General :: Migrating From Windows To OpenSuSe

Jun 26, 2011

I'm running Windows 7 (on my Acer Extensa 7630EZ) at the moment but I realized that I'm using mostly Linux programs (including the Linux shell through Cygwin) so I'm considering migrating to Linux (probably OpenSuse?). While this would certainly make my life easier, I'm also used to a few things on Windows I don't want to give up: Drivers.

I have a Canon PIXMA MP970 network printer and scanner the driver whereof has a GUI on Windows. I bet that even if I ever manage to get the printer to work on Linux, the GUI will be missing, so I will not have access to any of the options. (For me, this is a real reason for sticking to Windows, unfortunately.)

- Windows Media Player. Although it's not as universal as other media players (VLC), I got used to it because of its well-organized media library and the ability to include a SMB server in it or use a network media library.
- Adobe CS5. I don't know if it works with WINE, but I hope so.

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OpenSUSE :: Migrating (many) .tex Files Created In WinEdt Under Windows XP

May 4, 2010

I am migrating (many) .tex files created in WinEdt under Windows XP to Kile under openSUSE. Kile uses by default UTF-8 encoding, whereas my files are apparently ANSI... I infer this last from my failed attempt to manipulate WinEdt into encoding in UTF-8 for me, as follows: I had inserted the comment

% !Mode:: "TeX:UTF-8"

into my .tex file (following Re: UTF-8). When I had WinEdt open this file it objected in no uncertain terms: ``The file is not in UTF-8 format: Loading as ANSI.''

Summarizing, WinEdt provides me files encoded as ANSI. Yet in Kile -> Settings -> Configure Kile -> Open/Save there is no option to select ANSI.

Kile will open these files in read only mode, and I can then save them with a new name, and proceed -- but it would be more satisfying to know the ``proper'' approach to this.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Migrating From Windows 2000 To SuSe?

Sep 8, 2011

I need a new OS and heard about Suse for the longest time and wanted to give it a go. It's gonna be hard to let go of Win 2k, but with support degrading I need a OS that's rock stable like 2k. My main concern is application compatibility so I can run my current windows app in Suse. Ultimately I would want a multiboot so I don't lose windows 2k.

I'm using a IBM Thinkpad T61 with these configurations: T9300(2.5GHz), 4GB RAM, Cricual SSD 120GB, 14.1in 1440x900 LCD, 128MB nVIDIA Quadro NVS 140M, CDRW/DVDRW, Intel 802.11abgn, Modem, 1Gb Ether, UltraNav, Sec Chip, FPR, Camera, Windows 2000 SP4

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General :: Migrating From Windows To Ubuntu

Jul 18, 2011

I recently migrated from Windows to Ubuntu and it is looking great except migrating my outlook pst file, is not working with any program, evolution mail nor Thunderbird.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Migrating From Mysql To Oracle In Windows?

Oct 28, 2010

i was using mysql in fedora, but our instructor has told to use oracle 10 g , as i have to submit a project ,please help me out ,whether how to migrate all mysqld database to oracle in the same format and how to run queries in it

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Ubuntu :: Migrating Firefox / Thunderbird Profiles From Windows

Apr 28, 2011

I am trying to do as the title states, I am however having problems. I have tried deleting the profile and profile.ini in kubuntu and copying over the windows profile to home/user/.mozilla/firefox for example with firefox, this didn't work. I tried copying it there with the existing profile and changing the path of the ini file, to the windows profile name, this didn't work either. The only thing that I can think is that I am using 64 bit windows and 32 bit kubuntu.I have tried using firefox sync, this didn't work either.

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OpenSUSE :: Upgrading From 11.1 To 11.4 - Migrating KDE 3.5 KMail

Jun 25, 2011

I am now using SuSE 11.1 with KMail 1.9.10 (KDE 3.5.10 "release 21.13.1" open SUSE). My intention is to do a clean install of 11.4 from purchased DVD and then migrate (import) all of my personal files from a backup. I have not yet seen either SuSE 11.4 or KDE4, so I am unfamiliar with any changes to the folders and files, how they may have been named, where they're located in 11.4, etc. Inoder to copy my backed up KDE 3.5 KMail into the newly installed SuSE 11.4/KDE4 KMail, will the following folders and files go into folders and files named the same in 11.4/KDE4, or will the folders and files for the new KMail be named differently and/or be located differently?

/home/<my name>/.kde/share/apps/kmail (my e-mails)
/home/<my name>/.kde/share/apps/kabc/ (address book)
/home/<my name>/.kde/share/config/kaddressbookrc (address book settings)
/home/<my name>/.kde/share/config/kmailrc (kmail settings)

Are there any issues I need to be aware of in migrating the KDE 3.5 Kmail materials into 11.4/KDE4? Or will this be as simple as when I upgraded from 11.0 to 11.1?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Migrating From Kde 3.x To Kden 4.x

Dec 12, 2009

i have recently started using kde 4.x. I am trying to find out where are some kde 3.x feautures and how i can use them under kde 4.x

To be more specific:
A)IN kde 3.4 i was using multiple desktops. I still remember that i could see in my taskbar a preview of every virtual desktop and what applications are currently open on each desktop. In kde 4.x these icons are so small so i can't see any preview so there are not as useful as in previous verions

B)In kde 3.x i could easily create desktop shortcuts by dragging and droping icons. Right click on desktop gives no such an option.

C)What is the plasma dashboard(something like that)? Actually there is a small shortcut in the taskbar that seems to be working like the old one show desktop shortcut.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Migrating From 11.0 -> 11.3 Filesystem?

Jul 17, 2010

With the release of openSUSE 11.3 I decided to upgrade my three-year old computer which is running 11.0 and has been running out of disk for the last few months. I bought a new 500Gb HDD and installed it as the master drive, and moved my old drive to the slave. I installed 11.3 on the new drive. Too easy.Then I tried to mount my old drive so I could move my account files across. I wasn't able to mount the drive, which uses LVM (Logical Volume Manager). Is there any reason this wouldn't be recognised by 11.3?Then I tried to mount my new drive from my old system but 11.0 doesn't have support for the ext4 filesystem. I loaded the ext4dev kernel module with no joy:

samsara:/ # lsmod | grep ext4
ext4dev 222360 0


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OpenSUSE :: Failure Migrating Firefox And Thunderbird From 11.2 To 11.3

Sep 9, 2010

get my system from 11.2 to 11.3, I made a clean, new install instead of an upgrade. (I also used the opportunity to change to a new, bigger harddrive.) I installed Mozilla Thunderbird from the repositories and (using the root account) tried to replace the automatic entry in .thunderbird with my own cryptic-named folder which I copied in from external storage. I changed the target name in the profiles.ini to my folder's name. (I also made sure that although "root" did the copying, my main user is still the owner of all folders and files.)Same procedure for Firefox (except for the installation part).

I made the same kind of copying for the OpenOffice "user"-folder and Office came up with all my individual settings. But both Firefox and Thunderbird gave a failure notice, telling that "the program is already running, but does not react. In order to open a new window, you need to shutdown the existing process or restart your computer."(Original German: "Thunderbird wird bereits ausgefhrt, reagiert aber nicht. Um ein neues Fenster �ffnen zu k�nnen, m�ssen Sie zuerst den bestehenden Thunderbird-Prozess beenden oder ihren Computer neu starten.")

I restarted the computer several times, but to no avail. (A similar (or the same) bug was reported two years ago, but it seems that no solution was reached [see ]Thunderbird l��t sich nicht mehr starten - -- User helfen Usern.)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Migrating Away From The XP - Boot Drive

Mar 1, 2010

My machine came with one drive installed with XP. I put a second drive in and installed 11.2. Dual boot. I'm replacing the XP drive (keep intact) with a new one but don't want to lose the ability of booting off the second drive. I want the new drive to be first drive in the system.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Migrating The Encrypted Home-directory?

Oct 5, 2010

I am trying to open an encrypted home directory from opensuse 11.2 with opensuse 11.3. This means i have a user.img and a user.key So far i have done:

losetup /dev/loop3 user.img
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/loop3 home
Enter passphrase for /dev/loop3:

No key available with this passphrase. At this point it will not accept my passphrase.

A luksDump reveals:

cryptsetup luksDump /dev/loop3
LUKS header information for /dev/loop3


When i try to use the key file, i get:

cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/loop3 home --key-file home.key No key available with this passphrase.

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OpenSUSE Install :: After Migrating To Another Webserver Users Cannot Login?

Aug 22, 2011

Description: I want to migrate all home directories and users from one webserver to another. The old server runs OpenSuSE 11.2 and the new one OpenSuSE 11.4. I appended only the userpart of the passwd file from the old server to the new one. I did the same with the shadow file and the group file. I checked the user rights for all three of them and they were ok (shadow 600). I have done such a migration before and at that time it worked fine. Now for the weird part:

Errors: At first it seemed everything was ok. Websites and webshops were visible and working correctly. At first ftp seemed to work fine. Login worked but when uploading files, the error messages appeared: permission denied. Further testing gave following results:

-Root and users can login on console with their old passwords.Root can create new users, but they can not login: some error message comes, but is unreadable since it stays too short on display. After that it prints hint: on a new line and on another new line it gives a new login prompt. Root and users can change user's password, but then they can not login anymore. The same unreadable error message appears.
-Users can login with ftp, even after changing passwords(!) but can not change or add files var/log/messages only shows: uthentication failure twice.

Actions so far:
Emptied /tmp
copied the users again from passwd and shadow
checked UID's and GID's again
googled a lot

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General :: Migrating From SCSI To SAS?

Oct 20, 2010

I have a Linux system running on an older Sun V20z. The drives are mirrored in a software RAID1. The motherboard has interfaces for only IDE and SCSI. The system is old and is no longer able to handle the load we're putting on it. I also have a much newer Sun X4100. This system is presently unused and has a pair of SAS drives in it. The new server only has SAS and SATA connections on the motherboard, though. I'm trying to think of the best way to clone the V20z over the X4100. I don't mind breaking the mirror knowing I can re-establish it later. I prefer not to do a fresh OS install followed by a tape restore. I would much rather break the mirror and clone one of the SCSI drives the SAS drive. I do have a USB to SATA adaptor for migrating external drives. Anyone know if this will work with a SAS drive? Any pointers on the best way to migrate this? I'm thinking even if the cloning is successful, I'm going to have to much with GRUB to get it to boot from the SAS drive?

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General :: Best Way To Sync IPod After Migrating

Jun 24, 2010

Migrated my wife to Linux when her old computer broke. She has an old iPod (one of the first ones to show video) that has music and playlists on there. I know how to sync podcasts to my iPod shuffle with gPodder and GTKpod. But how would I sync up files with her iPod? Also, what program would I use to automatically sync the iPod with any music dropped into her Music folder? This should be as painless as using iTunes or she won't do it.

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General :: Migrating From UNIX Environment To Redhat Rel 5?

Jan 23, 2011

The development sever of the project i am working on, currently has the source codes on a UNIX HP_UX operating system with oracle version 9i. it needs to be migrated to LINUX redhat OEL rel 5, with oracle version 10g . As i am a complete newbie to this, Could anyone please tell me what are the important things to be done as a part of migration, to make the new environment complete? i have transfered the source codes to new server, installed the required compilers and have almost completed with oracle 10g installation.

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General :: Migrating To 64bit Quad Core System

Mar 11, 2010

In the past, I've deployed new 64 bit systems and I've worked on and developed on 64 bit systems. But until a week ago, my workstation was a 32 bit system. Now, it is a 64 bit quad core Phenom II system, and I suppose I need to start the migration to 64 bit Linux. I do not want to blow off my system and rebuild it. This particular system dates back a decade and through many many updates. There is some digital debris in it, but there is also a fair amount of customization that I have implemented either for my own purposes or for customers, and to lose that customization would represent a headache for me.

What I want to do is install a 64 bit system over top of the 32 bit system. It is my hope that doing this would install the necessary 64 bit libraries, while not impacting the existing 32 bit libraries (except with some possible symlink problems). I then, hopefully, could boot into a 64 bit kernel while still running 32 bit programs. Is this feasible? My backup system is comprehensive; I COULD just try it and back up if my system became hosed. But I'd rather not; I have a lot of work to do and I'd rather not learn by doing in this case.

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General :: Migrating Application From HP-UX Unix To Operating System?

Apr 26, 2010

We are in the process of analysing the possibility of migrating our application from HP-UX unix operating system to Linux operating system.

1)In our application, most of the source codes are written in C, C++ languages.

2)We are using aC++ compiler in current HP-UX opertaing system.

3) And also we have 400 shell scripts.

4) Using Oracle 10g database

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General :: Migrating From WIN7 To Mandrake And NTFS To EXT3 Without Backing Up?

Jun 6, 2010

Im currently using windows 7 and I want to shift for Linux. So i thought to start from Mandrake-free. My current filesystem is NTFS which full of windows extension documents. Those capacity is almost 200GB.but im not in a position to backup everything. i got to know from forums that linux perform well in ext3 file system. so i wish to go for ext3. is there any ways to shift FROM,win7 TO mandrake AND
ntfs TO ext3 WITHOUT BACKING UP CURRENT DOCUMENTS ASWEL AS WITHOUT LOOSING ANY OF MY WINDOWS BASED DOCUMENTS.? and i got to know that in a single harddrive(eg 250GB), Its not good for the harddisk to have different type of partitions (eg 50gb of ext3 and 200gb of NTFS). if i used like this will my harddisk got crashed? because this happened to me 4 years ago when i was trying to install winXp(in ntfs) and Redhat(in ext2) in the same hardisk. i was working initially. but was in 2 days that HDD got crashed.

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General :: Preserve "My Documents" While Migrating From XP To Fedora?

Jul 16, 2010

Install Linux (Fedora) on a laptop, that has XP right now (removing XP completely). Preserve the contents of "My Documents" on the same hdd while installing linux on my laptop (external hdd unavailable) The installed Linux to use full hdd space, contents of "My Documents" to be in /home, and have no leftover partition, that was used while migrating. It would be nice to have a regular hdd scheme after all of that.

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Ubuntu :: Migrating All FS To New Storage?

Aug 15, 2010

I'm in the process of duplicating all the data from my existing filesystems to a new storage solution. I know it is not recommended to do so but this will be a *lot* faster then having to reinstall and reconfiguring the system from scratch...I've synchronized the filesystems using rsync, used the following command line for that:

rsync --recursive --acls --xattrs --delete --force --one-file-system --links --perms --owner --group --stats --specials --devices --human-readable / /mnt/sde1
rsync --recursive --acls --xattrs --delete --force --one-file-system --links --perms --owner --group --stats --specials --devices --[code]....

To make sure all data is mirrored properly, the next step is to boot into a live system and rerun rsync to copy any previously locked/altered files to the new storage. After moving this, I know I have to edit /etc/fstab on the new storage to make it match the proper UID for the drives. I also have to update grub and install grub into MBR of the new storage.

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Ubuntu :: Migrating From NTFS To EXT?

Oct 5, 2010

I recently converted from MS 2003 to Ubuntu 10.04.1 and i wish to change the filesystem of all my data disks from NTFS to EXT but i have run into a problem. When i delete the old nfts partition and create an EXT4 partition, i can see that on the newly created partiton the used space is about 20gb. I used gparted for this. I have read that EXT reserves some space for root, but since all the disks i wan't to convert is only used for data and not OS, i see no need for the reserved space. I found some commands to turn of the root space but that did not work so i changed to resiserfs but that very slow, unstable and under limited development.

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Installation :: Migrating From 2.4.18 To 2.6.28 Kernel

Jan 22, 2010

I am having 2.4.18 kernel on vmware workstation(version 6.0.0 build-45731) in my system, I want migrate to 2.6.28 kernel. Having 2.6.28 source with me. What are the dependencies like gcc, binutils, glibc etc.

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Fedora Servers :: Migrating To Another Machine?

Apr 17, 2009

I have Fedora Core 6 on a IBM X3400 System. It is live ftp server with Static IP.

Now can I move that server to a machine with Pentium D Dual Core, 1 GB DDR2 without having to install anything.

If I do need to install a new version, can I atleast move all System / Network Configuration from old to new server ?

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Fedora Installation :: Migrating Away From Gnome

Apr 13, 2011

I've been looking at Gnome 3 and the Gnome Shell and I don't like what I see. The Gnome devs are taking things in a direction I don't like, giving us new ways to do things that don't interest me and making them mandatory. AFAICT, in the long run there's no real way to configure things to work the way I've been doing things for the last fifteen years. This is not a rant, not (mostly) a complaint, merely an observation. Clearly, I'm not part of their target demographic and I doubt that I'd want to be under the circumstances.

To me, that means it's time for me to move on and try something different. After some careful research, I've migrated my laptop to XFCE and am very happy with it. Now, I'm about to do the same to my desktop. This leaves me with an interesting question: what's the best way to remove Gnome from my two machines without removing any support needed for various programs that I'm accustomed to using and expect to continue using?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Migrating Programs From 9.04 To 10.04?

May 10, 2010

I am considering moving to Ubuntu 10.04. Is there any way of migrating the programs and games that I have downloaded in Ubuntu 9.04 to Ubuntu 10.04? I have also downloaded the Kubuntu KDE desktop.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Migrating A Site From One VPS To Another

Jul 19, 2010

I'm migrating a site from one VPS to another, and I'm having trouble understanding what I need to do with DNS. I haven't even gotten to the nitty-gritty of it: I don't understand it at a very high level. My host sent me this email explaining what I need to do, and I don't even know what questions to ask.


Your registrar has MyHost's nameservers listed for your domain name.

All DNS-related info for and everything inside that zone is defined in your zone file which is currently on your VPS "myserver1" and is being rsynced to [our] servers.

I'm suggesting that if you don't want to spend any of your migration time setting up a DNS server then you may wish to just make the changes in that file, since that is the method that is currently working.

I've come up with two possible interpretations of this situation, and perhaps neither is correct.I need to set my new VPS to be its own nameserver, and have my registrar point to my VPS. I need to set up a DNS server to somehow interact with MyHost's nameservers (something about a zone file). Do either/both of these sound plausible? I thought DNS made a server into a nameserver, is that not right?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Migrating 10.10 To New Local HDD

Apr 15, 2011

I have 3 SATA hard drives, one 500GB NTFS with Windows, one 320GB With Linux (one partition)and one newly purchased 1TB. The 500GB has Windows, which I use to LAN and do graphic stuff while I set up Wine. Its got 1GB free space. The 320 I found in my garage, and is on it last leg, often not showing as boot or displaying as "Bzbzbzbzbzbzbzbzbzb bzbzbzbzb" (No lies). As I was low on space already, I decided to by a 1TB, move Ubuntu across and go from there. How would I copy my system from one HDD to the other, and also add a 500GB NTFS partition. What is the ideal way to set up the partitions, and how big should my swap be? I looked for partitioning guides but they're all really outdated (one suggested a whole 128mb swap).

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Slackware :: Migrating To KDE 4.5.5 - Customized Settings

Mar 1, 2011

I am migrating to KDE4. When Current goes official I plan to install and give KDE4 a serious run. Because I am running 12.2 I will forego the upgrade path and install fresh in separate partitions. I haven't performed a fresh install since first installing Slackware 10.1. Likely I'll go 64-bit as my system is a dual core AMD with 4GB of RAM. Is there a list somewhere of 32-bit apps that have no 64-bit versions? Through the years I have many system tweaks and customized settings, but I'll be able to migrate and resurrect those readily. Mostly I am concerned with the desktop migration. Any punch list of warnings and "gotchas" are welcomed. Any links focusing on migrating at such a "late" stage in the KDE4 cycle.

I don't want to build the desktop completely from scratch. A fresh install reduces cruft and clutter that might have accumulated through the years, but also means more work configuring the desktop and apps. Fortunately, I long ago housed my user and data file directories on separate partitions and don't have to worry about that. Therefore during the transition I will be dual booting but using the same user accounts. All user accounts currently have $HOME/.kde profile directories that I do not want clobbered by KDE4. Should I rename that directory now and change a handful of KDE environment variables in 12.2 before working with KDE4, such as $KDEHOME and $KDE_CONFIG_DIR? New user account names would be one option, but my primary user account has too many non-KDE settings to migrate.

In that spirit, would somebody post the default Slackware KDE related environment variables so I can compare to those in KDE3? I am browsing the forum and web for various elements I should know or be forewarned, but many of the threads are old and I suspect no longer apply to KDE 4.5.5. I would like to migrate as many KDE 3.5.10 settings as possible, such as KMail, Akregator, Kate, Konsole, KMix, K3B, Kaffeine, Amarok, Digikam, etc. I realize there might be a point of diminishing returns and reconfiguring from scratch might be less problematic. Will both KDE4 and KDE3 be able to use the same KMail files? Or during the transition should I restrict my mail checks to KDE3?

If possible I would like to disable Nepomuk and Strigi before starting my first session in KDE4. I don't want to disable them after starting the first session as then profile files are automatically created. Hopefully nothing more than editing some default configuration files (/usr/share/autostart? Don't install those packages?). I have no need for or interest in Nepomuk (social-semantic desktop). I don't think I have any use for Strigi, which if I understand correctly, focuses on indexing meta data rather than just finding files. As far as I can tell because of PIM apps, disabling Akonadi is futile, so I won't try.

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CentOS 5 :: Migrating FTP And Users Db From Fedora 4?

May 4, 2009

I have an old fedora 4 server, used primarily for ftp access, that I need to migrate to a new machine that will run Centos 5.There are 50 user accounts defined locally on that server: how can I migrate them (user, pass, login options -ie no shell access-, data dir) to the new centos 5 server?

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