General :: Removing A Line From File Which Is Having Specific Pattern Using Shell Script?
Mar 20, 2011
I'm new to the shell scripting. can any one help in creating shell script for matching the content of the specific variable with file. it should remove that line from the file if line is containing same value as variable and keep the other content as it is.i used grep -v for accomplishing the same. But grep will remove the pattern which is similar.For eg. Assume file "test" contain datas :aaffif i used grep -v command for the pattern "a" to this file this will remove content "aa" from the file. I want the pattern only "a" should remove from the file, if it is existing. otherwise it should throw alert content not exists.
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Feb 24, 2010
I want to search a file for a particular pattern and if pattern found replace the line with new text. i am using awk 'match($0,"pattern") != 0 {print $0} ' filename to check if the pattern do i get the line number of the pattern and delete that line and replace the line with my new text?
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Aug 2, 2010
I've written a script to parse a file and print each line that ends with matching pattern, if the next line is blank. The pattern lines are the result of md5sum $i|sed 's/path///g' so that only md5 and filename appear. Here's what I'm using.
for fline in `sed -n '/.*.ext$/p' file1`
if [ "`sed -n -e '/'"$fline"'/ {n; p;}' file1`" == "" ]
echo ""$fline" has no info" >>file2
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Mar 6, 2010
To search a string pattern in all files in a directory and subdirectories, I am using;
grep -R "myclass::my-func(" mydirectory/
Now I want grep, to search in only specific file types say *.cc. Please help me. I have read manual of grep, but could not deduce any hint.
Best Regards.
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Oct 11, 2010
I want to go through a log file and find pattern1 and then a pattern2 only after pattern 1.So for example I want to know howManyRecords was in 13:30.I figured I grep for "start time for the job" and then only after that (and before the next occurence of that) grep for "howManyRecords". Is this a sane way?
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Jul 27, 2011
A function by name abc is called in many files. I want to copy all the lines with the function call to an output file.A simple grep on function name doesn't help me as the function call is spanning across multiple lines as follows:
So I want to copy all the three lines (till semicolon) to the output file.The problem is because there are more than 200 calls for the same function and I cannot do it manually
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Sep 9, 2011
I've got files in a directory as follows:
I want to list all the files that don't have a copy with the same filename with -1 somewhere in it. So, in the example above, the results would be 3.png.
NB: the file and its copy with "-1" in it will be the same filesize, if that helps.
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Nov 22, 2010
I have several (vhdl) files containing a pattern with newline characters that I need to replace by another pattern that also contains newline characters.
I start with something like:
I want to replace it by something like:
(I need to paste some lines)
As I need to do this (very) often I want to use a shell script.
I tried:
File remains unchanged
Displays the unchanged testfile
How I can automate the pattern replacement?
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Apr 18, 2011
Just using shell scripting, how can I insert text into the middle of a file name. The file has a predictable pattern, let's say 3 letters and 3 numbers and I want to insert text in the middle of those 2 patterns. Say ABC123 is the file name. As a result, the file name should be ABC.blah.123
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Jul 22, 2010
I have requirement to delete some log files from a directory if a string"deletethisfile" is found.Then restart the application servers.1. Search for the string ?deletethisfile? in server.log file under a directory, If found 2. Stop that particular server.3. Delete the log file 4. Restart the server.
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Apr 12, 2010
I am trying to create a shell script, on taking a input file as parameter, which need to do 3 things
1) create a copy of existing file.
2) add a new line to the copied file.
3) strip off all the absolute paths inside the copied file
The first 2 points are straight forward. but i am finding it difficult to acheive the 3rd point. myself not very good with awk and sed. but gave it a shot in vain. For example, the input script consists of below,
PROGRAM=`/usr/bin/basename $0`
HOST=`/usr/bin/uname -n`
echo Start $PROGRAM `/usr/bin/date` |
/usr/bin/tee -a $LOG
The output of the script should look like,
PROGRAM=`basename $0`
HOST=`uname -n`
echo Start $PROGRAM `date` |
tee -a $LOG
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Jun 6, 2010
I have a file which contains milion of records. It contains 12 columns seperated by "||" (delimeter).
First two fields contain first name and last name of a person. Now my requirement is to delete all those records from this file for which:
First two fields does not contain any alphabet.
For e.g i have below mentioned records in file:
Now, last two lines should be removed from this file since first two fields does not contain any alphabet for these two records.
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Mar 30, 2011
I need to grep for a particular string and if found need to display the line containing that string, the line above that and also the first line of that paragraph.
Can this be done via sed.
Eg, My Paragraphs
OA connectA
Interconnect Module #6 Status:
Here, if I grep for Critical, it should display the following
Similarly if I grep for Degraded, it should display
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Sep 16, 2010
I have such a file(test.txt):
abc 123 456
abc 256 145
axd 125 225
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Mar 30, 2011
Is this the correct way to show the line count of a specific file?
cat file | grep * -c
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Dec 23, 2010
I have a log file that contains information like this:
r11141 | prasath-palani | 2010-12-23 16:21:24 +0530 (Thu, 23 Dec 2010) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /projects/
M /projects/
what i need is, i need to copy the data given between the "---" to seperate files, for, e.g. the first set of data between the "---" should be in one file and another set of data in another file.
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Jan 3, 2011
So if I have a file with a list of files:
and I wanted to perform a script using a loop or recursively on each of those files, is there any way that I could do this?
I saw that xargs might be able to help me.
Here is sorta what I want to do:
cat file.txt | xargs?? # Some commands to turn each line into a variable
for var in ${@}; do # Some way to get each of the files
# script on each file
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Apr 12, 2010
I have a file like below
I need to modify the first occurence of 1 byt some other integer.How do i do it using shell script?Can anybode help me out with that?
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Dec 14, 2010
How can i write a shell script that takes a file path as command-line arguments.and it should report whether the path denotes a file or a directory.
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Jan 18, 2010
I have found many information about how to delete/grab a line in a text file including delete line with match a pattern but I did not find info about how to delete a line which match a pattern of a particular column only.
for example mydata.txt:
id type x y z
1 6 0.474611 0.227223 0.583947
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Feb 18, 2010
I have to admit that I register to LQ after I failed to search for similar solutions.let me see whether I can explain my problem clearly. I need to extract a single report from a big file. The big file looks something like this:
Report for yyyyyy
Your info 999-9999999
End of Report
I need to search for a user provided string, say 999-9999999, in the big file. Then I have to extract the single report. My logic is simple,
1) find 999-9999999
2) backward search for "Report for", note down the line number
3) forward search for "End of Report", note down the line number
4) extract the record by using info found from step 2) and 3).
I am trying to do this in bash, with awk and sed (I am new to both).
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Jun 15, 2010
I m writing a script to delete a line at particular location.
But i m unable to use variable for specifying line number.
For example.
works fine and deletes 7th line from my file
gives following error.
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Jul 31, 2010
Linux kernel, Slackware 12.0.
I would like to know if it would be easy for me to get a program which, given a plain text file as input, discards the line separators and writes the rest as its output. And let's put in the case of a file that has been mangled to the point of having CR,LF (carriage return, line feed) in some places, only CR in others, and only LF in still other places. That is, the three possible combinations used in systems as a newline char (the 1st is, or was used by m$- dos, the 3rd one by Unix and I know systems where CR is the line terminator).
After all, all the program has to do is, every time it finds a char belonging to the set {CR, LF}, cast it away.
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Dec 2, 2010
I am trying to remove the space between the 2nd and 3rd fields but just cannot work out how to do it. I've considered sed, cut, awk...I know with sed you can replace all instances within a file but can you also specify to remove, say, the 2nd instance of a space in each line (this would be perfect for me)?
DAAE 60 402 Bejaia Algeria 1 36-43N 005-04E 36-43N 005-04E 2 2 P
DAAG 60 390 Dar-El-Beida Algeria 1 36-43N 003-15E 36-43N 003-15E 25 25 P
DAAJ 60 670 Djanet Algeria 1 24-33N 009-28E 24-33N 009-28E 1054 1054 P
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Feb 23, 2011
I'm fairly new to Perl and regular expressions. I have a large collection of files with their file names in the following general format: string - another string with spaces (2004) [year].ext I would like to know how I could create a regex to separate out:
the first string
another string with spaces
If you know of a better way of doing it without regular expressions, I would be happy to hear that way too.
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Mar 22, 2011
I have two files, file1.traj and file2.traj. Both these files contain identical data and the data are arranged in same format in them. The first line of both files is a comment.
At line 7843 of both files there is a cartesian coordinate X, Y and Z ( three digits ). And at line 15685 there is another three digits. The number of lines in between two cartesian coordinates are 7841. And there are few hundreds of thousands of lines in a file.
What I need to do is copy the X Y Z coordinate (three digits) from file1.traj at line 7843 and paste into file2.traj at the same line number as in file1.traj. The next line will be 15685 from file1.traj and replace at line 15685 at file2.traj. And I dont want other lines (data) in file2.traj get altered. This sequence shall be going on until the end of the file. Means copy and substitude the selected lines from file1.traj into file2.traj.
I tried to use paste command but I cant do for specified line alone.
Here i showed the data format in the file. I used the line number for clarity purpose.
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Apr 24, 2010
Im tryng to replace in specific column and line number within a file where its 3erd column contain the same string in all lines.
My goal is to replace only first and last ocurrences of "Normal player", with the following desired output:
Im not sure how to use the "IF" and "AND" conditions together. I�ve tryed with the code below, but the script replaces the string for every line.
how to replace values for specific column in first and last lines within same AWK script, without taking reference data in other columns?
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Feb 26, 2010
I have the file abc.txt
cat abc.txt This is a test file Nothing is new in this world
I want to replace "This is a test file" to "Text is replaced"
FindString='This is a test file'
ReplaceString='Text is replaced'
Findarray=(`echo $FindString | tr ' ' ' '`)
But this is not effective. how to replace entire line either using sed or awk or any other utility.
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Aug 30, 2009
I'm writing a bash script to search html files, and when I find any occurrence of an img src tag like this:
<img src="123-picture-normal.jpg" alt="some random user entered text" border="0">
I want to add a second line below it that looks like:
<img src="123-picture-thumbnail.jpg" alt="some random user entered text" border="0">
All I need to do is duplicate the line but replace "normal" with "thumbnail"
Each file can have multiple img src tags with different numbered jpgs.
I have a feeling this is a job for sed, but I'm struggling with it. Any ideas?
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Apr 4, 2010
How is shell history specific to each tty? I can't see anything in the history files that would indicate which tty a command was performed on, however if I restart and log in on several ttys, the command order and history is preserved on each. How is this accomplished? This goes for zsh and bash equally.Now for some zsh specific questions.I had a saved webpae, which resulted in a file called doku.php.htm, and a directory called doku.php_files - I could only get zsh to expand the directory. It didnt seem to give me the option to cycle nor did it only complete as much as it could with ambiguity, i.e. to doku.php , so what is this behaviour and where can I read about it?
Secondly I would like to know why zsh interactive shells do not expand the PS1 prompt completely. Whenever I open an xterm or such, the prompt is not the normal PS1 prompt. I read through the manuals and config files, and could see nowhere that staed a different prompt should be used depending on the shell type. Why does this happen, and how can I modify this behavior?Regarding modules, if I install the compat-wifi modules which I assume replace the existing ones, how would I uninstall them? Would I just reinstall the normal kernel modules over them?
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