General :: Optimize The Boot Time - Modify Some Scripts Or Init Scripts?

May 14, 2010

How can I optimize the boot time of Linux? Should I modify some scripts or init scripts? If yes, what are the scripts? Can I modify the kernel source?

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General :: Basic Script To Modify Time Settings?

Mar 23, 2011

I am trying to write a basic script on a linux box to do the following:change the timezone to UTC. I will need to make sure /etc/sysconfig/clock only has the following:



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General :: Init Script Does Not Run At The Shutdown Time

Feb 15, 2010

Im having a bit of a problem with a init script which I wrote to start and stop oracle listener and database. My system is Redhat 5.4 64bit and oracle 10g2 standard database (64). I have created the script and added the script using

chkconfig add orashut, and on the script by chkconfig level 345 orashut on Now I can use service orashut start, stop, restart, and works fine and when the system comes up the database and the listener would come up as planed. But the problem is when I do a reboot or shut down the db or the listener would not shutdown as expected, I placed at K00 values as well in rc0.d and rc6.d to give the priority at the shutdown. Even though all the configurations say this script should run before everything else at the shutdown time this is not working.

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Ubuntu :: Optimize Boot Speeds?

May 3, 2011

Unfortunately my ubuntu installation wakes 31 seconds to get to the boot screen, almost identical to my windows 7 partition. I've already configured grub to my needs, so reducing the counter has already been done, but I have no idea what else to do for my boot speeds when it comes to ubuntu. If anything I can live with these times, but it would be very nice to have it boot at lightning speeds I may even buy a SSD when I get the money.

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General :: MBD Modify For Dual Boot?

Dec 29, 2010

I am going to install the newest version of Ubuntu on my computer. I am currently running Vista. I would like to be able to dual boot. I understand the whole partitioning deal and booting from the cd but i am worried that doing so will overwrite my Master Boot Record for windows. Do I need to modify the GRUB2 after installation. Read many writeups but was hoping for some input.

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Ubuntu :: Wont Boot - "no Init Found. Try Passing Init=bootarg"

Jan 31, 2011

While I was using my computer a few days ago, the terminal stopped working properly, so I tried to reboot, and when it started up again it wouldn't boot and said "no init found. try passing init=bootarg"

This has happened twice before, so I really need to figure out what keeps happening, otherwise I can't continue to use linux. i reinstalled both times before. i think that this is caused by a process that prevents me from using the hard drive, because when I try to check the disk in the terminal or in gparted, it says Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sda1. Filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?

Also, in the disk utility, in the lower right corner of the filesystem it has a spinning "loading wheel".(i'm not sure if that means anything)

I am using ubuntu 10.10, but am not sure what kernel I am using, but i tried a few different kernel options(there's three of them at start up). safe mode does not work either.

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Software :: How To Modify System Time As Non Root User

Nov 18, 2010

I have developed an application, in C language, that should received the EPOCH time (6 bytes) at about every 30 min. What function should I use as a non root user to modify the System Time.? The idea is that the same application could update the System Time. I am using Ubuntu.

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General :: Setting Current Directory In Init.d Boot Script

Jul 28, 2011

I have a jar file which can be executed by going to the directory and then running 'java -jar start.jar'. Start.jar is the Solr example server.I would like to create a boot script in init.d for this, but have little experience with this.Is there a way to specify the 'current' directory in a boot script?

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General :: When Try To Boot Stick It Gets As Far As Executing The Initramfs Init Script Then Restarts?

May 12, 2011

I'm booting Gentoo off of a usb-stick. This has been working previously but now when I try to boot my stick it gets as far as executing the initramfs init script then restarts.The last two lines of my initramfs/init are:

echo "finished initramfs."
exec switch_root /new-root /sbin/init


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General :: PClinuxOS Hangs On Boot - Kernal Panic- Not Syncing - Attempted To Kill Init

Jun 7, 2010

I recently installed new hard drive and cloned old hard drive software onto it. The bootloader installs either linux or other operating system. Ever since the cloning, boot hangs. Words in the thread title are the last to appear before everything grinds to a halt. Just before the kernal panic message appears, "Initrd finished" is last line. Will have to try booting again to find more info before this.

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General :: How To Optimize Ubuntu Desktop To Run Webserver

Jan 30, 2011

I am using ubuntu desktop edition to run My drupal website on Intranet. I know for running web servers best thing to install is ubuntu server editions, but due to some problem i am using Desktop edition.I installed XAMPP on my machine an my website is up and running. I want to know how can i optimize my machine?? Since I will not use very less features of desktop editions are there any things which I can remove or stop which will free memory and cpu consumption, are there any packages which i should install to increase the performance of my ubuntu??

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General :: Optimize Implementation Of DSR Algo In UBUNTU 9.1 Using NS 2.34 ?

Feb 25, 2010

I need to optimize the implementation of DSR algo using NS-2. Now i need to identify the first of all "the parameters which i can change and which are effective in optimization point of view." I want to get into the c++ code as well as header files which are used to implement DSR algo.

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General :: Kernel Panic - Not Syncing - No Init Found - Try Passing Init - Option To Kernel

Apr 19, 2011

Im am building a Linux distro. It will be very tiny and fast.

I only have a minimal linuxkernel (bzImage) who is 1,2 mb big. And then I have Busybox who is 174,6 kb big.

The commands in busybox is: cd, ls, mkdir, rmdir, wget, httpd, clear, rm, poweroff, halt, reboot, fdisk, mount, umount, free, and cp.

When I compiled the kernel i use initramfs/initrd function and point it to a folder where initrd/initramfs source is.

The kernel works OK with others initramfs/initrd files. But not with my own.


Here is how the end of the kernelcomplie look like.


Here is my init file who is the initrd/initramfs source.


The initramfs folder contains "bin" (folder) and "init" a file. No more.

The problem is that the kernel cannot find/read init file.

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Debian Configuration :: Modify Boot Scripts To Boot Usb Device?

Mar 3, 2010

Without going into a lot of the reasons, I have a bootable program on a USB stick that i would like to 'boot' when debian is starting up (or after it completes, or whenever it makes sense to do it). My MB does not support a USB boot, I've removed the floppy and CD so I can add additional HDs (its a small box but well ventilated).

Another option I have is to use my bios 'network boot' option, but I have no clue how to use it and the only description in the mb manual says "Allows system to be booted over a network" In network boots, *usually* one is given an option of specifying a device address, and the network boot executes a boot protocol (e.g. bootp), and the boot image file is downloaded to the target, stored and run out of RAM. No evidence of this behavior is exhibited when the network boot option is selected in the bios...

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General :: Skip Init Scripts - Boot Freezes At "setting System Clock"?

Aug 2, 2010

I have a debian system that's freezing in the boot sequence at "Setting system clock".Several sites I looked at recommended changing the init scripts to disallow hardware access to the clock. But, I can't boot! Is there a parameter I can pass to the kernel at boot so that it will skip init scripts?

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General :: "/sbin/init Does Not Exist" On Boot?

Nov 24, 2010

I am having some issues about every other time y to boot into Arch is installed on my third hard drive, and my grub from Fedora is what it boots from.about every other time i try to boot into it i get this error:

Waiting 10 seconds for device /dev/sdb3...
ext4-fs (sdb3): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode Opts: (null)


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Ubuntu :: Modify Lilo From Boot Cd?

May 28, 2011

Is there a way to run the lilo command from the ubuntu 10.10 boot cd? It doesn't get the directories right, as it has / mounted as the ramdisk memory file system, and / can't be demounted since it's busy. I can install lilo in the ram after booting from the cd with sudo apt-get install lilo. Mounting / to my sdb1 partition (where Ubuntu is installed) does not get the proper "maps" for the lilo command, since the cd ramdisk / takes priority. I prefer not to use grub, as I wish to use windows vista's bcd(edit) as the main boot selector and it won't boot grub from bcd to a partition; at least I couldn't get it to work in 11.04. I got lilo to work from the vista's bcd menu in 11.04, but had many glitches. Windows allows this type of proceedure from its recovery cds.

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Ubuntu :: How To Modify Grub To Boot Into Vista

Aug 24, 2010

I've previously had a dual boot Vista/Ubuntu machine that was working fine. Fast forward, I'm not able to boot into Vista at all and decide to reformat, return to factory settings after which I'll simply reinstall Ubuntu to get my functioning dual-boot back. I reformat the drive, everything seems to work fine and when I reboot I'm met by the GRUB screen rather then the Vista bootloader screen I expected. I select the Vista option and rather than starting to boot, seeing the Windows splash and then breaking (as it's been doing for a few weeks leading up to my decision to reformat), I'm promptly given a message that it can't find the disk 5252-ACFA (that Vista was previously on). After further inspection, my Ubuntu partition is still in tact and untouched, so I think the 'reformat' simply reformatted the Vista partition not the entire HD as I'd wanted. How do I modify GRUB to point to the new correct Vista boot?

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Ubuntu :: Computer Seemed To Be Frozen - Reboot - No Init Found. Try Passing Init - Bootarg"

Jan 1, 2011

I've been dual booting 10.10 with Windows7 for about a month. Today is the first time I've encountered a serious problem.

This morning, nothing functioned properly after trying to open several programs. The computer seemed to be "frozen", although the mouse was working fine.

I decided to reboot, but then encountered an even bigger problem.

It failed to boot and got this message: no init found. try passing init= bootarg

The problem now is that it requires a Live CD session and I keep getting this: GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)

In case it matters, I didn't install 10.10 from an ISO, I just upgraded from 10.04.

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Fedora :: 11 Boot Time / System Hangs For A Very Long Time On Starting Udev?

Sep 25, 2009

When booting Fedora 11, my system hangs for a very long time on starting udev. Sometimes I get an I/O error. However, my hardware is fine. I do eventually get in to the system.

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Ubuntu :: Error - No Init Found - Try Passing Init=bootarg

Jan 20, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10 will not boot! System froze this morning, I restarted and it is now failing to boot. Starts loading grub and I get this message:

mount: mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/04aa3697-7bc0-45b5-b86a-77a1e6534bd5 on /root failed: invalid argument
mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: no such file or directory
mount: mounting /dev on /root/sys failed: no such file or directory


I booted with 9.04 LiveCD discovered the drive could not be mounted-ran fsck -ln and it told me the drive has no valid partition table. I have had intermittent problems mounting flash drives before this, so I'm kind of worried it might be a hardware issue.Also have files on that drive I would rather not lose, so reinstalling is hopefully a last resort.

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Slackware :: Stop At Boot Time To Increase Booting Time?

Mar 5, 2010

It looks,slackware is taking too much time to boot. It's starting daemons at boot time.

What are those daemons that i can stop at boot time to increase booting time?

What's the best way to stop starting daemons at boot time?

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Slackware :: How To Modify Grub To Boot Using Generic Kernel

Feb 16, 2011

My Slackware boots using the huge kernel. I am not using LILO; I am using GRUB from the extras directory on the DVD. I followed the tutorial @ [URL] up to the point where it discusses modifying LILO. My /boot/grub/menu.lst reads, in part:

# Linux bootable partition config begins
title Slackware Linux on (/dev/sda7)
root (hd0,6)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda7 ro vga=normal
# Linux bootable partition config ends

This boots the huge kernel. What changes must I make to the above menu.lst entry to boot using the generic kernel?

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General :: Programs Run At Boot Time: Where Are They Hidden

Apr 15, 2011

I am struggling to understand where PackageKit is launched from at boot time (fedora FC13), and I'm starting to suspect that - since my previous experiences with much older Linux distros - in modern systems daemons/services/programs are launched at boot time from many other different points. In my case, I can't find an origin point for this program in /etc/rc5.d Where can I find a list of places to look into?

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General :: Dual Boot Response Time

Nov 5, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 10 alongside with Windows XP. Consequently I need to make a choice at boot time. However, I feel that the system is not waiting very long, maybe 5 seconds or so, before going automatically into Ubuntu. Can that time be increased? If so, where or how?

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General :: Restore RHEL 5 At Boot Time?

Aug 12, 2010

I am running RHEL 5 on Vmware Workstation. That is i inslled Vmware Workstation on windows 7 and then in Vmware i installed RHEL 5 as a virtal machine. By mistake i made some wrong entry in my /etc/fstab file that is i was trying to automatically mount one folder under another folder. My syntax was wrong. So when i restart my RHEL 5 , at the boot time due to wrong entry in /etc/fstab system is giving file system error as follows:

Checking filesystems
fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'LABEL=/home/download'
fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'LABEL=/var/ftp/uploads'

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Fedora :: Can't Boot System Even Into Init Mode 3?

Jun 24, 2011

I upgraded to Fedora 15 using preupgrade after I failed to upgrade or install it clean through DVD. But, after the preupgrade process finished, I can't boot my system even into init mode 3. I am able to boot into the init mode 1 and can see that many of the packages have been upgraded to fc15. I tried to start the x server from init mode 1. My nVidia screen even popped up. But after that the screen went totally blanked.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Cannot Modify Grub Menu File - Need To Change Boot Order

Mar 3, 2009

I recently installed a 64-bit version of centOS 5 alongside a 32-bit version, which I use. Turns out the 64-bit version absolutely will not boot and I'm stuck with it as my default boot option. Since the grub being used resides on the 64-bit half, I cant edit the menu file but I know theres a way to do this without it, through grub itself. I have about 29 render nodes now with this problem, and whenever they need to be rebooted I have to hook a monitor up to each one and hold its hand through the boot process. How to change the grub menu through grub itself, basically just change the default boot option and then have it stay that way?

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Server :: Diffrence /etc/init.d And /etc/init.d/rc.d Scripts?

Jul 29, 2010

me the difference between /etc/init.d scripts and /etc/init.d/rc?.d scripts.

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General :: Windows 7 - Stumped By Boot Time Corruption?

Dec 1, 2010

I have a home build computer that has data corruption problems at boot time. I have exhausted all the troubleshooting steps that I know to try. Do you have any additional troubleshooting techniques that I should try?

Symptoms: I run both linux(ubuntu, mint and fedora) and win7 on this machine.Sometimes I have just one installed.Other times both in a dual boot setup. The OS installs just fine.The system runs just fine for a while.Then it fails to boot.At first I can fix the boot problems with grub or bootrec (/RebuildBcd, /FixMbr or /FixBoot) as indicated by the error messages.Eventually the system fails to boot at all and I have to wipe the disk(s) and reinstall the operating system.The linux installs seem to last a bit longer. I typically have linux running for a month before the troubles start, but I have to repave and rebuild within 3 months. The windows installs last at most 2 weeks before troubles develop. The system is turned on for the day or evening then turned off overnight.Once the system has booted all checks that I have run pass. On windows fciv.exe, sfc.exe have never deteced and troubles. On linux tripwire shows everything unchanged. Chkdsk and fsck have never reported errors.

Hardware:ASUS M3A78-EM motherboard. 2x2GB kingston memory from the ASUS QVL for this motherboard.I have used two hard disks in this system.WD caviar black 640G (WDC WD6401AALS-00L3B2).Seagate barracuda 7200.7 (ST3120026A).On some rebuilds I have used just one of the drives, sometimes I have both installed.The DVD burner is a LG 4x (HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GH22NS30 ).The power supply was originally an el-cheapo Allied unit that came with the case.That has since been replaced with a Seasonic X650.And that is all that is in this system. I use the onboard video, sound and network. I have never plugged an external device into the system (not even a USB flash drive!).

Trouble shooting so far...I have run the memtest utility from both the ubuntu CD and the windows DVD many times. Even when run for several day neither test utility has ever found a memory error.I have run the seagate and western digital provided test and diagnostic tools on both of the hard disks. I have done this on both the unstable ASUS M3A778-EM system and a very stable gateway system.I have swapped out the HDD cables several times.I have replaced the cables with new cables and with cables pulled from a stable system.Because the corruption happens only at boot time I suspected the power supply was having problems under the extra load of disk spinup.So, I replaced the power supply. No success.

I have run the system with every version of the MB BIOS from the version that it shipped with to the latest and greatest. The BIOS upgrades made no noticeable difference.I have enabled and disabled automatic updates on both win7 and ubuntu linux. That made no noticeable difference.That is it. That is all the troubleshooting ideas I have had.

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