General :: Disable Password Masking?

Jul 19, 2010

Is there any way to disable password masking in Linux - specifically Linux Mint 9?

Ideally I'd like to be able to choose whether to mask or unmask password fields on-the-fly, as is possible when entering passphrases in TrueCrypt.

Sometimes masking is useful (say, on a laptop in public), but often it's totally unnecessary - there's no-one looking at the screen but me, so there's no point to it.

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General :: Hiding / Masking The Username / Password?

Mar 15, 2010

I currently have a UNIX script with a function that uses a username and password to connect to the database, retrieve some information and then exit. At the moment, am getting the username and password from a hidden plain text file and permission set to -r--------, i.e. read only to who own the file. The owner of the file is the same owner of the script. At the moment, am not too overly concern as the script works as it is but I want to know if anyone have a suggestion if there is any better way of achieving the same thing with some "form" of security, i.e., for example, masking the username/password.

Basically, I want to be able to mask or hide the username or password in some way. I've thought about encryting the password file, which is in plain text, using simple crypt command from which I retrieve the username and password but I need to decrypt it as well which is sort of similar to how it will be as it is now once it is decrypted. Is there anyway that I can get a username and password in some gibberish format and then translating them into something usable which can be passed on the next command that requires the username/password.

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General :: Disable Password Authentication Completely?

Feb 2, 2010

Is there a way to disable password authentication completely? The command line is the following:

ssh -o KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no machine"

it STILL asks for a password. Of course I would like to do this without touching the server, if possible.

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General :: How To Disable Login Password Security In Ubuntu 10.04

Mar 18, 2011

I'm the only user of my PC and as of upgrading to 10.04, I get a login screen, that requests only a password, when the PC goes idle.

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Networking :: How Subnet Masking Works

Nov 15, 2010

I have read NUMEROUS tutorials and explanations on the net about this, but they all seem to assume an informed understanding of IP networking. I have limited knowledge (basically I know how to set up my own home network and use the normal commands for troubleshooting.).I am doing a project at work which requires networking our new store with our original store (throughA VPN).I am just trying to understand in the most basic way how sub netting and subnet masks work. I don't believe this is necessary knowledge for setting up the network via VPN, but I would just like to understand it and I feel like I will be prepared to study further. basically:

1. How does a network mask isolate a particular host on a network?
2. How does changing the mask allow for more addresses to be used?

For example, if my address is, say,, how does isolate my machine to receive traffic? I suppose what I am really not understanding is how it does this with more than one host on the network with the same mask.

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General :: Disable User And Change User Password Using SSH?

Oct 5, 2010

How do I disable and change the user password using SSH on a Linux

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Ubuntu :: Disable Password For Updates?

Feb 9, 2010

i find it really annoying to type in my password every time i run update manager. it is a stupid feature, i shouldn't have to type it in if i want to make my computer better. how can i disable it?

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Ubuntu :: How To Disable Password Prompts?

Jul 28, 2010

I know, I know, its a security feature. That doesn't make it any less annoying. I find the constant asking for my password to be every bit as irritating as Windows's UAC. When I want to use the terminal, or when I want to download something, I don't want to have to enter my password every time. I don't care that someone could theoretically do something to my computer in some way. I managed to stay out of harms way in windows with UAC off, I'm sure I can do it in ubuntu without the constant nagging of the password prompts. Its annoying and I am tired of dealing with it. Anyone know how to turn it off? I am really not looking for reasons to leave it on. Its the same with UAC: Yeah, it can keep you out of trouble. No, I don't want it on.

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Ubuntu :: Disable Password In Evolution?

Sep 3, 2010

Just made a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04.1.It is quite annoying that I have to write the password to the POP3 server, every time i check for mail(It is not the default keyring).How to disable the password check for mail?If it not possible, i have to install another mail program.

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Ubuntu :: Sudo Password - What Is It / Can I Disable That

Apr 26, 2011

Whenever I type in Sudo in my terminal, it asks for a Sudo password.. I have not set one up and I don't know what the sudo password is.. Can you disable it or change it?

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Debian :: Sshd Disable Password Authentication?

Oct 13, 2010

I set up a debian lenny in vmware on my windows machine. The network interface is set to bridged, so the virtual machine is connected directly to the university network i am connected to. I want to be able to ssh into the vm.I installed sshd via "apt-get install ssh", generated a key pair with puttygen and copied the public part to "/home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys", set rights to 600 and then tried to disable password authentication completely, following the "securing debian" documentation.this is how my /etc/ssh/sshd_config looks now:

# Package generated configuration file
# See the sshd(8) manpage for details
# What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for


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Debian :: Disable The User Account Password?

Mar 13, 2011

just started using Debian today and I would like to know how can I disable the user acount password, I am the only user on this computer so I would like it to boot strait into my account.

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Ubuntu :: How To Disable Keyring Password To Get Internet

May 23, 2010

I have to always log into my keyring. Unlock Login Keyring comes up when bring up the computer. The unlock login Keyring does not get unlocked when I log in. How can I get the login process to fully log on when I am not around? When I run vista (windows) I never have to login to a keyring to give a password to get passed the Internet process. I have to always do this with Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Ssh Disable Password Authentication Not Working?

Aug 16, 2010

I have a problem with ssh.I followed this guide:and no matter what I try, I still can't disable password authentication. I want users to require a private key to prevent from brute force hackers.

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Ubuntu :: How To Disable Required Password After Hibernate?

Sep 9, 2010

Running Lucid. Every time I hibernate, when I come back, it requires entering a password. I would like to disable this.In the config editor, under apps -> gnome-power-manager -> lock, I've already unchecked _everything_ there, and it still asks me for a password after hiberate.

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Ubuntu :: How To Disable Password Prompt On Login

Nov 12, 2010

I click on the corresponding checkbox in users and groups but but it doesn't do anything. I also want to disable password prompts in general. Also when I try using Computer Janitor it says it could not complete and to check if other package managers are open, but none are.

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Ubuntu :: Disable Password And Encryption Keys?

May 11, 2011

How to disabling Encryption keys ?(ubuntu 10.10)

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Ubuntu :: Disable Password Prompt After Suspend 11.04

Aug 23, 2011

Can I disable the password prompt after I come out of suspend. I remember a setting in the last release but I can't find it in 11.04. Is this setting still there? Where can I find it?

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Fedora Security :: How To Disable Root And User Password

Jan 12, 2009

It seem like unix abit annoying every time you log in you need to password can I disable it

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Fedora Security :: Disable Strict Password Checking?

Jul 12, 2009

I'm not necessarily gonna do this, but I have to know. Is there a way to make the system not complain about every single freaking password you try to use? Make it so that any regular user could make "hello" their password without complaint? Like I said, I won't necessarily do it, but I have to know if it can be done.I did some searching and found the su -c "passwd username" trick, which is working for right now (I have root access but a user account I made for a friend doesn't)... it's just irritating when it won't even let him use something like "snuh123" because it seems to think it's based on a (reversed) dictionary word. Any use of a dictionary word, even with other chars, fails

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Ubuntu :: Disable The Password Change For Users Accounts?

Feb 19, 2010

Is it possible to completely disable the password change for users accounts in linux?? (I don't mind account lock)

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Ubuntu :: Difference Between Two Ways Of Disable Root Password

Mar 5, 2010

I find out there are two ways to do that:
sudo passwd -l root
sudo usermod -p root
What are the different? I saw a kubuntu post said:
-l, --lock

Lock the named account. This option disables an account by changing the password to a value which matches no possible encrypted value. I enable and set a root password, I want to return to a "no possible encrypted value" just like the way it was.

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Ubuntu :: Disable Password-Authentication Using Public / Private Key With Ssh

Mar 27, 2010

So after tinkering for a while, I was able to configure ssh for private/public key authentication and disabled Password-Authentication. In the past I had some issues with people brute force trying passwords/usernames so I want to avoid this, but I need some form of secure FTP that now doesn't work due to the aforementioned setting.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Disable Samba WinPopup Password?

May 5, 2010

I'm currently running two computers running Karmic (one was upgraded from Jaunty), and both are running Samba servers. Before I upgraded from Jaunty, I was running Linpopup for a simple Winpopup program to just send and receive Winpopup messages. Afterwards, it was removed due to a lack of support, so I installed it manually, finding all the required packages on the Ubuntu Package List site.

My current problem is that running Code: smbclient -M [network-name] asks for a password before it will let me enter my message, which means that I have to add my password on the first line of my message in Linpopup. My question is, why do I have to enter a password just to send a Winpopup message between computers and how do I disable this? None of the documentation I've found so far indicates anything about fixing it, let alone that the problem exists.

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Ubuntu Security :: Disable The Password Request When Login?

Sep 28, 2010

How can I disable the password request when i login? Not the password for the user but the password to connect to the net?

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Ubuntu :: Disable Sudo Password For Nano Editor?

Aug 11, 2011

How do I disable sudo password for nano editor in my box ? I've already tried this following line in /etc/sudoers. But I haven't logged off or rebooted the box maybe this is why it did not work.

user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/nano

so for example when I try to edit file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf I run nano /etc/nginx/nfingx.conf

or this won't work because nginx.conf file belongs to root ?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Disable Login And Password By Command Line

Feb 10, 2011

I have Fedora 14 with minimal installation (without graphical interface and so on) and the application I've been working needs to be initialized on boot up. So, I need to disable the login prompt (and password) by command line. How can I do it? I've seen by GUI, but with command line nothing...

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SUSE / Novell :: Any Way To Disable / Modify Keyring Password?

Mar 27, 2010

I was wondering if there is a way to disable or modify the keyring because I am getting the prompts every time I try to remote administer the box using vnc client on another machine. I just want to be able to remotely login to the box without having the keyring prompt pop out. I don't know if this is possible as I set the box to automatically log in.

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Fedora :: Disable NTFS Drives Root Password Authentication?

Dec 19, 2010

How to disable the NTFS drives root password authentication?When I try to access the NTFS drives for the first time after logging in, the system is asking for root password authentication.How can I disable this?

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OpenSUSE :: Disable The Blank Screen (screensaver) And Password After Activity?

Nov 2, 2010

I'm using VMware and it's very anoonyng to type my pass on the suse window eachime i return to that OS

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