Software :: Gourmet Recipe Manager Not Starting In Ubuntu 10.10?

Oct 29, 2010

I had Ubuntu 10.04 installed and used Gourmet Recipe Manager and all worked fine. I then upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10 and after that GRM would not start. I tried to start if from the command line and got the following:


/usr/share/gourmet/gourmet/backends/ SADeprecationWarning: The Binary type has been renamed to LargeBinary.
/usr/share/gourmet/gourmet/backends/ SADeprecationWarning: The Binary type has been renamed to LargeBinary.


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Ubuntu :: Gourmet Recipe Manager And MySQL Workbench Uninstall Each Other?

Jun 1, 2010

I have a python & sqlite2 application called "gourmet recipe manager" running under 10.04. If I try to install MySQL Workbench, Gourmet is uninstalled without so much as a 'by your leave'. When I reinstall Gourmet, MySQL Workbench is similarly abruptly uninstalled. Why?

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Ubuntu :: Gourmet Recipe Mgr Has No Ribbon Bar Menu

Aug 9, 2011

Believing in what Linus said about Gnome3 I have installed XFCE and am now trying to make certain that all is A-OK. I have a program named Gourmet Recipe Manager. It should have a ribbon bar at the top with various commands in it, but after trying to figure out xfce appearance, background, etc. I cannot get the ribbon menu in Gourmet.

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Ubuntu :: Gourmet Won't Start In 10.10?

Oct 10, 2010

Just upgraded to 10.10 and now gourmet won't start. Running in terminal gives:

brashley46@ross-desktop:~$ gourmet
/usr/share/gourmet/gourmet/backends/ SADeprecationWarning: The Binary type has been renamed to LargeBinary.
/usr/share/gourmet/gourmet/backends/ SADeprecationWarning: The Binary type has been renamed to LargeBinary.


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Ubuntu :: Gourmet Conflicts With Miro?

Jul 17, 2010

I'm using Lucid. I installed gourmet, a gnome recipe program using Ubuntu Software Center. Everything appeared to go smoothly. Then I tried to use miro and discovered it was gone. So I reinstalled, then discovered gourmet was gone. OK, there's the problem, so I went to Synaptic to confirm. Tried to reinstall gourmet and was told it would remove miro. So, any fix for this? I'd like to use both programs.

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Ubuntu :: Screenlets Not Starting From Manager

Oct 17, 2010

Running 10.10. After installing Screenlets from the software center, I opened the screenlets manager to start the GCal widget that I wanted to run. However, when I click start/stop nothing happened. I was hoping that it was something simple so I moved my dock around to see if the widget was starting behind the taskbar or dock, but no such luck. I have the widget layer enabled in compiz, but the screenlet is not showing up there either.. Just a blank screen when I hit F9.

I've installed compiz, conky, compiz-fusion, compiz-plugins-extra and I can see all the options that seem to be necessary for the screenlets to function. I just don't see anything for any of the screenlets when I try to enable them via start/stop....

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Ubuntu Security :: OpenVas Manager Not Starting

Apr 23, 2010

I'm in the process of installing OpenVAS Manager on 10.04, but when I try to start it nothing happens, no message, nothing. That's quite frustrating, to say the least. And I can't seem to find anyting on the matter when googling.

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Ubuntu :: Plymouth Manager Not Starting When Clicked On?

Apr 29, 2011

I installed Plymouth Manager a while ago and have had no problems with it until now. I want to change my splash screen (it's currently set to the Macbuntu one), but it won't start up when clicked on. I have the Screenlet Sysmonitor, and it doesn't even show the process as starting when clicked on as if I did nothing. Running Ubuntu 10.10, Acer Aspire 5520.

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Fedora :: Create A Recipe Cookbook In OpenOffice 3.3?

Dec 9, 2010

HOWTO: Create a Recipe Cookbook in OpenOffice 3.3 This HOWTO: will guide you through the process creating a Recipe Cookbook in OpenOffice 3.3.

PREWORK: Before staring to type in all your favorite recipes, and formatting each section of text, there are a few decisions that will affect your layout. They are:

1. Paper Size: 8.5" x 11", 8.5" x 14", or 11" x 17"
2. Binding: 3 Ring or Spiral
3. Columns per Sheet of Paper: 2, 3, or 4


I chose 8.5" x 11", 3 Ring, 2 Columns, TimesNewRoman, Portrait, and Double Sided. These choices specify two recipe pages on each side of a sheet of paper, making a total of four recipe pages printed in some specific order on one sheet of paper to create a Recipe Booklet. I prefer a 3 Ring Cookbook to the Spiral Bound versions as the 3 Ring version pages don't get mangled. The separator line down the center of the layout may be used for manual cutting the sheets when you are finished printing. Your decisions may vary from mine, making your layout different depending on your test printing results.


Formatting a Single Sheet of Paper in OpenOffice 3.3:


SPACING 1.30" with a Separator Line of NONE (This is because my Brother HL-2140 doesn't print them equal side to side) This will give you an area for each page (Left & Right) on each side of the Sheet of Paper. It is within this area that your text will be formatted according to your planned layout. Use recipe1.png & recipe2.png below to assist you in laying out your design. Once your 8.5" x 11" sheet has the proper layout save the file.

ADD/DELETE PAGES: Open your layout and keep the "enter key" depressed to create the needed pages. Likewise move your cursor to the last row in the last column of the last sheet and keep the "delete key" depressed to remove the extra pages. Save your file.


Since each Sheet of Paper may contain 4 printed pages, the total number of pages CREATED in OpenOffice 3.3 needs to be a multiple of FOUR. For example, I typed in 104 pages in OpenOffice 3.3 and this will create 26 ODD Pages and 26 EVEN Pages. For my Recipe Book the page order was:


104,1,102,3,100,5,98,7,96,9,94,11,92,13,90,15,88,1 7,86,19,84,21,82,23,80,25,78,27,76,29,74,31,72,33, 70,35,68,37,66,39,64,41,62,43,60,45,58,47,56,49,54 ,51


2,103,4,101,6,99,8,97,10,95,12,93,14,91,16,89,18,8 7,20,85,22,83,24,81,26,79,28,77,30,75,32,73,34,71, 36,69,38,67,40,65,42,63,44,61,46,59,48,57,50,55,52 ,53


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General :: Starting File Manager

Jul 10, 2010

I 'installed' Fedora12 nine days ago. Everything went smoothly until I booted-up today when I got a message in the top right corner of the desktop saying "WARNING, A CRASH PACKAGE NAUTILUS - 2.28.1 - 2 FC12 HAS BEEN DETECTED."All my icons have disappeared from the desktop.In the tool bar I have a continuous row of moving identical icons for "Starting File Manager".

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Networking :: Network-manager Not Starting

Mar 25, 2010

recently i did a reinstall of debian lenny with gnome. My laptop has the broadcom wireless chip, and went and got the squeeze broadcom-sta deb packages and installed them, following the debian wiki. Everything seems to be running. iwconfig shows lo, eth0 both with no wireless connections and eth2 that seems to be running.My issue seems to be with the wireless configuration with network-manager. I have used this in the past and like it well enough and didn't have any issues with it. But for some reason, it is not working with this installation. It doesn't show up as a panel addition and when i try to command line call it up (nm-applet), the terminal just sits there doing nothing. I try to call it up as root, no dice - gives me the gtk-warning cannot open display issue that a xhost +localhost doesn't fix. Reinstalling network-manager and associated packages didn't work. So, fine, i tried the network monitor applet. I cannot select eth2, but by typing that into the connection name, i get a signal strength % - another indicator to me that the wireless chip is working - and then i'll click on the configure button, i get the root password prompt and nothing at all. I am currently seeing about setting the network up command line style, but the 'ol command line is not a strong point for me and everything i read sets things up differently. Other gui applications that require root privileges like synaptic work fine.

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Software :: Get Miro And Gourmet Installed On The Same System?

Jul 8, 2010

I have installed Miro video player on Ubuntu 10.4 and then I wanted to use Gourmet recipe manager. when I try to install gourmet either from apt-get or the package manager it uninstalls Miro.oes anyone know how to get both of them to be installed on the same computer at the same time. My current work around is a VM with Winxp and using a recipe manager software, but this is the last bit of windows software that I need, and would like to use gourmet so that I can get rid of windows on my computer.

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Ubuntu :: Starting File Manager Spamming BILLIONZ OF WINDOWS

Mar 3, 2011

So I installed Ubuntu 10.10 beta because v9 wouldnt work, I'm using an HP Mini 311. So far everything was working great, and after installing updates I restarted and these "starting file manager" windows kept spamming the desktop!, just along the bottom and you can see in this screenshot basically on the bottom, how do i fix this? i dont want to go back to windows!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Stop Network Manager From Starting On Boot?

Jul 10, 2011

I would like to stop network manager from starting up on boot. I have tried moving

/etc/init.d/network-manager stop
to rc.local and it did nothing but boot me into the CLI

I have also tried to put

sudo service network-manager stop and that did nothing also.

After I get network manager to stop on boot up. How do I make it so it will not auto connect to networks? My computer keeps on joining a different network on boot up. And I don't like this as some times I go to my banks website and I am on there network with out realizing it (because of the auto connect) Is there a way to stop this also?

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Starting File Manager - Loads Of Them At Start Up?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a problem with 'Starting File Manager' completeley filling my taskbar on startup.There could be 100 of them for all I know, as the taskbar ends up dividing into tiny slices for each.How do I find out what is causing this? Is there a log file I can check or some way to repair ubuntu off the Live CD?Recently installed some updates. Last night tried reinstalling Nautilus and Gnome (did that with commands from Ctrl Alt F1 ) but that has not helped.I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (64bit)Dell Inspiron 530I'm no Ubuntu / Linux expert, but I can try to find any info / logs required

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General :: Procmail Recipe That Will Execute A Script Without Affecting Delivery?

Sep 18, 2010

How do I write a procmail recipe that executes a shell script without affecting delivery?(in this case, something that sends me a DM via Twitter) I don't want to affect further processing of the message - it should continue on its way and the output of the script should be ignored.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: KNetwork Manager Not Starting After Reebot

Dec 9, 2009

I have upgraded to KDE 4.3.4. Network manager now works but whenever I reboot or tun the computer on I have to start it manually. I have added it in "system settings > autostart", but it has made no difference.

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Fedora :: Starting File Manager - Continuously Loops In Bottom Panel

Apr 7, 2010

I don't know what I did differently before this happens. Now I cannot access files or see icons on the desktop. The "starting file manager" continuously loops in the bottom panel, continuing to load forever. in the system monitor, if I kill the process "gnome panel", it resets itself, then continues the process. Only thing different I did was install that one thing that gives you System->Preferences->Windows by hitting "yum install control-center-extra".

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Fedora :: Starting File Manager Opens Up A Million And One Times In FC12

Feb 27, 2010

Starting File Manager opens up a million and one times in FC12

Is there a way to stop it?

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Ubuntu :: Folders Immediately Close/Infinite "starting File Manager"?

Jan 20, 2011

Not sure where to post this, I am runing 10.04 LTS, 64 bit and things have been great, until..... I activated a Ubuntu One account and once I did, my Ubuntu One folder would immediately close upon opening and my downloads folder would immediately close upon opening. I delt with it, no big deal. So I decided that I need to get my crap off the Ubuntu One account so I downloaded them all from the website onto my desktop. Now none of my folders immediately close upon opening and ever couple seconds my desktop flashes and a windows quickly opens and closes stating "starting file manager".

I found a couple of posts the looked like fixes, but nothing has worked. clicked off show_desktop in gconf-editor which stops the "starting file manager", but does not stop the folder from immediately closing. I also found this, [URL]... but I don't know hoe to apply the patch nor if I should. I have tried some other things, but I cant find the threads again to provide. I believe one was the killall Nautilus then apply Linux Essentials, which I don't think even ran at all.

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Ubuntu :: X11 Screen Locks Up In Endless "Starting File Manager" Loop

Jun 7, 2011

I have a generic PC (VIA chipset, AMD 1.8 GHz, old NVIDIA card, etc) running Ubuntu 10.04 side-by-side with a Windows XP box. The Ubuntu box can see and mount some of the Windows disks via SAMBA. Recently, I had a little hardware problems with the Ubuntu box but cleaned the fans and reseated cards and things seemed better. Today the Ubuntu box rebooted and when it came back up I could log in OK but then the X11 GUI locked up in a continuous "Starting File Manager" loop. If I click anything the taskbars go away showing only a blank wallpaper screen then the taskbars return but but will recycle if I click on anything. I can reboot in recovery mode and have applied all updates from that screen. The underlying Linux seems to be fine. I can CTRL+ALT+F1 and get a terminal screen that works fine.

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Ubuntu :: Uncontrolled "Starting File Manager"?

Oct 22, 2010

I am not sure what the problem is with Ubuntu (could be operator) but I dont make any changes to the system just the updates. Heres the low down. I was running 10.04 and somehow out of the blue it wouldnt boot up so I get unetbootin usb with 10.10 and do a fresh install and right off the bat 2 things are wrong 1.) the gnome icons are corrupt so i reinstall them 2.) I get infinite "Starting File Manager" windows opening. Everytime I restart or startup the same thing. I have to killall nautilus in terminal on start up. I also can not right click on the desktop and trying to open nautilus after the fact is useless.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 Insists In Starting X - Stopped With Message On Tty1 "Starting YaST2"

Jul 18, 2011

I installed OS11.4 on my old laptop, Compaq Armada E500., 512MB RAM, ATI Rage Mobility. During installation I chose "minimal server" and added some development packages, lxde and a little more. I chose to start in runlevel 3 which is full networking without X. Still, when computer is booted it tries to start Xorg which doesn't work because of some problem w driver. The start-up seems to stop there, it never loads completely - seems most things in runlevel 3 are not started (see below) I can manually login on laptop and fix it - but never permanently, same thing again after reboot.

I have checked /etc/inittab & yast - both states default runlevel is 3. I have checked services to be started both directly, browsing directory /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/, and with YaST, it is very clear X should not load during boot. But, as said, it does.. I don't really care about the driver problem right now, I can fix that later when I have more time. So how do I stop X from getting started automatically?

More info, if needed: The installation also stopped with message on tty1 "Starting YaST2" and tty8 showing errors with graphics driver (mach64). The system seemed to be installed though, so I simply rebooted (issuing "reboot" from tty2).


I'm not completely sure where it stops, network is configured but keyboard is wrong and mysql & everything after is not started, so somewhere between S02network and S06kbd. I'm going to use it as a server for testing purposes so no X is actually needed - however I do want to have X & lxde installed just in case, my Internet connection at home is terribly slow so I need most things I might need in the future installed today.

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Ubuntu :: When Access Synaptic Package Manager And Update Manager The Screen Will Flash And Be Gone

Sep 2, 2011

when i try to access synaptic package manager and update manager or ububtu software center. the screen will flash and be gone

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Ubuntu Installation :: Synaptic Package Manager/Update Manager Fail?

Jan 13, 2011

E: Type '' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-wine-ppa-maverick.list E: The list of sources could not be read. The above is the console output when i type sudo apt-get update Update manager throws the same error so now I can't install or update software .

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Manager / Software Sources / Synaptic Package Manager Not Working?

Sep 30, 2010

It started with Update Manager constantly recycling and not updating. When it starts it shows 295 files and 308MB waiting to download. When I click on 'Install Updates' it appears to go through the process, and then presents me with the same 'waiting to install' window again - and again, and again - in fact as many times as I care to click the 'Install Updates' button. No error messages appear. The 'Settings' button produces the same apparent process as the 'Install Updates' button, but doesn't present me with any other screen.

I've tried all the solutions I could find on these forums and nothing works. The sudo suggestions for Terminal usually produce error codes. adjusting a line in the 'hosts' file. When I tried this I was presented with the obstacle of not having access to the read-only file, and no matter how much I searched I couldn't find how to gain access . While investigating all these possible solutions, I was directed in turn to the Software Sources and Synaptic Package Manager applications, but when I attempted to start them, 'Starting Administrative Application' appeared briefly on the taskbar - and then disappeared!

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Ubuntu :: Software Center, Update Manager, Synaptic Package Manager Crashes For No Reason

Jul 3, 2011

Software center, update manager, Synaptic package manager crashes for no reason. I have not done any recent changes or downloads. I'm running a fresh install of ubuntu 11.04

5 gigs of ram
Intel dual core
35 SSD

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Hardware Manager Update Manager On New Install

Mar 16, 2010

After a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10-64bit I don't have Hardware Manager, Update Manager or Software Resources just to name a few.I tried sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade & everything is up to date.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Manager And Packet Manager Do Not Work

May 18, 2011

I received this: 'E:Type 'ain' is not known on line 3 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/psyke83-ppa-natty.list'

Update Manager and Packet Manager do not work.

Ubuntu Software Center is also affected.

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Ubuntu :: Update Manager - Package Manager Won't Work

Feb 4, 2010

Ok so I having the same issue as everyone else but it still exists despite the solutions other people are experiencing. Update manager, synaptic, and apt-get are not working no aptitude on here. Update manager says: An unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information. report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message: 'E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, Eroblem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_universe_ i18n_Translation-en%5fUS, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.' apt-get has errors with headers, finding files, and wrong file types. I have gone to a couple locations and the files exist and the hash is correct, and the file types are correct. I have tried replacing the sources file. I have tried sudo rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists sudo apt-get clean sudo apt-get update with the same problem happening upon updating. In the same exact areas.

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