General :: Reinitializing Dual Boot Ubuntu & 7?

Dec 28, 2010

Been using Ubuntu 9.1 with windows 7 for about 6 months, and want to redo the whole drive. I have downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 on disc, as well as Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit disc. I am not a programmer, so if you choose to help me, know that you will need to crank it down close to earth. Have i3 processor, with 4GB ram and a 1 TB SATA HD on a Gigabyte S-series MB. Want to use windows only when compatibility makes it a necessity. Want to wipe the drive clean, and start from scratch. Though I have backed up all files, I am a bit unsure on how to best configure, and proceed.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Remove Existing Lvm Without Reinitializing Hdd?

Nov 22, 2009

I have a dual-boot system with XP and Fedora. I had to reinstall XP a while ago. After XP reinstallation, to regain access to Fedora, I ran Fedora installation DVD. It told me that the hdd had a "loop file system" and that I had to reinitialize it. I chose "ignore", "upgrade" and then "Create new boot loader configuration". Everything works fine now, but when I tried to install F11 from a live cd I discovered that I couldn't. It can't edit the lvm part (nor delete it). The only things possible are to reintall F10 with the DVD that created the lvm in the first place or install F11 using preupgrade (the lvm remains ext3 so preupgrade can't edit it either).

My question is: how can I get rid of the lvm part without reinitializing the hdd (I don't want to lose the data on the other partitions). I want to reinstall Fedora but without lvm.I heard something about "fdisk" and "lvremove", but I have no idea how to use these, so I would like a detailed solution (something close to a tutorial).

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General :: Windows XP Failed To Boot In Dual Boot System?

Jul 5, 2011

The problem is this: I have a 320gb HDD splitted in 4 partitions. When I first installed Windows XP I formatted the HDD in 3 (Windows system partition, Media partition and another one I left for Linux). However Linux requires another partition for swap. Everything was just fine. One day Windows stopped working and I tried re-installing it. After the system was ready to start, Windows failed to boot with "NTLDR is missing" message. I tried to recover the Master boot record, even replaced NTLDR manually - nothing worked. I read that in order a HDD to be partitioned in more than 3 parts the so called "extended" partitions must be created. I think this may cause the problem but I don't want to wipe out everything (I have more than 100 GB of books most of which are not available anymore in the same locations I have downloaded them)

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General :: Lilo Can't Boot Win7 From Dual Boot?

Dec 15, 2010

I cannot boot into the Windows 7 partition, which I guess is /dev/sda1. I have Slackware installed on /dev/sda2 which boots fine, my /etc/lilo.conf looks like


/etc/# Start LILO global section compact


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General :: Messed UP Boot Order On Dual Boot

Jun 24, 2011

I am working on another's Dell Inspiron 530 with Vista 64-bit; see below:


wanting a dual-boot, 500GB hdd was formatted as above, Win Vista x64 Recovery CD was created, and antiX-M11 (as Swift Linux 0_1_1) installed. Now, at startup, machine boots to antiX and not Vista. User wants it the other way around. I think I should have reordered the partitions and not installed GRUB in MBR. EasyBCD is the preferred boot loader for User. This is a learning experience but due to time constraints and not being at my home where references are available, EasyBCD is on a USB stick -- should I boot to the Vista Recovery CD and then try to install EasyBCD to sda3 from it, uninstall antiX (but this will not fix the MBR problem, will it?), or edit fstab or what

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General :: PC Won't Boot After New Fedora/Win XP Dual Boot Install?

Sep 7, 2009

I have a PC with three HD's. My primary hard drive has a single partition and contains Win XP SP3. I have a second hard drive which I use to store junk (pictures, movies, etc). The third, 60GB HD, I just put into my PC and I wanted to install Fedora 11 onto it. I want to have a dual boot system with WinXP being the default boot. I downloaded the latest build of Fedora 11, created a LiveCD out of it and I tried to install the OS onto this third new hard drive. I installed the OS, I told it to use the entire third HD and to have a dual boot setup and make the WinXP OS be the default boot. The installation seemed to go without any problems. However, after restarting the PC, the PC stops booting right after the DELL screen. It gives me a cursor and that's it. It just sits there. I have tried redoing the install about 4 different times now and no matter how I change the different installation options, I get the same result. Now I can't even boot into XP even after I disconnect the third drive. I am guessing that the dual boot got screwed up; I just don't know how to fix it and more importantly, how to install Fedora, dual boot.

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General :: Old Boot Dual Boot Drive In New PC?

Mar 28, 2010

Old Boot drive in new PC (XPPRO + Ubutnu) Run the XP repair BUT still have Error 21, used XP repair console to repair MBR still have problems.

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General :: Dual Boot Ubuntu From Windows 7 64 Bit?

Dec 18, 2010

I've been reading many threads on the ability to dual boot. I am not a "newbe" but have installed linux and Fedora many times, included starting from Windows 7 using EasyBCD. I wish to install Ubuntu Studio 64AMD on my PC:

CPU: AMD Phenom II x4 965
HD: Hitachi HDT721064SLA360 SATA ~600GB C: 200GB & D: 200GB, Fedora: 100GB the remainder for Ubuntu.

My problem is that the installation instructions don't seem to talk about NOT installing grub on MBR as it was on the Fedora install. I don't want to accidentally overwrite my MBR. Is this option available? Will EasyBCD work with Ubuntu? No, I want Windows 7 left intact and do not want to dual boot from Grub!

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General :: Dual Boot Ubuntu With Fedora

Aug 10, 2011

1.Can I Dual boot Ubuntu with Fedora?

How to do it?

2. Now I have Ubuntu occupies the whole HDD, the root / is at the end of the HDD, can I shrink it? How?

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General :: How To Remove Ubuntu 10.04 From Dual Boot?

May 30, 2010

Is it possible to remove Ubuntu, i dont have an actual disk partition just a 12gb folder within windows that Ubuntu loads from. I thought i should find out how to remove it now incase anything goes wrong and i am stuck. I don't have a windows cd if that is important.

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General :: Set Up The Hdd To Dual Boot Xp?

Feb 3, 2010

I currently have fedora 10 installed and want to set up the hdd to dual boot xp. If anyone could give a guide or suggestion on the best way to do this it would be great. I prefer to not start over even though it would be easier to dual boot linux into an xp host.

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General :: Best Dual Boot ?

Mar 6, 2011

Haven't been browsing for long, so this may have been covered already. I'm sure it's a common question but which distro would you prefer for a dual boot on a laptop, running alongside Vista? I've shrunk my Windows partition and opened a 10GB space for new business. I don't know a lot about different distros but boot Ubuntu 10.10 and XP on my desktop. Would this be the best choice?

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Ubuntu :: Safely Getting Rid Of XP On A Dual Boot/dual HD Machine?

Feb 3, 2010

I have XP on my IDE hard drive and Ubuntu on my USB hard drive (which is really an IDE drive with a USB adapter and external power souce). We've used Windows once in the past month, so we decided to jettison it. Two questions: 1. Can we simply delete all partiitions on the IDE hard drive and reformat or will this cause problems? 2 Is the write-speed gain worth switching the drives out, putting the Ubuntu drive in my IDE slot and my freshly wiped drive on the USB adapter?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 / Win XP SP3 Dual Disk Dual Boot

Jun 5, 2010

I am quite experienced user of Ubuntu desktop / server distributions. Recently my desktop 9.10 disk failed and I decided to reinstall using 10.04. My configuration is a dual disk dual bot system. I have XP Pro SP3 on one disk and Ubuntu 10.04 on second. XP has own, untached MBR ubuntu got Grub 2 installed on the same disk as Ubuntu. Ubuntu disk is booting first in BIOS. Grub 2 detected both system, however I can boot only to Ubuntu. When I am trying to boot XP I got black screen only. Looks like booting is stack in BIOS stage, because crt+alt+del reset system.

I read Ubuntu forum, search Google and did not come with any solutions. My XP MBR is OK. I can boot directly, choosing XP HDD in BIOS as a starting disk. All entries in grub.cfg looks fine to me. I made 3 different clear installations of Ubuntu. Each with the same result. I reinstaled Grub2 with no effect. I wonder if this may be a hardware/Grub 2 compatibility issue. I am using quite old components.My motherboard is Assus P4C800 Delux. I have 5 HDDs 2 CD. Exactly the same configuration was OK with 9.10/XP dual disk dual boot using Grub legacy.


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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot With Dual Laptop Harddrives?

Aug 13, 2010

I currently have a dual boot on my 160gb hdd, but even that feels cramped. i was wondering...I have a spare 40gb harddrive compatible with my laptop. could I just install the windows 7 installation there?

assumably i'd swap in the appropriate windows 7 hdd whenever i'd want to load windows 7 at Grub.

what do you guys think?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disk Error On /boot With Dual Boot On Dual Disk

Dec 30, 2010

I have a (slightly complicated) dual/multi boot system.

I keep getting boot errors (when choosing ubuntu from the grub2 menu)

Serious errors were found while checking the disk drive for /boot

If I switch off and restart, ubuntu will then start without issue.

My setup is like this ....3 disks, one with 10.10 clean install - so Grub2, separate partitions for /, /boot and /home, one with windows 7, one with windows XP and 10.04 wubi (this is my old disk which I will trash once I'm happy with my upgrade to 10.10 & 7 on separate disks.

I installed 7 and 10.10 with ONLY their disks installed. After both were working, I added all disks and rejigged the grub2 menu (using update-grub and StartUp-Manager).

This problem only seems to occur if my previous boot was not 10.10 ( I will investigate this further). It's as if something (grub2 ?, the bios ?) is remembering part of the previous boot and not using the grub2 menu completely.

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General :: Dual Boot Problem With Win7 And Ubuntu

Jan 25, 2011

I'm only a few months into working with Linux, and am getting used to it slowly. I messed up trying to load Ubuntu 10.04 on a new Gateway (Acer) laptop that has Win7 on it. I need Windoze for a couple commercial applications. Neither will boot w/o a CD. I'm guessing I messed up the load. I would like directions/ideas. I think that since Windoze is such a hog, I should remove Linux and partitions, restore Win7 and try again. Do I need to do something to GRUB as well?

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General :: Reinstall Ubuntu On A Dual Boot System ?

Feb 22, 2011

On my Ubuntu 10.04.1, the ethernet doesn't work for my dual boot (Windows Vista) machine. I can run Ubuntu 10.04.2 from a USB flash drive & would like to install it over the non working 10.04.1.

My Ubuntu is on my dev/sda6 partition (I think the swap is on sda7) but when I try to install on that partition I get a question about the root.

How do I install Ubuntu on that partition without messing up my Vista. (I did it wrong on my netbook & had to rebuild the whole computer). I think I can delete partitions, expand vista to take all the free space & then reinstall Ubuntu "side by side" but that seems like the hard way.

I don't know how to select the correct options to reinstall Ubuntu without changing the partitions.

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General :: Change Dual-boot Order In Ubuntu 10?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a dual-boot setup in which Ubuntu 10 LTS is the default choice on the menu, followed by 2 or 3 alternate choices and finally Win 7. I would like to know how to change that order, making Win 7 the default. Solutions I've looked at mention editing menu.lst in the /boot/grub directory, but this file does not exist anywhere as far as I can tell. There is a /boot/grub/grub.cfg but it's unclear how that alters the menu sequence.

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General :: Open Ubuntu In Dual Boot System ?

Dec 15, 2010

I had dual boot system with XP as the primary partition. XP became corrupted and I reformatted and made a clean install of this partition which has removed the grub loader for Ub on second partition. Is there any way to get back to Ubuntu without deleting this partition and reloading it from my live disc?

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General :: Partioning With Windows And Ubuntu 10.10 Dual Boot?

Oct 15, 2010

i recently attempted to dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu 10.10 on my toshiba satallite l50d5 laptop (which has had major problems booting/running ubuntu except for this latest release) anyways . i ran the live boot through a cd. saw that everything was running good and decided to dual boot . everything was fine until i got to the screen where it asked to put my name and password. it would not advance from there (it set trying to set up network time or something of that nature), i do not have internet access so im guessing that might have been a problem. anyways the installation wouldnt complete after HOURS so i decided to just turn off my computer. i booted it up again and windows loaded. i checked my windows drive and it was half of what it used to be (so the partioning worked i guess) but i cant get to my ubuntu partition. i see it when i go in through the live cd though but it doesnt give me the option to boot it when i turn it on normally. how do i get rid of the ubuntu partion or actualy allow it boot up?

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General :: Uninstall Ubuntu From A Dual-boot To Vista?

Jan 1, 2010

I want to uninstall ubuntu from a dual-boot to vista. I couldn't figure it and I also had to wipe my machine in general so I just reinstalled vista. But when I did that I assumed that ubuntu would get included in my "wiping". But of's still there. Now that odd ubuntu uninstall option which was actually for some strange odd reason in the vista/control panel/uninstall options is no longer available. So how to uninstall ubuntu? Do I just delete i and insert the vista cd to recover the boot? Is that correct?

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General :: Win7 Ubuntu 11.04 Dual Boot-Unable To Set Up

Jun 6, 2011

I have a e-machine x64 machine, running win 7 home premium. I have tried to run WUBI, and do a side by side install, but either way, I cannot get it to dual-boot. Any ideas? Comments (other than trashing Win-7?).

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General :: Uninstall On Dual Boot With Win XP?

Feb 23, 2010

how to uninstall linux on dual boot with win XP ??

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General :: MBD Modify For Dual Boot?

Dec 29, 2010

I am going to install the newest version of Ubuntu on my computer. I am currently running Vista. I would like to be able to dual boot. I understand the whole partitioning deal and booting from the cd but i am worried that doing so will overwrite my Master Boot Record for windows. Do I need to modify the GRUB2 after installation. Read many writeups but was hoping for some input.

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General :: Custom Dual Boot GUI ?

Nov 21, 2009

Now that ive finally got XP and Ubuntu on my system, i thought id try to get rid of that DOS looking boot! :s

To explain my situation (probably default) when i start up after bios a black screen appears with a list of options:

1. ubuntu
2. ubuntu recovery
3. xp
4. xp recovery

something like that not sure the exact order or titles...

What i wanna do is make it have a GUI where i select which OS i want.

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General :: Dual Boot With Xp And Red Hat Enterprise 5

Jul 3, 2011

I have one hard disk partitioned into four logical drives.

1.20gb for red hat 5 //installed after installing window xp
2.40gb for Win xp //Installed first
3.40gb not formatted yet
4.more than 50gb for data storage.

After all the installation,I can just boot Red hat 5 but it shows the prompt for window xp also to boot in boot selection screen.When I entered for window to boot,I have this message-


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General :: How To Go From Dual Boot To Single

Feb 19, 2010

How do I erase windows completely and just run puppy. Also how do I download and install damn small linux.

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General :: How To Redo Dual Boot OS

Oct 24, 2010

I have an OSS 11.3/WinXPPro dual boot system. Unfortunately, Windows is a mess because of a botched restoration. I guess I need to start again from scratch. I assume if I attempt to reinstall Windoze that the whole dual boot system is going to get botched up anyway.I would like to know what would be the best approach since I am going to start by installing Windoze to the HD. Here is a readout of what I currently have from gparted:

Partition / File Sys / Mount Point / Flags
/dev/sda1 ntfs /media/sda1
/dev/sda2 extended boot,lba


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General :: Puppy Xp Dual Boot?

May 25, 2010

How would I go about dual booting Puppy with Xp?

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