General :: Procmail Recipe That Will Execute A Script Without Affecting Delivery?
Sep 18, 2010
How do I write a procmail recipe that executes a shell script without affecting delivery?(in this case, something that sends me a DM via Twitter) I don't want to affect further processing of the message - it should continue on its way and the output of the script should be ignored.
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Mar 13, 2011
I've spent pretty much the whole night trying to figure out how I can achieve the following: If a certain Keyword, say [key], is in the subject line, then the email is forwarded to a list of people.
My recipe (now) looks like this:
* ^Subject: .*[key].*
The (verbose) procmail logfile gives me this:
Is my recipe wrong in any way? I pretty much copied it from available ones.
It's a university server, so I'm no admin, just a user. How can I figure out whether some setting that the admin made prevents procmail from calling sendmail or whatever?
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Aug 9, 2010
OMG, something went wrong with my email notifications in nagios. Just when i thought i have successfully set it up..Suddenly, just so suddenly it failed. x_x I got the mail below:
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 #5.1.0 Address rejected (state 14).
Received: by with SMTP id h1mr16785732wac.203.1281263841711;
Sun, 08 Aug 2010 03:37:21 -0700 (PDT)
Return-Path: <>
Received: from ubuntu ( [])
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Dec 9, 2010
HOWTO: Create a Recipe Cookbook in OpenOffice 3.3 This HOWTO: will guide you through the process creating a Recipe Cookbook in OpenOffice 3.3.
PREWORK: Before staring to type in all your favorite recipes, and formatting each section of text, there are a few decisions that will affect your layout. They are:
1. Paper Size: 8.5" x 11", 8.5" x 14", or 11" x 17"
2. Binding: 3 Ring or Spiral
3. Columns per Sheet of Paper: 2, 3, or 4
I chose 8.5" x 11", 3 Ring, 2 Columns, TimesNewRoman, Portrait, and Double Sided. These choices specify two recipe pages on each side of a sheet of paper, making a total of four recipe pages printed in some specific order on one sheet of paper to create a Recipe Booklet. I prefer a 3 Ring Cookbook to the Spiral Bound versions as the 3 Ring version pages don't get mangled. The separator line down the center of the layout may be used for manual cutting the sheets when you are finished printing. Your decisions may vary from mine, making your layout different depending on your test printing results.
Formatting a Single Sheet of Paper in OpenOffice 3.3:
SPACING 1.30" with a Separator Line of NONE (This is because my Brother HL-2140 doesn't print them equal side to side) This will give you an area for each page (Left & Right) on each side of the Sheet of Paper. It is within this area that your text will be formatted according to your planned layout. Use recipe1.png & recipe2.png below to assist you in laying out your design. Once your 8.5" x 11" sheet has the proper layout save the file.
ADD/DELETE PAGES: Open your layout and keep the "enter key" depressed to create the needed pages. Likewise move your cursor to the last row in the last column of the last sheet and keep the "delete key" depressed to remove the extra pages. Save your file.
Since each Sheet of Paper may contain 4 printed pages, the total number of pages CREATED in OpenOffice 3.3 needs to be a multiple of FOUR. For example, I typed in 104 pages in OpenOffice 3.3 and this will create 26 ODD Pages and 26 EVEN Pages. For my Recipe Book the page order was:
104,1,102,3,100,5,98,7,96,9,94,11,92,13,90,15,88,1 7,86,19,84,21,82,23,80,25,78,27,76,29,74,31,72,33, 70,35,68,37,66,39,64,41,62,43,60,45,58,47,56,49,54 ,51
2,103,4,101,6,99,8,97,10,95,12,93,14,91,16,89,18,8 7,20,85,22,83,24,81,26,79,28,77,30,75,32,73,34,71, 36,69,38,67,40,65,42,63,44,61,46,59,48,57,50,55,52 ,53
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Oct 10, 2010
I have a new Dell Inspiron 1545 with a dual-boot setup: Kubuntu and Windows 7. A long, tedious story made short, I have Kubuntu working but cannot for the life of me get the wireless adapter to work in Windows 7. Since the Microsoft universal fix consists of reinstalling the OS, that's what I plan to do.
That said, I'm concerned that Windows will not just reinstall itself, but wipe out the boot record used by grub. I've invested enough time setting up Kubuntu that I really don't want to start from scratch (again) with both OSs.
How to reinstall Windows without wiping the boot record? If not (i.e. Windows will kill whatever grub has in place), is there a way to use the Kubuntu disc, or another linux disc, to reinstall grub afterward, thereby leaving the linux partitions intact?
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Jul 2, 2010
I have been doing some customisations, and so far, I have my desktop looking pretty sweet.
I am having one problem though; In changing the Applications font in Appearance preferences, it changes the font used in Nautilus, which i do not want, as the font I am using does not have capitals. I only want the font on my panel Menus and/or Desktop, but not in Nautilus.
So what I want to know is this: can I set the font individually for Nautilus (or any app, for that matter)? If not, can I set the Applications font to the one I want for Nautilus, and then set an individual font for my panel Menu headings/Menus?
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Oct 9, 2010
I had Windows Vista Business in my compaq presario CQ40-145 TU laptop, over which I installed Fedora 13, making the system dual boot. The Windows is set to be the default OS. Now I want to replace Vista with Windows 7 professional without affecting Fedora. As far as I understand, during boot up, the system enters Fedora's booting process and then gets redirected to Windows, and it is not directly windows even if the default OS is windows.
The reason behind not disturbing fedora is the updates, extra software and packages installed and the pain and time it took me to make my speakers, wlan and flash player work in it. I even don't remember the exact process of what I did. I don't have now so much time to search for it again. So I will take up only that way in which Fedora is not affected at all. And the second problem is my DVD drive is not working at all. So I'll like using USB stick for the same.
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Jun 29, 2011
We're building an Email Marketing web site for internal staff who needs to send emails to thousands of customers.but we're wondering if it's possible to control the MTA delivery rate, such as:
1. for, only allows 5 con-current smtp connections and 100 emails/minutes?
2. how to bind multiple IPs and send emails in round-robin mechanism?
3. how to pause (such as: 10ms) between every delivery?
if you are familiar with Ironport's product, you may already know what we want to achieve.
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Apr 13, 2011
I configured a Postfix Server to relay the messages to an Exchange Server. To keep it simple I configured all my users locally and I setup local .forward files in their home folders, specifying their local Exchange address.
Everything seemed to work fine (for years now), until I upgraded postfix in October, 23rd 2010.
Alas, lately I noticed that, since then, even if I just realized it now, sometimes the server seems not to use the .forward file and tries to use the local delivery using cyrus, which does not find a local mail folder (obviously, since I never created them as I didn�t want to) and replies to the sender with a "550-Mailbox unknown" error. Today I enabled the "-v" mode for "local" in the debugging the problem a bit better, to see what's the problem.
If I was sure about the problem being the postfix version (2.3.3, which is way too old now!), I'd give it a try and substitute it with the latest 2.8.2 (even if the server is a production server and is almost untouchable).
Following the error and my and setup files:
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Apr 11, 2011
I am trying to filter out attachment emails using procmail. I have tried this:
*^Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64$ {
| echo $LASTFOLDER }
As you can probably guess, this line "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" appears when emails come with attachments, but the result of this filter is:
procmail: No match on "^Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"
procmail: Skipped "| echo $LASTFOLDER"
procmail: Assigning "echo"
procmail: Skipped "| $LASTFOLDER"
procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=/var/mail/root/msg.OFT"
procmail: Opening "/var/mail/root/msg.OFT"
procmail: Acquiring kernel-lock
procmail: Notified comsat: "root@0:/var/mail/root/msg.OFT"
From root Mon Apr 11 01:23:37 2011
Folder: /var/mail/root/msg.OFT 26051
The result showed as if there was no match, futhermore, the bash code that I am trying to run:
echo "$LASTFOLDER" seemed not to be ran as bash? And does anyone know how I can test my procmail filter on some testing platform sandbox so I don't have to send a bunch of emails everytime I change the file and waste time and disk space testing new filters?
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Aug 5, 2009
I have been trying to get procmail working on CentOS 5.2. I don't need anything fancy, just an auto reply for a "noreply@" account. Looking at the sendmail configuration, it appears procmail is the MDA. I have looked at many different tutorials and how-tos, but most are old, and/or the locations/paths and setups are markedly different from the defaults on my system. Can anyone recommend a good CentOS-based tutorial on Procmail w/ recipes? (I have an RHEL book and it's no help either.) Thank you for your time and consideration.
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