General :: How To Convert Ubuntu Gnome Desktop Into Ubuntu Server?

Apr 23, 2010

is there any way to convert ubuntu gnome desktop into ubuntu server..however i try search google and various article that are related to server to into gui fact i have windows xp with ubuntu and ubuntu as testing installed inside windows to run. but my basic networking commands not working like dig,host etc however internet working fine.

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General :: Window Manager - Running As A Desktop With KDE/Gnome But Without 'X Server'?

Oct 14, 2010

I'm curious, I believe that one of the ways that OSX make the GUI experience of *nix more 'snappy' was to ditch X and run the window manager more directly on the hardware.

If I'm looking to run Linux on a desktop, and have no interest in sending Windows to other machines on the network, can I run KDE or Gnome with no 'X' to eliminate that ever-so-slight lag with the window manager experience.

I guess basically what I'm asking is is there an equivalent of quartz for Linux?

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Ubuntu :: Create A Dvd That Contains Server Desktop And Alternate Install Opptions - And All Four Main Desktop Environments (gnome - Kde - Xfce - Lxde) And Unity?

Aug 12, 2011

is it would be possible create a Ubuntu dvd that contains the ubuntu server desktop and alternate install opptions, as well as all four main desktop environments (gnome, kde, xfce, lxde) and unity. since much of the data is redundant between each version cd's it would probably all fit on one disk. then all that would be needed is two disks one for 32 bit and another for 64 bit. i really think that this could work.

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General :: Determine What Gnome Desktop Number A Gnome Terminal Is Connected To?

Apr 29, 2010

In KDE's Konsole, I can do the following from the terminal:

dcop kwin KWinInterface currentDesktop

And it will tell me which desktop my terminal is connected to ( per [URL])

How can I determine what desktop number the current gnome terminal in a gnome session is connected to?

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Server :: Icons Not Showing In GNOME Desktop At REDHAT ES Server

May 4, 2011

Icons Not Showing in GNOME desktop at REDHAT ES Server.Also no right click on desktop .No Action.

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Server :: Gnome Desktop Harming Server Performance?

Feb 4, 2010

On my local apache web server I had installed gnome desktop, because I wanted it to use as a TV. But when I installed the gnome desktop, my requests for web pages became terribly slow (4-5 seconds!). When I deinstalled the gnome desktop, the request where fast again. But I still want to watch TV on my server, so I wander if people know why the gnome desktop harms the performance of the server?

PS. with gnome desktop, ping was <1 ms, samba server worked like charm, wget localhost was <1 ms, but for some reason, when tried to get a webpage from my webserver to a remote machine, it took seriously 4-5 seconds to load a page.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Headless GNOME VNC Server On Lucid Lynx Desktop ?

May 9, 2010

I had to do quite a lot of digging before I managed to work out how to do this. It turns out to be reasonably straight forward, and so here is my howto all in one place.

Objective: Connect to my Ubuntu (Lucid Lynx) Desktop machine (which does not have a screen or keyboard) using a remote desktop viewer and get my usual GNOME desktop interface. And have the desktop persist while I am not disconnected.

I have recently discovered one niggly issue with some of the keys being messed up. 'm' and 's' in particular? I am looking into it and will update this post when I have resolved it.

The following steps were performed on a freshly installed version of Ubuntu 10.04-desktop. Just for clarity:


Install a VNC server. There is a choice of servers I chose the "tight" one.


Setup your VNC password. This password isn't very important as my setup will only allow for connections via SSH, so 123456 is what I used. One can possibly disable it?


At this point or the first time you run 'vncserver' (I forgot to check) the all important and much discussed ~/.vnc/xstartup file is auto generated. This is the make or break place where you can either get GNOME over VNC or not. My xstartup which required NO changes was:


Give the VNC server a test, by running it from the command line.


Try connecting to the VNC server:


Ok if that all worked then great! It all did for me and my machine was fresh from the CD.

Now we setup the VNC server to run all the time. There are a variety of ways of doing this. Since this howto requires the use of a SSH shell one could quite easily run the vncserver (as we did above to test it) and then disown (haven't tested if this is actually required) commands the first time you connect. This would leave the VNC server running until you used the vncserver --kill command. This would be a suitable approach if you had many different users wanting to have VNC GNOME desktops.

For convenience in a single user setup we can get the VNC server to be started at boot time:


Make the contents of 'vncserver.user' (credits to some smart guy on some blog out there that I couldn't find again. and then I made a few improvements):


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Ubuntu Installation :: Desktop Environment (gnome) On Server 11.04 - Setup A Graphical App?

Aug 2, 2011

I install ubuntu server 11.04 I select ubuntu server from boot menu then enter username and password and then i see a command line line and a black background How i can setup a graphical app (some thing like genome) for my server I do not know any thing Any body can explain all step of this for me how I connect to internet how download graphical app and install it? (I connect to web with windows 7 and adsl internet)

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OpenSUSE :: Open Kde Or Gnome Desktop In A X Server?

Apr 27, 2011

What I try is to execute Linux programs from Windows. What I do:

- I run an X Sever in Windows (Xmin).
- I connect to Linux server using putty.
- Stablish DISPLAY to Windows X Server.
- Run Linux application.

Really, what I do for simplifying the work is create, in a shared folder, Windows direct access to do this work. Ex: I create a link called "tora - Run Oracle Administration Tool.lnk".

When users want to run Tora in Windows, they don't have to install it. Just press the link and it runs a .cmd which does the previous operations. So users can run konsole, LibreOffice, tora, ... and all Linux programs as if they where installed in Windows Clients. And as the Linux and Windows computers are joined to Active Directory, each users access has its own configuration for each program.

Thus, they can try this programs without having to install them.

So as I can run all Linux programs... Why not allowing to run a remote desktop (I know I can do it with Vnc, Xrdp, NX, ...) If user run "konsole", a Linux konsole is open in Windows client. And then he can open X programs (I don't create links for all Linux programs, so the can run the konsole link and run any program). After displaying konsole, if I type "konqueror", konqueror is opened in Windows client.

If type kdesktop, desktop of kde is open, but the menu bar, tool bar doesn't appear...

Here is an image: [URL]

I detail it:

- My client is a Windows 7.
- Open a konsole in a remote linux (titled shell-konsole)
- Run kdesktop command.
- A new window titled "KDE Desktop" is opened.

But no menu or application bar is opened. An it doesn't takes my configuration (my configuration is Spanish).

How can I add menu and application bar to that desktop?

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Server :: Gnome Desktop Disappeard / Re-open It?

Jun 24, 2009

I'm new to linux ...

i have managed to install vnc server on my linux server ..
and also installed GNOME, i connected via VNC Viewer and the desktop showed ..

but then i closed the command prompt windows that was opened on the desktop, now when i connect via vnc viewer i get an empty desktop ...

how can i re open the GNOMe?

there's no cammand line in it now!!

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Software :: How Can Open Kde Or Gnome Desktop In X Server?

Apr 26, 2011

I execute Linux applications in Windows using an X server for Windows and setting DISPLAY variable in Linux to X server of Windows.

Ex: With putty I connect to Linux and setting DISPLAY to my Windows X Server, run Linux OpenOffice.But, is possible to run a KDE or GNOME desktop, with menus, taskbar,.What command do I have to run?

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Networking :: VNC Server - GNOME Desktop Delivered Via VNC Got Frozen

Aug 22, 2010

I have followed the official instructions here to setup VNC service initially and was able to get it working.

However, during the course of setting up my BIND service, I have done the following:
1) Turned on SELinux
2) Used system-config-security to add the ports TCP:53 and UDP:53

When I tried to save the settings from 2) above, my GNOME desktop delivered via VNC got frozen.

Now when I tried to restart vncserver with "service vncserver restart", I see the following. I am also unable to connect via [url] anymore.


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Server :: Install "GNOME Desktop Environment?

Jun 16, 2010

I am trying to install "GNOME Desktop Environment" on my server. i used the following command: yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment" I got it from this tutorial: [URL].. Now when i started the installation on my centOS 5 server. i got the following error please see this image: [URL].. Now i wanted to know how can i fix that issue.

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Server :: Re-Install Broken Gnome Desktop On A RHEL Box?

Feb 25, 2010

Morning All, I have a RHEL 4 box with a broken GNOME package. It boots to TWM. I have looked at some of the posts that recommend looking at config files etc. No .xinitrc file found. Cannot "exec gnome-session" , cannot find file. No choice at login screen. Some Gnome files are on the machine. How do download and re-install the entire Gnome-Desktop package?

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Server :: Change CentOS 5.3 GNOME Desktop To KDE Without Effecting Others Configuration?

Feb 23, 2010

how to change CentOS 5.3 GNOME Desktop to KDE without effecting others configuration?

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General :: Ubuntu Desktop Drops Gnome UI For Unity?

Oct 26, 2010

Ubuntu desktop drops Gnome UI for Unity?


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Ubuntu :: Convert UNE To Desktop

Jun 20, 2010

I installed UNR and have customized and installed applications on it. So basically I don't want to reinstall Ubuntu. But I'm not really digging the UNE interface. So how can I "convert" UNE to the desktop version? I realize you can switch interfaces from the login screen. However, I'm anal and want to make it as if I installed Ubuntu from the regular desktop version, but with my settings and applications. Do I just need to remove some packages?

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General :: Ubuntu Gnome Desktop Launcher Icon Formats?

Feb 28, 2011

A few years back PNG graphics could be used as launcher icons. This does not work on Ubuntu 10.10, while SVG works. Is there any reliable documentation?

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Ubuntu :: When Logged Into Gnome Desktop - Message - The GNOME Session Manager Was Unable To Read File

May 3, 2010

When i logged into a gnome desktop i got this message: "The GNOME session manager was unable to read file:'/home/(desktop name)/ICEauthority'. If this file exists it must be readable by you for GNOME to work properly. try logging in with failsafe session and removing the file." What commands do i use for that? or do i need to do something else?

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Ubuntu :: Reset Gnome Desktop To Default Without Affecting Unity Desktop?

May 27, 2011

I have my Unity desktop just how I like it, but sometimes I like to log in to the Gnome (Ubuntu Classic) desktop. However, I was playing around with CCSM while in Gnome and I've totally messed it up, I have the Gnome panels and also the Unity launcher, it's a total mess. Is there a way to reset my Gnome desktop to default without affecting my Unity desktop?

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General :: Using Convert From Imagemagick Package To Convert Multiple Jpg Files?

Jul 18, 2010

I'm trying to use convert, I have installed the imagemagick. I use this line:convert *.jpg test.pdf but I'm only able to convert to pdf 1 single jpg file, not multiple files at once. When there's more than one file, I get the following error: Segmentation fault

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Ubuntu :: Convert 10.04 Desktop To Netbook Remix

May 21, 2010

I've got a computer running 10.04 LTS desktop and I was wondering if there is a way to convert it to the netbook remix os.

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General :: Can't Log In At Gnome Desktop / Solution For This?

Aug 26, 2009

I am a complete newbie only had pc with linux installed for a week, for some stupid reason we had 8.10 pre-installed and decided to upgrade to 9.04 now we can't get past the gnome login screen asking for user name and password. Linux was already installed by mesh with a userename and password which we didn't change,we are really stumped as we can't get past this logon screen.

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General :: Change Desktop Gnome To Kde?

Jun 11, 2011

send me the information about how i change my desktop gnome to kde ?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Convert Standard 9.10 Desktop Into Netbook Remix?

Feb 17, 2010

I have been trying to convert my standard 9.10 desktop installation into the Netbook Remix version.I assumed that all I had to do was add �Netbook Remix Launcher� from synaptic and set it run at startupAccording to the Wiki these are the packages that constitute the UNR:Desktop Switcher - Allows the user to switch between two desktop modes. Currently supports switching between Ubuntu Netbook Remix mode and "Classic Ubuntu" (two panels, gnome-like) mode.

Go Home Applet - A gnome-panel applet that, when clicked upon, displays the desktop. Used in a netbook-based desktop, the desktop-window will normally be the launcher. Go Home Applet also works in conjunction with the netbook-remix-launcher whereby dragging and dropping a file/url/application to the go-home-applet will automatically add it to the launcher's favorites section. Human Netbook Theme - A gtk theme for use with Ubuntu Netbook Remix Maximus - A desktop daemon which will automatically maximise and, optionally, un-decorate windows. Has support for exclusion lists and will work with any EWMH-spec compliant window-manager.

Ubuntu Netbook Remix Launcher - An easy-to-useprogram/places/favourites launcher which resides on the desktop, replacing the main-menu. indow Picker Applet - A gnome-panel applet that displays open windows as icons on the panel, and has integrated window title-bar functionality. Optimised for use on netbook-size screensNone of them seem like dependencies for the Ubuntu Netbook Remix Launcher itself, so I cant understand why it isnt working. Ive turned of compiz and disabled AWN.

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Ubuntu :: Convert From Netbook Remix To Desktop Edition?

Oct 15, 2010

I'm using ubuntu netbook remix. I want to use desktop edition now. How to uninstall unity safely and install compiz? Need little guidance. Or is there any way I can use compiz in unity itself?

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General :: Difference Between GDM And The Gnome Desktop When Using Startx?

Jul 19, 2011

I came along the comment (when you type startx => you won't go to KDM or GDM but directly to your standart desktop= KDE,GNOME,...) at [URL] and would like to know what the difference is if any.

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General :: Gnome Or KDE A Way To Set Up Desktop Icons For Computer?

May 15, 2010

Is Gnome or KDE a way to set up desktop icons for your computer?

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General :: Changing Desktop Of FEDORA 12 From Gnome To KDE?

Dec 2, 2010

I have checked the thread about the referred subject. However, I cannot find the gdk in /etc/sysconfig. I have fedora12 i686.

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General :: Gnome Desktop Does Not Display / Sort It?

Dec 1, 2009

I am using fedora9 os
when i logging to gnome in root user
then gnome desktop does not display ,it is white screen
i viewed log messages the message is

Resolved address "xml:readwrite:/root/.gconf" to a writable configuration source at position 0

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