General :: Grub2 Can't Run Debian 6

Feb 9, 2011

I have a busybox error when I try to run Debian 6. It's like Grub cannot find root (initramfs)

My system is:

- RAID0 with dmraid
- /boot ext2 (from moonOS installation --ubuntu based--)
- ext4 (moonOS wich have the Grub2 installation, where I can setup Grub)
- / ext4 (installed with dmraid=true)

After Debian installation (dmraid=true) I don't install grub, I run moonOS and I type:


It detects:


Generating grub.cfg ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-25-generic-pae
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-25-generic-pae


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General :: Grub2 - While Trying To Install Debian "squeeze"

Feb 7, 2011

I have a dual boot system with windows XP on one drive and Debian "Lenny"on the second drive. I use the entire hard drive for the debian install. I decided to upgrade to "Squeeze" this weekend. The install went well until I got to the Grub installation. I received a message saying that "A step failed", continue and try another option. I elected to "finish the install" without Grub2. everything continued to go accordingly until it was time to boot into the new system. I was able to boot into Squeeze, but not back into windows. Does something have to be changed in the /etc/grub/menu.lst.? This has proven to be somewhat of a challenge and I sure could use some feedback here.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Can't Load Window 7 After Recovered Grub2 Using Live Cd To Boot Windows 7

Mar 7, 2010

i initilally installed ubuntu 9.10 then installed windows 7 ,then i recovered grub2 using livecd as told in the post [URL] i did "sudo update-grub" and got windows 7 menu entry but when i select that entry windows 7 does not load but the grub2 is reloaded again.
i cant boot to windows 7.

Windows 7 have 100 mb partition "System Reserved" the grub2 points to that partition but still windows 7 not loaded.

sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x3c3a81f5


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Dosn't Save Windows As Last Selected + Boot Into Cdrom From Grub2?

May 17, 2010

I went through so many post but I haven't found the proper answer yet hope you have an Idea1. Grub2 saves only Linux OS as last selected no Windows OS2.It is possible to boot into a cdrom (drive)?

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Debian :: Grub2 Install To Mbr ?

Mar 30, 2010

I finally took the plunge and let my debian squeeze install update from grub 1 to grub2. I am not sure if it is working correctly. When it first rebooted I saw it chain load from the grub 1. It went to another screen that said grub 2 and it hung there for awhile and then displayed "fd0 not found" or something like that. Then it jumped to the new grub2 menu screen and booted the os. I went ahead and ran the command "upgrade-from-grub-legacy" and choose all harddrives.

It displayed this:

GRUB Legacy has been removed, but its configuration files have been preserved, since this script cannot determine if they contain valuable information. If you would like to remove the configuration files as well, use the following command:

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Fedora :: Dual Booting - Grub2 To See F15 Or Be Installed Using Grub2?

Jul 11, 2011

I installed Fedora 15, which was my first real departure from Debian based Linux OSs. I absolutely love the new Gnome 3, and was able to configure F15 to work as I wanted it to. On rebooting I realized that there was no boot loader screen, that F15 just booted and didn't give me a choice as to which OS I wanted to use. Eventually I was able to configure grub to let me see the boot loader and added my old boot loader as a choice. This worked well, maybe not a perfect solution, but it worked. This weekend I installed LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) to another HDD. LMDE uses grub2 and after the install F15 was not recognized.

Two questions: Is there a way for grub2 to see F15? or Can F15 be installed using grub2? I really don't mind re-installing from scratch.

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Debian :: Install On Existing Grub2 ?

Feb 21, 2010

I have been using linux for a few years but I am merely an end-user and many things are still beyond me. I have a machine booting XP and Ubuntu 9.10 with grub2. I would like to try Debian as an installed os, and I have used the netinstall and put Debian on sda6.

During the installation I was asked where to put I did not want to mess up the mbr which has grub 2 I choose to install Debian's grub to itself on /dev/sda6 ...maybe because of the usb-netinstall menu.lst eneded up with (hd 1,5) I changed to 0,5.

Anyway the problem is...after running update-grub from Ubuntu's grub2, Debian shows up, but will not boot. It seems to go most of the way through loading the kernel then Hangs at, "Begin: waiting for root files..."

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Debian :: What I Can Do To Either Get Grub Or Grub2 To Work?

Mar 26, 2010

i am running lenny. and at some point my grub started exibiting a strange problem. Grub will not display all the kernels that it finds, it only displays 2 of them out of the 5 grub was finding.the system is working and boots just fine.

I attempted to install GRUB2 which went ok. since my system booted ok i removed GRUB that operation was sucessful and it deleted all the grub files that were not needed.but my system is still booting into grub with the same 2 kernels.Could someone tell me what i can do to either get grub or grub2 to work?

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Debian Installation :: Raid LVM Grub2 Will Not Install

Apr 20, 2015

I have created a system using four 2Tb hdd. Three are members of a soft-raid mirrored (RAID1) with a hot spare and the fourth hdd is a lvm hard drive separate from the RAID setup. All hdd are gpt partitioned.

The RAID is setup as /dev/md0 for mirrored /boot partations (non-lvm) and the /dev/md1 is lvm with various logical volumes within for swap space, root, home, etc.

When grub installs, it says it installed to /dev/sda but it will not reboot and complains that "No boot loader . . ."

I have used the supergrubdisk image to get the machine started and it finds the kernel but "grub-install /dev/sda" reports success and yet, computer will not start with "No boot loader . . ." (Currently, because it is running, I cannot restart to get the complete complaint phrase as md1 is syncing. Thought I'd let it finish the sync operation while I search for answers.)

I have installed and re-installed several times trying various settings. My question has become, when setting up gpt and reserving the first gigabyte for grub, users cannot set the boot flag for the partition. As I have tried gparted and well as the normal Debian partitioner, both will NOT let you set the "boot flag" to that partition. So, as a novice (to Debian) I am assuming that "boot flag" does not matter.

Other readings indicate that yes, you do not need a "boot flag" partition. "Boot flag" is only for a Windows partition. This is a Debian only server, no windows OS.

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Debian Installation :: Fixing Grub2 On A EFI GPT System?

Nov 10, 2015

I installed Debian 8.2 first, then Windows 10 over it (I know, backwards, but I didn't wish to lose my customizations on Debian up to that point, and didn't realize until later that I wanted to Dual Boot). Running from a LiveCD of Debian 8.2:

Code: Select allsudo fdisk -l
Device - Start - End - Sectors - Size - Type
/dev/sda1 - 2048 - 116211711 - 116209664 - 55.4G - Linux filesystem
/dev/sda2  - 116211712 - 116244479 - 32768 - 16M - Microsoft reserved
/dev/sda3  - 116244480 - 232421375 - 116176896 - 55.4G - Microsoft basic data
/dev/sda4  - 232421376 - 234440703 - 2019328 - 986M - EFI System


That's where I am stuck. I'm a bit new to Debian & Linux still and I've never dabbled with Grub2, I imagine I can't mount /dev/sda4 because in chrooted into /dev/sda1 and it can't see /dev/sda4 at this point (what I'm thinking anyway). So I try:

Code: Select allroot@debian:/# fdisk -l

fdisk: cannot open /proc/partitions: No such file or directory/I imagine that's what it is, but I don't know a way around that. I want to dual boot Windows 10 & Debian 8.2 on a UEFI (or EFI?) system with a GPT Disk. No guide I have found for fixing Grub2 or getting Dual Booting working with Debian then Windows installed have covered both things at the same time. I just have to be special I guess.

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Debian Configuration :: Use Grub2 To Boot Windows XP

Mar 28, 2010

how to use Grub2 to boot Windows XP and Linux.


there were no entries in the Grub 2 menu after booting. I don't really understand the numbering of hd0,0 to like sda, but I changed "root (hd1,0)" to "root (hd0,0)" if Windows is on hd0, but after rebooting, I still didn't see it. I read somewhere that Grub2 starts partitions at 1, but wasn't sure that was true because in menu.lst they start with 0 sometimes. know entry-level steps to solve this?

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Debian Configuration :: Changing Fonts In GRUB2?

Aug 12, 2010

After removing a hard drive I (thought I)wasn't using, GRUB failed to load(turns out stage1 was on that drive) and it refused to install to a new drive(even after I kexec'd into the system - which was fun, considering the LiveCD used a different name for the hard drive). I finally threw in the towel and installed GRUB2, which worked after removing a second, incorrect root=. However, I can't find out how to switch the font from the fugly default to something that doesn't try to gauge my eyes out with a rusty spoon.

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Debian Configuration :: Grub2 Won't Boot Windows 7 ?

Oct 27, 2010

I upgraded a while back to Windows 7. I run two separate HDDs, with debian on sda and windows on sdb. Everything worked fine, up until i upgraded to windows 7. The installer forced me to unplug sda. After installing I repositioned the HDDs and was stuck with a "NTLDR is Missing" message. After removing the search -fs--uuid tag from grub.cfg, Windows 7 booted for a good 0.5 sec and then rebooted. All that flashed was the "Starting Windows" page. I see similar bugs reported in the launchpad, but nothing that directly parallels this.

Here's my windows entry in grub.cfg:

Changing ${root} to (hd1) makes no difference. Also, I've been using Windows 7 for moths now without a problem, it's only when I try and boot it form grub2 that I get a problem. Physically removing sda lets Windows 7 boot fine.

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Debian Configuration :: Squeeze: GPT Support In Grub2?

Feb 14, 2011

I have just upgraded from Lenny to Squeeze, and followed the D-I recommendation to upgrade to Grub2. However, the server will no longer boot - giving a 'missing operating system' error, so it's not getting very far in the boot loader process. I have read, in various location that Grub2 supports GPT, but my efforts to fix the situation have met with little success.

I have managed to boot the system using SuperGrub2 (recovery live cd) and can start up successfully from there. However, when I try to fix the grub installation using the Debian wiki recommendation, I'm met with:

<host>:/# grub-install /dev/sda
/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: This GPT partition label has no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible!.


The attached disk is 4.5TB of RAID 5 disk behind an Adaptec 5405 if that's useful.

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Debian Configuration :: Grub2 Multi Boot With XP ?

Jun 29, 2011

I recently upgrade my grub to grub2 and had problem to boot debian. After trying to fix it myself, I played around with grub-image-ntldr, my debian now works ok, but I cant boot my XP anymore.

Now when I try to boot XP, I got "No grldr" message. If I copy my ntldr and rename it to grldr, my XP will boot ok. So it seems that when I try to boot XP it doesn't chainload ntldr anymore, it is looking for grldr.

I tried to change "chainload +1" to "chainload /ntldr", it complains about invalid signature. Does anyone knows why my grub now using grldr instead of ntldr?

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Debian :: 'INVALID Magic Number' - Grub2

May 6, 2011

I get error 'invalid magic number' when using this

vmlinuz 2,417,247 bytes

if I use this:

vmlinuz 2,417,312 bytes

then later it complains about kernel mismatch

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Debian :: Serious Grub2, Symbol Grub_env_export Not Found?

May 4, 2011

instead of normal grub menu I am greeted with an:

symbol "grub_env_export" not found
on debian_amd64 latest testing.


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Debian :: Rolling Grub2 Back To Grub On Jessie (8)

Sep 2, 2015

I'm trying to run 'grub-install /dev/sda', it stays stuck on 'Searching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub' after leaving it for an hour, nothing happens. I have tried removing all Grub related packages and installing grub-legacy several times, to no avail.

The machine is quite an old one and is an offline sandbox for a friends kid who likes to tinker with older OSes. The hard disk has failed in it so I have donated an old drive to get the machine back up and running for him, as the menu.lst is a lot easier to modify than the newer grub.cfg, he would like the older grub back.

I've done a few searches particular for Debian 8, but the closest I can find is for Ubuntu here, [URL] ....

I have tried to use both the grub rescue disk and the command line listed in the link above.

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Debian :: Solved - Grub2 Cannot Find Root Device?

Jul 23, 2011

I have a raid array using mdadm made up of two drives. The drives have two parts, the first for boot information and the 2nd for LVM. Everything but /boot is under LVM management. Originly the two drives were hooked up to a sata controller in a computer with no on-board sata. However I was not able to get the computer to boot to a sata drive off of that controller. So there was an IDE drive with the MBR that loaded grub.

Now the computer in that setup seems to have died. So the drives were moved to another computer with an on-board sata controller and now the bootup works as far as getting to the grub menu. However after the grub menu the error message "Cannot find root device"

I found the boot info script [URL].. note at the time that was run the computer was running with one drive that has a full Debian install with the raid drive in question mounted and chrooted into. The script was ran from the chroot envirment.[URL]..

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Debian Installation :: GRUB2 Can't Find Encrypted Device?

Nov 14, 2010

I've installed a Squeeze-based distro - Crunchbang - with an encrypted root partition (no LVM), and it won't boot.

Here's what I get: Loading initial ramdisk. Loading, Gave up waiting for root device ALERT! /dev/mapper/hda5_crypt does not exist. Dropping to a shell!

Here's my partition table:
hda1 - Windows (Truecrypted)
hda2 - GRUB2
hda5 - /
hda6 - unused swap


What should I look for? Where do I go from the initramfs shell? Do I chroot? What then? This might be a Crunchbang issue (although others blame LVM which I didn't use, and it's the original Debian installer after all), but there's gotta be a reason it doesn't boot

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Debian Installation :: Unable To Use Grub2 In Squeeze AMD64

Feb 7, 2011

The way I usually boot Linux distros, and this has worked for every distro I have tried up to Kubuntu 10.10, was to install Grub2 on an extended partition, run "dd if=/dev/sda5 of=linux.bin bs=512 count=1", and then adding that bin file to my Windows boot.ini. What usually happens after is that I get the Grub2 menu after selecting it from the Windows Bootloader.

The problem is, with the latest Squeeze AMD64, all I get when I do this is a static cursor and the computer is frozen and I have to hit the reset button.I mounted the Linux partition with Ext2IFS (mkfs.ext3 -I128 /dev/sda5 to get 128KB inodes), and I can see that the Squeeze installer did indeed install Grub2, because I can see the files in their respective directories.

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Debian Installation :: Lenny - Squeeze Grub2 - No More Boot

Feb 28, 2011

Whenever I reboot, I get GRUB and the _ pinking, and that's it. With rescue cd I can have chroot shell, to troubleshoot I did the upgrade-from-grub-legacy and installed it to both /dev/sda and /dev/sdb In recovery I redid the upgrade-grub and grub-install commands but still have the same "GRUB and _ blinking".

Because the text "GRUB" and then nothing I didn't enouncter while googling, I need to ask here for further troubleshooting.

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Debian Configuration :: Show Grub2 Menu Only Upon Request?

Mar 23, 2010

Daily updated Debian Testing Because Debian is the only operating system on this laptop and I keep at least two working kernels, I would like to hide Grub2's menu unless I press a key (like one could do with Grub). I can hide the menu if the line GRUB_TIMEOUT=0 is in /etc/default/grub but it doesn't appear after pressing SHIFT, which is a threat if the system cannot boot the selected kernel. Right now, the timeout is set to one second. I've read Grub2's documentation and [URL] and tried various combinations, but I haven't been able to make this work.

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Debian Configuration :: After Upgrading To 2.6.26-2-i686 GRUB2 Cannot Boot

May 26, 2010

I Upgraded the system to 2.6.26-2-i686 doesn't boot:

error message on Grub is:

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Debian Configuration :: Grub2 And Copying Old Lenny Installation

Jul 21, 2010

I just got a new hard drive and figured I might as well do an installation of Squeeze (and was previously using Lenny). That went fine, and then I decided that I should copy over my old Lenny installation to the new disk -- mostly to have a working backup without bothering to do a new installation on a partition of the new drive. My partition scheme was a smaller /boot partition and then a much larger / partition with everything else standard (and a much larger /data partition rather than storing everything under /home). So I copied /boot over to a new partition on the new disk, and the same with /. That was done from the Squeeze installation, so the Lenny install wasn't active at the time. I modified all the appropriate entries in /etc/fstab to use UUIDs rather than partition numbers and ran an update-grub.

It detected everything on the old and new disks without a problem. When I went to try and boot up the transferred Lenny installation, it hung on trying to activate the root file system (I've forgotten the exact messaging). Not entirely unexpected, mind you. I went and took a look at the grub.cfg file. It does list that the transferred Lenny is on partition sda8 (correct), it has the correct uuid for the boot partition... but it seems to be setting the root incorrectly. Specifically, the root is still set for the old disk (though in its new position of hd1 instead of hd0), and the "linux" line sets a root for the old device. Or more specifically, this is the menu entry I get, with a few // comments.

menuentry "Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.26-2-amd64 (on /dev/sda8)" {
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(hd1,msdos2)' // <------ This position is the *current* location of my old Lenny disk/partition
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set [the correct /boot UUID]
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.26-2-amd64 root=/dev/sda5 ro vga=795 // <----- that root=/dev/sda5 line is what it was on the old device.
initrd /initrd.img-2.6.26-2-amd64 }

The odd thing there is that it sets the root according to the *current* position of the old install disk (maybe some trickery with detecting the correct UUID before setting the root), but the "linux" line refers to the *old* partition. The two lines will never match up no matter what. Now if I edit grub.cfg manually, I can make it boot (and run) normally, as I've verified. For example, I made a couple manual changes to do this:

menuentry "Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.26-2-amd64 (on /dev/sda8)" {
insmod part_msdos
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,msdos3)' // <----------- First hard drive, partition sda3 is where I put /boot
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set [the correct /boot UUID]
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.26-2-amd64 root=UUID=[the correct / UUID] ro vga=795 // <--- Changed it to the UUID here; could be /dev/sda8 instead
initrd /initrd.img-2.6.26-2-amd64 }

And that works perfectly, the installation works just fine. Of course, the problem is that those changes will/would be lost every time I run an update-grub. So my question, in a nutshell, is how can I configure things so that update-grub sets things properly to the new devices? Or in other words, where in the copied installation are the variables I need to change? I did note one thing odd -- the existence of a vga=795 line. For the new Squeeze installation, I'm using gfxpayload and there's no vga=anything line anywhere. My old installation, of course, had its own grub installation where I did use vga=795 to set the console resolution properly.

So my first guess was that update-grub (for Grub2) was pulling config information out of the Lenny /boot/grub folder (grub legacy). Unfortunately I tried several changes there and it made no difference. Then I deleted the entire /boot/grub folder entirely from the copied Lenny installation and ran update-grub again (the Squeeze grub version). It changed absolutely nothing. That's very confusing for me, since I have no clue where it could be getting vga=795 from, *except* the now-deleted Lenny /boot/grub folder. Where in the copied Lenny installation, I can change something to make it so that update-grub picks up the correct information?

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Debian Installation :: Stretch / Grub2 Appears Missing After Install From USB

Aug 9, 2015

I have a laptop with 2 HDDs, 1x SSD (/dev/sda, Windows 10 Pro x64) and 1x HDD (/dev/sdb, 3 primary partitions: boot, root, swap; 1 logical partition: home).I used the Debian Stretch Alpha D1 Netinstall ISO x64 by transfering it to a USB stick with DiskImage Writer.The installation went perfectly fine. I chose GRUB to be installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb, as I want all my Linux Stuff on that second disk. The plan is to boot the second disk manually through the BIOS whenever I want to work with Debian. My Windows disk is kept unaware of anything "linuxy".

After the install was complete and I booted my /dev/sdb through the BIOS, a blinking cursor on a black screen was the result. And I don't mean a GRUB Rescue prompt.IMHO, Grub appears to not have been installed, although I chose it to be installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb at the end of the installation.

I've been reading a little, searching for a bug in the installer, but I found only a vague mentioning of such an issue: Grub missing if Debian installed on a multi-hdd system through USB stick. The solution was to get Super Grub2 Disk, and use it to boot my Debian. It worked as expected and the system booted.

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Debian Installation :: Super Grub2 Will Work After Vista Reinstall

Mar 16, 2011

I have a dual boot system. I need dual boot as my dictation software is only available for Windows. In the future I am going to try a virtual machine, but dictation and audio did not work properly the last time I tried in VM. But unfortunately for now I have a dual boot machine with Vista and Debian 6. Unfortunately, I am going to have to reinstall Vista. Or to be more accurate I'm going to install the 64-bit version instead of the 32 bit that came with the computer. I have the 64-bit version that I no longer use from one of my other computers.

Anyway, I have to install Windows which will overwrite my grub2. Is there anyway I can make a backup or reinstall grub2 after I install Windows. I really don't want to reinstall Debian 6 squeeze. Can they make some sort of a backup of gurb2 before I do this. I checked out the Internet and I found something called Super Grub2. It apparently will allow me to boot back into Debain 6 so that I can install grub2 again. Assuming, Super Grub2 even works then how do I reinstall grub2 once a boot into Debian 6? Has anybody tried Super grub2, does it work? It's kind of hard to test it, with a working version of grub2.

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Debian Configuration :: (GRUB2) Grub_env_find Not Found - Boot Fails

Mar 26, 2010

My evil nemesis Grub2 has decided to make a move on me again! So I rebooted a few minutes ago and got this:

Welcome to Grub
error the symbol 'grub_env_find' not found
Entering rescue mode

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Debian Multimedia :: Restore Or Reinstall GRUB2 From Squeeze Installation?

Sep 21, 2010

How can I restore or reinstall GRUB2 from squeeze installation? I tried various suggestions from various online articles (most of them for ubuntu), but I couldn't find a solution. Is there any solution, specifically for Debian? GRUB reinstallation from install cd, didn't worked as well. Since I couldn't boot at all, I restored GRUB1 and I'm posting from Lenny, but I can't access Squeeze this way (probably because I have squeeze's partition, ext4 formatted).

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Debian Installation :: Grub2 Doesn't Recognize The UUIds - Invalid Signature

Aug 11, 2010

I have /dev/sda with Squeeze and Win 7 on it, and /dev/sdb with Squeeze. I've managed to get Grub 2 to boot from /dev/sdb1, but only by disabling /dev/sda from being a boot option in the BIOS. When it is available to boot, and lower priority than /dev/sdb, grub does not recognize the UUIds of the disks. So, I've disabled it for now and can boot from /dev/sdb no problems. Trouble is I cannot get Win7 to boot. Grub prints:

error: no such device: f0903a3a903a081c
error: invalid signature

When I boot into Squeeze and run 'blkid' I can see that:

/dev/sda1: LABEL="System Reserved" UUID="F0903A3A903A081C" TYPE="ntfs"

The Grub entry for Win 7 is:

menuentry "Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1)" {
insmod ntfs
set root='(hd0,1)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f0903a3a903a081c
chainloader +1

I don't understand how Grub 2 cannot recognize the UUIds. Can Grub 2 to be made to work with volume labels or just plain old /dev/... descriptions? Maybe I should give grub-legacy a go.

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