General :: How To Detect Process Causing System Load

May 2, 2011

Whenever someone copies a data Our system get very slow. Load average of system starts increasing. How would i find which process is causing the same. I have tried following top 10 CPU utilizing process command but it didn't help much.


ps -auxf | sort -nr -k 3 | head -10

My distribution detail.


# lsb_release -a
LSB Version: :core-3.1-ia32:core-3.1-noarch:graphics-3.1-ia32:graphics-3.1-noarch
Distributor ID: EnterpriseEnterpriseServer


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General :: Process Gnome-appearance-properties Causing 100 Percent CPU Usage

Mar 18, 2011

I am running a HP dc5750 dual core computer with a 512MB Nvidia 7200/7300 graphics card my operating system is Ubuntu 10.10. Both my processors are operating at 98-104% cpu usage, it appears that gnome-appearance-properties is the culprit and the only way to return to normal is to end these processes. I have been setting up the desktop cube to my liking and the processor appears to rise up to 100% again. Would getting a 1GB graphics card correct this or is this a bug in maverick meerkat. Any advice would be appreciated. Please keep it simply as I am a Newbie to Linux and find things over-whelming at times. Also would running at 100% on both processors at indefinite periods of time harm my computer.

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Ubuntu :: Process - Backend - Causing CPU Usage To Max Out

Oct 6, 2010

I have a problem with cpu, when i'm not running any application ,cpu is 100%, this picture. i use acer 4741 ram 2Gb ddr3, core i3 2.13Gh.

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Server :: Apache Causing A HUGE Load?

Feb 10, 2010

my server and it had a load of 60 so i immediately took down apache and the load went back down to 0 in a few mins and every time i put it back on the cpu usage on both cores immediately goes to 100% and the load goes up to 20 in just 60 seconds until i take apache down again?

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CentOS 5 :: Determine What Is Causing High Load

Sep 12, 2011

I am running a CentOS 5.6 32 bit installation under VMWare ESXi and have been experiencing some very high load values from time to time. The server is running multiple installations of gameservers, and the load fluctuates from around 1 to 9, with more or less the same amount of players playing (give or take 5-10 of a possible 80). I've been running DStat with almost all possible metrics, and, except for the large fluctuations in load, nothing else out of the ordinary seems to happen when load is rising. (Log data can be provided, if anyone wants to see it). Disk IO, Network throughput, memory consumption, CPU usage, process count, all stay at the same levels when the load is 1 as when it is 9. How I can begin to troubleshoot this, and find out why the load goes to such high values?

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Hardware :: Running Memory Up And Causing Load To Crash?

Aug 14, 2010

Something is running my memory up and causing my load to crash my forum. I keep noticing this error and have no clue really how to go about fixing it.

1.2 2978 mysql /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/ --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --log-error=/var/lib/mysql/ --pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/

Could this be causing my CPU to run high? How would I go about fixing an error like this or is it even doable?

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Ubuntu :: Memory Leaking Process Causing Hang After Login / Sort It?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm still pretty new to the linux scene but kubuntu has been a great alternative to ubuntu (unity, ugh) until now.

It only started happening since i started messing around with play on linux but i dont think their related. I dont think its a driver issue either as ive switched between proprietary and default to no avail.

Basically after i log in, it takes over 3-6 minutes getting slower and slower before finally getting back to regular speed. So after a few occurences i decided that immediately after startup i went to system monitor and sure enough;

There is a process title "akonadi_contact" that is slowly growing in memory. There are also multiple occurences of it (usually between 6 and 9). they keep growing usually to the 500000k mark in memory usage before turning gray (swap storage??) and then eventualy the end.

What is "akonadi_contact"
How do i stop this from happening.
Is this a memory leak?

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General :: Will Zombie Process Leads To Server Load Unstable

Jun 14, 2010

There are around 173 zombie process on my client's server, my question is whether zombie process on the server will make server's load unstable like it goes to 20-26 suddenly and comes down and goes high suddenly,will zombie process consume system's resource?..

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General :: System Won't Detect My Onboard LAN Card / Fix It?

Jun 8, 2010

I have just install Redhat Enterprise Linux5, 2.6 kernel,Foxconn motherboard,model 45GMX-V but Linux did not detect the Onboard LAN card.Although when i use winxp it detects the card as RTL8139/810x.

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Ubuntu :: "nice" Causing Increased CPU Time Even In The Absence Of A Load

Sep 10, 2010

I've just noticed that "nicing" long running computationally intensive, I/O unintensive, single-threaded executables on my system increases the CPU run time of those executables (as reported by /usr/bin/time as well as by wall clock) by a factor of 2-3 even in the absence of any load, i.e., "top" tells me that my program is getting 100% of a CPU. For example:

%coot 248: /usr/bin/time -p ./a.out > out
real 97.47
user 85.64


My system is running Ubuntu 7.10. If I run the same executable on two other machines I have access to -- one running Fedora 5 and the other Ubuntu 9.10 -- I don't see any discrepancy between the runtimes using nice and not using nice.

This behavior is executable independent, compiler dependent, and language dependent -- I'm seeing it across the board. I'm assuming I've somehow configured my system to behave this way, but I have no idea what I may have done. Also, this was the first time I'd ever done timing runs with "nice" (actually, "at"), so I'm not sure how long my system's been configured (if configured is the right word) this way.

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General :: Make App Detect When System Time Has Changed?

Jun 9, 2011

I need to write a small application which needs to detect if the system time is changed by an another application/user and perform some action as soon as it is detected (maybe log the data that time has changed, along with info about which application/user changed it).

How can this be achieved?

I have good programming experiences in shell script, c and beginner level in python.
I don't need to know when it was changed, just need to know who/what changed it.
The system uses NTP to sync the time, but it is also possible for anyone/any application to change the time(for eg: using the simple "date" command as well).

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Debian :: Total System Freeze / What Is Causing It?

Jun 16, 2011

I'm experiencing constant system freezes, and was wondering which log file to view in order to determine what is causing it. I switched over from linux mint as it was giving me the same issues now being experience on my debian setup.

When my system does freeze, the keyboard is unresponsive (caps lock won't even turn on) and I have to use the power button to get out of it. The only thing that does work is my wireless mouse which I can still move around.

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Fedora :: Samba Causing System Slow Down?

Apr 28, 2011

I am currently running Fedora 14 on an x86_64 system that acts as a whole house server for named, dhcp, nfs, nis, htpp, samba, etcMy issue has existed for a few years and I am just now getting around to posting about it.I have a simple samba configuration for sharing files to a windows VM on another box.Here is the config:

workgroup = NERD
server string = Samba Server on NERD


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Ubuntu :: Firefox Causing The System Logout

Nov 11, 2010

I'm running firefox 3.6.12 with the following add ons installed: Windows Media Player 10, Div X web player and Flash 10.1 r102. Ubuntu is 32 bit as is the Flash plugin. Quicktime, VLC and iTunes application detector are installed but disabled. I get recurrent episodes whilst using firefox where the entire screen goes grey/black and after a minute or so the login screen appears and I have to enter my password get back to the desktop. I suspect that this is flash related as it normally occurs after watching a few minutes of video. Disabling flash reduces the frequency of the problem but does not eliminate it.

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Hardware :: Overheating Causing System Shutdowns?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a Toshiba Satellite A505-S6965. My hardware is as attached via the Hardinfo report in pdf format.Here is the most recent kernel error. It never says it is shutting down. It just "dies" even after saying the temp/speed is normal.

Jun 16 19:28:00 localhost kernel: [ 845.153389] CPU0: Temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled (total events = 1)


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Fedora :: Firefox-Flash Causing System To Crash

Jan 14, 2010

So this just started a few days ago... maybe 7 at the most.

I am working along, and screen goes black, or just freezes... the lights on my laptop start blinking and becomes everything becomes unresponsive.

I have noticed it is usually when I am Using Firefox and Flash content. I have also noticed it happens when using Deluge, but it usually takes 5 minutes to kick in.

I am using firefox at the moment, but I am sure if I load up a ..... video, it will lock up on me again.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video In VLC Causing System Lock Up?

Apr 18, 2011

I have an intermittent and very irritating problem. I have a desktop PC with Ubuntu Lucid installed that I use primarily for watching films using VLC. Every so often (seemingly at random) around half way through the film the whole thing locks up - the video freezes, the audio skips (like a stuck record) and the system is unresponsive - the only cure is a full restart with the power button. Im at a loss as to how to try and diagnose this issue. Is there a log somewhere that might have the info after I reboot?

Usefull info on the system:

- AMD processor - 64 capable but running 32 as I wanted to avoid issues.

- grpahics is via an NVIDIA Geforce FX5500 (PCI interface NOT AGP)

- Restricted NVIDIA drivers installed and working

- Also useful to note that this problem occured when using an AGP ATI Radeon 9200 (using the standard open source drivers of course). In fact the problem was worse with the ATI - the frequency of lock ups is less with the new set up.

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Slackware :: Console App Causing System To Hang On Shutdown?

Jul 14, 2011

I have been looking for a lightweight bandwidth monitoring app and came across bmon. It does what I need. However it has an interesting way of exiting.

when it is running and you close it down it ask you 'Really quit (y/n)' and does not shut down. I am used to just right clicking on my desktop and selecting 'leave' when it comes to shutdown time.

A few times now the laptop hangs on shutdown if bmon is open. I guess it is due to the app asking if it should shutdown. Is there a way to disable the app asking or alternatively nuke it for sure with some script on shutdown.

I could search the relevant konsole running the app and go thru the steps to shut it down but sometimes I am in a hurry and it doesn't feel like the way to go anyhow?

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Fedora :: F15 Gnome Tweak Tool Causing System To Crash

Jun 23, 2011

I've just installed F15 over the weekend, and since then I've been having stability issues - primarily it seems to be related to gnome 3 (I've used fedora since its early days, and have never had such stability issues in the prior versions). Basically, when I use gnome-tweak-tool to make a modification, the system crashes; and I have to completely shut off the unit (unplug it) for it to even boot up properly. Today, I tried to change one of the options from its default, and now the very top (black bar) won't show.

I'm in the "File Manager" mode and can see the "Computer", "home" and "Trash" icons. I can move them about; and click on any of them to open. But once they're open nothing else works (clicking on any of the directories, etc, has no effect). I can ctl-alt-F2; but that's the extent. I deleted the .gconf and .gconfd directories (suggested in a different thread on a similar issue), but that didn't change anything. How do I bring back the default gnome 3 bar at the top?

I rebuilt my user account from scratch (that was the fastest approach for me). Nevertheless, gnome-tweak-tool does crash (for example, each time I turn on "File Manager"). This is clearly a bug. I'm using nvidia GTX 480; the problem might somehow be related to the card/driver. I definitely spoke too early I logged out of my account; logged back in, and the top bar is gone again and I'm left with having to deal with this again.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Skype Causing System Audio To Stop?

Apr 28, 2010

I am using ubuntu 9.10, but I also noticed this with 9.04 on a different laptop. Sometimes when I am using skype, for no reason and after no particular event the audio for everything in the system except for the skype video will just quit, and sometimes the sound doesn't even work for the video either. Buttons don't make their sounds any more and I can't play music or hear audio on flash videos. By can't play music, its weird because the music player (amarok) will just scroll through my entire playlist really fast like it can't play any of the songs.

To solve the problem, I have to shut down skype and firefox, but I'm not sure whether I can just shut one of them down without having to shut down the other. My audio settings in skype are all set to pulse and it is adjusting the mixer levels automatically. This problem has persisted across two laptops and two versions of ubuntu (9.04 32 bit and 9.10 64 bit), so I think it's about time I finally asked how to fix it.

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Ubuntu :: Natty Browser Randomly Causing System Crash

Jul 3, 2011

Whenever I'm browsing the web on one of my natty machines, I'm subject to periodic reboots that leave nothing in the syslog. Here's the two constants I've discovered thus far.

It only happens when I'm using a browser (plugin?).
It doesn't matter whether I'm in Chromium or Firefox.
It doesn't matter whether I use Unity or Gnome 2.
This happens every 2-3 days from what I can tell.
This problem is not power related because I've tested it with and without an UPS present.

The computer does a full reboot without any shutdown procedure.

The configuration of this computer is as follows:
Intel i3 2100
ECS H67 Dual Nic
Haupaugge Dual ATSC Tuner
8GB 1333MHz (MemTested)

The browser plugins are as follows:
Flash 10.3r181
VLC Multimedia Plugin (compatible Totem 2.32.0)
Windows Media Player Plug-in 10 (compatible; Totem)
DivX Web Player version
QuickTime Plug-in 7.6.6

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Debian Multimedia :: Multiple Monitors On Laptop Causing System Freeze?

Mar 18, 2010

I'm having some trouble hooking my external flatscreen monitor up to my Toshiba Tecra's docking station and having Mint (or Debian) be happy with it. The laptop uses a widescreen monitor but my external is a 4x3; I wonder if this is causing problems. Of course, it may just be the Intel 82801G graphics things up properly in the Display Preferences config window (I'm using Gnome, btw) but when I hit apply, the system locks and I have to hard boot. I've never set up a linux box with multiple monitors before, let alone multiple monitors that require different resolutions.

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Debian :: Install Amd64 KDE, In The Detect Disks Section The Process Stops?

Mar 7, 2011

while trying to install debian amd64 KDE, in the Detect Disks section, the process stops at: No disk drive was detected. If you know the name of the driver needed by your disk drive, you can select it from the list.

Driver needed for your disk drive: and gives a long list of drivers. my hard drives are Crucial C300 128GB.

i have no idea which driver on the list to pick so i can continue with install.

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General :: Disconnect Process From System Console?

May 9, 2011

I have a long-running process that was started in bash terminal on Debian. Unfortunately it wasn't started inside screen.
Is there a way to disconnect this process from current console and connect to it from screen?

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General :: Add A New Daemon Process In MINIX Operating System?

Oct 1, 2009

I want to write an operating system of my own ! I've started studying Minix. For getting started I wanted to know is there a way to write and add a background process [printing 'hello'] in the Minix operating system ?

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General :: Gentoo - INIT Process Necessary For An Ultralight System Installation?

Jul 30, 2011

I am working on a light version of linux for no particular reason other than to see how small I could make it. I was wondering if INIT was necessary, or if I could perform all of the INIT-related tasks (fsck, unmounting, etc) by hand/bash scripts?

I do not need multi-user functionality (Or much of anything for that matter). I started off with a Gentoo base 2.0.2 Install with kernel 2.6.38.

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General :: Bring Up System Recovery Durin The Restart Process?

Aug 28, 2010

I have forgotten my administrative password and am locked out of my system. I have an HP Mini 1120NR and I am running Edubuntu software. I cannot remember which key I need to press during the restart process to bring up the system restore/recovery option.

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General :: Script That Names The Process In The System That Consumes The Most Memory?

Dec 31, 2010

I am writing a script that tells me which process consumes the most memory in the system this is what I have but I keep getting an error:

#! /bin/bash
# Autor: Jose miguel Colella
# Descripcion: Que proceso consume mas memoria

ps -e -o %mem -o args | sort -k 1 | tail -n2 | head -n1 | cut -d -f 3

I keep getting this message: cut: delimiter mist be a single character

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General :: Can Keep The System Load Under Control During The Deletion

Mar 27, 2010

I generate more than 50GB of cache files on my RHEL server (and typical file size is 200kb so no of files is huge). When I try to delete these files it takes 8-10 hours. However, the bigger issue is that the system load goes to critical for these 8-10 hours. Is there anyway where I can keep the system load under control during the deletion.I tried using

nice -n19 rm -rf *

but that doesn't help in system load.

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General :: Won't Load OS - Can I Boot System Onto My Computer

Apr 28, 2011

My computer(win xp) crashed. When I turn it on I get the flickering line. If I press F2 while the BIOS is loading I can access the BIOS setup, but no operating system will load. I am not very familiar with BIOS. I put a cd in the cd drive that contained the latest download of Ubuntu and told it to reboot. Nothing happened. Setup says my CD-drive is set to a secondary drive. I looked in the CD files and I saw the windows installer (wubi). Is there a way I can boot linux?

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