General :: Cowon S9 Not Recognized In Banshee Or Rhythmbox OpenSuse 11.3?
Dec 28, 2010
i am not real sure where to place this thread, so i will try here first. i have a Cowon S9 mp3 player that i like to plug into my computer and play music through Rhythmbox under Ubuntu. I have been trying other distros (OpenSuse 11.3 being my current distro). However when i plug in my mp3 player to my OpenSuse box, it doesn't show up in the side bar of Rhythmbox like in Ubuntu. I have shutdown my firewall, i compared the installed plugins under the OpenSuse Rhythmbox to those under Rhythmbox under Ubuntu and they are the same. i've tried Googleing my problem and have not found a solution. Either i am not entering the correct search terms, or NOBODY else is having the same problem i am. I have OpenSuse installed on both my laptop and my desktop and I have the same problem with both.
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Jun 26, 2010
I have a dsi so all of my music in .m4a I have all the codecs/gstreamers packages installed and they are all from packman it's not my sound cause I can play them in vlc but in rhythm box it says that I do not have the proper codec to play the file. Any ideas? Also I'm on 11.2 latest updates.
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Feb 16, 2010
First of all, I'm new in Banshee and linux. When I import my music files from system files into Banshee playlist and play this track, the file is recognized as "unreadable" and mark with the "x" sign. There is no problem to import and play the music from the original cd's. I have no idea what is wrong. I'm using opensuse 11.2.
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Jan 29, 2011
10.10 notice that when I shut down either Rhythmbox or Banshee the music keeps on playing. There are no icons on the top or bottom panels that I could right click and quit. At the moment I go System, Admin, System Monitor and kill the process - but this is surely not the way to shut down these apps. The Close box in these apps are not closing down the app.
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Apr 9, 2011
Do anyone know how to replace rhythmbox with banshee on ubuntu 10.04.2? I just don't like the feel of the interface, and it feels cluttered to me. I'm going to install it, the latest version from the ppa, and I feel I want to remove rhythmbox from my computer, but I'm afraid that it will break some packages or destabilize my computer.
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Jan 30, 2010
Lately I've been browsing through media players to use to listen to music and I really like the look and feel of both Rhythmbox and Banshee.Problem is, I'm used to the keyboard control scheme of iTunes, where the spacebar and left/right arrow keys control play, previous, and next song respectively. This isn't the case in either of these programs.I am aware of the gnome setting in System>Preferences>Appearance>Interface>Editable menu shortcuts. But I can't get the menu shortcuts to use the left/right arrow keys.My question is.. does anyone know of anyway to use the control scheme of iTunes as i described before in either of these two players? Either by editing the shortcuts or editing a configuration file associated with one of the players?
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Sep 5, 2010
I have a Sansa mini-clip MP3 player. Now that I am using Ubuntu I wanted to totally redo my play lists. So using the Sansa menu, I formatted the MP3 player to start fresh. Then I opened Rythmbox and was going to import my MP3 files from my hard drive. Only problem is all of my MP3 files are grayed out on the import files menu. Then I installed Banshee and tried to import the MP3 files and they are grayed out in that program too.
why my MP3 files won't import into Rythmbox or Banshee?
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Dec 22, 2010
I'm literally banging my head against my computer desk now, because i'm really frustrated about Banshee Or Rhythembox not putting all my songs onto the ipod. I have 930 songs, and they only put 303 songs onto the Ipod. I manually put them in, and still wont work. This is really upsetting. It used to work so perfectly in 10.04, but it's not workin in 10.10.
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May 13, 2011
Ubuntu 11.04- Rhythmbox and Banshee used to work ok, but today when either started up they both promptly appear to close down. The only difference is that this morning I had pugged my iPod into the machine, though I don't know if this is relevant. I removed both programs and reinstalled them- now Rhythmbox works, but Banshee still appears and then closes down, whether or not the iPod is pugged in (now suspect this is not part of the problem).
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Jun 15, 2010
I just got a Samsung U5, and although I could drag and drop, it's not as good as syncing. I've tried using both rhythmbox and banshee to sync my music from a playlist. It only happens when I set it to MTP, that both programs tend to crash. If I set it to MCS none of them will even detect the device, but will both work fine as music players. So far, rhythmbox just freezes and won't let me do anything with the device. Banshee only syncs half of the music files and comes up with this error.
LIBMTP_Send_Track_From_File_Descripto():subcall to LIBMTP_Send_FIle_From_File failed
I've tried several times and it'll only add a couple of more songs.
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Jun 21, 2011
I used Easy Tag to edit my songs' ID3 tags. Banshee reads them fine but Rhythmbox misreads them! For eg., blink 182, Blink 182, and Blink-182!!! Apparently it's because Easy Tag makes ID3v1 tags while Rhythmbox read ID3v4? That's SO stupid! What am I supposed to do now? I saw RB had a bug filed but it got closed because "it's not a problem with rhythmbox, it's a problem with ID3 tags." RB should be able to read them! That's ridiculous. So how do I fix the tags? As for Banshee, anyone else move from version 1.6 to 1.7.6? The new one crashes everytime I use it. It's simply awful. And this is supposed to lots of bugs fixed? It's the new stable version? What a joke! How do I fix this now? Or better yet, how to go back to version 1.6? ^ Never mind, I downgraded it. Still have the rhythmbox problem! I'm using Ubuntu Lucid 64 bit with Gnome. RB should be able to read them! That
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Sep 29, 2010
I used Easy Tag to edit my songs' ID3 tags. Banshee reads them fine but Rhythmbox misreads them! For eg., blink 182, Blink 182, and Blink-182!!! Apparently it's because Easy Tag makes ID3v1 tags while Rhythmbox read ID3v4? That's SO stupid! What am I supposed to do now? I saw RB had a bug filed but it got closed because "it's not a problem with rhythmbox, it's a problem with ID3 tags." RB should be able to read them! That's ridiculous. So how do I fix the tags?
As for Banshee, anyone else move from version 1.6 to 1.7.6? The new one crashes everytime I use it. It's simply awful. And this is supposed to lots of bugs fixed? It's the new stable version? What a joke! How do I fix this now? Or better yet, how to go back to version 1.6? I downgraded it?Still have the rhythmbox problem!I'm using Ubuntu Lucid 64 bit with Gnome.
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Jan 20, 2011
Both Banshee and Rhythmbox crash, leaving a segmentation fault in the terminal, after playing a song for less than a second. I do manage to get some sound before they crash. This problem seems to have begun only a couple of days ago after doing an update. Unfortunately I was playing playing around with moving my music collection to an NFS share around the same time as the update so I can't be sure which action it was that broke music playback.
Because both Banshee and Rhythymbox are affected and showing identical behaviour I think the problem is gstreamer. Reinstalling everything I could find in synaptic related to gstreamer had no effect.
Some general information:
- My music collection is in FLAC but other formats seem to cause the same behaviour.
- Music from an NFS share or my external USB drive causes the same behaviour
- VLC plays music from my NFS share without any problems
- Removing ubuntu-one (as suggested in some posts) did not help
- I'm using Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 x86
I've had no luck searching the interwebs for help thus far. Does anyone have any ideas?
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Jul 3, 2011
When my Iphone had the 4.2.1 firmware it mounted just fine with Ubuntu, OK sure it took a download of libimobiledevice1 and some other libraries but it worked, and sync'd just fine with Rhythmbox. But, as all manufacturers do, they have released a superior new OS for the phone which fixes all those annoying little bug. I have read from 4.3.2 they changed the itunes database version to an updated one. Now this is fine if you have a windows or mac machine running the latest version of itunes but if like all of us here you have an Ubuntu machine for a very valid reason... i.e you wanted a better operating system that wasnt going to cost the earth.
well, you are screwed as they have locked the third part access to the device's itunes library. I have followed long procedures trying to hack into the phone, modifying certain files, creating a hashfile and dropping this into a system folder to fool the phone into thinking it has the 4.2.1 database still but to no avail. Now my iphone is jailbroken, for the very same reasons as to why have an ubuntu machine, a good peice of hardware with good software that i can customise to run how i see fit, this error is the same with my friends non jaibroken phone and my wifes newly updated iopd..
Surely someone out there who has an ipod, iphone 3gs who are running 4.3.2 or higher has figured out how to fix this annoying "update" problem. The phone mounts fine and i can see a documents drive and the main iphone itself, so it is being recognised but im getting errors when trying ti access the phone in ANY linux media software... They all see the phone but cant recognise the database.
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Jan 13, 2010
after upgrading to Karmic I started having problems with ipod and banshee.I have found out this a known problem. You can check it at the banshee siteQuote:There is a known issue with iPod not being recognized by Banshee on openSUSE 11.2 and Ubuntu Karmic.mainly because of switching from HAL to device kits, as done with Ubuntu Karmic 9.10. Related bug is #586508 "Underlying distros moving from HAL to DeviceKit breaks Podsleuthslity to mount device"More details are available atAt the timehis writing a possible workaround is reported to be the following:Quote:[...]all I would have to do is disconnect the ipod andmake sure that banshee is closed. Then open up terminal and run
killall -9 nautilus
Then plug in the iPod and wait about 30 seconds, then run nautilus again by hitting Alt+F2. After I ran this and opened up banshee my iPod worked like a charm
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Jan 14, 2010
For awhile now, I've been trying to set two global hotkeys to control my volume level in Banshee. Before anyone comes in here and says to use the Volume Up/Volume Down keybinds in gnome-keybinding-properties, that does not work. That controls the master volume. I'm looking for a global hotkeys that control JUST the application volume.I've been playing around now, and I think I might have found a way. Since 9.10, Pulseaudio is integrated and the default sound manager. It also allows controlling the application volume level. While changing the volume would be through Pulseaudio and not in the specific application, this would work.
My question is if there's a way to set a keybind to control a specific application's volume within Pulseaudio? Or even a way to set a keybind to the event that happens when a specific application's volume is turned up or down within Pulseaudio.
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Jul 14, 2011
I've made some progress (at first, the ipod wasn't seen by the system at all). I've removed what appeared to be conflicting usb mounting packages and that has allowed the ipod to be recognized by the computer (i.e. the name of the ipod show up on the desktop with an ipod icon and i can manipulate files with nautilus. however, before i upgraded to lucid, rhythmbox would start automatically and I was able to manage the music through rhythmbox. now, since the upgrade, rhythmbox does not detect the presence of the ipod.
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Mar 23, 2011
I have got a Cowon iAudio 9 music player and want to display the album art images of the albums on it. The player does support this feature but only when there is a *.jpg file inside of the album folder or the image is embedded into the music file itself (did not tried that).
At the moment I'm using banshee as music management software and I like it. The album art is downloaded automatically for each album and when the player is connected it is beeing recognized and I can drag & drop albums or single songs.
The only problem is that the album art is not transfered along with the albums. The player does support MTP and MSC usb connections and is mounted as removeable usb drive to the system (Ubuntu 10.10). I would be glad if there's a solution to do that with banshee but other software solutions are welcome too.
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Jul 26, 2010
This is kind of a minor complaint, but nonetheless a problem that I'd like to see resolved. In Rhythmbox and Banshee, artist names that begin with the word "the" are filed under "T" instead of whatever letter comes after that. I'm used to using iTunes, which simply ignores the word "the" and files an artist name according to whatever letters come after "the". For example, songs by the artist named "The Beatles" are filed under "T" in both Rhythmbox and Banshee, whereas in iTunes they're filed under "B". Is there any way to change this?
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Apr 26, 2011
.m4a files not working in banshee but working in rhythmbox.
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Jan 16, 2011
I have gone through Mint, Ubuntu, Fedora, and continue using them on different PCs but I recently had a problem with my graphics card on new releases.. another story all together.So I am using OpenSUSE 11.3 on my Dell inspiron 1526 AMD 64 bit. I have always been able to plug in my external HD and have it show on my desktop. Now with OpenSUSE something is different. I tried other flash drives, all show up and open to view on their own, but my 1GB ext HD doesn't. I am not a pro with the Terminal yet but I prefer to use it and am good at reading and copying commands from online.
jason@linux-z81g:~> lshal -m
Start monitoring devicelist:
04:35:12.017: computer_power_supply_battery_BAT0 property battery.voltage.current = 12479 (0x30bf)
04:35:17.813: usb_device_1058_1102_57442D574341553432313937303738 added
04:35:17.833: usb_device_1058_1102_57442D574341553432313937303738_if1 added
04:35:17.839: usb_device_1058_1102_57442D574341553432313937303738_if0 added
as you can see it says "My Book" which is the name of my ext TB but where is it and how do I mount it?
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Jul 22, 2010
I recently bought a cowon S9 mp3 player because of its capabilities of playing ogg music files. I decided I wanted to remove some music files to replace with others bur after supposedly deleting them I found that there was 10gb still in use. After opening the folder for the cowon s9 and viewing the hidden files I found a "Trash 500" folder with the songs I thought I had deleted. The problem now is I can't delete this folder, even if I open the folder as root, it doesn't allow me to delete the unwanted files.
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Jul 25, 2010
I don't know if this is the right place to post this.
When I transfer my .ogg music files to my cowon s9, it doesn't recognise the tags so all I see is "unknown" for album, song and artist. I have tried retagging using easytag but it still shows up as unknown but when I converted an album to mp3, the tags automatically showed up.
I know it would be easier just to convert all my songs to mp3 but the reason I chose the cowon was its ability to play .ogg files, my preferred choice of music file.
The odd thing is I had a D2 until I lost it and that showed the tags ok.
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Jan 29, 2011
I have a COWON S9 (an MP3 player that normally mounts like any memory stick) and I noticed that when I connect it, it won't auto mount and does not seem to be recognized by Lucid after yesterday's kernel updates.
This player has always auto-mounted without any problems until yesterday's (2011 Jan 27) kernel updates. I rebooted and made sure I'm on the latest kernel.
Anyone else experiencing things not auto mounting? I can't get it to manually mount either. It doesn't seem to be recognized at all now.
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Jul 3, 2010
I was trying to follow instructions in [URL]
There is a reference to build in my kernel (with red background), se below:
linux-om4s:/lib/modules/ # ls
build modules.alias modules.alias.temp modules.builtin.bin modules.dep.bin modules.symbols source updates
kernel modules.alias.bin modules.builtin modules.dep
Both make and build have been properly installed in Software Manager.
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Aug 8, 2010
we were watching Clint Eastwood in Pink Cadillac on DVD. Earlier, I had been checking out the streaming internet radio on my roommates Mint laptop using Rhythmbox, and found it to be pretty cool. Usually, if I stream any music, it's just from the CBC (like the U.S.'s NPR), so I just stream it directly from them, but all the stations on rhythmbox (there's a whack of them) got me interested. At the start of Pink Cadillac, I proposed myself a challenge: Could I manage to get rhythmbox (a GNOME application) to work on my Slack64 -current box, before the movie ended? There's probably (maybe?) a similar app that installs and works more natively on Slack, but that's not the point; I wanted to try installing rhythmbox in < 2 hrs. Well, I got it installed finally, *just* at the end of the movie credits, but it won't play! And sometimes it segfaults. So, I wonder if anyone has any tips about what I might be missing or whatever.
Here's what I typically get when I first start it up (though it starts & runs OK):
sasha@reactor: rhythmbox
Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".
(rhythmbox:15745): GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_pixbuf_get_width: assertion `GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf)' failed
(rhythmbox:15745): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: Unable to grab media player keys: Could not get owner of name 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon': no such name
Seems even on systems with some sort of 'natural' support for installing this thing, a lot of people are getting the same or very similar errors, but I haven't found a solution (obviously - I wouldn't be posting otherwise ) but people, myself included, have discovered that there doesn't seem to be a 100% accurate list of *required* dependencies for rhythmbox; it needs stuff that it doesn't tell you it needs.
EDIT: Disclaimer (just to cut the 'dependency-hell' arguments off at the pass, so to speak): This is just a fun experiment for me. I don't suggest Slackware newbies start trying to install <xyz Gnome application> into their Slackware boxes unless you want to spend HOURS fixing stuff like this, and you want to have fun doing it, and have it maybe bork your box up. And if you *do* decide to try it anyways, don't blame Slackware for giving you dependency hell. Gnome doesn't come with Slackware (here's the ChangeLog). I like Slackware exactly the way it is - it comes with more than enough apps to satisfy most people, all nicely working out of the box, so installing stuff like this is not really necessary - but I'm choosing to do this one anyway, and am not deterred by this "mess" of stuff.If this dependency stuff isn't your 'cup of tea', an 'automatically-dependency-resolving' distro might be better for you; I prefer to mess my machine up on my own, rather than let my package manager do it for me.
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Oct 14, 2010
I tried banshee under ubuntu netbook edition and was totally impressed with the program, so much so that I would love it on my SUSE laptop. Could somebody point a noob in the right direction?
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Jul 16, 2010
I am using Banshee 1.6 (beta 2) 1.5.1. I'm actually interested in is getting the Amazon mp3 extension to work, and I don't see this extension in my current version of Banshee. I tried to upgrade & ended up wiping my whole hard drive & had to re-install 11.2 but I'm sure that was my inexperience more than anything else.
I'm not sure of the proper procedure to upgrade any particular package on 11.2 actually. I just leave them alone & it works great. I could add the Banshee repo (which I have not done) but even if I uninstall 1.6 which I have now, and then re-install the newer app from the repo, it will not work. It says it installs properly (I know this from yesterday) but the program doesn't show up in the menu.
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Apr 17, 2011
I recently installed banshee from the gnome 3 site with the one click installer and everything went fine but clicking on an mp3 does nothing it wont play.
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May 14, 2011
I'm using Opensuse 11.4 with Gnome 3 (magic!) and have installed Banshee which is always brilliant. However, though I'm pretty sure I've installed all the requisite codecs, I cannot get it to rip my CD's to MP3. The option is not in the drop down menu, only flac, ogg, wav, and wavpack are available. Usually there's the option to rip to MP3 to accompany those options. The odd thing is it's playing other MP3's I've already got just fine.
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