General :: Configuring Conversion Rules In FF DownloadHelper?

Oct 4, 2009

I want to burn VCD's and DVD's from flash videos that will play in a standalone DVD player but have been unsuccessful at finding the correct combination of conversion choices in DownloadHelper. This is my 3rd or 4th request for help on this. Someone out there must be successful at burning. Avidemux, DeVeDe, and DVDStyler have

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General :: DownLoadHelper On Iceweasel Does Not Work Often?

Dec 13, 2010

Trying to download the Wikileaks documentary from and downloadhelper gets weirder than usual and get a string of downloads across the screen at the bottom none of which seem to work. Although may be putting deadly viruses into system or something.Is there a reliable way to get a flashplayer styly video stored on the computer? Downloadhelper often does not work.

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Ubuntu :: Where Is The DownloadHelper Icon

May 8, 2011

Ubuntu 11.04 desktop 64bit Firefox 4.0.1 I can't find its icon on the top tool bar On preference -> Appearance tick all following items

- Icon animation
- Show in status bar
- Display in tools menu

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Ubuntu :: Can't Create File /etc/udev/rules.d/70-android.rules?

Jun 19, 2011

I need to create filename 70-android.rules in the directory /etc/udev/rules.d/I have Adm privileges in my user account properties, but when I use sudo to create this file the Ubuntu OS does not allow me the privilege... I am running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and here's the Terminal output below:daddy@gatomon-laptop:/etc/udev/rules.d$ sudo cat > 70-android.rulesbash: 70-android.rules: Permission denieddaddy@gatomon-laptop:/etc/udev$ ls -ltotal 8drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2011-03-16 18:03 rules.d-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 218 2010-04-19 04:30 udev.conf

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Software :: Firefox With Downloadhelper Just Doesn't Work?

Mar 18, 2009

Firefox 3.0.7Dual 2.8 Pentium Processors 2 gig ramPC Linux2009 OSHas anyone been able to get Downloadhelper to work in Linux ? I have tried in Mint, Mephis and PC Linux and it doesn't want to work. I have got it to work in Windoz but not Linux

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OpenSUSE :: Video Downloadhelper Firefox Extension Not Working On 11.3 Kde 64 Bit

Aug 22, 2010

i just downloaded and installed opensuse 11.3 64 bit kde on my laptop.

all my hardware seems to be working fine.

i installed the drivers for my nvidia video card, and 3d is working along with kde's desktop effects.

i installed all my favourite firefox extensions including video downloadhelper downloadhelper - media download firefox extension an extension that can download videos from videos and other video sites.

all of my installed firefox extensions seem to be working except video downloadhelper.

when i try to download videos with it nothing happens.

previously i had opensuse 11.2 gnome 64 bit installed on my laptop, and the video downloadhelper extension worked fine.

i think this problem might have something to do with the way opensuse integrates firefox with kde.

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General :: String Of Text Conversion?

Sep 24, 2009

I'm writing a centralized logging piece, and I need to grep out logs that have specific date tags. The date command returns abbreviated months (Sep), via "#date -d yesterday '+%b'" but I need it all caps. ie SEP vice Sep. Otherwise the grep doesn't catch it

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General :: Open Office Document Conversion Uses 100% CPU

Sep 5, 2011

When I try to convert a word document using the ooextract python script from open office like

/usr/local/bin/ myDocument.doc myDocument.pdf

the open office deamon (sOffice.bin) takes 100% CPU load forever.

We are using Open Office 2.6.3 on a virtual machine running debian squeeze 2.6.32-5-amd64


We found out that this appears only with our test document, other documents can be converted without problem. But how can we find out what's wrong with our document. How can we enable traces/loggin o the sOffice.bin process?

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General :: Batch File Conversion Command?

Sep 30, 2010

I just learnt to convert a video file into mp4 format so I can watch it on my PS3. However, I have dozens of video files from my video cam, and want to convert them all. They are all in the same folder. Please can someone explain how I might be able to adapt the code below so I can convert all my files in a batch. Perhaps keeping their same name or giving them some other name, I don't mind.

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General :: Auto Video Conversion After Uploading

Aug 31, 2010

I am running Debian 5.0.5 and want it to convert a video file after upload, then update in MySQL if possible? I have tryed ff-mpeg and yes I could convert to FLV but the Pixelation where very bad and and if I closed the browser it finished the conversion but didn't updated it in the database.

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General :: Conversion / Covert SWF Animations To Movie Files

Feb 2, 2011

Is there any Linux tool that will take a SWF file and output some kind of video format? Note that I don't want a tool which will re-encode an embedded FLV or MP4, I want to take a standard Flash movie and render it as a video.I found a reference to dump-gnash in the GNU Manual, but having installed the gnash package on Fedora I don't have that command.

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General :: Automatic Conversion To Daylight Saving Time

May 3, 2011

What should I have to do if I want to back again to the previous conf of automatic Conversion to Daylight saving. Also I noted that the o/p of the zdump -v /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo | grep 2011 was

/usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo Thu Apr 28 21:59:59 2011 UTC = Thu Apr 28 23:59:59 2011 EET isdst=0 gmtoff=7200
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo Thu Apr 28 22:00:00 2011 UTC = Fri Apr 29 01:00:00 2011 EEST isdst=1 gmtoff=10800
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo Sat Aug 20 20:59:59 2011 UTC = Sat Aug 20 23:59:59 2011 EEST isdst=1 gmtoff=10800
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo Sat Aug 20 21:00:00 2011 UTC = Sat Aug 20 23:00:00 2011 EET isdst=0 gmtoff=7200

and changed to be
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo -9223372036854689408 = NULL
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo 9223372036854689407 = NULL
/usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo 9223372036854775807 = NULL

After adding the new rule
Note : these are the I made to disable auto conversion to daylight saving. I created a text file named nodst at usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa
Then type the following:
Rule egypt 2011 2013 - Apr 29 00:00 0 s
Zone Africa/Cairo +2:00 egypt BRE%s
Then issue the following command
zic nodst
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo /etc/localtime

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General :: Bulk Music File Format Conversion (OGG)

Apr 4, 2010

I have thousands of audio files in all sorts of formats. Whenever I install a distro this means that I always have to download a ton of different audio stuff as well (and I really don't understand linux audio). Typically this means gstreamer good, bad and ugly, xine, GNOME Mplayer and god knows what else. If I could change the formats of all files into a simple FOSS format I would. Is there a program that can detect current formats and do a bulk convert, into ogg maybe?

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General :: Character Conversion - Wrongly Displayed Filenames

Dec 10, 2010

Having problems displaying French chars. They are dumped into an nfs share by a Windows/cifs configuration which has been blamed for this unwanted behavior but when I transfer a file continaing � via WinSCP to the RedHat, instead of getting the filename Response.txt I see R?sponse.txt. When I refresh WinSCP to view the file it views it ok.


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Ubuntu Security :: Snort Not Starting - ERROR: "/etc/snort/rules/exploit.rules(264) => 'fast_pattern' Does Not Take An Argument"

May 12, 2011

I need assistance with my Snort Installation. I used Bodhi Zazen's Network Intrusion Detection System post and found it easier than the previous time I had done it. I am currently running Ubuntu 10.04 server and Snort with BASE 1.4.5. I followed Bodhi Zazen's instructions and when I tested snort it ended with a Fatal Error due to ERROR: /etc/snort/rules/exploit.rules(264) => 'fast_pattern' does not take an argument
Fatal Error, Quitting.. Here is the entire output once I ran the test command: snort -c /etc/snort/snort.con -T Running in Test mode


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General :: Iptable Rules - SYN ?

Feb 9, 2011

Explain the following iptable rules for me?

I understand 1 and 2, 1 creates the new syn_flood chain and 2 redirects all SYN requests to the new syn_flood chain.

I'm having trouble understanding 3 and 4. can someone explain to me in laymen terms the --limit 1/s and --limit-burst 3?

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Ubuntu Security :: What Is Best General Ufw Rules

Jun 9, 2010

I googled this question, no relevant results. I don't samba, ssh, or any P2P file sharing. Is udp neccesary for general web browsing/file downloading? What would be the best general ufw rules to set for above conditions and varying ip address? I know how to use the full ufw syntax in command line.

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General :: Make Rules In A Makefile - Debug

Nov 17, 2009

Does anyone know if it is possible to make rules in a Makefile that would work like this:

> make debug module
> make module debug

where module can be any module that has a specific rule in the Makefile.

The thing I have is a Makefile with different rules that I compile like this:

> make module

What I would like is to add an option so I can compile whichever module with debug-information just by adding a debug to the make command. The debug-information I know how to do, the problem is how to make the Makefile work...

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General :: Udev Rules Aimed For USB Drives Only?

Mar 14, 2011

I have written a udev rule as follows:Code:RUN+=/.../.../example.shWhenever i plug in a USB drive, this rule is executed, however it is also done when i plug in a dongle for WiFi. How do i make this udev rule specific for USB drives only. In other words this script should be run for USB devices only.

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General :: Iptables Rules To Allow Nfs Clients Access To Nfs Server?

Jan 20, 2011

I'm curious but recently I was troubleshooting some iptables rules to allow nfs clients access to my nfs server. What was strange was that I setup a tcpdump session on my nfs server so that I can see which ports were being requested. I ran several tcpdump sessions with the following filters in place.

tcpdump -vv src ip_of_client and dst _ip_of_client
tcpdump -vv src hostname_of_client and dst hostname_of_client

However, the only packet I ever saw come over the wire to me was the client host asking for a arp resolution. Anyhow, I finally just ran 'rcpinfo -p' and added those ports to my iptables rules and it worked great. However, I would like to understand how nfs works in case I need to troubleshoot it in the future. I do understand that nfs uses portmappers, would this explain the behavior?

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General :: Udev Rules To Automatically Apply 666 Permission?

Apr 3, 2010

my linux box the device node for my printer is by default setup as the following: crw-rw---- 1 root lp 189, 1 Apr 3 07:45 /dev/bus/usb/001/002 This causes cups to not print at all. The Hp backend (HPLIP) fails because of these permissions. How do I change it so that it's crw-rw--rw 1 root lp 189, 1 Apr 3 07:45 /dev/bus/usb/001/002. Ie I would like 666 file permission on that node.

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General :: X11 - Unable To Add Any Port Forwarding Rules To Router

Feb 22, 2011

Say I have Computer A behind a router with NAT. I'm unable to add any port forwarding rules to that router. Then I have Computer B with a public IP address that I want to forward X windows from. This computer is headless, but does have a video card so X windows can be used. Here are some of the things I'd perform to setup my scenario.

1. Computer B, I'd run xhost + public_ip of NAT router.
2. Make sure that computer B's sshd service has X11 forwarding enabled.
3. SSH from Computer A to Computer B with the X windows forward option.
4. Once in Computer B, set the DISPLAY env variable to the public_ip of NAT router.
5. On Computer B run xclock.

At this point I'd expect to see an instance of xclock originating from Computer B onto my desktop. However this obviously won't work. The problem is that when the request is made to Computer B to forward the instance of xclock to Computer A the forwarded instance of xclock will get stuck at the NAT router. Without a port forwarding rule the NAT router will not know which internal IP to route the instance of xclock.

Here's my question. Is there any way for Computer A to initiate a connection to Computer B and then forward the instance of xclock? That way if it uses that same connection the NAT router will know which internal IP to route it to because it would be an active connection in the router's routing table. Or is there an alternative? Of course I can vnc into another computer outside the NAT network and then forward an X window to it just fine. But in the spirit of expanding my knowledge on X windows I'd like to see what is possible.

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General :: How Udev Rules Work To Create Device Files

Jun 2, 2010

how udev rules work to create device files. Following is what I did for that: Up on plugging in my phone (sony w800i), I am getting a device file 'devcdc-wdm0' created. I just tried to figure out the rule which is responsible for the creation of this particular file.

I searched in 'etcudev ules.d' and 'libudev ules.d' for the string 'cdc-wdm' to find that rule. But I am not getting any hits in that search. Could any one help me out in this one.

BTW: I am using Ubuntu 9

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General :: Adding Firewalls Nat Rules / Internet Is Totally Blocked On Eth1?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a centos5.3 server. I want to configure it as transparent squid proxy server. Internet is connected to eth0( and lan is connected to eth1( and eth1 ip is .

I have configured it as dhcp,squid and its working fine.

Now I want to configure it as a transparent,so that no one has to manually configure in browser.

I just added a line

http_port 3128 transparent

to make it transparent.

Now while adding nat rules,


iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128

Internet is totally blocked on eth1. And after stopping the firewall the internet comes.

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General :: Writing Udev Rules On Ubuntu 9.10 For Two Ports With The Same Product And Vendor IDs

Aug 3, 2010

I have been trying to figure this out for a long time now and can't seem to get it to work. I have three serial ports I need to communicate with. The first one works, but the other two, which have identical product and vendor IDs, do not. This is what I have so far under /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules/


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General :: Configuring Yum In Suse 10?

Mar 29, 2010

give the instructions to install and configure yum in SUSE 10. Is it necessary to install yum from CD and then do all the required configurations or ..we cant straight away download yum from internet and configure it....Many links are broken...i am not able to find the exact download path

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General :: Configuring Cgi On Ubuntu

Feb 1, 2010

when i try to copy this script to the cgi folder, i get an error

casper@casper-laptop:~$ cp /home/casper/hello.cgi /usr/lib/cgi-bin
cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/lib/cgi-bin/hello.cgi': Permission denied
# -- my first perl script!
print "Content-type: text/html
print <<"EOF";


i am running apache on ubuntu ibex - is there something that i have to setup to run cgi scripts on ubuntu? it runs ok from the command line - but i want to open it up in a web browser.

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General :: Configuring Lan In Ubuntu?

Oct 12, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.10on a Compaq via USB. Everything works fine except NO INTERNET. Even a simple LAN connection is not rcognized. What needs to be done?

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General :: Configuring SVN With Ldap?

Aug 13, 2010

in configuring SVN with LDAP authentication on Ubuntu 9.10.

I am using SVN 1.6.5 on Ubuntu 1.6.5 both are working fine but I want to implement Ldap on the same server

other Details Ubuntu 9.10 32-bit, Svn 1.6.5 with apache2 and windows 2003/2008 32-bit

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General :: Configuring WPA WiFi In Ubuntu 10.10?

Jan 8, 2011

I am trying to configure my wireless network on my laptop running Ubuntu 10.10 and am having a bit of difficulty. I am a complete Linux newb, but want to learn it, hence the reason I'm trying to set this up. Here's the vitals:It is a Gateway 600 YG2 laptop. It was previously running Windows XP, but I installed Ubuntu 10.10 in place of it (not a dual boot, I removed XP altogether).I have an old wireless card that I'm trying to resurrect. I haven't really used the card in a couple years, but it seems to still work, I just can't connect to my home's wireless network. The card is a Linksys WPC11 v2.5. When I plug it in, Ubuntu recognizes the network, but won't connect to it. My home network uses WPA encryption and the only connection type that Ubuntu's network manager is giving me is WEP and then it asks for a key -- I have no idea what that key should be.

So, basically, I'm asking, is there a way I can instead connect through WPA? I've tried creating a new connection in network manager, but that won't work, it keeps falling back to the WEP connection and asking me for a key. I have tried to install the XP driver using ndiswrapper but I don't know if that's working or not. Is there a way to tell if:A) the card is working as it shouldB) the correct drivers are installed (again, I installed the XP one using ndiswrapper NET8180.INF, but I'm not sure what to do next)

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