General :: Disable USB Drive Only Not Port?

Jun 18, 2010

I wish to disable use of USB pen drive, but need USB ports for other purpose, I m using Fedora 12.

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Ubuntu Security :: SSH Port Forwarding, Disable Or Edit A Forwarded Port?

Nov 1, 2010

sudo ssh -L 750: username@ does exactly what it's supposed to do, but how do i edit / remove this rule?Is there some config file where i can alter the forwarding? How does it get stored?Im using Ubuntu 10.10Server Edition (allthough i recon it would be pretty much the same across all versions

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General :: How To Disable VGA Output Port

Dec 14, 2010

Is there any way to disable VGA output port in linux. I mean when I plug monitor to VGA port nothing displayed exactly like those times that the system is turned off (disabling all output signal to vga port)

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General :: Enable / Disable USB Port (USB Drives)?

Dec 22, 2010

How can I Enable/Disable USB port(USB Drives)?

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General :: Disable CR ROM Drive In RHEL?

Mar 2, 2010

I have one RHEL server which is placed near a corner of the server room. Few people are using this server to watch movies and unwanted photos. I want to disable access to CD ROM. disabling the eject button of the drive wont work, as they used pin to force open the drive tray. Can I delete the cd rom drivers from the hard disk so that no CD will be detected ?

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General :: CentOS - Disable Disk Check In Mounted USB Drive?

Aug 6, 2010

Is there a way to disable disk checks in a mounted usb drive? I have a 500GB usb mounted drive in my CentOS machine and everytime I reboot my system, it does disk checks which is a long painstaking process.

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Disable Usb Port In 9.10

Mar 9, 2010

I need disable usb port access in ubuntu9.10. how to disable usb port in ubuntu9.10

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Ubuntu :: Disable A Certain USB Port When PC Is Idle?

May 14, 2010

I have a USB powered LED light attached to my pc. ( I keep my cave dark and this little light perfectly lights up my desktop and keyboard) I would like to be able to turn off the USB port the LED light is attached to when the PC goes to idle and dims my monitors and when the PC goes back to active I would like the LED light to come back on.

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Ubuntu :: How To Disable Port Forwarding

Oct 28, 2010

i have already changed the sshd_config file but anyone who logs in can access to the internet what should i do?

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Hardware :: How To Disable The USB Port On A Machine

Mar 1, 2010

I'm disgusted with myself for not knowing the answer to this one, as I consider myself a fairly low-level hackerly type, but: How do I disable the USB port on a machine? This is so that if a pendrive is stuck into it, nothing will happen, i.e. no viruses which can attack the machine etc. The guy I know who wants this has WINDOZE machines on which he wants this done, but anyway I plan to migrate his office to Linux, after which I'd be wanting the above functionality.

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Fedora :: Gsoap - Limit Or Disable The Ability Of The Program To Open A Port To Start Communicating On FC15

Jul 18, 2011

I'm running Fedora 15, and am trying to run a program that uses gsoap/soapcpp2 2.7.17 to communicate with different parts of the program. As far as I know everything has compiled correctly and I am using the same versions of the required libraries as several working installations. However, every single time the program tries to open a port, the program is unable to do so. This happens no matter what port I specify.

if there is anything in fedora that would limit or disable the ability of the program to open a port to start communicating. I have tried disabling the firewall with no change to the behaviour.

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General :: Disable Blank Cd Autostart - Disable The Window And The Icon From The Desktop?

Jan 24, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.04 with Gnome. Whenever I put in a blank CD/DVD an icon on the desktop appears named "Blank CD/DVD" and a window appears asking me what I want to do with it. How do I disable the window and the icon from the desktop?

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General :: SFTP Server Port Blocked On Uni Network / Need To Change Listening Port

Oct 21, 2010

VERY new to linux, erm but I have an issue that needs solving!I recently moved to university, where their network blocks sftp port 22, this means that I cannot connect to my FTP server which is running a version of linux.Now I've got this ftp server connected to a seedbox and it was created using the following walk through..Code:I have written this guide for a friend, but I though it would be useful for others as well.

There are several guides floating around, but I found that most always cock up in some way. This one is tried and tested to work on Debian Etch (on an OVH rps, but should apply to most servers).If there is a new stable release of rtorrent/libtorrent then I will update this guide to show you how to update it (without reinstalling the whole server).

At the bottom there are also instructions to install ftp access & some network monitoring software.Basically, I would really like someone to be able to construct the commands on how to change the listen port for sftp connection on linux or add another port to the list that Linux would use so that I could put in through putty.

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General :: Warning: Remote Port Forwarding Failed For Listen Port 7869

Jul 20, 2010

I tried to make "ssh tunneling", but failed and got this message.


Administrator@windstory-PC /
$ ssh -R 7869:localhost:7869 windowsstudy@
windowsstudy@'s password:

Warning: remote port forwarding failed for listen port 7869 Last login: Wed Jul 21 01:56:04 2010 from -bash-3.2$

1. system environment - windows 7 + copssh - centos 5.4 x86 + openssh

2. Guide for setting "ssh tunneling"


3. Added this to sshd.conf


AllowTcpForwarding yes

4. "netstat -na|grep 7869" at


[root:maestro:~]# netstat -na|grep 7869
tcp 0 0* LISTEN


5. result of "ssh -vvv -R 7869:localhost:7869 windowsstudy@"


debug3: authmethod_lookup password
debug3: remaining preferred: ,password
debug3: authmethod_is_enabled password


6. I added 7869 for telnet service as follow;


mytelnet 7869/tcp # My Telnet server

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Ubuntu :: How To Disable CD / DVD Drive

Mar 10, 2010

How to disable CD/DVD drive in ubuntu?

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Fedora Networking :: Port Redirect, I.e. Whatever Comes Through Whatever Interface On Port AAAA Will Get Redirected To Port BBBB?

Feb 18, 2010

I want to do a simple port redirect, i.e. whatever comes trough whatever interface on port AAAA will get redirected to port BBBBI thought that iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING --source 0/0 --destination 0/0 -p tcp --dport AAAA -j REDIRECT --to-ports BBBBhowever it doesn't work, e.g. nc -v -w2 -z localhost AAAA gives:

nc: connect to localhost port AAAA (tcp) failed: Connection refused
nc -v -w2 -z localhost BBBB


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Ubuntu :: Disable Automount For USB Drive?

Feb 18, 2010

Ubuntu v9.10 I have a damaged HDD which I want to clone using ddrescue. I want to attach it via USB connection, otherwise Linux hangs on startup. I don't want the O/S to attempt to mount the drive.I would be happy to disable mounting of all external USB drives.How can I achieve this?

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Ubuntu :: How Disable SWAP Drive In 10.10

Mar 4, 2011

The swap partition I think is the reason why my PC with 512MB of RAM is faster on Windows 7 than it is on Ubuntu. I'm not really a newbie on Ubuntu. I've used it for a year.. Never had to disable swap until my laptop broke and I had to settle with this junk.I also have Intel 865GV chipset graphics card. If that may have ANYTHING to do with my slow computer, then feel free to say something but I'm mostly just looking for directions to disable swap partition.

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Ubuntu :: How To Disable Drive Automount

Aug 15, 2010

Im a linux. i've messed with the drives in the terminal and the drive keeps trying to automount to in the Windows 7 NTFS partition on Startup of Ubuntu 10.04, how do i disable this?

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Disable Drive Mounting

May 11, 2011

I wish to prevent a user account with sudo rights from mounting attached storage, i managed todo this with ubuntu Version 8 using gnome-polkit i think it was, however i'm not able todo this in 11.04 now , has anyone got a direction i can look in, i googled alot but my searches all come up with auto mounting or how to mount drives

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Ubuntu :: Emulate Usb Hard Drive From PC Usb Port?

Jan 19, 2010

i have a weird question, i need for a project to connect a PC to a device that actually only has USB port ready to read hard drive, my goal is to update the contents for the data that this device is "seeing", so basically to emulate a hard drive from the PC.

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Ubuntu Installation :: On External Drive Through The USB Port On 9.10

Apr 2, 2010

I have windows on my internal drive on a dell D 800. I removed the drive and installed 9.10 on an external drive through the USB port. It works great, until I put the internal drive back in. With the F12 button on startup, and choosing the USB device to boot from, I get a grub recover>. If I remove the internal drive it boots fine with this method. I don't want to have to remove the HD each time. Do you have any idea what to do? Is there a command I can enter at the grub recover prompt?

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Ubuntu :: How To Disable Authentication Request When Accessing Another Drive

Jan 6, 2010

I'm dual booting Ubuntu 9.10 and win7. I have an NTFS partition on my disk and whenever i want to browse files on that partition I'm required to enter my password. my problem is that my music folder is located on that partition, and as a result, whenever I open rhythmbox, it cant access the files on that partition and begins to remove them from the library. in order to prevent this i must browse to that partition manually and enter my password upon request, prior to opening rhythmbox.

on a side note - shouldn't the spell checker on the Ubuntu forums recognize "Ubuntu" as a legit word ?

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Fedora :: USB3.0 Drive Slow On USB2 Port?

Apr 8, 2011

I bought a Thoshiba StorE art 3 1TB external hard drive yesterday and I had to clear off a lot of data from my vaio to the ext drive. But I am facing an acute problem in the data transfer and write speed. The drive is USB 3.0 and my usb ports are

lspci|grep -i usb
00:1a.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset USB2 Enhanced Host Controller (rev 05)
00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset USB2 Enhanced Host Controller (rev 05)
I am running on fedora 13 with

uname -r

When I try to transfer a big chunk file, the speed I get is 1.7MB/s. I have tried in my other boot windows and had 56MB/s

The second doubt is, I have formatted the whole disk as a single partition of 930GB(NTFS). Do I have to partition into smaller parts for efficiency ?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Connecting The Drive Via The Ide Port On The Motherboard?

May 28, 2011

- I've recently been donated a second emac by a friend that needs a new hdd. I want to add as much speed as possible, but don't know much about hdd transfer speeds

1)sub 100 SSD vs 7200 16mb 3.5'' platter drive ? I can't seem to find much information here. As far as I can tell, the standard hard drive would be faster unless I'm prepared to spend a couple of hundred on a top of the range SSD - is this correct?

2) will a sata/ide converter slow the transfer rates? is it worth spending the extra 50% to get an ide drive with the same specs as a SATA drive, or just use the converter?

3) Thoughts on connecting the drive via firewire - how much slower would this be than connecting the drive via the ide port on the motherboard? I am only concidering this as I don't use the firewire ports for anything else, and getting to the hard drive is a total pain, not to mention the inherrant risk of electric shock on these machines.

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Server :: Share NFS Drive Content To Web Port 80 Using Apache?

Nov 2, 2010

My goal is to provide file access through HTTP to all of my NFS shared drive that i dedicated for public access.

Is it possible to create a website using HTTP which list all of the contains of my NFS shared drive to the public ?

it is failed even just to showmount, in Windows i usually access it using \ on the windows explorer.

root@sv6:/etc/apache2# apt-get install nfs-common
root@sv6:/etc/apache2# showmount
clnt_create: RPC: Program not registered
root@sv6:/etc/apache2# showmount -e
clnt_create: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Unable to receive

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Server :: Postfix Port - Send Message Via Port 587 Not Port 25

May 2, 2010

I have a mail server i need it to send message via port 587 not port 25, i make some changes to my postfix server which i use and it is already successed making a telnet to 587 port like it :


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Fedora :: Disable Auto Open Nautilus When USB Drive Plugged?

Aug 4, 2011

In Fedora 15, when I plug a USB drive, Nautilus will automatically open and show whats inside of it. I'm working in a project where I have to plug and unplug USB drives many times, and Nautilus opening every time is really annoying. I tried to use gconf-edit and set the keys apps>nautilus>preferences>media_automount and media_automount_open to false, but it didn't work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Port USB Install To An 80GB USB Drive Had Kicking Around?

May 28, 2011

Now that we got that out of the way, here's the problem and I hope someone can help me. Before posting, I read everything I could find here about partitioning in gparted (at least what I think applied to my situation). I'm pretty sure that this has an easy answer (or I hope it does).

I originally installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a USB stick to try and retrieve files from a failed NAS drive. That worked pretty well a very smart guy who posted instructions on how to do the hex editing necessary to realign and enter a reiserfs disk) so I decided I'd jump in and play with Ubuntu. I decided to port my USB install to an 80GB USB drive I had kicking around, but the install didn't actually take the whole disk the way I thought it would, it only took the 7.xGB from the USB drive.

I didn't notice (I know, dumb) and then I did the 11.04 upgrade to it. I'm trying to recapture the other 65GB of unused space via gparted, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to extend the original boot partition (I have no /home partition). i tried to format the unused space to ext4, but no matter what i do I can't expand that original partition (I can shrink it if that matters). Just to be clear, I booted from a live cd 10.10, and I'm running gparted on the unmounted USB drive. The boot partition should not be active.

My screen shots capability is not working correctly right now, but I'll post one if I can. I can only get a full screen shot, and this is on a 30" monitor.. I just want the active window the /dev/sdj1 partition is on the left (7.11GiB) witha boot flag, then the Ext/Swap at 377MiB each /dev/sdj2 and 5) and then another 68,85 GiB partition, currently formatted to Ext4 on the right labeled /dev/sdj3. No other partitions. I can extend the Ext/swap, but not the boot partition.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Disable Drive Write Cache At Boot With Hdparm?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm testing OpenSUSE 11.3 on a server and I'd like to disable the write cache on all of my drives. In Ubuntu Server I was able to accomplish this with hdparm by adding the appropriate settings to /etc/hdparm.conf

As far as I can find the only thing that OpenSUSE offers is /etc/sysconfig/ide which allows you to force particular DMA modes. I could just put the hdparm commands in /etc/init.d/boot.local but I'd prefer to do it the right way if there is a right way to do this in OpenSUSE.

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