General :: How To Contribute To Community

Mar 12, 2011

I would like to contribute to Linux community (development of OSes, applications, etc...) somehow, but I don't know how... My interest is to get back to the community the joys they have given me over the years, and to extend my knowledge in Linux.I have 5+ years of user and sys admin level of experiences with UNIX/Linux, and some programming skills in Perl/PHP/C. I enjoy finding and fixing problems.Maybe I can start testing OSes or applications? Would anyone have any suggestions for me where or how to start? I would like to hear opinions from anyone who is doing or has done so.

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General :: Able To Contribute A Little Something And Where There Would Be Friendly Developers

Dec 20, 2010

I'm looking for a Linux distribution that is somewhat smaller than the large distros out there. Possibly somewhere to hang my hat where I may be able to contribute a little something and where there would be friendly developers. Are there any projects out there that are basically run by a community of folks (not a corporation) that would welcome users and maybe .

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Debian :: How To Contribute To The Project

May 16, 2011

I have been searching for information about the ways Debian allows for anyone wishing to give a helping hand to the project. I found that joining maintainer groups, helping in writing documentation, bug reporting and financial help are all accepted, but what I intend, was never mentioned.

Is it possible to help Debian by submitting original source code? Yes, it is true that I contacted GNU about this, but the decision is still mine, and GNU is not binding me to give my source to them.

The source code I am talking about, took more than a year to complete and debug, and has been working without problems for more than ten years. Furthermore, it has no dependences as it does NOT delegate part of its functionality to other existing projects.

Although, I am still in my early forties, and as far as I know, I don't have any life threatening illness, we are all mortal, and I don't want my work, that took many months of hard work and concentration, to be erased to make room for the only operating system my heirs know.

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Ubuntu :: How To Contribute To Open Source

Apr 5, 2011

i want to know how to contribute to open source...i don't know from where to start??where to look for??

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General :: Open Source Community ?

Aug 8, 2011

Im actively studying for my Redhat SA Certification. I am actively working in a UNIX based environment (SCO< So ancient). I need some open source contribution experience. I've been doing Perl for about 5 years and I have enough linux knowledge to make an impact.........

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General :: Organize Open Source Projects In The Community?

May 16, 2010

that guide me about how (what steps should we do) to organize open source projects in the Linux community.Our idea is to organize an open source project of OPENCVOpenCV is a computer vision library originally developed by Intel. It is free for use under the open source BSD license. The library is cross-platform. It focuses mainly on real-time image processing.Our idea is to organize an open source project in the Linux community, that be a point in which programmers using OpenCV can meet, to develop programs to recognize the road lanes.OpenCV can be used to recognize the road lanes, and allow a car drive alone (if you have a camera inside the car and a laptop mother board running Linux and controlling the car's steering wheel).

Here you have some example of what we want to do[URL]Unfortunately, even being free OpenCV many companies as SIEMENS are working in this, trying to develop an autopilot for cars that would cost a fortune and wouldn't be available for everyone (it will be closed and not free - as Linux).We believe in the free software and Linux.Our idea is to organize a community of programmers interested in computer vision and opencv to create computer programs, and to make the first platform in Linux able to recognize the road lanes and allow the cars to drive alone.

Our problem is we don't know how to do that.How do you organize an open source project in the Linux community?How do you get people involved in the project?How do you start from cero?Please, help us to organize a project of this type, to make the first autopilot of the automotive industry, based in Linux

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OpenSUSE :: Community Repository On Version 11.3?

Nov 11, 2010

why there is no Community Repository option on YaST (Software Repositories)? I am trying to install XBMC (Packman). Can i use local as an alternative?

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OpenSUSE :: Not Able To Download Community Repositories / Resolve This?

Jan 30, 2010

After upgrading to 11.2 I'm trying to install required codecs for restricted formats and following the advice that is given, and starting at "Step 1", making sure that I have at least the OSS, non-OSS etc. repos.

For some reason, when I try to add community repositories through yast, I get a Warning pop-up, stating "Unable to download list of repositories or no repositories defined".

Am I doing something wrong? If tried about 20 times...and so far no luck.

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OpenSUSE :: New GnuPG Key For KDE4 Community Repository?

Feb 16, 2010

Online Updated prompted me today to import a new key that was created today for the KDE4 Community repository (SUSE 11.2). How can I verify the key's signature? How can I make sure that the repository has not been hacked and the key I am going to import is the correct key. I was expecting a note somewhere on the openSUSE website about the new key or a list of currently valid keys, where I can compare the signatures. But I could not find such a list or so.

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OpenSUSE :: Difference Between Core, Community And Playground?

Feb 17, 2010

I've been thinking of going into opensuse for a long time and now with KDE 4.4 is finally out - I'm going to do it. The installation shouldn't be a problem but I wonder how I can upgrade to kde 4.4, since opensuse 11.2 will have 4.3 by default? I saw in the documentation to add these repos:

# Core packages:
# Community: Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Community/openSUSE_11.2_KDE4_Factory_Desktop
# Playground: Index of /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Playground/openSUSE_11.2_KDE4_Factory_Desktop

whats the difference between core, community and playground? And isnt there "stable" repos for the KDE 4.4 release? And are there a repo with amarok 2.3 Beta?

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OpenSUSE :: Get KDE4.4 Community Repo Key ID Or Fingerprint?

Feb 17, 2010

KDE4.4 Community Repo Key ID or Fingerprint information so I can verify the recent key update I received?

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OpenSUSE :: KDE/KDE4/Community/11.2_KDE_Distro_Factory Repo For 11.2?

Jul 24, 2010

Sometimes, after update, it looks like in repo are old packages but version numbers are higher than previous. It looks like there are two 'packagers' and one of them makes packages from older builds.Currently it is that old build.Look at system load plasmoid:

In newer version, on this pop-up view, is visible icon and also colors on plasmoid are brighter.
This is screenshot i took before today update:

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OpenSUSE :: Starting MySQL - Community Server

Sep 13, 2010

I consider myself a linux noob. The thing about this is, I have played around with various distros of linux over many years. Eventually I get frustrated at how ridiculous something as simple as text editing can be. I'm having a problem starting mysql. I have already ran the install script afer downloading mysql community server from yast.

what I need to do to start the server. I tried to issue rcmysql start, but it says "The absolute path to 'rcmysql' is 'usr/sbin/rcmysql' so running it may require superuser privileges. So i say SUDO rcmysql, enter password and again same message.

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OpenSUSE :: Is The Program 'unhide' Is Available In Any Of The Community Repositories

Jul 12, 2011

Is the program 'unhide' is available in any of the community repositories, so I could add and then install via yast?I tried installing the rpm source package but it just hangs at 'starting' and never installs.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 Gdm In Community Repository Not Working?

Jan 24, 2010

I have a new install of opensuse 11.2 with gnome as desktop & gdm as window manager. Login OK. I added the Gnome community repositories & packman & ran an update. Now, with gdm login gives just wallpaper & no desktop. If I change to xdm as window manager I can login OK. The installed version of gdm is gdm-2.28.2-1.3.i586.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Get Banshee Community Extensions?

Aug 2, 2010

I've really been happy with my switch from Ubuntu to openSuse 11.3. However, I can't figure out how to get the banshee-community-extensions, so I can play internet radio. Is there a repo that I need to load?

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OpenSUSE Network :: ISA Proxy - Cannot Add Community Repositories

Jul 11, 2011

I work behind an ISA proxy. I have to authenticat with domainuser. When defining proxy settings with yast, I cannot put "domainuser" in the URL, so I add it in text mode in /etc/sysconfig/proxy for all protocols. Example: [URL] Then I have to logout/login in order yast to work.

- I cannot add communauty repositories.
- zypper fails

In order to make zypper and adding repositories to work, I have to suppress one of the two back-slash like:


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Continued Community Support For 6.10

Jan 22, 2010

I just installed 6.10 on an old imac g3 and everything is fine, except for the fact that i cant get any updates because 6.10 is no longer officially supported. Does support continue in the community for this release, and if so where do i find information?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Start New Thread In Community Cafe

Feb 1, 2011

I can't start a new thread in the community cafe because there is no 'new thread' button to be clicked.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Is MySQL Community Version?

May 23, 2011

Is the MySQL version installed during the installation of say Ubuntu Server 10.04, the MySQL Community Version?

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Programming :: Community Of Objective-C Developers Outside Of Apple?

Feb 16, 2011

Is there a serious community of Objective-C developers outside of apple? I've been doing a fair amount of objective-c programming for iPhone and am wondering what the community is like outside of apple. I am aware of gnustep for linux. Are there objective-c libraries for Windows as well? What is the cross-platform status of objective-c? Are there many open-source projects being developed using objective-c?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Change Yast Community From 11.3 To 11.4 For Repositories?

Mar 20, 2011

I did zypper dup to move from 11.3 to 11.4. Almost everything works fine. But when I try to add community repositories I get the 11.3 repositories, not the 11.4 repositories. So there must be a .conf or .rc file somewhere telling yast that we're on 11.3 when in fact we are on 11.4. How/where can I change that? And while we're at it, how do I load a Factory repository? They do not appear in the list of Community" repositories.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Cannot Access Community Repos List

Sep 11, 2010

Having assorted problems accessing v11.3 update repositories. The issue appears to be either with IPv6 or my ancient 2Wire 1000SW router.

Last week, I replaced Ubuntu with openSUSE on this Dell laptop. When I couldn't access repositories initially, I turned off IPv6 in YaST, with no luck. Turning off IPv6 in Firefox did allow me to see and other otherwise unavailable sites.

I edited my primary/default repo list in YaST with IP addresses replacing DNS names with great success -- except for the non-OSS repo, which YaST couldn't find. Anyway, I had a successful update!

Now adding repos to the default set is the problem. When going to Add > Community Repositories, I get the "Unable to download list of repositories or no repositories defined" message. Trying to add either with named URL or with IP address doesn't work either (it was curious that when using the IP address, YaST still says it can't find

When I read that Packman was converting all its servers to IPv6, just for grins I went back to YaST and Enabled IPv6 again. After a reboot, I tried adding Packman again. No luck, but suddenly editing the default openSUSE non-oss repo and entering the IP address WORKED!

One more data point: I tried using a few 1-click installations from the collection at Most failed, but for some reason, I could add the NVIDIA repository!

While I think the simple solution is probably replacing the router I've had since 2004, I'd like to avoid that particular expense right now. I'll note that I never had a problem accessing (K)Ubuntu repositories.

I'm wondering if there's a zypper or YaST config file I can edit that might allow access to the Community Repo list (though the Packman experience is somewhat discouraging in that regard). Is there something weird going on with MirrorBrain too? Figuring out how to handle IPv6 might be relevant here too.

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Server :: Get Sysobj Id & Snmp Community String In Centos 5.4?

Jul 27, 2011

i tried to configured snmp configuration for opennms monitoring tool to get disk alert ..when i entered the following command i doesint receive any sysobj id can somebody say how can i get my sysobjid in centos 5.4

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Server :: Postfix+dovecot Closed Community Setup?

May 22, 2010

I have a Postfix+Dovecot and virtual users setup taken from here. I've got virtual users authenticating using a password file. But I'd like to lock the service down further, so authenticated users can only email other authenticated users (those listed in the same password file) - so it's a closed community. I don't seem to be able to stop authenticated users mailing outside the community.

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OpenSUSE Install :: IRC Community Oder Chat Ber Suse Teamspeak?

Mar 13, 2010

kennt wer einen Deutschen IRC channel oder besser noch einem teamspeak Chat ber Suse linux und ubuntu wo man sich mit vielen anderen Neueinsteigern ber linux austauschen kann?

Ich blick nmlich noch gar nix !! Erste hilfe wre gibt es teamspeak fr linux berhaupt oder was hnliches ? wie installiere ich das ?

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Ubuntu Security :: Enterprise Level Antivirus For Community College?

Feb 2, 2011

I know that this is a linux forum, but I need to tap the brains of folks that have experience in this filed. My wife is the assistent IT director of a large community college in Pittsburgh, PA. They are running 4000-5000 client PC's. between the labs a nd faculty, across multiple campuses. They are rolling out Win 7 64 bit across all machines. They have 1/2 the PC's on Forefront and 1/2 on TrendMicro. They want to re-evaluate the AV solution, and are unable to find any decent review or tests for Enterprise level AV/spyware/malware solutions.

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Ubuntu :: Community Plasmoid Thingy Is Broken On 64-bit Kubuntu 11.04 Syste

Jun 9, 2011

The Community plasmoid widget thingy is broken on my 64-bit Kubuntu 11.04 system. The last time it worked was sometime in the 10.04 era. I will gratefully receive any suggestions for fixing it.The symptoms are these: It opens with three tabs: Nearby, Friends, Messages. I expect this.There are no entries in the "Nearby" tab. When I log into w/Firefox, I can see about a dozen people nearby in my town.When I click on the configuration button, it shows me my username and obscured password for I click on the widget again, it there are more tabs! "Friends" and "Messages" are repeated twice each, giving me seven tabs: Nearby, Friends, Messages, Friends, Messages, Friends, Messages.When I click on the configuration button again, the username and password fields are empty.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Add The Community Repository And Add Gspca Driver To Make It Work?

Sep 10, 2011

I seldom use my Labtec webcam but used to add the community repository and add gspca driver to make it work.I saw today that this repo only now have libv4l in it , is this enough to replace gspca driver? And if so is there and easy way to install it ? (apart from taking it on it's site : home ) (also i saw that qc-usb can be used for some models

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Ubuntu :: Forum Homepage Freezes Past Community Cafe Link?

Jun 25, 2010

Ubuntu forum home page will lock up, just for several seconds once I scroll past the community cafe link. Then the page will free up, it is just annoying to have to wait 5-10 seconds for the page to free up.

I am running 64 bit ubuntu 10.04 and my browser is google chrome.

Does this happened to anyone else? Any advice on a corrections, this seems weird enough to not have a fix

FYI, does not freeze on firefox.

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