those variables are in my address space in i include header file.
I have a file witch I need to list 10 line by 10 lines with something like press enter to go on in between. Well, the problem is that i have absolutely no idea on how to implement this.
I am an uploader to a various hosts, so this tiny script me a lot. I make a rar archive and split files with 100mb. I could get 3-4 or even 76 parts of rar files and it would take me some time to paste all these urls to remote upload function of filehosting sites. For example:
server:/home/cober/downloads/teevee# ls -al total 358784 drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Dec 8 19:38 .
I would like to ping all my virtual hosts in virtual machine server with a oneliner. For example like this:
for i in $(seq 1 20); do if [[ $(ping host$i.virtualhostserver.com -c 2 2>/dev/null | grep "2 received") == "2 packets transmitted" ]]; then echo $i; fi; done
The problem is, that I'm afraid my if-sentence is somewhat wrong because it never gets a match even if I know, that host is up.