General :: Grub2 - HOWMANY Variable Does Not Work

Jan 15, 2010

I want try controls how many kernels should be put into the GRUB2 menu on my Ubuntu 9.10 but since GRUB2 the #HOWMANY variable doesn't work. I found this post on the LQ blog about the #HOWMANY variable. I follow these instructions but I have a problem when I execute the last command "update-grub" because my result is this :
/usr/sbon/grub-mkconfig: 228: GRUB_HOWMANY: not found
I verified my work but I don't understand why it's doesn't work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Menu Howmany Edit?

Jun 3, 2010

I have Koala with Grub 2, working fine. Just did some updates and now the boot menu is getting long, too many kernels. Want to reduce to the last two kernels plus Win XP, so got online and looked for instructions in English. News flash: Nobody seems to care about this issue, there is absolutely nothing to be found on it for Grub 2. There is a SIMPLE command for Grub, "howmany", in menulst. Menulst is not used in Grub 2, so that's out. OK I give up, after searching for over an hour for Grub 2's equivalent. Maybe someone here knows how it's done? IN ENGLISH please, not "sudo I am an intelligent BEGINNER. The Grub 2 page says: "GRUB 2 allows users to create customized menu selections which will be automatically added to the main menu when sudo update-grub is executed." Note the word ADDED. What about REMOVING? Does anyone want to bother themselves with addressing this issue? I read somewhere StartUpManager can do this. Application Finder doesn't show StartUpManager on my machine, and reading about it at [URL].. as it seems to be Grub-1 related. I don't get the impression it will do what I want for Grub 2. If it does, they should say so, right??

I could remove the older kernels, but would rather just edit the boot menu. I found this for removing kernels: Open synaptic, do a search for "linux-image" and then remove the older kernels from your computer. Removing them via synaptic will remove them from the boot menu as well. Keep the kernel you are currently using plus one older one you know works. To find your current kernel: uname -r OK so I open synaptic and do the search. It comes up with maybe 200 files, some of which start with linux-image, scattered throughout the list. Oh boy, let a newbie loose on this. Just select and delete them all, why not? I can't tell one from another, the only difference is a cryptic number that means not one whit to me. There has to be a better way!

I got brave after editing etc/default/grub and doing update-grub, which reported the kernels by number, which I had forgotten. Then went back into Synaptic and hit the 'Sort By Installed' divider, which brought all the installed kernels to the top, where they make sense. Then I selected the two lowest-numbered and shot them in the head. They are gone.

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General :: Assign Local Variable Values To Global Variable?

Feb 17, 2011

how to assign a local variable value to a global variable....

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General :: Create An Environment Variable With The PRINTER Variable?

Apr 16, 2011

I am supposed to create an environment variable with the PRINTER variable, which should resolve to the word sales. Would the command be like this?: env PRINTER - NAME=SALES (is this the command to create that variable with resolving the word sales to it?)

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General :: Use The Value Of One Variable To Generate A Name For Another Variable?

Jul 25, 2010

can i use the value of one variable to generate a name for another variable? for example i want to use the counter from a "do while" loop to name and define a variable each time the loop executes. for example

objectnames1=`ls -a`
objectnames2=`ls -a`

i don't have a script yet but each time through the loop i intend to cd to a particular directory and then define a variable containing a list of each object in that directory as values. for the rest of the script to work, each variable generated has to be unique, and i can't think of a good way to accomplish this.

if using a value from one variable to name another isn't possible, can anyone think of a more elegant solution? i know limited syntax but i'm willing to read up...

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General :: Sed Substitution Of Variable With A Variable?

Dec 27, 2010

I am trying to alter the character position of residue numbers above 999 in a pdb file.The following script is an attempt to:1) Get all unique pdb residue numbers (in column 5) using awk and assign it to a variable i.2) Loop through all the values in $i and if it is greater than 999, shift that number one character to the right using sed.However, the script only manages to alter the final residue numberCould anyone please advise how I can loop through all values in $i and shift it one character to the right?

# Script to alter position of residue number in pdb file for resid above 999
i=$(awk '{print $5}' wt-test.pdb | uniq)


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Programming :: Get A Variable To Work As The Index Of An Array?

May 3, 2010

I am having a little trouble with a Bash shell script that I am working on. It is intended to read the information out of a gedcom genealogy file and determine who has lived in a particular area and output a report based upon who lived in a given area (like the different sections of a bygdebok for example). I am having a number of issues.

1) I can't seem to figure out how to get a variable to work as the index of an array. For example, I am trying to use the variable $individual to count which individual is being read in from the .ged file, and once that is figured out, next I will read in the individual's name, so I would like to create an array of names using the variable

as the index of the array. However, if I try the code


I included only the last few lines of output as to not take up too much space because the output goes on forever, but you get the point from the example. This output has nothing to do with what the final output of the program is intended to be like. It is merely a test to prove that the 2 variables in question are getting their date loaded in properly.

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Debian :: What I Can Do To Either Get Grub Or Grub2 To Work?

Mar 26, 2010

i am running lenny. and at some point my grub started exibiting a strange problem. Grub will not display all the kernels that it finds, it only displays 2 of them out of the 5 grub was finding.the system is working and boots just fine.

I attempted to install GRUB2 which went ok. since my system booted ok i removed GRUB that operation was sucessful and it deleted all the grub files that were not needed.but my system is still booting into grub with the same 2 kernels.Could someone tell me what i can do to either get grub or grub2 to work?

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Programming :: Book Example Of Own Type Variable Initialization Wont Work?

Nov 8, 2010

Its an example froom a book... and it does not work...

#include <stdio.h>
int main ( int argc, const char * argv[] ) {


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Ubuntu Installation :: Can GRUB2 Work As Independent Bootmanager?

May 25, 2011

I assume that I have not understand grub2 correct and need help.In the past I have used grub legency in the following configuration.SDA6 = 2 GB partition ONLY for grub as bootmanager.I have sda1-sda3 and sda7 to sda9 as system partitions.As backup I used TAR to an nas system and this way I could restore any partition from the tar file to any partition on my harddisk.The only part which I did manual was edit FSTAB on the recovered partition and modified the grub menu.cfg.This way my bootmanager was independent from any operating system and partition (except sda6).When I replace the harddisk, a recovery of grub legency was easy and after I copied the backup files back to sda6, I could continue to to restore the tar files and my system was up and running again.

Now with grub2 each linux installation thinks it is the master of my harddisk and takes over control from my sda6. Yes it discovers other linux versions etc but I loose control over my bootmanager.How can I use grub2 with an independent bootpartition (sda6) and how can I configure this bootpartition (sda6) from each installed linux partition? With other words no FIXED linux partition is responsible for my bootmanager. for someone asked why I need more versions of linux � the free vmware server 2 does not work on newer versions of linux. The latest vmplayer can not work with newer version of firefox. This is ONLY an example why I have more as one version of linux.

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Debian Installation :: Super Grub2 Will Work After Vista Reinstall

Mar 16, 2011

I have a dual boot system. I need dual boot as my dictation software is only available for Windows. In the future I am going to try a virtual machine, but dictation and audio did not work properly the last time I tried in VM. But unfortunately for now I have a dual boot machine with Vista and Debian 6. Unfortunately, I am going to have to reinstall Vista. Or to be more accurate I'm going to install the 64-bit version instead of the 32 bit that came with the computer. I have the 64-bit version that I no longer use from one of my other computers.

Anyway, I have to install Windows which will overwrite my grub2. Is there anyway I can make a backup or reinstall grub2 after I install Windows. I really don't want to reinstall Debian 6 squeeze. Can they make some sort of a backup of gurb2 before I do this. I checked out the Internet and I found something called Super Grub2. It apparently will allow me to boot back into Debain 6 so that I can install grub2 again. Assuming, Super Grub2 even works then how do I reinstall grub2 once a boot into Debian 6? Has anybody tried Super grub2, does it work? It's kind of hard to test it, with a working version of grub2.

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Fedora :: Grub2 Loopback Boot From Livecd Iso Image Does Not Work?

Nov 6, 2009

I wonder why fedora livecd images cannot be booted by grub2 loopback method, which works with ubuntu and debian.i have tried something like this:

menuentry "fedora 11 i386" {
loopback loop /boot/iso/Fedora-11-i686-Live.iso
linux (loop)/isolinux/vmlinuz0 root=CDLABEL=Fedora-11-i686-LiveCD rootfstype=auto ro


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Ubuntu :: Couldn't Use Grub2 Console Prompt To Log Back - Can't Get Anything To Work Correctly

Feb 1, 2011

Is this a beta version or something? I installed this version because it came as a live cd coupled with emc2 for cnc machining. I cannot get anything to work correctly. I tried to install Mozilla thunderbird using the application manager and it is very slow. It takes forever for the menus to open. or emails and is virtually unusable. I tried to use the startup manager and it killed my grub bootloader so I needed to reinstall. I couldnt successfully use the grub2 console prompt to log back into linux even though I ollwed several tutorials for this. I tried to install the flash player plugin and it kept telling me still to install it before I could watch flash videos even though I had installed it 3 or 4 times. I just tried to install evolution mail and it cannot log into my gmail account. I tried to install swift dove which is a faster version of thunderbird and it says it is starting but then never does. I am reasonably sure I should hang in there as I have heard Ubuntu is very good as an os.

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Programming :: Bash - Read Content Of File To Variable And Use This Variable In For Loop ?

Aug 21, 2009

I'm trying to read content of file to variable and use this variable in for loop. The problem is, when I have c++ comment style in file - /*. Spaces in line are also interpreted as separated lines.

For example:


Changing $files to "$files" eliminate these problems but causes that whole content of variable is treated as one string (one execution of loop).

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Programming :: Make A New Variable With The String From The Old Variable Btut Without Any Plus Sign?

Apr 7, 2010

my script has a variable which comes in the form +00.00 +0.00 -00.00 or -0.00 (the numbers can be any in that form) for any that have a + symbol I need to remove the +, but if it has a - symbol it needs to stay.

i need to make a new variable with the string from the old variable btut without any plus sign. I have tried a lot of different ways with no success, each thing I tried either left the + or removed the entire string. I think this should work but doesn't


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Software :: Get Variable From Text File Into Bash Variable?

Jun 10, 2009

I have a text file i that has a mailTo: NAME in it. In a bash script i need to extract NAME and put it in a $variable to use. How do i do this?

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Programming :: Search Within A Variable And Assign The Results To A New Variable?

Apr 25, 2011

how I can search within a variable and assign the results to a new variable. I'll use the following as an example -

cars="Audi BMW Cadillac Chevy Dodge Ferrari Ford Mercedes"
list=`echo ${cars} | egrep -o '<A?+|<C+'`

with the echo command I get the following output assigned to list -


What I'd like to get for output is -


how I could do this regardless of upper/lower case letters?

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General :: Bash - HISTSIZE - Readonly Variable -bash - HISTFILESIZE - Readonly Variable

Dec 8, 2009

On one of my servers I see this when I log in. What does this mean and how can I get it to go away? Everything seems to work fine, but none of my other machines give this error.

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Programming :: Assign Value Of C Variable To Shell Variable?

Apr 28, 2010

included shell script inside c program, and i wanted to assign the value of c variable to shell variable..Can any one please suggest me how to do it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Can't Load Window 7 After Recovered Grub2 Using Live Cd To Boot Windows 7

Mar 7, 2010

i initilally installed ubuntu 9.10 then installed windows 7 ,then i recovered grub2 using livecd as told in the post [URL] i did "sudo update-grub" and got windows 7 menu entry but when i select that entry windows 7 does not load but the grub2 is reloaded again.
i cant boot to windows 7.

Windows 7 have 100 mb partition "System Reserved" the grub2 points to that partition but still windows 7 not loaded.

sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x3c3a81f5


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Dosn't Save Windows As Last Selected + Boot Into Cdrom From Grub2?

May 17, 2010

I went through so many post but I haven't found the proper answer yet hope you have an Idea1. Grub2 saves only Linux OS as last selected no Windows OS2.It is possible to boot into a cdrom (drive)?

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Fedora :: Dual Booting - Grub2 To See F15 Or Be Installed Using Grub2?

Jul 11, 2011

I installed Fedora 15, which was my first real departure from Debian based Linux OSs. I absolutely love the new Gnome 3, and was able to configure F15 to work as I wanted it to. On rebooting I realized that there was no boot loader screen, that F15 just booted and didn't give me a choice as to which OS I wanted to use. Eventually I was able to configure grub to let me see the boot loader and added my old boot loader as a choice. This worked well, maybe not a perfect solution, but it worked. This weekend I installed LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) to another HDD. LMDE uses grub2 and after the install F15 was not recognized.

Two questions: Is there a way for grub2 to see F15? or Can F15 be installed using grub2? I really don't mind re-installing from scratch.

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Programming :: Assignment To A Variable Variable?

Mar 17, 2011

This loop is part of a bash script which takes multiple arguments.

for ((i=1;i<=$number;++i)) ; do


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Ubuntu :: Grub2 - Can't Get "SAVED" To Work

May 17, 2010

Grub2 always boots the first item on the grub menu. I edited my /etc/default/grub to this:

# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg.


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Fedora :: Load Grub2 From Grub4dos / Load Directly Grub2 Core Without Passing By Bootstriping Code?

Jan 24, 2011

I want to load grub2 from grub4dos.I want to load directly the grub2 core. I know how to load first 512 bytes from some patition by chainloader and load grub2, but what I need is to load directly grub2 core without passing by bootstriping code (first 512 bytes).So, my first boot manager is grub4dos, then I can load grub2 and later I load Ubuntu. But I think I have to edit --set-root
What I dont know is how.

In hdd 0,7 (sda8) I have Ubuntu 10.10 and /boot/grub/core.img is in sda8 (hd0.7)

I tried this way:

title grub2
find --set-root /boot/grub/core.img
kernel /boot/grub/core.img

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General :: How To Set The Path Variable

Jan 14, 2010

By mistake I have modified the PATH variable you know what a kind of mess it is.

echo $PATH

I just need to set the path variable again so I just need the format. Or can anybody come up with how to set the path variable.

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General :: Getting Sub-string In A Variable

Jul 13, 2010

I'm facing problems in developing the script as there are errors that sometimes i dun have any idea on how to solve it.What i'm doing now is not homework, but i had been assigned to develop some system in linux.

My problem currently is on sub-string matter, where i need to read the line from file/directory and based on the line retrieved,i need to seperate the information in the line and assign as variable..

Below are my script:

Thus, the output something like this: file_name successfully ran on Mon Jul 12 23:15:00 SST 2009.

Now, what i need to do is to extract certain information from that line which is the name, date, time and the status

The desired output is:

So,my next step is to identify the sub-string and assigned as variable first in order to parse the info and output it.

Thus,my script is:

But i received error message which is:

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General :: Passing One Variable To Another

Jan 8, 2011

I am new to bash scripting. I want to know whether i can pass one variable to another. For example $1 represent argument1. Now if i want to get the argument 1 like USER="1" now i want $ of $USER to execute $1 so what should i do..

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General :: Where Is The $HOME Environment Variable Set

Apr 17, 2011

I'm looking for the place where $HOME environment variable set. It is after login, to my mind.

I'm using Linux debian 2.6.32-5-686.

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General :: How To Change The PATH Variable

Mar 12, 2011

I was changing my sudoers file to give permission of using "sudo" command to all root commands, asking for the password. It works, it's fine. The problem I'm having is with the variable PATH to my user, I think.

In terminal:
normal user:


ataias@ataias-notebook:~/Downloads$ echo $PATH
super user:


root@ataias-notebook:~# echo $PATH

As many commands are in /sbin/, root can use them without writing "/sbin/" but I can't do the same cause it's not in my path.

while root do this:


shutdown -h now

I should do:


sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now

and I want to use only


sudo shutdown -h now

I want to change my user's path variable to make it equal to root's path. how to change it? I don't know many things of shell still.

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