General :: Creating The Iso Image Of Hdd?

Jan 14, 2011

I have a hdd with WindowsXP that I'd like to install on Virtual boxe. The hdd is currently in use, but can put in enclosure to perform operation. To do the planned operation, what is the best way? Do I need make iso image of hdd? Or can I install directly to vboxe?

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General :: Creating An Image For PXE Boot

Jul 14, 2010

Right direction regarding the creation of a bootable Linux Image for PXE booting. I've already consulted google and the other obvious sources I could think of, but it seems that PXE is mostly used to install stuff, which isn't quite what I need.

The goal here is to have a pool of computers that boot from a central source so maintenance is less of a hassle. Installation of the individual PCs is not desired and I'm supposed to provide a functional Linux via PXE booting.

What I need is basically a way to turn a working Linux into an image that can be booted via network. Or to recreate that Linux as an image that I can boot.

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General :: Creating Image Of Hard Disk

Jul 28, 2010

I am new to the Linux world and I am not sure if what I am trying to do is achievable or not. I am trying to make an image of my existing drives running Linux on a USB and I want to use the same image off the USB to clone more bootable hard drives. Something like what Ghost does in windows. The problem is using 'dd' the image is too big ( I have 1tb drives ) and then I am not sure how to convert these images back on to new drives so that they boot in the OS as well. i am not sure if there is a utility that would let you do that?

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General :: Creating Image Of Drive Partitions

Jan 6, 2011

I have what I thought was a simple task of creating ISO images of my Windows 7 system partion and boot partiton (the C drive) on my physical hard drive that I could use to load Windows 7 onto a virtual machine. Anyway, I'm running Ubuntu off the CD drive and I can see my drive partions (checked using the fdisk -l command). I have tried many iterations of the mkisofs command, but no matter what I do I get the error message: unable to open disk image file 'dev/sdb/win7sys.iso'. I don't understand why it's trying to open an ISO file it is supposed to be creating. The -o FILE option sets the output file name, so the message makes no sense to me. Below is an example of a simple and longer version with more options that I have tried to create an image of my sytem partiton (sda1) and save it on an external drive (sdb) with the file name: win7sys.iso (the next step I think would be to create or merge both partition images as one iso file for the VM). But I can't get past this error.

Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

sudo mkisofs -o dev/sdb/win7sys.iso /dev/sda1

sudo sudo mkisofs -input-charset iso8859-1 -V win7sys -o dev/sdb/win7sys.iso /dev/sda1

* Note that the output after the -o parameter is the desired destination /dev/sdb (my external drive) for the image file and /dev/sda1 is my Windows 7 system or boot partition (sda2 is what Windows sees as the C drive).

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General :: Windows - Creating Compressed Iso Image File?

May 17, 2011

I want to create a compressed ISO image file and mount that file to one of the virtual drives and access the content (read-only) without worrying about manual decompression/extraction.For Windows and Linux (Ubuntu) OSes.

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General :: Creating Image From Existing Installed CentOs

Mar 22, 2010

I have just finished installing (after hard work ) Centos 5.4 x86 configured with Snort & Snorby as frontend web, i would like to create from this installation kind of image that could fit to almost any hardware type.

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Ubuntu :: Creating Image From Comp?

Mar 11, 2011

Is there some way I can make an image from my machine. I want to copy it to a VM.

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Debian :: Creating Live .iso Image (without Remastersys)

Jul 12, 2011

i feel like this is a stupid question as i have seen many different ways to make a debian live cd, but the only way i understand is remastersys.i am trying to make a snapshot of my own debian unstable (sid) to be capable of re-distribution. remastersys will ONLY work on ubuntu, lenny, and squeeze.if anyone knows of any relatively simple tools i could use or could write an easy how too that would be very much appreciated. i am attempting to stray away from ubuntu and ubuntu based distros and use debian instead, although i cant find any distribution based on debian that i really like (maybe linux mint debian edition based on debian testing), but i really want the software right out of unstable (sid) and i would like to be able to make a distribute-able snapshot for myself and others that may be interested. (xfce + compiz + others, hopefully plymouth, out of the box). i have made some very good headway on this, but i dont know how to make a live cd out of an installed system without remastersys.

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Fedora :: Creating A Hard Drive Image?

Oct 7, 2009

however, I couldn't find a place in which it would really fit well. I have 2 hard drives, that I want to backup. I've heard of servers and things like that using a hard drive image. Is this similar to a disk image? What are the benefits of using hard drive imaging as opposed to using DVDs? And perhaps most importantly: how would I go about it using Fedora 10 (64 bit)?

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OpenSUSE :: Creating A Full Disk Image?

Aug 6, 2011

Could anyone recommend a method of creating a full disk image. I have the Acronis bootable media, would this work to backup Linux partitions? I'm thinking that Acronis doesn't know or care what is written to the disk as it works at a lower level.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Creating A Bootable Custom Image?

Apr 1, 2010

I have installed Centos 5.4 and then on top of that i have been installing many softwares over the time ( like pbx system , web console , billing etc.) and now it has come to a quite stable stage. the problem is i have to move this installation to another machine with different config etc. even have to install it on multiple systems. the idea is to create a bootable linux iso of the current machine with all the softwares so i can simply put it in a different machine and make it install and run without much fuss. is creating a linux appliance the only solution ? or is there any way to backup the current machine in an iso format and then install it on another machine? also i would like to make this completely hardware independent.

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Security :: Creating A Secure RHEL5 Image

Aug 10, 2009

I am working to create a new base image for our RHEL5 setups, and I wanted to make sure we are creating a functional, but secure, image. Can anyone point me to some writeup's that might provide some illumination on this potentially daunting task? Basically, I'm concerned about what packages are okay, which should be avoided, and what other caveats that I might not think of when putting this together.

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CentOS 5 :: Creating A Minimalistic LiveCD Image?

Aug 23, 2009

I followed the instructions here: [URL] and then here: [URL] and installed the necessary packages. But when I try building the minimal image as a test, I get lots of errors, as seen in the attached build log. There are lots of things that don't seem to work. Is this project at a state where it's not currently usable? Or do I have a problem with my system configuration? I was running at root.

[root@localhost test]# LANG=C livecd-creator --config=centos-livecd-minimal.ks --fslabel=CentOS-minimal
Filesystem label=CentOS-minimal
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)


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Ubuntu :: Creating A Disk Image / Archive Of Old Partitions?

Jun 30, 2010

I am installing Linux on some spare space I left over from my previous two Windows installations.

From within Linux, what's the most risk-free way of imaging these two partitions and saving them to a single image file or archive? I want to preserve the entire partition because I have no idea what I may have forgotten to copy. What is the most suitable program that can do this?

Is there any way to run the partition in a virtual machine at a later date?

After this is done, I want to delete those old partitions and extend my Linux ones.

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Ubuntu :: Creating A USB Startup Disk - Image Not Listed

Jul 28, 2010

I am trying to create a bootable USB drive. I go to System > Administration > Startup Disk Creator and click on 'Other' as the image I want to use is not listed. I then find the Chrome OS image and double click but then I return to the Disk Creator and it is still not listed as the source disk.

So does anybody know how to get around this so I can use this program to create a bootable USB drive, or another way that I can create one? I have used the Disk Creator to create a bootable version of Jolicloud (which is probably one of the worst Linux distros out there) before, but now it won't work.

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Software :: Creating Image Of A Installed Linux Machine

Dec 22, 2009

How do you create an image of an installed linux system and use it to build other desktops or servers.

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Software :: Creating Bootable Disk From Downloaded ISO Image?

Dec 22, 2008

How to create a bootable cd/dvd from downloaded iso images of CentOS 5? I have collected all the iso in a dvd but it is not booting the system.

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Debian :: Making Remaster - Creating LiveCD From Existing Image

Jan 10, 2011

I'm looking for a way to create a live cd from the existing image. I'd like to include some sort of installer, I've found gui remaster utilities, but none for the shell only. I need to setup the image to automatically login, so the user could just pop in the cd and start it up without a monitor or keyboard.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating An Exact Image Of A Hard Disk?

Sep 8, 2010

this is in the wrong section, but I wasn't sure where to put it. Since the background to my problem is kind of long winded I've split this post into two sections: Short version of problem

I have a PC that has two internal drives: one drive (drive A) is empty, and the other (drive B) has a copy of windows vista installed. At the moment the PC boots from drive A. I'd like to transfer everything from drive A to drive B, so that this new disk will boot and behave nicely and windows will still function.

Is there any easy way to do this in ubuntu? I'm guessing I can use something like dd, but will this copy the boot sector and will I have to mess around with the partition table? Long version of the problem

Today I built a new PC for my dad with two internal drives. He was previously using vista on a laptop which died a few days ago, and I'd like to install vista on one disk of the new PC, and ubuntu on the other disk.

He has a licensed copy of Vista for his laptop, but it came as a "system restore" disk, and so I can't install vista directly onto the new PC. I have an identical laptop to his, so I took out the drive from his laptop, put it in my laptop, and did a "system restore" from the disk that came with the laptop. I then took out the drive from my laptop, and put this inside the new PC. It boots up fine, and I installed all the necessary drivers and etc to make windows work.

Now instead of using a slow/small laptop drive inside the new PC, I'd like to be able to clone the data on laptop disk and this onto one of the bigger/faster internal drives of the new PC. How can I do this from ubuntu, so that the new drive will boot windows?

I'm fairly certain it can be done using dd, but how do I make sure the information in the boot sector (or partition table) is correct for the new drive? I'm asking this because when I put my laptop drive into the new PC initially, I had connected it as an external drive, and when I tried booting from this there was an error, something like "Invalid partition table" (I think). I figured that when I did a "system restore" on my laptop, the drive was the only drive available, so this would be HDA, or SDA in the boot record of that disk. But when I added it to a system where other drives were available, it was no longer at that same location, so the boot loader couldn't find the data it was looking for to load the system.

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Programming :: Creating Image Viewer Window Using Python And GTK Widgets

Jul 7, 2010

I'm a total newbie in Linux and only have limited experience of programming - in Hypercard, Javascript and some Python on the Mac platform. Now I want to get started with high-level programming and scripting on Ubuntu 10.04. The project I have in mind is fairly simple: I want to create an image viewer window that I can bring up on a RAW image file in Nautilus - with the help of dcraw, to inspect the image at 100% without going into a separate application.

The viewer should have a button that if clicked, would then convert the file to a TIFF, again using dcraw. That's it, that's all there is to it. My initial impression is that I should be able to achieve this using Python and GTK widgets. Am I right? How can I find the commands and structures I will need to work with?

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Debian Installation :: Someway Of Creating Bootable CF Image From Windows System?

Nov 29, 2010

I've read all the documentation on installing Debian via CD, USB, or HD.I need to install Debian on a embedded system using only compact flash.This is similar to a HD installation, but I don't have any version of Linux installed to format.Is there someway of creating a bootable CF image from a Windows system?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Disk Burner Freezes Creating Image Checksum

May 31, 2011

When I try to burn an ISO to a DVD it goes okay but when it's finalizing it says:
Creating image checksum
And then it just freezes.

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Server :: Creating Backup Disk Image Of RAID 1 Array (MDADM)?

Oct 27, 2010

We have some servers that run in very harsh environments (research vessel) that need to have high-availability.We have software RAID 1 for some measure of resiliency, along with proper data backups (tapes etc), however we would like to be able to break out a new server and re-image it (including RAID setup) from a known good copy if the hardware completely fails on the production box. Simplicity of the process is a big plus.I am interested in any advice on the best way to approach this. My current approach (relatively new to Linux administration, totally new to MDADM) is to use DD to take a complete gzipped copy of one of the RAID'ed devices (from a live CD): ode:
dd if=/dev/sda bs=4096 | gzip -c > /mnt/external/image/test.img then reverse the process on the new PC, finally using Code:mdadm --assemble to re-create and re-build the array.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating A Bootable USB Image Based On A Running System (NOT LiveCD)

Sep 2, 2010

I have a system built and running in exactly the basic configuration I want, with my recompiled kernel, extra packages, special drivers, everything works, life is good. What I want to do is take this exact setup and create an image I can copy onto a bootable USB stick. Is there a way to essentially take the contents of my hard drive and copy that onto a USB stick and then boot directly from that? The use case behind this is that I am building an embedded system of which I may have hundreds of boxes with identical hardware and software configurations. Instead of hard drives, I am going to use USB sticks for cost efficiency and maintenance. My idea is that when it's time to upgrade, I could just image a hundred new sticks and go out and swap them.

My issue is that a standard LiveCD install gets me maybe 25% of the way to a finished system. I need to recompile the kernel for realtime support with my CPU, add some fidgety drivers for some specific hardware, and install a whole bunch of additional packages. I suppose I could create a makefile(s) to replicate all the manual steps of the buildout but that seems like a lot of unnecessary complexity IF I can just image that running system as it is.

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Ubuntu :: Creating Custom Ubuntu Image / Remix

Jan 11, 2011

I want to take the standard ubuntu 10.10 distribution, install/remove some packages and create my own custom image which is bootable by CD/DVD and USB drive and sun virtual box just like the standard ubuntu image.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Vlc Image - Playing Wmv And Vob Files - Image Comes With High Contrast Colors

Jan 16, 2011

When playing dvd's, vob files and wmv files, the image comes with high contrast colors ,very intense red/green/blue. very dark too. I have vlc 1.1.4 installed, using ubuntu 10.10, libdvdcss2 installed. for the rest of the video formats it seems to work fine. any ideas on what should I start debugging?

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Programming :: First Image Will Display On The Page, And When A User Puts Their Cursor Over It, Then It Will Load Image 2?

Nov 24, 2010

I have just exported 3 png files out of gimp for a html document I'm working on right now, and they are all almost the same, except I need each to load when the user does something. So the first image will display on the page, and when a user puts their cursor over it, then it will load image 2. When they press it, it loads image 3.

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Debian :: Print An OpenOffice Or LibreOffice Calc With An Image And Text, The Image Is Not Printed (the Space Is Blank)

May 11, 2011

I have a Canon iR3570/iR4570 PXL, and installed the driver CQue 1.0 TCP/IP Queue from Canon webpage.

The problem:
- if i try to print an OpenOffice or LibreOffice Calc with an image and text, the image is not printed (the space is blank).
- if i try to print an OpenOffice or LibreOffice Calc with just an image, it's printed great.
- if i try to print an OpenOffice or LibreOffice Impress, the images are not printed but the text is printed great.


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Ubuntu Security :: Mount The Image Or Extract The Image To Another Drive?

Feb 16, 2011

I was given a forensic Image which I now know is a DD image of the drive (Vista) and am trying to mount the image or extract the image to another drive. I'm not sure of the extention type or if the image is a partition or the entire drive. I think it is the entire drive.

Is it possible to mount a DD image to a device. If I can't do that I just want to extract the files to run some programs against the drive. Can I view the files under Ubuntu or do I have to remove the drive and stick it into a Vista computer.

I purchased a second drive today and was hoping the command line would be something simple.

Or am I on the wrong track, should I be doing this all in a windows environment. The reason I picked ubuntu was because of the reporting tools.

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General :: Osx - Creating An OS X PKG File?

Jul 1, 2011

I have Debian / Ubuntu / Xubuntu. I'm trying to distribute and run a Python file with the least number of clicks for the end user. How do I create a PKG file for Mac OS X on Linux?

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